After Jesus was laid in a borrowed tomb, history was made and a prophecy fulfilled.
(Luke 24: 1-53 for reference) On the third day, He was not found in the tomb and indeed, the disciples who had walked with Him for three years, did not recognize Him when He approached, talked to them, or taught all the scriptures that related to Him. It wasn't until they invited Him to have dinner with them that they recognized Him for who He is, when He blessed the food. But then, He disappeared. They sat among themselves discussing what had just happened. One said, "Didn't our hearts burn within when He talked with us along the way and when He opened up the scriptures to us?" Later, He told them that they were to preach repentance and the remission of sin to all nations. Soon after giving these instructions, the disciples saw Him carried into heaven. They were went their way, praising and blessing God!
He arose--just like He said He would; He is sitting at the right hand of the Father--just like He said He would. Now the questions are: have we risen from the depths of our sin, repented from them and received forgiveness? Are we preaching repentance and the remission of sin? Do we feel that the grace--the unmerited favor we received was only for us? Are our hearts burning within with the knowledge we have of Him and His love towards us? As we go along our way, are we praising and blessing God?
Let us rise to the occasion and become the witnesses that He wanted us to be--let us preach the gospel of Jesus Christ (repentance, forgiveness and love) and stand on God's Word so that He will celebrate our resurrection when He returns.
Have a joyous Resurrection Sunday Celebration! Hallelujah!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
True repentance is turning away from everything that keeps you from obeying God and keeping His Word!
Where Do You Stand?
A number of people have asked me recently what my position is regarding the imminent Supreme Court decision as it pertains to DOMA.
My position is not political; it is spiritual--based upon my knowledge of the Bible and my relationship with God.
God's truths and what He says is right, never changes. What man "says" is right, constantly changes.
Where do I stand? I stand on the Word of God, understanding His purpose for mankind and His ability to love us--no matter what!
That's where I stand. Where do you stand?
My position is not political; it is spiritual--based upon my knowledge of the Bible and my relationship with God.
God's truths and what He says is right, never changes. What man "says" is right, constantly changes.
Where do I stand? I stand on the Word of God, understanding His purpose for mankind and His ability to love us--no matter what!
That's where I stand. Where do you stand?
Know Your Calling
Before we were born, God knew us and had a plan for our lives, a special calling--a role for us to play. "Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you."
We have all been "called" to do something great. However, greatness is relative--dependent upon what it is we have been called to do. For some-the greatness lies within our ability to love others, for others--greatness lies with our determination to be obedient, and yet with others--greatness lies within us the ability to lead and develop great leaders.
Look within yourself--deeply. Know that you have been called to greatness, regardless of how small or how big the act. Greatness is not measured by the act, but by the participant's willingness to get the job done.
We are all called to do great things, but not all of us are called to do the same things. Know your calling and see the greatness arise within and without.
We have all been "called" to do something great. However, greatness is relative--dependent upon what it is we have been called to do. For some-the greatness lies within our ability to love others, for others--greatness lies with our determination to be obedient, and yet with others--greatness lies within us the ability to lead and develop great leaders.
Look within yourself--deeply. Know that you have been called to greatness, regardless of how small or how big the act. Greatness is not measured by the act, but by the participant's willingness to get the job done.
We are all called to do great things, but not all of us are called to do the same things. Know your calling and see the greatness arise within and without.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Trapped--The Play
I am in the process of creating the script for a stage play based on the book--Trapped! I would love to get your input regarding the scenes that should be presented on stage.
Read the book and let me know. Book is available on and as either a paperback or ebook.
We'll be holding auditions soon. Look for the announcement as soon as we (my creative team and I) approve the script.
Read the book and let me know. Book is available on and as either a paperback or ebook.
We'll be holding auditions soon. Look for the announcement as soon as we (my creative team and I) approve the script.
The Crucifixion
Crucify whom?
As many of us are reminded of what this day means--Good Friday--we could ask ourselves, why was He crucified?
On the surface, from scriptures, we can hardly make sense of a thronging crowd preferring a thief be set free and choosing Jesus to be crucified. On the surface. Beneath the surface, He was crucified to fulfill scripture and everyone up to that point was just fulfilling their role in history.
On the cross, He took upon Himself--our sin, our diseases, our transgressions (against God) and hung there until He breathed no more. He was taken down, buried in a borrowed tomb, and yet once more, fulfilled prophecy when He resurrected Himself and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father.
One crucifixion--by one man--was all it took to redeem us (bring us back into right relationship with God), but we yet crucify Him over and over again, when we choose to ignore what He has done for us. So now, who should be crucified?
Remember this day and remember what He has already done and then think about how we should live in praise and gratefulness for His sacrifice; for there is no more sacrifice to be made on our behalf.
As many of us are reminded of what this day means--Good Friday--we could ask ourselves, why was He crucified?
On the surface, from scriptures, we can hardly make sense of a thronging crowd preferring a thief be set free and choosing Jesus to be crucified. On the surface. Beneath the surface, He was crucified to fulfill scripture and everyone up to that point was just fulfilling their role in history.
On the cross, He took upon Himself--our sin, our diseases, our transgressions (against God) and hung there until He breathed no more. He was taken down, buried in a borrowed tomb, and yet once more, fulfilled prophecy when He resurrected Himself and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father.
One crucifixion--by one man--was all it took to redeem us (bring us back into right relationship with God), but we yet crucify Him over and over again, when we choose to ignore what He has done for us. So now, who should be crucified?
Remember this day and remember what He has already done and then think about how we should live in praise and gratefulness for His sacrifice; for there is no more sacrifice to be made on our behalf.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Join me and my husband, "Live With The Rayfords" today and every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. EST. Join in the conversation via phone or online chat.
Closer Than Close!
We're getting close!
Whether people believe it or not, we're getting closer and closer to the Promised Return. I'm not talking about predicting a date; I'm encouraging people to take a look at the times and compare them with scripture.
We have rumors of war.
We have man deciding God's purposes for mankind were all wrong.
We have parents killing their kids and grandparents killing their grandchildren.
We have children killing their parents and other children.
We have Christians trying to appease the world more than God.
We see satan's influence running rampant all over the world; but do we recognize it for what it is?
Still don't think we're getting close?
What some are calling natural disasters just may not be--natural in origin, but spiritual.
I'm not sure when the end will come, but I know it will come and we're getting closer all the time. Will you be ready? There won't be time to pack bags or make a decision when that time comes. In the twinkling of an eye, He'll be here when the time comes. The decision to allow Jesus into your heart and allow His spirit to lead and guide must be made now! The Lord knows those who are His and He will save us and He has prepared a place for us!
I renounce all the activities of satan in this earth realm and welcome the return of the Lord Jesus!
The decision has been made and I will live according to His Word in order to be in position to receive His blessings now and my rewards later. Nevertheless, Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Whether people believe it or not, we're getting closer and closer to the Promised Return. I'm not talking about predicting a date; I'm encouraging people to take a look at the times and compare them with scripture.
We have rumors of war.
We have man deciding God's purposes for mankind were all wrong.
We have parents killing their kids and grandparents killing their grandchildren.
We have children killing their parents and other children.
We have Christians trying to appease the world more than God.
We see satan's influence running rampant all over the world; but do we recognize it for what it is?
Still don't think we're getting close?
What some are calling natural disasters just may not be--natural in origin, but spiritual.
I'm not sure when the end will come, but I know it will come and we're getting closer all the time. Will you be ready? There won't be time to pack bags or make a decision when that time comes. In the twinkling of an eye, He'll be here when the time comes. The decision to allow Jesus into your heart and allow His spirit to lead and guide must be made now! The Lord knows those who are His and He will save us and He has prepared a place for us!
I renounce all the activities of satan in this earth realm and welcome the return of the Lord Jesus!
The decision has been made and I will live according to His Word in order to be in position to receive His blessings now and my rewards later. Nevertheless, Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
What does it mean to "represent" someone else?
I remember years ago when I was much younger (about 50 years ago), when my mother always cautioned us about our behavior. She would say, "Remember who you're representing!" Funny thing is, she never explained what that meant. It wasn't until I got older that I understood the significance of that statement.
As a result, I often cautioned my own children about watching their conduct because they were representing me.
How many of us proclaim to wear the label "Christian" and really understand who it is we're representing?
Are we forgiving or do we hold grudges?
Are we loving or do we turn our backs on the unlovable?
Do we go out of our way to do something nice for others?
Do other people hear us "cuss like sailors" at the drop of a hat?
Are we sneaking in and out of motels with people we didn't marry?
Are we raising our children to be good representatives of who we are?
When there is an injustice levied against the poor, needy, and vulnerable--do we speak out or keep silent?
I'd rather stand for Jesus representing everything He is than to fall for everything the enemy tosses our way.
Lord Jesus, re-visit our hearts and help us to be more like You and to understand exactly how we should represent who You are!
I remember years ago when I was much younger (about 50 years ago), when my mother always cautioned us about our behavior. She would say, "Remember who you're representing!" Funny thing is, she never explained what that meant. It wasn't until I got older that I understood the significance of that statement.
As a result, I often cautioned my own children about watching their conduct because they were representing me.
How many of us proclaim to wear the label "Christian" and really understand who it is we're representing?
Are we forgiving or do we hold grudges?
Are we loving or do we turn our backs on the unlovable?
Do we go out of our way to do something nice for others?
Do other people hear us "cuss like sailors" at the drop of a hat?
Are we sneaking in and out of motels with people we didn't marry?
Are we raising our children to be good representatives of who we are?
When there is an injustice levied against the poor, needy, and vulnerable--do we speak out or keep silent?
I'd rather stand for Jesus representing everything He is than to fall for everything the enemy tosses our way.
Lord Jesus, re-visit our hearts and help us to be more like You and to understand exactly how we should represent who You are!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Venting Works!
Please forgive my venting for a moment. I will get back to my usual encouragement.
Why is it that some folks cannot stand for others to mention "God or faith in Him" and they attempt to go ballistic when we do?
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed?
For people who post absolute garbage (porn, anything sexual), there "appears" to be an infinite following. But for those of us who dare to declare the goodness of the Lord, praise Him, and acknowledge where all blessings come from, our followings are almost microscopic (in comparison) and then some get mad if we say "God" too much in one post and drop us like a bad habit.
Guess what? I do not care whether some people follow me or not. I will continue to life up the name of Jesus, proclaim the gospel of Jesus of Christ, say "hallelujah" whenever I feel like it and keep saying it and keep saying it and keep saying it. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nothing shall separate us from the love of Jesus, not death, nor heights, nor favoritism, nor anything the enemy tosses my way, shall stop the praises on my lips! Hallelujah!
Okay! I feel better now. God bless each and every believer who is not ashamed of Who He is.
He has risen and is alive and well!
Why is it that some folks cannot stand for others to mention "God or faith in Him" and they attempt to go ballistic when we do?
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed?
For people who post absolute garbage (porn, anything sexual), there "appears" to be an infinite following. But for those of us who dare to declare the goodness of the Lord, praise Him, and acknowledge where all blessings come from, our followings are almost microscopic (in comparison) and then some get mad if we say "God" too much in one post and drop us like a bad habit.
Guess what? I do not care whether some people follow me or not. I will continue to life up the name of Jesus, proclaim the gospel of Jesus of Christ, say "hallelujah" whenever I feel like it and keep saying it and keep saying it and keep saying it. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nothing shall separate us from the love of Jesus, not death, nor heights, nor favoritism, nor anything the enemy tosses my way, shall stop the praises on my lips! Hallelujah!
Okay! I feel better now. God bless each and every believer who is not ashamed of Who He is.
He has risen and is alive and well!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Who Do You Believe?
The report of the Lord, in the face of the enemy, (through His Word) declares we are the head, not the tail; we are victorious, not victims; we are above and not beneath; we can do all things through Christ Jesus and do it well to the glory of God; we are healed, whole, and delivered.
The report of the enemy, to spite the Lord, (through the media and others) implies we are doomed, defeated, and downtrodden.
Who do you believe, today?
The Lord God--the same yesterday, today and forever!
The report of the enemy, to spite the Lord, (through the media and others) implies we are doomed, defeated, and downtrodden.
Who do you believe, today?
The Lord God--the same yesterday, today and forever!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The Greatest Discovery
We have all either witnessed or benefited from a great discovery throughout the course of our lives or preceding history.
We have explored and made discoveries in space (outer universe), in the ocean (depths of water), in medicines, and in the use of natural resources and in creating synthetic materials and recyclables.
We have discovered that modern conveniences also lead to other challenges, some that lead to our being a weaker society (laziness) and some that lead to death (destroying the ozone layer and the chemical toxins in the earth and in the water).
We have discovered means and ways to change body parts and even genders.
But the greatest discovery any single human being can make is the knowledge of Jesus Christ--His love and knowing through His love and direction, we can do all things, well.
We have explored and made discoveries in space (outer universe), in the ocean (depths of water), in medicines, and in the use of natural resources and in creating synthetic materials and recyclables.
We have discovered that modern conveniences also lead to other challenges, some that lead to our being a weaker society (laziness) and some that lead to death (destroying the ozone layer and the chemical toxins in the earth and in the water).
We have discovered means and ways to change body parts and even genders.
But the greatest discovery any single human being can make is the knowledge of Jesus Christ--His love and knowing through His love and direction, we can do all things, well.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Exploration! Now is a great time to explore!
His Handiwork!
If we look at the sky and marvel at its height and gradations of color from change to change as the weather transitions, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we look at the variety of birds--the red-breasted robin, the yellow finch, and all those with vivid hues and watch their flight and gatherings, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we look at the mountains, snow-capped or barren or laden with foliage, the home of the wildlife and marvel at the ranges, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we look in the mirror and see the image of God in His creation of mankind and look deep into the souls through eyes that provide us with a view of everything that was created and the beauty inside, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we can see God's handiwork in everything around us, why is it that some would choose to deny His existence? For the Word says, for by Him was everything created and without Him, nothing was created.
We are created in the image of God and everything we do should be a reflection of His handiwork--love!
If we look at the variety of birds--the red-breasted robin, the yellow finch, and all those with vivid hues and watch their flight and gatherings, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we look at the mountains, snow-capped or barren or laden with foliage, the home of the wildlife and marvel at the ranges, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we look in the mirror and see the image of God in His creation of mankind and look deep into the souls through eyes that provide us with a view of everything that was created and the beauty inside, can we not see God's handiwork?
If we can see God's handiwork in everything around us, why is it that some would choose to deny His existence? For the Word says, for by Him was everything created and without Him, nothing was created.
We are created in the image of God and everything we do should be a reflection of His handiwork--love!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Wake up!
Life is for the living for the dead know nothing and can do nothing! Make the most of your living hours while you can--all to the glory of God!
Things Will Change When...
With all of the turmoil going on today in the lives of many, I can imagine people saying, "When will things change?"
Our society will get better when we learn to respect ourselves enough to treat people like we want to be treated. When young girls learn to value "their" bodies and respect self, we will see a decrease in the number of unwanted pregnancies; a decrease in poverty for children, and an increase in self-esteem and self-worth. When young boys learn to respect themselves and others; especially females, we will see a decrease in sexual promiscuity, a decrease in fatherless homes, and an increase in male accountability and responsibility towards others. We will also see an increase in self-esteem and self-awareness, greater independence and a decrease in dependence--upon drugs, gangs, and violent activities.
Realistically, things will change when people see a need to change their perspectives and values--for the greater good of all. Theoretically, things will change at some point in time, when people get tired of doing the same thing the same way, expecting different results. Theologically, things will change when people understand God's purpose and plans for our lives and choose to live accordingly.
Things will change when...we change what we do and say and how we treat others. When all have come to know Jesus and live by the commandments He gives--love God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and love our neighbor as ourselves, things will change.
Our society will get better when we learn to respect ourselves enough to treat people like we want to be treated. When young girls learn to value "their" bodies and respect self, we will see a decrease in the number of unwanted pregnancies; a decrease in poverty for children, and an increase in self-esteem and self-worth. When young boys learn to respect themselves and others; especially females, we will see a decrease in sexual promiscuity, a decrease in fatherless homes, and an increase in male accountability and responsibility towards others. We will also see an increase in self-esteem and self-awareness, greater independence and a decrease in dependence--upon drugs, gangs, and violent activities.
Realistically, things will change when people see a need to change their perspectives and values--for the greater good of all. Theoretically, things will change at some point in time, when people get tired of doing the same thing the same way, expecting different results. Theologically, things will change when people understand God's purpose and plans for our lives and choose to live accordingly.
Things will change when...we change what we do and say and how we treat others. When all have come to know Jesus and live by the commandments He gives--love God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and love our neighbor as ourselves, things will change.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Every Day!
Yesterday, we didn't get a chance to do some of things we had planned or at least thought about doing. Hopefully, the one thing we did do was to thank God for another day.
Today, unless we have the ability to perfectly time everything we need to do and no obstacles get in our way, we'll probably not do everything we planned, again. Take time to appreciate every day because each day comes with its own challenges, rewards, blessings and new mercies. Even if we don't get everything accomplished, do what you can and be thankful you could get that done.
Tomorrow, is not promised to any of us. There are no guarantees and life is certainly not fair, but it is what we make it. I choose to look for tomorrow as another day that I can wake up and praise The Lord for His goodness and mercies and in loving me enough to allow me to see another day. That should be our attitude, every day--while we have a chance to lift our voices to give Him praise--every day!
Today, unless we have the ability to perfectly time everything we need to do and no obstacles get in our way, we'll probably not do everything we planned, again. Take time to appreciate every day because each day comes with its own challenges, rewards, blessings and new mercies. Even if we don't get everything accomplished, do what you can and be thankful you could get that done.
Tomorrow, is not promised to any of us. There are no guarantees and life is certainly not fair, but it is what we make it. I choose to look for tomorrow as another day that I can wake up and praise The Lord for His goodness and mercies and in loving me enough to allow me to see another day. That should be our attitude, every day--while we have a chance to lift our voices to give Him praise--every day!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
It is Worth It
Sometimes, when life gets the best of us, some may feel like giving up--they don't think that living is worth it, but it is.
If you were not here right now, how would all those who love you feel?
Did you ever make someone's day, just by smiling?
Did you ever help someone do something, just because?
Do you think your acts of charity have gone unnoticed?
Did you know that someone understands your pain, insecurities, and mistrust and they are always praying for you?
Did you know that if you were no longer on the planet earth, you would be greatly missed by a number of people?
Did you you know you are loved, even if you don't feel like it?
Life is worth living--even if no one ever says anything kind to you, know you are loved and each and every day, you make a difference in someone's life!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all those who have just about given up on life and feel that it is not worth living. I pray they will feel Your arms around them, comforting them. I pray they will hear Your voice, that small voice telling them they are loved and You will make a way out of no way for whatever they are experiencing right now. Touch and heal broken bodies and hearts--help them to feel the mending and healing right now. Touch the heart of someone close to them or a stranger and remind them they are loved and never forgotten. I ask this and all things in Jesus' name and thank You for hearing and answering prayer. Amen!
Have a wonderful life because it is worth living!
If you were not here right now, how would all those who love you feel?
Did you ever make someone's day, just by smiling?
Did you ever help someone do something, just because?
Do you think your acts of charity have gone unnoticed?
Did you know that someone understands your pain, insecurities, and mistrust and they are always praying for you?
Did you know that if you were no longer on the planet earth, you would be greatly missed by a number of people?
Did you you know you are loved, even if you don't feel like it?
Life is worth living--even if no one ever says anything kind to you, know you are loved and each and every day, you make a difference in someone's life!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all those who have just about given up on life and feel that it is not worth living. I pray they will feel Your arms around them, comforting them. I pray they will hear Your voice, that small voice telling them they are loved and You will make a way out of no way for whatever they are experiencing right now. Touch and heal broken bodies and hearts--help them to feel the mending and healing right now. Touch the heart of someone close to them or a stranger and remind them they are loved and never forgotten. I ask this and all things in Jesus' name and thank You for hearing and answering prayer. Amen!
Have a wonderful life because it is worth living!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Perfect Timing
What exactly does this phrase mean? Does it have anything to do with the perfect timing of life or is it just a buzz word?
God's timing is perfect in every area of our lives. He knows from the beginning to the end exactly what we'll do, how we'll do it, and the outcome. He also knows when we'll come to a place in our lives when we realize that this life is not really about us (although He will allow us to think so). It's really about how many ways we use to bring others into a knowledge of Him. I am so thankful to a number of people for being "available" in my life at a time when I needed them. They were divinely situated to inform, encourage, and inspire my walk with Christ, in the midst of chaos that could have cost me my life. Now that--is perfect timing--God's timing to see His plans come to pass.
God's timing is perfect in every area of our lives. He knows from the beginning to the end exactly what we'll do, how we'll do it, and the outcome. He also knows when we'll come to a place in our lives when we realize that this life is not really about us (although He will allow us to think so). It's really about how many ways we use to bring others into a knowledge of Him. I am so thankful to a number of people for being "available" in my life at a time when I needed them. They were divinely situated to inform, encourage, and inspire my walk with Christ, in the midst of chaos that could have cost me my life. Now that--is perfect timing--God's timing to see His plans come to pass.
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Lord Knows!
You O Lord, who know the hearts of people
You know the depth of our thoughts and our being
You know the ins and outs of everything we have ever done
You know the pain we feel when we cannot help those we love
You know the frustration that sets upon us when we cannot see or understand
The depth of Your love is far beyond anything we can imagine
You know our desires and our hurts
You know when we live for You or against us--
You know when the end will come and how it will come.
You know--when we don't--just how much we can bear and more importantly,
You know when we'll reach the end of ourselves and totally depend upon You!
We do not have to know the end of the matter because You do and we can trust in Your knowledge.
The Lord knows what we can handle and what we cannot handle--He is right there with us--holding us up or in His arms when we cannot continue under our own steam. But because of His love for us, He will set us upright--upon solid ground--and anoint us anew to be courageous no matter what. We win because The Lord Knows! Hallelujah!
You know the depth of our thoughts and our being
You know the ins and outs of everything we have ever done
You know the pain we feel when we cannot help those we love
You know the frustration that sets upon us when we cannot see or understand
The depth of Your love is far beyond anything we can imagine
You know our desires and our hurts
You know when we live for You or against us--
You know when the end will come and how it will come.
You know--when we don't--just how much we can bear and more importantly,
You know when we'll reach the end of ourselves and totally depend upon You!
We do not have to know the end of the matter because You do and we can trust in Your knowledge.
The Lord knows what we can handle and what we cannot handle--He is right there with us--holding us up or in His arms when we cannot continue under our own steam. But because of His love for us, He will set us upright--upon solid ground--and anoint us anew to be courageous no matter what. We win because The Lord Knows! Hallelujah!
God is yet Speaking!
For whatever reason, there are many who say that God "is not
speaking" to anyone these days. I stand ready to refute that claim, by
anyone who makes it. If someone truly believes that God is not
speaking, I would have to question their relationship with God. Before
the arrival of Jesus on the earth, God spoke "through" the prophets and
the law. When Jesus walked the earth, He "spoke what His father said",
using parables so the people could relate. Now that Jesus is sitting at
the right hand of His Father, He sent His Spirit back to remind us of
all things said, and to show us those things to come. The Holy Spirit
will also "speak to our hearts" regarding any matter--whether it is a
small matter or a great one; He still speaks. As a matter of reference,
I would refer to my latest book. I cannot take credit for the idea of
the book, but do proclaim--with everything in me--that God spoke to it
to my heart, and the writing flowed without great effort on my part.
Those who have read it--agree that God's hand is in the plan. The Word
tells us that He is never without a witness of His goodness and I
declare Trapped to be a witness of His goodness through the
works of my hands. "Nothing the enemy attempts to do shall prosper or
have any place in my life" is my constant proclamation and it so because
The Word confirms it! Read the book--and if you cannot see God in
it--I will respect your position!
Mary's books.
Readings from Trapped are available on YouTube on my channel--Mary HallRayford.
Mary's books.
Readings from Trapped are available on YouTube on my channel--Mary HallRayford.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Feeling Faint?
Even when we feel like we're not going to make it--just one more step,
one more day--we can. Getting tired or feeling faint is no excuse to
quit or stop. The fastest runners in the world get tired, but they
don't quit. The best swimmers get tired, but they don't quit. No one
who has ever won a gold medal in the Olympics, did so by quitting when
they got tired. What do we do when we feel faint or get tired? We rest
and allow our bodies to refresh themselves, stretch and keep going.
When we get tired mentally or emotionally, we need to renew our minds
and allow the Holy Spirit to refresh our thoughts, s t r e t c h out in
faith, knowing that if we fall, God's got us and He will set us back on
the right path. If we faint not, we will see victory! Refresh and
renew, Lord! Hallelujah!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Evangeline Reading from Trapped
Readings from chapters for each character are available on YouTube on my channel--Mary HallRayford! Would love to have your feedback. Thanks!
How many times have you had to wait--for someone, for something? Learning to wait is an exercise in building character. How does it work? When we have to wait, we learn patience; while we are exercising patience, we learn to utilize the time for which we wait, constructively and productively. What happened with you the last time you exercised patience? Did you learn from the experience that not everything will always go the way you want it to go? Did you learn that people will not always do what you expect them to do, when you expect them to do it? Or did you learn that looking in a mirror is always a good place to start looking for ways to change how we wait with patience? :In our patience, possess we our souls." While this is a hard-won lesson to learn, we must learn it lest we miss great opportunities to do great things while we wait for the promises of God to manifest themselves. "Wait on the Lord." He will bring to pass.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Judgment Day
Judgment Day Charges before the King of Glory--innumerable charges
of feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, forgiving the
unforgivable, loving the unlovable, and promoting a "sugar-free" gospel
everywhere my footsteps could be traced.
On That Day, I want to be found "guilty as charged"! Glory Hallelujah!
What about you?
On That Day, I want to be found "guilty as charged"! Glory Hallelujah!
What about you?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sugar, Anyone?
Promoting a "sugar-coated" gospel, produces weak, ineffective Christians who cannot handle The Truth!
Don't Stop!
Getting distracted by life's obstacles can be debilitating, but keep going. Deal with the distractions, one at time, purposefully. Try to make sure that each particular obstacle does not re-occur. Pray, without ceasing. Know that God has your back and no weapon formed against you will prosper. Once your obstacle is behind you, leave it there and move forward--ready to meet the next one head on, with a made-up mind that nothing, absolutely nothing will deter you from reaching your goals. Success is a matter of tenacity, perspiration, and courage. Think only about realizing the end result and what that will mean to you and family and friends. As long as God is pleased, nothing else matters. Don't Stop! You've come too far to turn back now!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Will a Title Get You into Heaven?
Forgive my momentary angst about church leaders who are only
interested in amassing titles here on earth, but do they think their
titles will get them a reservation in heaven?
Let's face it. There are more people bearing the title bishop, apostle, overseer, Your Imminence, prophet, pastor and evangelist. Some have confused the roles of ministry that are established for the benefit of the people (they think the people should benefit them). The true spokespersons can hardly get an invite to speak any where because their name won't draw a million-dollar crowd. What has happened to the church today? Are we addicted to the sensationalism and nonsense that goes on in churches everywhere? (I did not say in every church.) The call to ministry for all believers is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not need titles to do that. And many of those bearing titles, do not promote the Gospel; they promote themselves as a 15 minute wonder--all talk and no action. I mean, how can you get up in front of people and say, "I hear God saying that there are people here who can give a $1,000 dollars." When no one gives that amount, God changes His mind about He said (according to those professing the lie). Now, they're asking for a lesser amount, still proclaiming that God is the motivator.
Get real folks! God doesn't change His mind or lie! That's man/woman doing so! And since they are misrepresenting God, they apparently have no hope of getting into heaven or they would surely know--God is not mocked and is not fooled by the foolish! If you were not called by God to do what you're doing, then you will answer to Him, on That Day!
I'm willing to proclaim that no one who misleads God's people into believing a lie or causing them to promote a lie will have a place in heaven. Will I see you there?
Let's face it. There are more people bearing the title bishop, apostle, overseer, Your Imminence, prophet, pastor and evangelist. Some have confused the roles of ministry that are established for the benefit of the people (they think the people should benefit them). The true spokespersons can hardly get an invite to speak any where because their name won't draw a million-dollar crowd. What has happened to the church today? Are we addicted to the sensationalism and nonsense that goes on in churches everywhere? (I did not say in every church.) The call to ministry for all believers is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not need titles to do that. And many of those bearing titles, do not promote the Gospel; they promote themselves as a 15 minute wonder--all talk and no action. I mean, how can you get up in front of people and say, "I hear God saying that there are people here who can give a $1,000 dollars." When no one gives that amount, God changes His mind about He said (according to those professing the lie). Now, they're asking for a lesser amount, still proclaiming that God is the motivator.
Get real folks! God doesn't change His mind or lie! That's man/woman doing so! And since they are misrepresenting God, they apparently have no hope of getting into heaven or they would surely know--God is not mocked and is not fooled by the foolish! If you were not called by God to do what you're doing, then you will answer to Him, on That Day!
I'm willing to proclaim that no one who misleads God's people into believing a lie or causing them to promote a lie will have a place in heaven. Will I see you there?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Farrow--Reading on YouTube Selected reading from Trapped--Farrow
Who Knows!
We are the "young and the hopeful" doing everything we can to promote "another world" in which people will understand God's will and His purpose for "all of our lives" and create a desire in us to teach "all of our children" so we may look forward to reigning with Him at the end "of the days of our lives" in the natural. Blessings to all this morning--new mercies--new hope! Hallelujah!
Is That So?
How many times have you heard someone say something that sounded so strange that all you could think was, "is that so?"
While thinking about what I could say to encourage others today, I thought about the miracles that Jesus performed and how it amazed those who doubted who He was. I'm sure, if they had the courage, they would have asked the question, "is that so?" And we know many of them who questioned His ability behind His back. Did you know--healing is ours, today, just as it was when Jesus walked the earth; that we are descendants of a Royal Priesthood and should conduct ourselves accordingly; that we have a right to expect great things from the One we serve, daily; that we are the head and not the tail; that we have access to Jesus as our advocate and mediator 24/7? Did you know He loves us--no matter what--and forgives us when we fall short? Did you know that we are the righteousness of God, not because of our own righteousness (because we don't have any), but because of who He is? Some may be sitting back thinking, "Is that so?"
Yes, it is so--because the Bible clearly states, "it is so." Don't take my word for it; read it for yourself!
While thinking about what I could say to encourage others today, I thought about the miracles that Jesus performed and how it amazed those who doubted who He was. I'm sure, if they had the courage, they would have asked the question, "is that so?" And we know many of them who questioned His ability behind His back. Did you know--healing is ours, today, just as it was when Jesus walked the earth; that we are descendants of a Royal Priesthood and should conduct ourselves accordingly; that we have a right to expect great things from the One we serve, daily; that we are the head and not the tail; that we have access to Jesus as our advocate and mediator 24/7? Did you know He loves us--no matter what--and forgives us when we fall short? Did you know that we are the righteousness of God, not because of our own righteousness (because we don't have any), but because of who He is? Some may be sitting back thinking, "Is that so?"
Yes, it is so--because the Bible clearly states, "it is so." Don't take my word for it; read it for yourself!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Trust God
How do we know who to trust in this day and age? There are so many
people who lack integrity--in the church and outside the church--who
will lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate others to achieve their own
agenda. Many people have been hurt by trusting in the wrong people.
Many people have been bankrupted--financially and emotionally--because
of the trust they put in people. "Some trust in horses and carriages,
but I will place my complete trust in The Lord." Because I know He
loves and only wants what is best for me, I have no need to fear--any
negative report--economically, medically, or emotionally. The Lord is
my Light and my salvation--in Him and Him only will I trust. I will
trust Him to speak to my heart wisdom and words of encouragement. I
will trust Him to guide me at all times. I will listen to His still,
small voice even in the midst of all the chaos and confusion around me
and allow Him to help me see the bright future He has planned for me. I
will trust God to provide everything I need and the desires of my
heart! He is the only One worthy of our complete trust!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Last Dance
Sometimes, as we get older we tend to look backwards and reminisce about the things we used to do.
Remembering when we...had our first kiss, our first real jewelry, our first everything and that first dance with the love of our lives. Remembering the place, the song, the mood-we take a quick journey back in time. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the past we forget about the here-and-now which causes problems for our future. Sometimes, we look backwards and begin to have thoughts of regret. Sometimes, in our backward glance, we discover we didn't really like ourselves at all. And sometimes, we wish we could have changed much sooner than we did. Sometimes.
Sometimes, even when we reach that "golden time" in our lives where some would just give up on dreams, some of us--reach out even further into the future. We look ahead, not behind. We seek to accomplish every dream or goal ever set. We understand better than ever that time is not to be wasted, thinking about things that cannot be changed, but thinking about how we change what we can to make our tomorrow even better. It's okay to remember the first dance, but it's better to look forward to the last dance.
Remembering when we...had our first kiss, our first real jewelry, our first everything and that first dance with the love of our lives. Remembering the place, the song, the mood-we take a quick journey back in time. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the past we forget about the here-and-now which causes problems for our future. Sometimes, we look backwards and begin to have thoughts of regret. Sometimes, in our backward glance, we discover we didn't really like ourselves at all. And sometimes, we wish we could have changed much sooner than we did. Sometimes.
Sometimes, even when we reach that "golden time" in our lives where some would just give up on dreams, some of us--reach out even further into the future. We look ahead, not behind. We seek to accomplish every dream or goal ever set. We understand better than ever that time is not to be wasted, thinking about things that cannot be changed, but thinking about how we change what we can to make our tomorrow even better. It's okay to remember the first dance, but it's better to look forward to the last dance.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
The Spirit of a Man or Woman
The "spirit" of a man or woman sustains him/her when under attack. How is your spirit doing today? Allow the Holy Spirit to interact with your spirit--meditate on The Word when under attack. Praise God for the victory when under attack. Remind the enemy that he has already been defeated and that you will keep him under your feet. Allow your spirit to soar in the love and goodness of God and no matter what the enemy uses to attack, you'll be able to deflect it and say with confidence, "I am healed, I am victorious, I am redeemed, I am blessed beyond measure and no weapon formed against me shall prosper!" Hallelujah for victory in Jesus!
Friday, March 8, 2013
International Women's Day!
In celebrating International Women's Day, give the special women in your life the perfect complement, a copy of Trapped!
When the Light Diffuses Dark
How dark have your "darkest" days been? You know, the days when the clouds hang so low over your life that you think you'll become drenched by the cloudbursts. Even in the midst of a storm the day was not dark forever and neither will the darkness be in your life. Remember this: In total darkness, a pinpoint of light diffuses the dark and gives one hope. We have more than a pinpoint of light in our lives when our lives are guided by The Light! With Him, darkness doesn't stand a chance. Don't give up--put up your umbrella against the cloudbursts (shield of faith) and know--the clouds will move and the bright sunshine will prevail and diffuse the darkness.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
YouTube Videos
Have you seen the videos yet?
Look for them under "Mary Hall-Rayford"
Trapped and If Parents Cared Enough...They are worth the entire 5 minutes of your time!
Don't forget to leave your comments! Thanks!
Look for them under "Mary Hall-Rayford"
Trapped and If Parents Cared Enough...They are worth the entire 5 minutes of your time!
Don't forget to leave your comments! Thanks!
New Mercies
No matter how difficult things appear to be, or even if it seems like we are on the receiving end of God's wrath; it is only for a moment. Because of His loving kindness, His mercies are new every morning. Thank God for new mornings and new mercies! Hallelujah!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Our Weapons of Warfare
"The weapons with which we fight are the weapons of the world, but they
are mighty in pulling down strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:4
-paraphrased). If we are in the spiritual battle against the enemy of
God, we must know how to fight to win. We must take care of our
physical bodies--eating healthy with a purpose to fuel, not fill. When
needful--use the natural vitamin supplements we need to remain
energized, keep our immune systems fighting for us, and to just keep
going, and going--like the bunny who just won't quit. We must rest our
bodies for when our bodies are rested, our minds are clear and focused
(no stress or depression or negative thinking). Stay in The Word,
meditate on it day and night, take care of the physical body and watch
us win! Hallelujah for the victory over the enemy!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Make Room for the Blessings
Paul tells us in The Word that we have not seen everything that God has
in store for us, who love Him. We haven't even been told everything
that awaits us. What we do know is that if the Blessings enumerated in
Deuteronomy do not tell the whole story, we must make room to receive
all that has not been said! Hallelujah--expectations widening, now!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Watch What We Say!
In order to accomplish anything worthwhile, we have to watch what we
say--about what we do and others. Words--when spoken aloud--have this
uncanny way of becoming a reality. They can impact negatively or
positively depending on how we arrange them in the atmosphere. I prefer
an atmosphere of positiveness, an atmosphere of praise unto God,
accepting and receiving all that He has said I can have and do. I can
do all things well that Glorify God. I can see beyond the surface of
people to see God in them. I can watch what I say in order to have what
I say. Are you with me? Then give all glory to God and reach out
receive all of His many blessings! "I receive all of His bountiful
blessings in my life. I receive healing in my body and mind. I receive
success in all my endeavors that glorify Him. I thank Him for all who
also receive from Him, everything they need and desire!" Hallelujah!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Live Life Loved and Loving
Life is worth living when we know we are loved and appreciated. Know today, that you are loved (by God and many others) and appreciated by those who know your true value and worth. Extend the love today and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, everywhere you go--especially at the restaurants many will visit after church :-). God is good all the time and all the time He is God!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Separated from Love?
What shall separate us from the love of God? There is no valley low enough, no mountain high enough, no river wide enough, no ocean deep enough, no mistake great enough--to separate us from the love of God! He will never forsake us or leave us alone--He is a constant presence in our lives--comforting us or correcting us--whatever we need--we find in Him! Hallelujah! We are never alone or without love!
Friday, March 1, 2013
The Lord Knows
The Lord knows--those who are His, our hearts, our thoughts from afar, our desires, our hopes, our dreams and the plans He has for our lives. Be confident in the knowledge that no weapon formed against us shall prosper because we have been given insight (through The Word) how to defeat the enemy and keep him under our feet! Through The Word, we find comfort, confidence, victory, healing, and blessings beyond any we could ever think of or imagine. Through The Word we are told how to spot the enemy at work--he comes to steal, kill, and destroy; he's a master of deception and the father of liars. What more do we need to know? We have the victory over the enemy and know how to counter any attack levied against us. The praises of The Lord shall continually be in our mouths! Hallelujah--it's dance time!
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