Tribulations are not always a bad thing, if we know how to approach them. Paul tells us in Romans 5 that, "tribulations help us work out patience, patience develops with our experience, our experience helps to bring us hope, and hope makes us not ashamed of the Gospel because the love of God is shed broadly in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us."
The trials and tribulations should help us to work on developing patience. When we learn to be patient and use that patience with every experience we have in life, we learn to hope. When we know we have hope (confidence that everything is going to be all right), we can share the Gospel of Jesus Christ without being ashamed because we have a testimony to share. We can boldly share our testimony because of the Holy Spirit dwelling in and rising up in us so we can proceed, boldly. Hallelujah!
So, the next time trials and tribulations confront you, boldly proclaim, "I'm ready to receive all that God desires in me to learn this day. Bring it on." Rock on with your bad self while you're working through it all!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Reading is Essential
Not knowing how to comprehend what one reads limits and inhibits success! Try all the good reading available on Amazon including my books! Type my name into the search box and enjoy. Review when you read!
The Struggle
For some, the struggle to do what is right is a daily fight. This
struggle includes making wise decisions, being considerate of others,
standing up for justice, doing what God says to do, and do it well. Why
is this struggle so great?
The struggle to do right is greater because it is so much easier to give in to temptation. It is easier to think and act selfishly. It is easier to cuss someone out than to think about how to say what you want to say. It is easier to go along to get along than to stand on principles aligned with God's Word.
If the struggle to do right was easy, many people would be saved and living abundant lives. But it is so much easier for people to live unsaved, without thinking about the consequences of their action, and how what they do impacts others. Since there are so many people struggling to live--without fear, without concern about finances or what the economy will bring or what the politicians will do, we know the struggle is real, we know there are people who have yet to find peace with Jesus, who are yet unsaved.
Lord Jesus, help us in our struggles to do what is right and help others to do the same. Help us to fight the good fight of faith in you, not self. Help us to resist the devil and watch him flee from us.
The struggle to do right is greater because it is so much easier to give in to temptation. It is easier to think and act selfishly. It is easier to cuss someone out than to think about how to say what you want to say. It is easier to go along to get along than to stand on principles aligned with God's Word.
If the struggle to do right was easy, many people would be saved and living abundant lives. But it is so much easier for people to live unsaved, without thinking about the consequences of their action, and how what they do impacts others. Since there are so many people struggling to live--without fear, without concern about finances or what the economy will bring or what the politicians will do, we know the struggle is real, we know there are people who have yet to find peace with Jesus, who are yet unsaved.
Lord Jesus, help us in our struggles to do what is right and help others to do the same. Help us to fight the good fight of faith in you, not self. Help us to resist the devil and watch him flee from us.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
What Is a Good Gift?
A good gift is appreciated.
A good gift is beneficial to the recipient.
A good gift demonstrates thoughtfulness of the part of the giver.
A good gift never loses its value.
A good gift leads to smiles, not frowns.
Our heavenly Father "gives" us good gifts--spiritual gifts and natural gifts that should be appreciated, are beneficial to us, demonstrates His thoughtfulness towards us, never loses its value, and always causes to smile. Those are the kinds of gifts He gives.
Have you given a good gift lately?
Sometimes, we think the gifts we give or receive are really good gifts, but then sometimes, we "regift" when we really didn't know what to do with the gift.
Perhaps, we should look to the Father for our example in knowing what a good gift is and proceed accordingly.
Appreciate the gifts given by the Father for they cannot be "regifted" and they are given so others, not just us, can benefit from them. Use your gifts to the glory of God and watch how He works on your behalf.
A good gift is beneficial to the recipient.
A good gift demonstrates thoughtfulness of the part of the giver.
A good gift never loses its value.
A good gift leads to smiles, not frowns.
Our heavenly Father "gives" us good gifts--spiritual gifts and natural gifts that should be appreciated, are beneficial to us, demonstrates His thoughtfulness towards us, never loses its value, and always causes to smile. Those are the kinds of gifts He gives.
Have you given a good gift lately?
Sometimes, we think the gifts we give or receive are really good gifts, but then sometimes, we "regift" when we really didn't know what to do with the gift.
Perhaps, we should look to the Father for our example in knowing what a good gift is and proceed accordingly.
Appreciate the gifts given by the Father for they cannot be "regifted" and they are given so others, not just us, can benefit from them. Use your gifts to the glory of God and watch how He works on your behalf.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Good Books
Where can a person find good books for under $5.00? On of course. Check these out for yourself. When you read (mine or others), please review on Amazon. We really want to know your thoughts; especially if it includes telling us how we can improve our production of literature.
Why Do We Practice?
A refuge/safe haven from all that is wicked can be found in the Lord.
In schools, we practice what to do to keep people safe from harm. We have fire drills, storm drills and lock-down procedures that must be conducted--for most schools--10 times in a school year.
We have storm alerts set up throughout communities and encourage people to have drills at home as a safety measure.
We practice these things so when the storm is upon us, we'll know exactly what to do.
When do we practice running into the arms of the Lord to protect us from all the wickedness that surrounds us?
What I see--we practice embracing wickedness--involving ourselves in all manner of darkness, influenced by the enemy and when the attacks come--we don't know what to do. We have allowed the darkness to envelop us and when the enemy comes to seal the deal--there is no escape.
Life does not have to be this way! We are warned repeatedly--throughout God's Word--of the wickedness, the deception, the infiltrators, and counterfeiters (disguised as ministering angels). We simply choose not to stay in the Word or live as God has designed us to do. We choose to live in darkness. God's choice--"I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans for you to have a future with hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). Do we have a future with hope?
Depression and oppression are signals that people have lost hope. Suicide is the result of those who have lost hope. Did they practice avoiding the traps of the enemy or did they embrace his tactics--all of the negative devices he uses to get us off track?
In spite of all the enemy has done and will do--there is hope--there is a light that can outshine and overcome the darkness that invades the minds of those who need more practice. Read The Word--daily. Meditate on the Word daily. Live life according to the Word and watch your light shine in the dark places and lead others to the safe haven in Jesus!
In schools, we practice what to do to keep people safe from harm. We have fire drills, storm drills and lock-down procedures that must be conducted--for most schools--10 times in a school year.
We have storm alerts set up throughout communities and encourage people to have drills at home as a safety measure.
We practice these things so when the storm is upon us, we'll know exactly what to do.
When do we practice running into the arms of the Lord to protect us from all the wickedness that surrounds us?
What I see--we practice embracing wickedness--involving ourselves in all manner of darkness, influenced by the enemy and when the attacks come--we don't know what to do. We have allowed the darkness to envelop us and when the enemy comes to seal the deal--there is no escape.
Life does not have to be this way! We are warned repeatedly--throughout God's Word--of the wickedness, the deception, the infiltrators, and counterfeiters (disguised as ministering angels). We simply choose not to stay in the Word or live as God has designed us to do. We choose to live in darkness. God's choice--"I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans for you to have a future with hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). Do we have a future with hope?
Depression and oppression are signals that people have lost hope. Suicide is the result of those who have lost hope. Did they practice avoiding the traps of the enemy or did they embrace his tactics--all of the negative devices he uses to get us off track?
In spite of all the enemy has done and will do--there is hope--there is a light that can outshine and overcome the darkness that invades the minds of those who need more practice. Read The Word--daily. Meditate on the Word daily. Live life according to the Word and watch your light shine in the dark places and lead others to the safe haven in Jesus!
Monday, May 27, 2013
A Little Wrist Action Here!
"Casting our care onto Jesus!"
Those words through Peter sound so easy and yet, many of us, hold onto all those things that keep us from enjoying life to the fullest.
We hold onto to past hurts--with family, friends, business acquaintances,and from church folks.
We hold onto grief, never allowing the loss of a loved one to reconcile itself and begin the healing process.
We hold onto to anger against people who have probably forgotten what they did, if anything.
We hold onto worry--about bills, people, life issues over which we have no control.
If we could really "cast" our cares onto Jesus, we would get that reel ready, practice our swing paying special attention to the wrist action, and then let all of our cares rip through the air as we watch the end of the fishing line go far beyond our reach. That's what it means to cast our cares upon Jesus. He can handle them when we can't!
Remember to honor a veteran today and to cast all your concerns onto the One who has greater capacity to do something about them.
Those words through Peter sound so easy and yet, many of us, hold onto all those things that keep us from enjoying life to the fullest.
We hold onto to past hurts--with family, friends, business acquaintances,and from church folks.
We hold onto grief, never allowing the loss of a loved one to reconcile itself and begin the healing process.
We hold onto to anger against people who have probably forgotten what they did, if anything.
We hold onto worry--about bills, people, life issues over which we have no control.
If we could really "cast" our cares onto Jesus, we would get that reel ready, practice our swing paying special attention to the wrist action, and then let all of our cares rip through the air as we watch the end of the fishing line go far beyond our reach. That's what it means to cast our cares upon Jesus. He can handle them when we can't!
Remember to honor a veteran today and to cast all your concerns onto the One who has greater capacity to do something about them.
Remembering Those Who Served!
As we celebrate this holiday, remember those who served this
country; some with their lives, some with their limbs, some with their
minds, but all with honor and a belief in this country. Many who served
are now without families, homes, and a respected place in our society.
Find a veteran and thank them for their service. I don't know about
you, but I did not serve in the military, but I am so grateful for those
who did and do. I salute them all!
And while I am remembering them, I am also praying for those who yet serve in foreign countries, away from family and loved ones. May God keep them safe and sane in the midst of chaos and always mindful of their surroundings, knowing in whom they can trust.
And while I am remembering them, I am also praying for those who yet serve in foreign countries, away from family and loved ones. May God keep them safe and sane in the midst of chaos and always mindful of their surroundings, knowing in whom they can trust.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Teach Me!
As an educator, I am especially delighted when I have students who
really want to learn. I know how to distinguish between those who want
to learn and those who are just taking up space.
Those who want to learn come to classes prepared--they have their books, paper, pen, and questions about things they did not understand when they read their assignment. They are participants, not observers.
Those who do not want to learn, come to classes with excuses as to why they have no book, nothing to write on and nothing to write with. They have no questions because they didn't pay attention to the assignment they needed to read. They had to work late, they didn't get any sleep because the baby kept them up, the dog was stolen, their car wouldn't start, their live-in beat them up, they didn't have breakfast, and this list could go on and on. They are observers, not participants.
Imagine the frustration felt I feel and I'm sure other educators feel when they have a room full of observers instead of participants. Imagine the frustration the President feels when elected politicians are observers of the problems, not participants in the solution. Then imagine the frustration that God must feel when we are observers of life instead of participants.
We go through the motions, accepting every whim and doctrine that blows our way, never questioning anything, never reading the bible, never participating in anything remotely spiritual and yet always expecting something miraculous to happen.
When the disciples saw Jesus praying, they didn't feel comfortable in praying themselves (especially after Jesus berated those who pray for attention) so they asked Him to teach them and He did. Whatever we ask of the Father in His name, we will have, if we have faith and doubt not.
When we struggle through life constantly making mistakes and never really understanding what we should be doing in order to have the abundant life He promises, are we asking Him to teach us how to have it?
Father, in the name of Jesus, Teach me, O Lord, how to live a life that is pleasing to You that I may receive all of Your promises and be a blessing to others all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!
Those who want to learn come to classes prepared--they have their books, paper, pen, and questions about things they did not understand when they read their assignment. They are participants, not observers.
Those who do not want to learn, come to classes with excuses as to why they have no book, nothing to write on and nothing to write with. They have no questions because they didn't pay attention to the assignment they needed to read. They had to work late, they didn't get any sleep because the baby kept them up, the dog was stolen, their car wouldn't start, their live-in beat them up, they didn't have breakfast, and this list could go on and on. They are observers, not participants.
Imagine the frustration felt I feel and I'm sure other educators feel when they have a room full of observers instead of participants. Imagine the frustration the President feels when elected politicians are observers of the problems, not participants in the solution. Then imagine the frustration that God must feel when we are observers of life instead of participants.
We go through the motions, accepting every whim and doctrine that blows our way, never questioning anything, never reading the bible, never participating in anything remotely spiritual and yet always expecting something miraculous to happen.
When the disciples saw Jesus praying, they didn't feel comfortable in praying themselves (especially after Jesus berated those who pray for attention) so they asked Him to teach them and He did. Whatever we ask of the Father in His name, we will have, if we have faith and doubt not.
When we struggle through life constantly making mistakes and never really understanding what we should be doing in order to have the abundant life He promises, are we asking Him to teach us how to have it?
Father, in the name of Jesus, Teach me, O Lord, how to live a life that is pleasing to You that I may receive all of Your promises and be a blessing to others all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Being His Treasure!
Have you ever been on a treasure hunt?
Usually, when "hunting" for treasure, one must have an idea as to what the treasure is, its worth or value and a direction in which to find it. Some people have used treasure hunts to enhance parties for children and adults as part of the entertainment. Some people seek treasures as a life-time career--using maps with mysterious symbols and meanings to locate the sought item. When we seek treasures, we have to actively look for it. But God has chosen us and declared us treasured possessions if we hear His voice and obey (Exodus 19:5). Notice He didn't look for us--He chose us--when we hear and obey.
When we hear His voice (through The Word or a messenger) and obey what He has said to do--He considers us greatly valued and cherishes us. He attaches worth and value to us--not man and certainly not us.
What do we treasure? Do we treasure His love, mercy, and grace? Are they valuable enough for us to cherish and treat with great care? The Word also tells us that where our heart is, we will find our treasure. Do we have a heart to hear God and obey Him today?
I have always treasured my children by taking care of them and valuing them as individuals, leading and guiding them to do what is right no matter what the circumstances in which they find themselves. I would hope they treasure my love for them and not take it for granted.
When I think about my love for my children, I understand God's love for me and pray I never take His love for granted. After all, I am His treasure and I know He cherishes me and I want to retain my position with Him.
Are you one of His treasured possessions? If not, hear and obey Him. If so, shout Hallelujah for being of great worth to Him!
Usually, when "hunting" for treasure, one must have an idea as to what the treasure is, its worth or value and a direction in which to find it. Some people have used treasure hunts to enhance parties for children and adults as part of the entertainment. Some people seek treasures as a life-time career--using maps with mysterious symbols and meanings to locate the sought item. When we seek treasures, we have to actively look for it. But God has chosen us and declared us treasured possessions if we hear His voice and obey (Exodus 19:5). Notice He didn't look for us--He chose us--when we hear and obey.
When we hear His voice (through The Word or a messenger) and obey what He has said to do--He considers us greatly valued and cherishes us. He attaches worth and value to us--not man and certainly not us.
What do we treasure? Do we treasure His love, mercy, and grace? Are they valuable enough for us to cherish and treat with great care? The Word also tells us that where our heart is, we will find our treasure. Do we have a heart to hear God and obey Him today?
I have always treasured my children by taking care of them and valuing them as individuals, leading and guiding them to do what is right no matter what the circumstances in which they find themselves. I would hope they treasure my love for them and not take it for granted.
When I think about my love for my children, I understand God's love for me and pray I never take His love for granted. After all, I am His treasure and I know He cherishes me and I want to retain my position with Him.
Are you one of His treasured possessions? If not, hear and obey Him. If so, shout Hallelujah for being of great worth to Him!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Read Good Books!
Long weekend is a good time to read for those in the US and if it's not a long weekend for others, it's still a good time to read.
Be an Overcomer!
God tells us through John in his vision in Revelation, that "the overcomer shall inherit all things" (Rev. 21:7)
How do we overcome and what shall we overcome?
The answer depends upon what the challenges are in anyone's life! If we don't cave under the pressure of the challenge, we can overcome it.
If obesity is a challenge and our health begins to take a dive, we can overcome our infatuation with food by changing how we think about food. Food should fuel us, not fill us. If we take this attitude, we can overcome the challenge of being overweight. If we exercise our bodies and our minds, we will see change in our eating habits. What will we inherit? Healthier bodies and lifestyles that will allow us to have long life--without undue suffering.
If sexual sin is a challenge and we are constantly in fear of dying with disease-ridden bodies, or devalued self-worth, we can rise to the challenge by changing how we view our bodies, our spirits, and our needs. It's called--self-control--especially when we are not married. If we change what we expose ourselves to that leads to an unhealthy attitude towards sex, we'll change what we do. Change the television channel (and the movies), change what we read, change how we think of the act of sex (it should not be about physical relief), and learn to love self. Most people get involved with "unhealthy sexual escapades" because of a lack of self-love. We have to learn to love self. When we love self, we only want the best for ourselves and those we say, we love. What do we inherit when we overcome this challenge? A greater appreciation of an act that should be reserved and exercised for those who are in committed relationships (marriage)--not one-night or one-event stands.
If any type of addiction--food, drugs, sex, theft, lying, gambling, abusive behavior of all kinds--is a challenge that needs to be overcome, change your habits, the environment, the people in your close circles, the places you go, the amount of money you keep on you, the way you see yourself as a person of integrity and a better understanding of how others see you. Prayer and explicit action changes things. You can overcome them all. What do we inherit when we overcome these challenges? A rise in self-esteem and self-worth, new friendships that encourage a steady path of overcoming, and a new respect of self and from others.
We can do all things through Christ who loves us--if we want to do all things well. Be an overcomer and inherit all good things as promised in God's Word! Hallelujah for receiving the inheritance--all good gifts!
How do we overcome and what shall we overcome?
The answer depends upon what the challenges are in anyone's life! If we don't cave under the pressure of the challenge, we can overcome it.
If obesity is a challenge and our health begins to take a dive, we can overcome our infatuation with food by changing how we think about food. Food should fuel us, not fill us. If we take this attitude, we can overcome the challenge of being overweight. If we exercise our bodies and our minds, we will see change in our eating habits. What will we inherit? Healthier bodies and lifestyles that will allow us to have long life--without undue suffering.
If sexual sin is a challenge and we are constantly in fear of dying with disease-ridden bodies, or devalued self-worth, we can rise to the challenge by changing how we view our bodies, our spirits, and our needs. It's called--self-control--especially when we are not married. If we change what we expose ourselves to that leads to an unhealthy attitude towards sex, we'll change what we do. Change the television channel (and the movies), change what we read, change how we think of the act of sex (it should not be about physical relief), and learn to love self. Most people get involved with "unhealthy sexual escapades" because of a lack of self-love. We have to learn to love self. When we love self, we only want the best for ourselves and those we say, we love. What do we inherit when we overcome this challenge? A greater appreciation of an act that should be reserved and exercised for those who are in committed relationships (marriage)--not one-night or one-event stands.
If any type of addiction--food, drugs, sex, theft, lying, gambling, abusive behavior of all kinds--is a challenge that needs to be overcome, change your habits, the environment, the people in your close circles, the places you go, the amount of money you keep on you, the way you see yourself as a person of integrity and a better understanding of how others see you. Prayer and explicit action changes things. You can overcome them all. What do we inherit when we overcome these challenges? A rise in self-esteem and self-worth, new friendships that encourage a steady path of overcoming, and a new respect of self and from others.
We can do all things through Christ who loves us--if we want to do all things well. Be an overcomer and inherit all good things as promised in God's Word! Hallelujah for receiving the inheritance--all good gifts!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Fight Back!
Has life beaten you up lately?
When everything we attempt to do appears to be futile and nothing seems to work, we often tend to feel like we have beaten up and left to lick our wounds.
If you have ever been in a physical fight--you might understand this reference. Usually, especially when I was a younger child, if a there was any type of conflict between two people, others gathered to instigate until someone threw the first punch. If that punch landed on target, there was usually some pain felt and that pain ignited reaction. That reaction led to other punches until someone stopped the fight or both parties were exhausted. Sometimes a winner was declared and sometimes, it was a draw--no clear victor.
Life is a fight and sometimes--there are no clear victors--but we can remain victorious to fight another day. How? Fight the obstacles of life the same way you would fight in a physical confrontation. I don't mean go beat people up, but you when feel the pain of the first hit--fight back--react in such a way that whatever the problem is--let "it" know--you're in it to win it--if not today, you will be back and you'll keep fighting the good fight of faith until you see victory over all the challenges that attempted to beat you up! So what if the first punch knocked you down--get up, get up! Take your fighting stance, look your opponent in the face and "strike back" anticipating another reaction, but ready to block it!
Nothing in life is fair and if we think it should be, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Life is--however--what we make it--it is our choice. Are you going to climb over, go through, go around or merely sit and dwell on the misery when challenges arise in your life? Fight back! It may not be easy, but it is possible, for with Christ--we can do all things, well!
When everything we attempt to do appears to be futile and nothing seems to work, we often tend to feel like we have beaten up and left to lick our wounds.
If you have ever been in a physical fight--you might understand this reference. Usually, especially when I was a younger child, if a there was any type of conflict between two people, others gathered to instigate until someone threw the first punch. If that punch landed on target, there was usually some pain felt and that pain ignited reaction. That reaction led to other punches until someone stopped the fight or both parties were exhausted. Sometimes a winner was declared and sometimes, it was a draw--no clear victor.
Life is a fight and sometimes--there are no clear victors--but we can remain victorious to fight another day. How? Fight the obstacles of life the same way you would fight in a physical confrontation. I don't mean go beat people up, but you when feel the pain of the first hit--fight back--react in such a way that whatever the problem is--let "it" know--you're in it to win it--if not today, you will be back and you'll keep fighting the good fight of faith until you see victory over all the challenges that attempted to beat you up! So what if the first punch knocked you down--get up, get up! Take your fighting stance, look your opponent in the face and "strike back" anticipating another reaction, but ready to block it!
Nothing in life is fair and if we think it should be, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Life is--however--what we make it--it is our choice. Are you going to climb over, go through, go around or merely sit and dwell on the misery when challenges arise in your life? Fight back! It may not be easy, but it is possible, for with Christ--we can do all things, well!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Are you tired yet?
"And let us not be weary (don't get tired) in well-doing (doing
right); for in due season we shall reap (get what is due us), if we
faint not (give up)" Galatians 6:9
I have probably used this passage of scripture again, but it warrants another look.
We are promised in The Word that whatever we sow, that is what we shall have. So I encourage everyone today to "sow good seed" so that all you get back--your harvest--is good fruit.
If you have been loving the unlovable and nothing appears to be changing--don't quit--sometimes it takes time for the seed of love to blossom and flourish.
If you have faithful in rendering service to others and it appears that the more you do, the more someone expects--don't quit--the seed of service takes time, but nourish and watch it bloom.
If you have committed to helping others in their time of need, don't stop--the seed will develop into an army of help when you need it.
If you have attempted to do everything by the book (The Word), but nothing appears to be working--don't quit--God is faithful to His Word and His promises to us are "yes" and "amen". Your faith has not been exercised in vain--He will bring it all to pass.
We all get tired of doing the right thing when we see others "appearing to prosper" doing the wrong things, but that's the appearance of things, not the reality. The reality is that God's Word is true. Sometimes, we have to just water, and nurture what we have carefully planted in order to see the growth or yield and that takes time. So don't get tired and quit--just patiently wait--and we shall have what we have sown.
I have probably used this passage of scripture again, but it warrants another look.
We are promised in The Word that whatever we sow, that is what we shall have. So I encourage everyone today to "sow good seed" so that all you get back--your harvest--is good fruit.
If you have been loving the unlovable and nothing appears to be changing--don't quit--sometimes it takes time for the seed of love to blossom and flourish.
If you have faithful in rendering service to others and it appears that the more you do, the more someone expects--don't quit--the seed of service takes time, but nourish and watch it bloom.
If you have committed to helping others in their time of need, don't stop--the seed will develop into an army of help when you need it.
If you have attempted to do everything by the book (The Word), but nothing appears to be working--don't quit--God is faithful to His Word and His promises to us are "yes" and "amen". Your faith has not been exercised in vain--He will bring it all to pass.
We all get tired of doing the right thing when we see others "appearing to prosper" doing the wrong things, but that's the appearance of things, not the reality. The reality is that God's Word is true. Sometimes, we have to just water, and nurture what we have carefully planted in order to see the growth or yield and that takes time. So don't get tired and quit--just patiently wait--and we shall have what we have sown.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Rewarded For Works!
"...then He shall reward every man according to his works" (Matthew 16:27).
Imagine that! We will be rewarded--everyone of us--according to the works we have done.
When I was a child, I was rewarded for good grades, behaving in school, and doing my chores, without being reminded.
As a teenager, I was rewarded for doing things in school with the clubs to which I belonged, getting good grades, and still doing my chores (more of them) without being reminded.
As a college student, I was rewarded with recognitions and being on the Dean's list, for doing my work and without being reminded.
As a young adult, I was rewarded with raises and promotions on jobs for doing what I was supposed to do (punctuality, integrity, and dedication), without being reminded, five days a week.
As a teacher, I was rewarded with--the satisfaction of seeing some of my students excelling and in knowing I was doing a job well (the rest of the students--almost 75% of them in public school--well, that's another story for another time--found in If Parents Cared Enough...Johnny and Juaneshia Could Read, available on
As a writer, I am rewarded for writing a good book--content with substance and for the most part--well-written, whenever people buy my books.
As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I am rewarded every time someone gives their life to Christ and understands how much He loves them through my conduct and conversation with them.
As a child of the most High God, I have endeavored to do good works in promoting the Gospel and living according to His Word to the very best of my ability, always trusting Him, and expecting Him to guide, correct, love and forgive my shortcomings.
I am looking forward to the reward He has for me, according to the works I have done--"Well done my good and faithful servant!"
What is your reward going to be?
Imagine that! We will be rewarded--everyone of us--according to the works we have done.
When I was a child, I was rewarded for good grades, behaving in school, and doing my chores, without being reminded.
As a teenager, I was rewarded for doing things in school with the clubs to which I belonged, getting good grades, and still doing my chores (more of them) without being reminded.
As a college student, I was rewarded with recognitions and being on the Dean's list, for doing my work and without being reminded.
As a young adult, I was rewarded with raises and promotions on jobs for doing what I was supposed to do (punctuality, integrity, and dedication), without being reminded, five days a week.
As a teacher, I was rewarded with--the satisfaction of seeing some of my students excelling and in knowing I was doing a job well (the rest of the students--almost 75% of them in public school--well, that's another story for another time--found in If Parents Cared Enough...Johnny and Juaneshia Could Read, available on
As a writer, I am rewarded for writing a good book--content with substance and for the most part--well-written, whenever people buy my books.
As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I am rewarded every time someone gives their life to Christ and understands how much He loves them through my conduct and conversation with them.
As a child of the most High God, I have endeavored to do good works in promoting the Gospel and living according to His Word to the very best of my ability, always trusting Him, and expecting Him to guide, correct, love and forgive my shortcomings.
I am looking forward to the reward He has for me, according to the works I have done--"Well done my good and faithful servant!"
What is your reward going to be?
Monday, May 20, 2013
Just a weekly reminder to visit my author page on Amazon.
From The Foundation!
How vivid is your imagination?
Can you see God creating the universe, sprinkling the sky with stars, anchoring the sun and moon in their respective positions to give us light and provide us with health?
Can you see Him scooping out the rivers and seas and building up mountains that we would have water and protection?
Can you see Him thoughtfully providing seed--for every flower, vegetable, plant and tree that we would have sustenance and shade and continuation?
Can you see Him insightfully, carefully, thinking about the formation of man--every vital organ in place doing exactly what He intended them to do that our blood would flow, cells renew, limbs would work, eyes would see, ears would hear, tongues move to speech and praise, digestion system process food, hearts would pump, lungs inhale and exhale air/separating oxygen and all we need to breathe?
Now, can you see Him looking down on all His work--knowing from the foundation--what mankind would do--to destroy everything He had made and yet He says--"It is good!"?
Think about your own life. As much as He loves us, as much as He wants us to have all good things, as much as He wants to spare us misery, trials, and tribulations, He knows exactly when we will mess up, time and time again, but He loves us enough to provide us a way out--through Jesus Christ. And He knows who will accept Him, believe Him, and who will reject Him--from the foundation of the world-and yet He was willing to sacrifice Himself for all who believe!
He has known from the time He envisioned us when we would fall and when we would rise again with wisdom and knowledge--understanding and insight as to how to truly live for Him and from the foundation--He has never given up on us! He is yet providing a way out--from all ungodliness and unrighteousness into a right relationship with Him. Open your heart and mind and accept what He has planned for you--from the foundation! Hallelujah!
Can you see God creating the universe, sprinkling the sky with stars, anchoring the sun and moon in their respective positions to give us light and provide us with health?
Can you see Him scooping out the rivers and seas and building up mountains that we would have water and protection?
Can you see Him thoughtfully providing seed--for every flower, vegetable, plant and tree that we would have sustenance and shade and continuation?
Can you see Him insightfully, carefully, thinking about the formation of man--every vital organ in place doing exactly what He intended them to do that our blood would flow, cells renew, limbs would work, eyes would see, ears would hear, tongues move to speech and praise, digestion system process food, hearts would pump, lungs inhale and exhale air/separating oxygen and all we need to breathe?
Now, can you see Him looking down on all His work--knowing from the foundation--what mankind would do--to destroy everything He had made and yet He says--"It is good!"?
Think about your own life. As much as He loves us, as much as He wants us to have all good things, as much as He wants to spare us misery, trials, and tribulations, He knows exactly when we will mess up, time and time again, but He loves us enough to provide us a way out--through Jesus Christ. And He knows who will accept Him, believe Him, and who will reject Him--from the foundation of the world-and yet He was willing to sacrifice Himself for all who believe!
He has known from the time He envisioned us when we would fall and when we would rise again with wisdom and knowledge--understanding and insight as to how to truly live for Him and from the foundation--He has never given up on us! He is yet providing a way out--from all ungodliness and unrighteousness into a right relationship with Him. Open your heart and mind and accept what He has planned for you--from the foundation! Hallelujah!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Help Me!
Today, O God, I realize more than ever before that I need You to help me.
Help me to understand that it is You who has ordained the events of time from the beginning according to Your divine plan.
Help me to understand that I really cannot do anything without involving You in my plans.
Help me to understand that if my plans and desires do not align with Your plan; I plan in futility.
Help me to understand there are some things/events that will occur that have nothing to do with me and I have no control over them.
Help me to understand that no matter what people say--You are the only person I can totally trust!
Help me to become more like You every day--more loving, more compassionate, more forgiving and more patient with others.
Help me O God to remember Your Word and to apply it in all things so I can receive the results You desire.
Help me to know that no matter what happens--I can know without doubting--You hear and answer prayer and will never allow those who believe in You and live according to Your Word to be left behind in a world of madness.
Help me to stand firm when promoting the Gospel--never deterred by what things look like.
Help me--this day and every day of my life--to always be ready to give You praise--whether I feel like or not! Hallelujah!
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!
Help me to understand that it is You who has ordained the events of time from the beginning according to Your divine plan.
Help me to understand that I really cannot do anything without involving You in my plans.
Help me to understand that if my plans and desires do not align with Your plan; I plan in futility.
Help me to understand there are some things/events that will occur that have nothing to do with me and I have no control over them.
Help me to understand that no matter what people say--You are the only person I can totally trust!
Help me to become more like You every day--more loving, more compassionate, more forgiving and more patient with others.
Help me O God to remember Your Word and to apply it in all things so I can receive the results You desire.
Help me to know that no matter what happens--I can know without doubting--You hear and answer prayer and will never allow those who believe in You and live according to Your Word to be left behind in a world of madness.
Help me to stand firm when promoting the Gospel--never deterred by what things look like.
Help me--this day and every day of my life--to always be ready to give You praise--whether I feel like or not! Hallelujah!
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Under Construction!
"We are His workmanship."
When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we are recreated (spiritually), shaped and molded by God to do good works and to do them well, all to His glory. He "works" on us continually, guiding us, correcting us, and loving us--no matter what--so that we can be the light--the beacon of hope--for the rest of the world. His work in us and through us is continuous--we are always under construction--until we die.
If you think you have arrived--look closely--you just may see some parts of you have not been constructed yet. Can you love unconditionally? Can you forgive relentlessly? Can you see the needs of others and address them? Do you promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever you go and whenever the opportunity arises? Do you trust God for all you need? Do you have faith in His word to accomplish all that He puts on your heart to do? If we cannot answer honestly, all of these questions (and more) with a "yes" we are yet under construction!
None of us are perfect--we were not intended to be, but we are to strive for perfection--God's way, not ours. So get your sign back out--"Project Not Complete--Still Under Construction!" Don't feel bad about it--you have lots of company. In fact, if the signs were physically manifested in our lives--we wouldn't be able to see one another for the signs.
Have a wonderful day--enjoying the construction of the new creation in Christ!
When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we are recreated (spiritually), shaped and molded by God to do good works and to do them well, all to His glory. He "works" on us continually, guiding us, correcting us, and loving us--no matter what--so that we can be the light--the beacon of hope--for the rest of the world. His work in us and through us is continuous--we are always under construction--until we die.
If you think you have arrived--look closely--you just may see some parts of you have not been constructed yet. Can you love unconditionally? Can you forgive relentlessly? Can you see the needs of others and address them? Do you promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever you go and whenever the opportunity arises? Do you trust God for all you need? Do you have faith in His word to accomplish all that He puts on your heart to do? If we cannot answer honestly, all of these questions (and more) with a "yes" we are yet under construction!
None of us are perfect--we were not intended to be, but we are to strive for perfection--God's way, not ours. So get your sign back out--"Project Not Complete--Still Under Construction!" Don't feel bad about it--you have lots of company. In fact, if the signs were physically manifested in our lives--we wouldn't be able to see one another for the signs.
Have a wonderful day--enjoying the construction of the new creation in Christ!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Which Key Do You Have?
"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the
churches. To him who overcomes will I give eternal life" (paraphrased
Revelation 2:7).
The Spirit of God is speaking--through His Word and through those who have a right relationship with Him. This can be seen and heard through those who know how to rightly divide (dissect/break it down) the Word of Truth. It is time for us to get our collective "houses" (congregations or communities) in order, by telling people the truth--not as we think it, but as the Holy Spirit gives it to us. This is why God is not going to honor our concepts of political correctness over godly righteousness. He can't. If He did, it would make Him a liar. The Word tells us that God is not a man who should lie. The implication is clear--men will lie to promote their own agenda and say, "God is all right with that"! Look how the enemy conspires to influence us against God's Word--political correctness; equality in the things that God said were an abomination to Him--attempting to convince some that God changes His mind about what He has said.
How do we overcome to receive eternal life? The Word says, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. The blood that was shed on the cross was The Sacrifice for all who "choose" to believe that He is and accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Our testimony of God's goodness, mercy, and love--aligned with The Word--not skewed with unbelief--makes us partakers of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and in promoting it to others so that all might have eternal life. We cannot compromise God's Word to be "liked" or "followed" by others. We must stand on His Truths for they are the very foundation for our belief--not political correctness.
It is time--right now--for all who believe to stand up and say so, without fear or trepidation of what others might think. After all, mankind does not hold the key to either heaven or hell--we do, individually--in our obedience to God's Word or our rejection of it! Which key do you have?
The Spirit of God is speaking--through His Word and through those who have a right relationship with Him. This can be seen and heard through those who know how to rightly divide (dissect/break it down) the Word of Truth. It is time for us to get our collective "houses" (congregations or communities) in order, by telling people the truth--not as we think it, but as the Holy Spirit gives it to us. This is why God is not going to honor our concepts of political correctness over godly righteousness. He can't. If He did, it would make Him a liar. The Word tells us that God is not a man who should lie. The implication is clear--men will lie to promote their own agenda and say, "God is all right with that"! Look how the enemy conspires to influence us against God's Word--political correctness; equality in the things that God said were an abomination to Him--attempting to convince some that God changes His mind about what He has said.
How do we overcome to receive eternal life? The Word says, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. The blood that was shed on the cross was The Sacrifice for all who "choose" to believe that He is and accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Our testimony of God's goodness, mercy, and love--aligned with The Word--not skewed with unbelief--makes us partakers of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and in promoting it to others so that all might have eternal life. We cannot compromise God's Word to be "liked" or "followed" by others. We must stand on His Truths for they are the very foundation for our belief--not political correctness.
It is time--right now--for all who believe to stand up and say so, without fear or trepidation of what others might think. After all, mankind does not hold the key to either heaven or hell--we do, individually--in our obedience to God's Word or our rejection of it! Which key do you have?
Thursday, May 16, 2013
For This Reason Part 2
2 Peter
1:6…(add to) and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance;
and to perseverance, godliness;
Once we have knowledge (the know-how
or know why) to do something, what do we do? Remembering another passage of
scripture from Proverbs 4:7 … “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get
wisdom and with all our getting-get understanding,” I used an analogy of
someone getting a Mercedes Benz. They
were given the keys to the car, but they had no knowledge of how to drive;
therefore wisdom would dictate they learn how to drive (get the knowledge)
before they tried driving the car. If we
are going to do anything well, we must get knowledge of how to do them well.
After gaining knowledge, we must learn
to exercise self-control (control of self).
The one thing that will inhibit our ability of learning self-control is
our proclivity to control others. In
other words, we always see what is wrong with someone else and want to correct
them, but we seldom see what is wrong with us and even when it is pointed out
to us; we resist correction. If we never
learn self-control, how likely are we going to be able to represent Jesus?
When we have learned to control
ourselves (what we say, what we eat, what we do), now we need to add to our
repertoire—perseverance—tenacity and commitment to stick with what we’re doing
until we get the desired results. So
what if we fail the first time we try!
Then we try, and try, and try again—making adjustments in what we’re
doing as we go along until we find what works best. It is pointless to keep doing the same thing
over and over again—the same exact way—expecting different results, so of
necessity we must make adjustments and fine-tune what we do in order to get the
results we want. But we never give up—we
persevere until it is finished; especially if what we’re doing is supposed to
glorify God.
To our commitment to see things
through, we add godliness—doing what is right and pleasing to God. We are not “God” and therefore we are not
perfect beings, but we can strive for perfection in making sure that what we do
is morally right, godly righteous in our efforts to bring others into the
knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our
conduct—before unbelievers—is a greater testimony to them about who God is than
anything we could ever say. The only way
we can become godly righteous is to study His Word and then do His Word. Having a right relationship with God assures
of two things: His love and guidance and
His correction through the Holy Spirit when we get off track.
Work on
developing that right relationship with God today and watch how He works in
your life. It is for this reason, we continue to study and reach out to others
in our sharing the Word, so that all can be blessed abundantly and share the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Book Review on Amazon
Customer Review
This review is from: When MoneyTalks (Kindle Edition)
This was my first time reading a book by the author. I really enjoyed
reading this book and read it in a few hours because it was suspenseful
and also reminded me about jumping to conclusions. I will go look for
some more of Ms. Rayford's books!
No More Excuses!
Is there something you need to do today that should have been done--a long time ago?
Well, now is the time to get it done--whatever the "it" is--do it now--no more excuses!
You've been saying for years that you wanted to go back to school--get it done, now!
You've been telling yourself and anyone else who would listen--that you were going to exercise--get it done, now!
You promised your children you would spend more time with them--do it now!
What about that promise to your spouse--whatever it may have been--stop procrastinating and get it done now!
Stop making excuses for not doing what you need to do and get it done now!
Don't wait for another "tomorrow" because tomorrow's sun may not shine in your life-get it done, now!
Find reasons to accomplish, not excuses to put things off-until...! When we consistently delay in doing the things that must be done, we become our own worst enemy. It is not the dog's fault, the cat's fault, the neighbor's fault, the children's fault, the spouse's fault, the teacher's fault, the school's fault, the government's fault--the fault--apathy--being a procrastinator--lies within us--own it and do something about it.
The more we attempt to do in order to accomplish all that God has put on our hearts to do--each day--the more we honor Him and the more we honor Him with what we do, the more blessings we can expect from Him. No more excuses--get it done!
Well, now is the time to get it done--whatever the "it" is--do it now--no more excuses!
You've been saying for years that you wanted to go back to school--get it done, now!
You've been telling yourself and anyone else who would listen--that you were going to exercise--get it done, now!
You promised your children you would spend more time with them--do it now!
What about that promise to your spouse--whatever it may have been--stop procrastinating and get it done now!
Stop making excuses for not doing what you need to do and get it done now!
Don't wait for another "tomorrow" because tomorrow's sun may not shine in your life-get it done, now!
Find reasons to accomplish, not excuses to put things off-until...! When we consistently delay in doing the things that must be done, we become our own worst enemy. It is not the dog's fault, the cat's fault, the neighbor's fault, the children's fault, the spouse's fault, the teacher's fault, the school's fault, the government's fault--the fault--apathy--being a procrastinator--lies within us--own it and do something about it.
The more we attempt to do in order to accomplish all that God has put on our hearts to do--each day--the more we honor Him and the more we honor Him with what we do, the more blessings we can expect from Him. No more excuses--get it done!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
I've just created a new page on Facebook which will chronicle all my books and my writing journey. Come join me whenever you like.
Who is despised?
When I read scripture; especially Old Testament passages, I see when
God has deliberately considered some people to be despicable. How do I
Whenever those who "followed" God were told to kill off entire tribes or nations--He did so because He despised (hated) what those tribes or nations were doing. He hated their idolatry (their worship of things more than Him); He hated their sacrifices to their man-made gods; He hated their promiscuous behavior (of a sexual nature, with whomever they pleased); and more than anything else, He hated their ability to influence those whom He had chosen to call His own (which is why He wanted them dead).
I am not advocating the demise of anyone; especially because of hatred. What I am promoting and encouraging is for all to take a second look--removing the veils of bias--at what is occurring in our society today. Are we yet doing some of the same things that God hates? Are we yet influencing people to do what God has told us specifically not to do? Are we setting ourselves up to be despised? If so, who are you more concerned with-God despising us or man?
I have often been accused of many things--being intolerant and a number of other things simply because I attempt to live a Christian Life as God defines it; not man. Looking at what is constantly confronting those of who do believe what God says and make every attempt to do Life as He wants us to do it, I see that Christians (true Christians) are more despised by man. Who would you rather have despising you?
I've made a decision and I'm not concerned whether people like it or not. Man/woman can despise me for what I believe until the day they drop off the face of the earth. I will proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that entails to the glory of God and I will not incur the wrath of God by condoning what people do--trying to be politically correct. I'd rather be Godly righteous than politically correct any day of the week and for those who have a problem with it--the problem is theirs and theirs alone. My mind is made up! I will not be despised by God in order to "get along" with man. Hallelujah for all who are willing to stand on the Lord's side!
Whenever those who "followed" God were told to kill off entire tribes or nations--He did so because He despised (hated) what those tribes or nations were doing. He hated their idolatry (their worship of things more than Him); He hated their sacrifices to their man-made gods; He hated their promiscuous behavior (of a sexual nature, with whomever they pleased); and more than anything else, He hated their ability to influence those whom He had chosen to call His own (which is why He wanted them dead).
I am not advocating the demise of anyone; especially because of hatred. What I am promoting and encouraging is for all to take a second look--removing the veils of bias--at what is occurring in our society today. Are we yet doing some of the same things that God hates? Are we yet influencing people to do what God has told us specifically not to do? Are we setting ourselves up to be despised? If so, who are you more concerned with-God despising us or man?
I have often been accused of many things--being intolerant and a number of other things simply because I attempt to live a Christian Life as God defines it; not man. Looking at what is constantly confronting those of who do believe what God says and make every attempt to do Life as He wants us to do it, I see that Christians (true Christians) are more despised by man. Who would you rather have despising you?
I've made a decision and I'm not concerned whether people like it or not. Man/woman can despise me for what I believe until the day they drop off the face of the earth. I will proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that entails to the glory of God and I will not incur the wrath of God by condoning what people do--trying to be politically correct. I'd rather be Godly righteous than politically correct any day of the week and for those who have a problem with it--the problem is theirs and theirs alone. My mind is made up! I will not be despised by God in order to "get along" with man. Hallelujah for all who are willing to stand on the Lord's side!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Great books on Amazon Great books for every budget from $0.99 to $4.99. Small price for great reading!
Have You Seen It?
Think about all the "good" things you have ever received or given to someone else?
How did they look? Were they big, expensive, colorful, bland, or forgettable?
What was the look on your face when you received the gift? Were you excited, appreciative, or grateful?
What was the look on the face of the person to whom you gave a gift? Was it gratitude that you saw, annoyance, or just pure delight?
When you think about all the things you have received or even purchased and you marvel at how wonderful they are--remember this--"You ain't seen nothing, yet!" What does that mean? The Word tells us in Corinthians through Paul, that "eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into man's heart (not even imaginable) all the things that God has prepared for those who love Him."
So don't get caught up with the things you have right now--no matter how wonderful they are--you still haven't seen the best from God. It's coming! If you don't think you will see them--try working on that relationship with Him, show Him you love Him as much as you show love to others and then stand back and watch Him work on your behalf! Look for it--with loving Him and His love for us--you may not have room enough to receive the overflow. Imagine the look on your face or even the face of others. Have you seen it? Now, run and tell that!
How did they look? Were they big, expensive, colorful, bland, or forgettable?
What was the look on your face when you received the gift? Were you excited, appreciative, or grateful?
What was the look on the face of the person to whom you gave a gift? Was it gratitude that you saw, annoyance, or just pure delight?
When you think about all the things you have received or even purchased and you marvel at how wonderful they are--remember this--"You ain't seen nothing, yet!" What does that mean? The Word tells us in Corinthians through Paul, that "eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into man's heart (not even imaginable) all the things that God has prepared for those who love Him."
So don't get caught up with the things you have right now--no matter how wonderful they are--you still haven't seen the best from God. It's coming! If you don't think you will see them--try working on that relationship with Him, show Him you love Him as much as you show love to others and then stand back and watch Him work on your behalf! Look for it--with loving Him and His love for us--you may not have room enough to receive the overflow. Imagine the look on your face or even the face of others. Have you seen it? Now, run and tell that!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
It's Mother's Day!
Before we come into this world, most of us experience a mother's love in her care for herself.
After we arrive, most of us experience a mother's love in her care for us.
While we're growing and maturing, her love is still evident in her care, discipline, and guidance towards us.
When we become adults and leave home, her love surrounds us in all the things we were taught.
And now, it's her turn. Just how much do you love her? Do you love your mother enough to care for her, to surround her with love, just as an return on her investment in you? Give it a try--she'll appreciate it.
And for those of us whose mother is no longer with us in the earth realm, we can still love her and remember her guidance and surround others with love, just as she loved us while she could.
For those who didn't have the kind of mother described above, look to the person in your life who does fit the description--loving, caring, and willing to discipline as they guided you through some of the trials of life and love them just as much. Pray for your biological mother that God will yet give them an opportunity to be a godly mother, created by Him. It's only too late when they are gone!
Shower mothers today with an abundance of love and kindness and let them know--they are appreciated!
After we arrive, most of us experience a mother's love in her care for us.
While we're growing and maturing, her love is still evident in her care, discipline, and guidance towards us.
When we become adults and leave home, her love surrounds us in all the things we were taught.
And now, it's her turn. Just how much do you love her? Do you love your mother enough to care for her, to surround her with love, just as an return on her investment in you? Give it a try--she'll appreciate it.
And for those of us whose mother is no longer with us in the earth realm, we can still love her and remember her guidance and surround others with love, just as she loved us while she could.
For those who didn't have the kind of mother described above, look to the person in your life who does fit the description--loving, caring, and willing to discipline as they guided you through some of the trials of life and love them just as much. Pray for your biological mother that God will yet give them an opportunity to be a godly mother, created by Him. It's only too late when they are gone!
Shower mothers today with an abundance of love and kindness and let them know--they are appreciated!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
"For This Reason" Part 1
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;” 2 Peter 1:5 (NIV).
If we look at the very first part of this verse of scripture, “for this very reason,” we’d have to ask ourselves (if we didn’t already know), what reason?
The reason or the how we get into position is to receive His precious promises in our lives–this is why Peter lists the virtues we should develop and increase in them. The first two–adding goodness to faith (assuming we have received the…measure of faith given to all) and adding knowledge to goodness. Notice how he says, “make every effort”–he does not say these things are automatically given or poured onto us. We have to do something–and sometimes it is an effort to be good–with all the temptations that face us on a daily basis–but we must make the effort. Do we fall short sometimes? Probably. Then we have to make the effort–keep trying to get there and once there–make the effort to stay there.
When we see that we can be good–we need to obtain knowledge (through The Word) in order to stay good. The knowledge we need comes through The Word, and our relationship with God in daily communication with Him. Our relationship with Him is far more important than our affiliation with any religious entity because all of those entities espouse differing views, but none have the key to heaven or hell. It is our relationship with God (or the lack of one) that determines which key “we” hold.
So, for just a moment, today–think about making every effort to be good–do something good for someone else and to encourage yourself in the Lord through The Word–while gaining knowledge to maintain your position with Him, in order to receive the promises.
If we look at the very first part of this verse of scripture, “for this very reason,” we’d have to ask ourselves (if we didn’t already know), what reason?
The reason or the how we get into position is to receive His precious promises in our lives–this is why Peter lists the virtues we should develop and increase in them. The first two–adding goodness to faith (assuming we have received the…measure of faith given to all) and adding knowledge to goodness. Notice how he says, “make every effort”–he does not say these things are automatically given or poured onto us. We have to do something–and sometimes it is an effort to be good–with all the temptations that face us on a daily basis–but we must make the effort. Do we fall short sometimes? Probably. Then we have to make the effort–keep trying to get there and once there–make the effort to stay there.
When we see that we can be good–we need to obtain knowledge (through The Word) in order to stay good. The knowledge we need comes through The Word, and our relationship with God in daily communication with Him. Our relationship with Him is far more important than our affiliation with any religious entity because all of those entities espouse differing views, but none have the key to heaven or hell. It is our relationship with God (or the lack of one) that determines which key “we” hold.
So, for just a moment, today–think about making every effort to be good–do something good for someone else and to encourage yourself in the Lord through The Word–while gaining knowledge to maintain your position with Him, in order to receive the promises.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Free Downloads
When Money Talks--free ebook download til midnight EST.
When Money Talks--free ebook download til midnight EST.
Hope For The Lost
Holding out hope for the lost can be time consuming and frustrating, but worth it when rescue occurs.
Unless we have had our heads buried in places that have kept us from hearing or seeing recent events unfold in the news, we have to understand the joy of the families who have just had returned to them, those who they thought were lost. Three women--physically rescued--from their captor who had been thought dead after a decade of losing hope, are now free to enjoy life as God intended.
Do we dare hold onto the hope some of us have for the "spiritually lost" that no matter have long they have been lost, there is hope for a rescue?
Until the end comes for them in the natural state of death or Jesus returns--we must continue to hold onto hope--for a rescue for lost loved ones who are being held captive by the enemy of their souls.
There is someone out there who is willing to go the extra mile to secure rescue--is it you? We can rescue the lost--spiritually--by our conduct and love towards those who need to know and understand God's love for them. Our lifestyle should be witness to them, our hope a life-line, and our faith the door to which Jesus can enter in and rescue their souls.
There are many who are lost--either physically or spiritually--and we can rejoice in their rescue--either physically or spiritually--as the angels in heaven rejoice over every soul who is rescued from the fiery pits of the enemy's domain--free to enjoy life as God intended. Rejoice and never lose sight of hope!
Unless we have had our heads buried in places that have kept us from hearing or seeing recent events unfold in the news, we have to understand the joy of the families who have just had returned to them, those who they thought were lost. Three women--physically rescued--from their captor who had been thought dead after a decade of losing hope, are now free to enjoy life as God intended.
Do we dare hold onto the hope some of us have for the "spiritually lost" that no matter have long they have been lost, there is hope for a rescue?
Until the end comes for them in the natural state of death or Jesus returns--we must continue to hold onto hope--for a rescue for lost loved ones who are being held captive by the enemy of their souls.
There is someone out there who is willing to go the extra mile to secure rescue--is it you? We can rescue the lost--spiritually--by our conduct and love towards those who need to know and understand God's love for them. Our lifestyle should be witness to them, our hope a life-line, and our faith the door to which Jesus can enter in and rescue their souls.
There are many who are lost--either physically or spiritually--and we can rejoice in their rescue--either physically or spiritually--as the angels in heaven rejoice over every soul who is rescued from the fiery pits of the enemy's domain--free to enjoy life as God intended. Rejoice and never lose sight of hope!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Perfect Gift for Mother's Day
The perfect gift that will last for awhile is always a good book. There are several good banks available on for the special women in your lives. My Father's Gift, When Money Talks, Trapped, and I Am All That God Says I Am. For a lasting impression and to save money--All books are under $5.00 --good reads that simply go for the "heart of the matter."
Step Back
When the solution to a problem eludes you, step back--you're too close to the problem--and see the big picture.
Have you ever had to step back from something because you were too close to it to see what needed to be seen?
Sometimes in life, we are too close--to people or problems--to see them with clarity. However, when we step back or away from them or it, we tend to see things clearly and can get a better handle on what needs to be done.
Imagine for a moment, if you will, this scenario with God as He has just finished His Creation--man. He stood back and looked upon all He had created--and being able to see down through all the generations of mankind--all the stuff that we would do (the wars, the hatred, the violence, infidelity, disobedience, and rebellion) and said, "It is good." How could He say it is good, knowing what we would do? When He stepped back, He saw the bigger picture--He saw Himself coming down to earth to reconcile man back to Him. He saw that some of us would be so grateful for His love that we would share the Gospel, willingly. He saw millions of people turning their lives around from sin to righteousness and encouraging others to develop a relationship with Him. He saw it all--the solution--and said, "it is good."
So, if you're too close to a problem to see your way out clearly, step back, see the big picture and the solution and say, "it's all good."
Have you ever had to step back from something because you were too close to it to see what needed to be seen?
Sometimes in life, we are too close--to people or problems--to see them with clarity. However, when we step back or away from them or it, we tend to see things clearly and can get a better handle on what needs to be done.
Imagine for a moment, if you will, this scenario with God as He has just finished His Creation--man. He stood back and looked upon all He had created--and being able to see down through all the generations of mankind--all the stuff that we would do (the wars, the hatred, the violence, infidelity, disobedience, and rebellion) and said, "It is good." How could He say it is good, knowing what we would do? When He stepped back, He saw the bigger picture--He saw Himself coming down to earth to reconcile man back to Him. He saw that some of us would be so grateful for His love that we would share the Gospel, willingly. He saw millions of people turning their lives around from sin to righteousness and encouraging others to develop a relationship with Him. He saw it all--the solution--and said, "it is good."
So, if you're too close to a problem to see your way out clearly, step back, see the big picture and the solution and say, "it's all good."
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Seek, Desire, and Receive
"...but they who seek the Lord shall not want (lack) any good thing." (Psalm 34:10)
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4)
So the Word says, if I seek Him--look to Him for wisdom in all my decision making, I will not have any lack of any good thing--all my needs are met. And then, the Word says--When I choose to please Him, He will give me the desires (things I want, not need) of my heart. Hmm!
If we are experiencing lack (need) in any area of our lives, perhaps we need to look and see what we're doing or attempting to do--without His guidance and direction. Perhaps, we are attempting to please man more than God and we are not acquiring those things we want. Perhaps.
When I look around the world and see the chaos and violence, hunger and hopeless--I have to wonder if God has forgotten people or have people forgotten God.
Lord, help us to remember Your Word that we might always please You and have abundant joy and love in our hearts to see need and are able to bless others, as You continue to bless us. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen! And it is done!
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4)
So the Word says, if I seek Him--look to Him for wisdom in all my decision making, I will not have any lack of any good thing--all my needs are met. And then, the Word says--When I choose to please Him, He will give me the desires (things I want, not need) of my heart. Hmm!
If we are experiencing lack (need) in any area of our lives, perhaps we need to look and see what we're doing or attempting to do--without His guidance and direction. Perhaps, we are attempting to please man more than God and we are not acquiring those things we want. Perhaps.
When I look around the world and see the chaos and violence, hunger and hopeless--I have to wonder if God has forgotten people or have people forgotten God.
Lord, help us to remember Your Word that we might always please You and have abundant joy and love in our hearts to see need and are able to bless others, as You continue to bless us. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen! And it is done!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Reading--Adventures in the Making
Reading is a great joy to me and has been since I was kid, reading my first "Golden Book" series.
What an adventure!
What's really sad to see is the adventure of reading being lost to video games and all things electronic--that do nothing to enhance reading experiences. That is not to say that everything electronic is bad--there is a great deal of good in electronics when used for the purpose of exploration.
I have explored the historical backgrounds of people, places, and events in the Bible with the use of technology. I have written a number of stories, using technology to share them. I love my Kindle--old eyes sometimes need a larger font to read with ease. And I also love the Bible IS app on my phone.
So why is the adventure of reading becoming lost--especially to our children? Children do what they see their parents or other adults in their lives do--if they see influential adults in their lives reading, they will read. Now is the time to think about how to get children to read, read, and read. The more they read, the better they become at it and will reap the rewards in school until they finish college.
Reading--is more than fundamental or foundational; it is an adventure--opening pathways of knowledge or travel--and one never has to leave the comforts of home (or library) to make the discovery. Let's jump into a book and begin the adventures anew!
Make the experience of reading worthwhile--become a character--and shake things up a bit while you're reading!
What an adventure!
What's really sad to see is the adventure of reading being lost to video games and all things electronic--that do nothing to enhance reading experiences. That is not to say that everything electronic is bad--there is a great deal of good in electronics when used for the purpose of exploration.
I have explored the historical backgrounds of people, places, and events in the Bible with the use of technology. I have written a number of stories, using technology to share them. I love my Kindle--old eyes sometimes need a larger font to read with ease. And I also love the Bible IS app on my phone.
So why is the adventure of reading becoming lost--especially to our children? Children do what they see their parents or other adults in their lives do--if they see influential adults in their lives reading, they will read. Now is the time to think about how to get children to read, read, and read. The more they read, the better they become at it and will reap the rewards in school until they finish college.
Reading--is more than fundamental or foundational; it is an adventure--opening pathways of knowledge or travel--and one never has to leave the comforts of home (or library) to make the discovery. Let's jump into a book and begin the adventures anew!
Make the experience of reading worthwhile--become a character--and shake things up a bit while you're reading!
Monday, May 6, 2013
In Times Like These
In times like these, we need a Savior!
If we look around at all the stuff going on in the world, most of us would end up shaking our heads--wondering what is going on?
Life--a very precious commodity--is not respected on so many levels that there is not space enough on this blog to tell it all. People are being killed because of jealousy, hatred, and in some cases--just because--they were at the wrong place at the wrong time--because someone hated themselves enough to disrespect the lives of others.
We tolerate people making fun of Christians, belittling their beliefs and then we parade--highly profile--what God has said is sin. How crazy is that. On one hand--men say, "don't share your religious beliefs, that's your personal business" and on the other hand, "please share your sexual exploitations--the world needs to know" and then we celebrate the openness and courage of "sin"! Have we got this twisted or what?
Parents do not parent--they would rather be buddies with their children than their parents.
Children do not respect any adults because they have no respect for their parents.
Preachers disrespect their calling and in the office in which they have--they say one thing and do everything else. Hypocrites, is what Jesus called.
Criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens and the only justice available is left up to those sitting on a bench who have political agendas to promote. And then we wonder why people take matters into their own hands?
Legislators legislate laws that only benefit the wealthy--forget about the poor and the needy, the vulnerable--the very people Christians have been mandated to care about in defending their rights.
Oh Yes! In times like these, we need a Risen Savior and I am very sure, my anchor will hold against the tide that rises up against those who believe and confess--that Jesus Christ is Lord!
If we look around at all the stuff going on in the world, most of us would end up shaking our heads--wondering what is going on?
Life--a very precious commodity--is not respected on so many levels that there is not space enough on this blog to tell it all. People are being killed because of jealousy, hatred, and in some cases--just because--they were at the wrong place at the wrong time--because someone hated themselves enough to disrespect the lives of others.
We tolerate people making fun of Christians, belittling their beliefs and then we parade--highly profile--what God has said is sin. How crazy is that. On one hand--men say, "don't share your religious beliefs, that's your personal business" and on the other hand, "please share your sexual exploitations--the world needs to know" and then we celebrate the openness and courage of "sin"! Have we got this twisted or what?
Parents do not parent--they would rather be buddies with their children than their parents.
Children do not respect any adults because they have no respect for their parents.
Preachers disrespect their calling and in the office in which they have--they say one thing and do everything else. Hypocrites, is what Jesus called.
Criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens and the only justice available is left up to those sitting on a bench who have political agendas to promote. And then we wonder why people take matters into their own hands?
Legislators legislate laws that only benefit the wealthy--forget about the poor and the needy, the vulnerable--the very people Christians have been mandated to care about in defending their rights.
Oh Yes! In times like these, we need a Risen Savior and I am very sure, my anchor will hold against the tide that rises up against those who believe and confess--that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
When Money Talks
Having What You Say
Jesus tells His disciples (then) and us (now), that if "we have faith
and do not doubt, we shall have whatever we say" (Mark 11:22-24
So, do you have what you say?
Is this economy draining the life out of you? Are you still sick and tired? Do complaints come out of your mouth faster than praise? If so, this is where your faith is working--on those things you say.
Want to change your circumstances? Change what you say!
If the enemy is attacking your body--speak words of healing; say out loud, "I am healed and whole from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and every part and organ in between."
If the enemy is attacking your finances--speak words of abundance,"My Father is rich and He has given me power to get wealth, no good thing will He withhold from me, He has given me favor everywhere I go, I have more than enough, I am blessed to be a blessing" (this could go on for a while, but I hope you get the picture).
If the enemy is attacking your mind--speak The Word--"God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. God's word will fulfill everything He sent it to do."
If the enemy is attacking family and friends--try this one on for size; "Lord Jesus, bring them quickly to the end of themselves so they will know they can count only on You." (speak it aloud and over them, let them know what you're praying).
Now the question is--do you have the faith to bring it all to pass? If there is any doubt--in your thinking or coming out of your mouth--you will not see the manifestation of what you desire because you did not speak it in faith. It doesn't matter how long it takes--have faith and do not doubt--and watch God bring it to pass when You hear and do what He tells you to do so you can see it.
Hallelujah for our Risen King and bringing all things to pass as we speak it in faith--no doubt, no doubt-just faith in Him!
So, do you have what you say?
Is this economy draining the life out of you? Are you still sick and tired? Do complaints come out of your mouth faster than praise? If so, this is where your faith is working--on those things you say.
Want to change your circumstances? Change what you say!
If the enemy is attacking your body--speak words of healing; say out loud, "I am healed and whole from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and every part and organ in between."
If the enemy is attacking your finances--speak words of abundance,"My Father is rich and He has given me power to get wealth, no good thing will He withhold from me, He has given me favor everywhere I go, I have more than enough, I am blessed to be a blessing" (this could go on for a while, but I hope you get the picture).
If the enemy is attacking your mind--speak The Word--"God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. God's word will fulfill everything He sent it to do."
If the enemy is attacking family and friends--try this one on for size; "Lord Jesus, bring them quickly to the end of themselves so they will know they can count only on You." (speak it aloud and over them, let them know what you're praying).
Now the question is--do you have the faith to bring it all to pass? If there is any doubt--in your thinking or coming out of your mouth--you will not see the manifestation of what you desire because you did not speak it in faith. It doesn't matter how long it takes--have faith and do not doubt--and watch God bring it to pass when You hear and do what He tells you to do so you can see it.
Hallelujah for our Risen King and bringing all things to pass as we speak it in faith--no doubt, no doubt-just faith in Him!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
We've Got The Victory
We've got the victory, hallelujah! We've got the victory, hallelujah!
The phrases of a song mean so much than a song in our lives today. I'm not just talking about "us" as individuals, but more specifically, my husband and I.
For the past 10 weeks, when we were told that my husband had prostrate cancer, we have been in the battle--against depression, anger, and self-pity and the physical strain and stress of radiation treatments. Like most human beings--his reaction was fear--the word cancer--has a tendency to ignite fear in the most devout believers. I had watched my mother succumb to the disease and she died and 58 years old. I was not about to lose my husband. After the initial shock he looked as if he wanted to have a pity-party and I told him right then and there--if he tried, I'd put my size 10 up his hind parts.
We were going to fight this battle with the faith and understanding that every name is "beneath" the name of Jesus! Not only did we pray in faith, we continued to "live" in faith. Nothing changed! We did exactly what we always did with the addition of his getting radiation treatments. Even though I knew he was suffering, I said nothing, but thanked God for the victory each time he left out the door. Yesterday, 5/3/13, was the last treatment and we can shout--WE'VE GOT THE VICTORY!
The battle is The Lord's, and we win every time we allow Him to do what must be done. No weapon--not cancer, not depression, not self-pity, not physical struggle, not fear, not doubt, nor financial loss, or anything else the enemy tosses our way--formed against us shall by any means prosper! Hallelujah for the victory in Jesus!
The phrases of a song mean so much than a song in our lives today. I'm not just talking about "us" as individuals, but more specifically, my husband and I.
For the past 10 weeks, when we were told that my husband had prostrate cancer, we have been in the battle--against depression, anger, and self-pity and the physical strain and stress of radiation treatments. Like most human beings--his reaction was fear--the word cancer--has a tendency to ignite fear in the most devout believers. I had watched my mother succumb to the disease and she died and 58 years old. I was not about to lose my husband. After the initial shock he looked as if he wanted to have a pity-party and I told him right then and there--if he tried, I'd put my size 10 up his hind parts.
We were going to fight this battle with the faith and understanding that every name is "beneath" the name of Jesus! Not only did we pray in faith, we continued to "live" in faith. Nothing changed! We did exactly what we always did with the addition of his getting radiation treatments. Even though I knew he was suffering, I said nothing, but thanked God for the victory each time he left out the door. Yesterday, 5/3/13, was the last treatment and we can shout--WE'VE GOT THE VICTORY!
The battle is The Lord's, and we win every time we allow Him to do what must be done. No weapon--not cancer, not depression, not self-pity, not physical struggle, not fear, not doubt, nor financial loss, or anything else the enemy tosses our way--formed against us shall by any means prosper! Hallelujah for the victory in Jesus!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Excerpt from When Money Talks (2)
Mara stayed just long
enough to inquire if there was anything she could help others with and being
told no, prepared to leave. As she
walked through the lobby, going towards the door, Eric came from Bonnie’s
office and they both waited for the security guard to unlock the door so they
could leave.
“So, how did the first
day go?” Eric asked.
“It went well,” Mara
responded, no more cordial than she was earlier and not really looking at
him. She was fidgety, impatiently
waiting for the security guard.
Eric took a really good
look at her, appraising her from head to toe.
He noted how sophisticated she looked in the navy blue suit she wore,
with a red silk blouse and matching red heels.
He wondered why she was so impatient and then it occurred to him, she
might have someone waiting for her at home.
Even that thought didn’t deter him from thinking about how much he
appreciated her exquisite good looks.
“I’m glad. I hope every day goes well for you. I understand you’re from Atlanta. Why did you decide to move to Houston?”
“I needed a change,”
Mara replied, exasperated with the question.
“Is that good enough for you?”
“Whoa! I didn’t mean to offend you,” Eric
apologized. “I was just trying to hold polite conversation while we wait.”
At that moment, the
security guard returned from wherever he had been and unlocked the door. As they walked out into the early evening
heat onto a bustling sidewalk of people, Eric turned to tell her good-bye, but
she was walking in the opposite direction. For a second or two, he started to
let her go without any further attempt to say anything to her, but then decided
he wanted to know what was eating at her, so he followed her around the corner
of the building.
“Mara,” Eric called
after her, “Could you wait just a moment?”
Mara stopped and turned
around, really irritated now. She
couldn’t imagine what he could have to say to her and she certainly didn’t have
anything to say to him. While she was pondering
what he could want, he caught up with her.
“Mara, have I offended
you by anything I said?” Eric asked as he stopped and stood in front of her.
“Not really,” she
replied. “I just don’t like people asking me questions that are none of their
“I wasn’t trying to be
nosy, just friendly. That’s the way
Texans are. We are very friendly people,
you know,” he said smiling, sensing how uncomfortable she was and wanting to
make her feel at ease with him.
Mara stood and stared at
the man in front of her. Eric had a
stocky, muscular build, was over six feet tall, and wore his dark wavy hair cut
short. His smile revealed slightly
imperfect white teeth and changed his demeanor from somber to playful. Listening to him make an appeal about Texans
being friendly made her smile. She
visibly relaxed, at least for a moment.
“Eric, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that moving here, finding a job,
and being alone without friends or family has made me a little tense. I didn’t mean to take it out on you,” she
There was a lost sheep
air about her that tugged at Eric’s heart.
As she stood there looking up at him, waiting for him to accept her
apology, he saw a wealth of wisdom that did not belong in the eyes of one so
young—a wisdom that could only come from the experience of tragedy. He noticed her long mahogany hair framing her
exquisitely shaped face—somewhere between being an oval and pear-shaped, her
wide-set oval eyes and pert little nose.
Her full lips were now almost turned down in the cutest frown he had
ever seen. He wanted to get to know her.
“Let’s start all over
again. Hi, my name is Eric Harrison and
I’m very pleased to meet you Miss…,” he said holding out his hand waiting for
her to fill in the missing name.
“Mara Mooring,” she
responded holding out her own hand and smiling at him. I’m pleased to meet you.”
“Well, since we are so
pleased to meet one another, would I seem forward if I offered to buy you a cup
of coffee?” he asked, grinning now at their little game.
Available soon as an ebook on the next 72 hours. You're going to love it!
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