Sunday, January 13, 2019

Russia, Russia, Russia!

Now, do people believe that Donald J. Trump is a Russian asset? Those of us who had already figured it out, feel vindicated in our stance trying to warn others that Russia was running our government. Of course, I don't expect Trumplicans or MAGAts to believe anything that doesn't flow from trump's mouth or the liars on Fox News, but hey, at some point, probably when they need to start speaking Russian, they'll figure it out. But that's their problem. They can all go exile to Russia and be happy. But the rest of us--who are more than the 38% of those who support the Russian, know who's who in America and we know--trump is not a loyal American, but a Russian plant.

In order to keep people unfocused, trump has pushed for and allowed the government shutdown--is it to make sure Putin has time to worm his way in and supplant American workers so they'll have control over our resources and assets and infrastructure? Well, is it? I'm sure the FBI knows, but every American--true Patriots--should feel the hair rising on the backs of the necks because trump truly is a national emergency and we need to remove him for the safety and security of our nation.
Will our impotent GOP Congress finally do something for America instead of for trump? We may never know. DOJ has to do its job and file charges of treason against trump and any of the GOP who have been complicit in their attempts to dismantle our government by interfering with the election process--across the nation--with attempts to suppress voters' rights or infringe upon their ability to vote. We are America! We are Americans! And America is governed by Democracy--not Democrats or Republicans, but Patriots who respect our Constitution and understand the importance of maintaining our Sovereign Republic for all Americans.

I challenge every trump supporter to ask him, point-blank--why he chose Russia over us. I wonder if they really understand that the Russian Asset has sold them out, too. They don't matter to trump as we can see from his stance about a wall that won't deter anyone from trying to get into this country. The gullible, hateful,  and fearful bigots are so easily led down a merry path of treason and they're too foolish to even know, they're being led to slaughter by their low IQ leader.

If a person hasn't taken the time to speak up before now--to acknowledge America is in a Constitutional Crisis and we must find resolution and the answer is not Pence or any other Republican--ever again, since we know, they cannot be trusted to safeguard American interests, they may never get the chance to express their thoughts about the matter. White Evangelicals are also responsible for this mess since they lied to their congregations about "God putting trump in the White House." God is not concerned about who is in the White House, but He is concerned about those He loves--regardless of political affiliation because those of us who believe God, know He operates out of love, not hate.  I am so sick of "so-called Christians" adding to the fearmongering we get from the White House. I know they're not true Christians because they don't function out of love, but hatred and fear, especially since they're supposed to believe that, "perfect love casts out fear." There is no "fearmongering employed by Jesus" in the Bible.

Where do we go from here? I suggest we all pay attention to all the information we have access to and not just Fox News who never tells the truth about trump on any level and know what our options are. We do have options. We can descend up Washington, DC like the locusts during the plague or we can sit back and twiddle our thumbs while democracy crumbles. It's up to us. Don't believe me? Let me refresh your memory--
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Who is the people? Those of us who are Americans, citizens of the United States, have an absolute right to hold those we elect accountable to abiding by the Constitution of the United States. If we don't hold them accountable, we become complicit in American's demise and eventual subjugation to other countries--especially our adversaries--like Russia.

In spite of all the hogwash being perpetuated by some, regarding the fact Democrats "were" the party of slaveholders--which is true, but it is also true that the Republican party's ideologies are more in line with the Democratic party of old. It is the Republican party who wants to control others while the Democratic party wants to liberate the spirit in every citizen, freeing them to achieve all they can achieve, shoring up equality for all and making sure that access to education, healthcare, and earned benefits (for veterans and senior citizens) are available to and for all--without discriminating practices hindering anyone from becoming all they can.

We have a reached a time--since the trump candidacy and time in the White House in which we must sure we are on the right side of history. For all that has been done and all that will be done will surely be written in the history books and when our grandchildren and great grandchildren ask us what we did to keep democracy working in America, what will we say? I've worked diligently to support all Democratic efforts to elect those who care about all and am now, still exploring the possibility of a Presidential Run, even the field is expanding with potential candidates. No matter what I end up doing, I know for a fact that I've been on the right side of history--warning people about the danger of electing trump even when people didn't believe me, and I've maintained a stance to keep people aware of what's going on in our country--continually--even though some have accused me falsely of perpetuating a lie. I'm not a liar, but there is a pathological liar currently residing in the White House and he's not there because I voted for him. Can you say the same?

If in fact, our planet still exists in the next 50 years--the historians will prove who was right and who was wrong. Since I'm already beyond the halfway mark of a century, I'm sure I won't be around to see it, but my grandchildren and their descendants will be. I'm acting on behalf of those I love because I want them to breathe clean air, drink clean water and not have their food supply contaminated by toxins in chemicals used in our soil.

Russia is here--in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania, Washington, DC! Will we continue to allow Russia to govern this great country or will we stand up and fight back to maintain and sustain our Democracy? We are Americans, so let's act like the Americans who fought in revolutions who at every turn, refused to back down from the liberty we sought and we will not do so, now!

EA Love

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Let's Get Started!

We've moved into the new year and I hope many of you have aspired to do great things for the greater good of all people. It's time to get started!

We cannot hold onto all the things that didn't work in 2018, but we must use the power of reflection and analysis to make sure we can plan better for 2019 and beyond. The problem with most of us--is human nature--the lack of ability to see or think beyond the moment and therefore, our plans often don't succeed because we must always look beyond where we are and where we want to go, but where we can see ourselves at least two years beyond the moment. If we have to make adjustments to get there, we make the adjustments by having a contingency plan, included in our plan of action.

Okay, 2018 mid terms are over. Local elections are coming up in probably most states in 2019 and we must get ready now and in the process, determine how what we do with our local elections in 2019 can shape what can happen in 2020--the next presidential election. I'm super glad that Democrats won big in a number of states that changed the "faces" literally in The House and since most of the Senate seats are up next, we can do the same thing there--if we plan and start working towards the goal--right now.

Local elections are important because many of those persons who win, move onto the state and national election venues. We must know who it is we elect to any position of governance at the basic level. We need to know who our school board members are--their character and nature, the county commissioners, the city council members (whatever they are know as--assemblies, etc.). Before we work to elect them to State offices, what have they done on the local level that warrants our trust at another level? Are watching what they do? Do they have the interests of all people at the heart of their votes or is it just about personal agendas and they don't care about the people? We must think about these things before committing our time and finances to anyone. We, the people who elect those who are supposed to represent us--must pay attention to everyone running for office. Electing people who have been in public service is a must--no matter what level that public service has been--it proves they have a heart for people.

Primaries are important! We must educate, inform everyone where we live on the importance of the primary elections in every state. Who ends up on the ballot for all general elections is decided by who wins the primaries. We must get people out to vote in all primaries at all times. If we don't--we may not end up with the best choices for the general elections.

Character matters--we cannot afford to promote or elect people of questionable character and that has nothing to do with their sexual orientation, gender or religious beliefs. Are they trustworthy? Are they corrupt? Would we trust them with our children--our most precious resources? These and other questions like these are the types of questions we must be willing to ask. If we can't get coherent responses or only get apathetic ones, we need to look for other candidates who can enthusiastically embrace and demonstrate our core beliefs--caring for humanity and in protecting our democracy.

With all of that being said, I'd like to encourage all who can--to help promote Democratic parties across the nation. I know many cannot afford to contribute financially to all (I can't), but if everyone with a social media presence, promotes Democratic Candidates across the nation, no matter where they are, we can help make a difference. Right now, I'm thinking specifically about Kentucky, South Carolina, West Virginia and Tennessee. We can locate Democratic parties through Facebook in every state and encourage them by our support in helping them to find candidates who can win against every Republican who has stood in lock-step with trump--voting against the interests of the people.

If we get started now--we can help make a positive difference in every state across the nation, but we must get started now. Are you with me? Let's get started! And make sure our promotion and support is about the issues--not trump. No matter what we say about trump, his supporters won't be dissuaded so we must concentrate on the 68% of the population who will work to get the job done. Remember--Democrats have already demonstrated, we care about all the people and we must ensure that all the people have access to healthcare, veterans are taken care of, working citizens have livable wages, and a quality education is available for all. If you tend to forget, keep this blog handy and refer to it often--Democrats Care About All The People!

for the ppl