Sunday, November 23, 2014

Think On These Things!

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." (Philippians 4:8 NKJV)

When I look at the reactions of people to hearing "negative reports" about situations and people, I am reminded that the end is truly near. We pulverize people with our negative comments and innuendo without having all the facts about anything. That is truly amazing to me that we--take one sound bite--one tiny misrepresented piece of information--and then blow it all out proportion, condemning people who have not been tried or found guilty of anything other than being foolish. We take sides and give no thought to the lives being ruined and reputations being tarnished--all to appease an apparently innate desire to speak or write without thinking--of the consequences of what we do or say.

Are we so insecure and unhappy that we live to destroy others as a means to entertain ourselves?

Is there nothing else in the world we could think about--solving some problems--rather than creating them?

Without proof of anything other than what we have heard--we loudly proclaim our ignorance when we expect people to defend themselves and provide more fuel for the idiots to consume and spew into cyberspace--becoming obnoxious by the second and still not knowing truth.

Even Paul wrote this centuries ago, there is applicable truth to what he says. Instead of meditating, thinking, and spouting the negatives about people, we need to change our mindset and think--really use our brains and common sense (if such a thing still exists) to logically approach a matter before we become part of the rumor mill spreading lies.

When we don't know the whole story about anything, our response should be to pray--for all concerned and then wait--until the whole truth is known before we take sides and condemn others for things they may not have done.

Think on the positives, the praiseworthy, the noble, the virtues, the good reports--not those things that become part of character assassination without having full knowledge of a situation.

What we must remember is this--the same judgment we show towards others will come back upon us. Never judge a matter without having all the facts unless we want someone judging us in the same manner.

The truth will set us all free--from lying lips and tongues and character attacks meant to destroy. Remember this--it is Satan's job to steal, kill and destroy and he uses everyone who is willing to be used as a tool by him.

Think On These Things available on

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