"There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community." (Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV)
Let me see if I can break this down to the lowest possible simplicity:
Haughty eyes--those who look at someone else with scornful arrogance--thinking they are better than others.
Lying tongue--those tongues that wag ceaselessly, telling untruths.
Hands that shed innocent blood--taking a life that does not belong to you for any reason, not justifiable.
Hearts that devise wicked schemes--hard-hearted people who do not know love and therefore are full of hatefulness, planning the demise of others.
Feet quick to rush into evil--those who are quick to run to provoke evil and spread lies to convince others to do evil.
A false witness who pours out lies--those who willingly attest to a wrong-doing that never occurred simply to benefit themselves.
A person who stirs up conflict in the community--those who promote unrest and instability within entire communities for no other reason that be a tool of evil.
is nothing new under the sun and these things--we see everyday in the
news media--to report allegations without evidence or proof of a
person's wrong-doing, provoking society into conflict and hatefulness,
those who willing falsify information for the 15 seconds of fame they
hope to get, those who take the lives of others for no other reason than
they are evil personified, and we know their hearts are evil when we
see the plans they devise, implemented. And for any and all who promote
something as true without proof, shame on all. In this country, the justice system is supposedly based upon the presumption of innocence, UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!
What The Lord hates, we who Believe should also hate and condemn those who provoke evil and report lies as truth. The lake of fire is waiting for all liars.
help us all, to see things the way You see them and to do all You would
do, to ensure peace, joy, and prosperity for all, through the overflow
of love You have shown us.
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