Monday, June 29, 2015

God Inspired Purpose of Scripture!

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16, 17 NIV)

What I have found amazing in the past few days is the number of people who claim not to believe "in an ancient book of myths written by men" but will use it, "cherry-picking" to support and condone their stance in opposition to God's Word. Now, think about it--isn't that just like Satan to try to use God's Word to convince Jesus to do act in opposition to God's Word?

The same God, who inspired men to write down the words they heard God speak to their hearts, is the same God is who is yet inspiring people to write today. That "ancient book of myths" has held its own for centuries and will still be used as a guide by the remnant that God promises to save to Himself.

I don't have a problem with people not believing the bible because at one time, I had challenged those who believed in it. However, when my relationship with God changed, allowing me to hear Him speak to me, I understood and accepted the love He has for me--a love so great--that He inspired men to write down how He wanted me to live. Notice, the personalization of what I'm saying with the use of the pronoun--I. Being in relationship with God is an individual, personal, choice. If no one else ever understands this, I'll stand on God's Word alone.

You see, many unbelievers are now trying to quote the Bible. "Jesus just said, love."  "God said don't judge." And one woman yesterday tried to make a case for her condoning sin by saying, "Adam and Eve were not married and children out of wedlock." She didn't understand that God performed the first marriage and had she continued reading Genesis, she would have known God's definition of marriage. I really wanted to respond, but Holy Spirit wouldn't allow me to do so. For the Word also says, "For them that be ignorant, let them be ignorant." Marriage did not come after Christianity; marriage was established in the Garden with the creation of mankind. Too many people confuse religious concepts with Christianity to the point they want to negate all God did in the beginning. Understanding can only come through reading and opening one's heart to hear God explain Himself.

In the passage of Scripture used as a foundation for my blog today, Paul reminds Timothy that "all" (nothing left out of all) Scripture is God-breathed or inspired. Therefore, we should not get overly indignant when people don't understand and only select the passages they want to use. The fact that they use Scripture at all, puts them into greater risk of being judged by God since they chose to misuse it for ungodly purposes. If a person claims they don't believe in the Bible, they shouldn't try quoting it when they have no idea what it means when comprehension of it is only achieved by understanding the "totality" of The Word, not bits and pieces.

I don't have a problem with people who claim they don't believe in God. Their very confession of unbelief is a contradiction to their behavior since they generally spend an inordinate amount of time talking about a God they don't believe in to convince those who do believe that we're foolish. Well, the Bible states, "the fool has said in his heart, there is no God." Since I am not a fool and know right well that God is--their unbelief won't hinder my relationship with God.

When I agree with God, I confirm on a daily basis that my relationship with Him is intact and I have not conformed to the world's perception and beliefs of anything that contradict Him, but I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind in Christ Jesus. I have the mind of Christ--discovered in God's Word--and use God's Words to teach, rebuke, correct and train others to know how to respond to the enemy's attacks. I am thoroughly equipped to accomplish every good work assigned to me. No matter what the government does, the Supreme Court does or anyone else does or say, I will agree with God in all things and in the end, when I stand before Him, I will have no shame about the things I've done and I can expect to hear, "Well done, daughter!"

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