Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul. Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth." (Psalm 108:1-5 NIV)

This psalm is a reflection of my thoughts and my emotions are running high! But I have to remember that no matter what happens in any given day, no matter how many challenges rise to deter me from my course, that I can and will sing--to The Lord, thanking Him for being who He is, praising Him for the victories won on a daily basis, and for His faithfulness towards us. I can and will sing at any given opportunity, whether I sound like a choir of angels or a pond of croaking frogs; whether I can sing loud enough to be heard a block away or whisper a melody that only God can hear--I will sing!

When our hearts are heavy with the burdens we carry, an uplifting song will ease those burdens away. If we can't remember all the lyrics of a published songs, we can change the words to suit our heart's desire and sing anyway. At the craziest moments--a song has risen in my heart that no one else has ever heard before, but the Lord provides me the melody and the lyrics and when the moment is over--I seldom remember the words or the melody, but God knows.

One of my favorite songs is--"I've got the victory, Hallelujah; I've got victory, Hallelujah, I've got the victory, Hallelujah. Every knee shall bow and every heart confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, Every knee shall bow and every heart confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. 2) The devil is liar--Hallelujah!  3) Enemies are defeated, Hallelujah!

Another includes the words; "Can't stop praising His Name, I just can't stop praising His Name, I just can't stop praising His Name, Jesus--Hallelujah Jesus!

I could go on and on as I'm sure many could, but the point of this is encourage all to sing a song of praise, of worship, with joy overflowing, remembering that nothing--no weapon--shall ever deter us from accomplish our goals as long as we have song in hearts to keep us focused on God's goodness. I feel a song coming on.

No matter what I do this day,
No matter how I feel,
I close my eyes and feel His presence,
His love overflowing, wiping away my tears,
I feel Him holding me close, making whole and healed,
And I listen to His voice, "Within My arms, there's no fear."
I open my eyes, looking towards heaven, waiting for that day,
When all pain is washed away, and with Him, I'll always stay.
I see the bright blue sky, the sun's light brightly shining over all He's made,
And I know, I can make it because of who He is,
And I know, I can make it because of who He is.
And I know, I can make it because of who He is,
My everything, all I'll ever need--is Him in my life!  (choose a melody for yourself)

Glory Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus for speaking to my heart and reminding me all is well with my soul and there's nothing I cannot accomplish with You going before me--preparing hearts to receive all You have to tell them, clearing out obstacles so that You alone get all the glory. Oh Yes, I will sing and tell all who listen--How great The Lord Is--mighty Savior is He. I will sing--through the tears and pain, the heartache and the rain, I will sing!

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