Friday, November 6, 2015

Praying For a Damascus Road Experience!

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "not get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." (Acts 9:3-6 NIV)
 Many know the story of Saul's conversion and all the great things he accomplished as Paul. But what sticks out to me the most is the fact that as Saul, he was a religious man--full of knowledge and zeal, without relationship with God. After his Damascus road experience, he was yet full of knowledge and zeal, in relationship with God, without being religious. And that's the place we all need to be--in relationship with God, not being religious. For it is in relationship with God that we hear God when he speaks. Being religious limits our ability since we are too busy trying to please men/women and doing what they say God is saying to them. These are the modern day Pharisees and Sadducees--the religious leaders who in their zeal to control others, have missed hearing God and pleasing Him.

Father, in the name of Jesus,

I pray for the unbelieving, the doubters, the atheists, the agnostics, and all who by any other label, deny your existence and the Deity of Your Son.

Create for them, O God, an experience in which the light of truth will guide their paths to You so they'll have a testimony of their own Damascus Road revelation. Provide them with knowledgeable people in their lives who can and will teach them Your truths and not the religious ideology that permeates the earth, yet is ineffective against the enemy who wages war within and without.

Bring all to a place where they realize they need You as their provider, comforter, healer, and counselor.

Cause the scales of unbelief and doubt to fall from their eyes so they can see You in all Your glory and begin to magnify and praise You, O God.

And before this day is over, Lord, let the number of souls won to You be increased a thousand times more than there right now and even greater numbers come to You before the end of this month.

I stand in the gap--desiring only to please You and see souls saved so we can live in peace, knowing how to love one another as we love You.

Your Word says that whatever we ask in Jesus' name will be given to us when we believe and not doubt. I believe souls are won as this prayer is shared and I declare it done--to the glory of the Most High. Amen!

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