Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why None Can Compare To Our God!

Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare. Psalm 40:5 NIV
Reading this passage reminds me of what testimonies used to be--a testament of God's goodness.

I know many people are still testifying of His goodness--all the things He has done--delivering them out of darkness and bringing them into His marvelous light. He has healed bodies and emotional distress. He has saved us from ourselves when we didn't realize we needed to be saved. He has made ways out of no way. He has planned our future and keeps us on the path of success when we obey Him. He warns us of impending dangers and keeps giving us chance after chance to get living right--according to His Word.

While I cannot speak for others, I can certainly speak for myself. I am here today because of His Love and His Plans for me. When the enemy attempted to take me out by discouraging me, God was there. In the midst of two rear-end collisions in which I should have been dead, God was there. When I thought I was so grown I didn't have to listen to anyone else, He was right there, waiting for me to reach the end of myself so I would know, I needed Him.

When I had a stroke, He reminded me of His promise to me--and I reminded the devil, I will live and be restored whole. When darkness clouded my life and thoughts, He removed the clouds so I could see all that He had prepared for me. I am a survivor of so much that my heart is filled to overflowing knowing that He was right there and nothing the enemy planned, worked. I have been through some fires, some floods (figuratively speaking)--been on the mountain-top and in the valley and everywhere I was, so was He. There is none like Him!

When we trust people--they usually let us down because of their fickleness, but God is faithful, even when we are not and He never changes. Doctors may have some book knowledge and skills, but it is The Lord who guides them when they listen. When we fly--our hope and trust should not just be in the pilot's abilities, but in God who can keep the plane in the air until it's time for it to come down and safely land it. When we ask Him to bless our food (and our tummies, too), He can remove anything from the food that might harm us and we may never know it.

There is not enough space for me to proclaim all that He has done for me and what I know He will do because all of His promises are true--I simply have to stay in position--in obedience--to receive them. Can we say that anyone does what God does? No! There is no One like Him!

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