Friday, March 17, 2017

Disaster In The White House!

A troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth, who winks maliciously with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers, who plots evil with deceit in his heart— he always stirs up conflict. Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy. There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Proverbs 6:12-19 NIV
As hard as I try to see a redeeming quality in 45--it just doesn't seem possible. On a daily basis; he becomes more abhorrent than the day before. Forget trying to see any parts of Christ reigning in his life--he is of the devil and everything he does--demonstrates it.

His only goal--to pacify the rich and make everyone else suffer--including those who voted for him.
Between Bannon and Miller's control over him and his own ineptness, it's a wonder the walls at the White House haven't collapsed from the sheer absurdity of who and what is in the office.

Talk about hating people--45 makes me wonder if his parents ever showed him any affection at all. We know his rich daddy bought his way through everything and he's never learned to accept any responsibility for his actions because we see it--daily. He constantly missteps and lies and never apologizes for his wrong doing while others around him get shoved under the bus by association.

Is this going to be the way we see the trash get taken out of the White House--anyone associating with him first?

He should be thrown out in the midst of all those who will suffer from his hateful policies! The elderly and poor, the middle-class worker who sought relief from his presidency and who only get buried with the healthcare coverage and still won't have the "good jobs" he promised. The only people who benefit from a "tRump presidency are the very rich."

Sadly, those who might have had a chance of redemption have positioned themselves to dwell in the burning lake for all eternity with him since they think it's more important to support his lies than to tell the truth.

At any rate--if people don't see or understand that his promises are as empty as his brain, they are deluding themselves if they think their lives are going to get better under the pathological liar-in-chief who doesn't have a clue or the temperament to be in the White House.

I listened to Rep. Chris Collins yesterday on "The Messy Truth" with Van Jones and heard the obvious "talking points" of the GOP--"we've suffered for the last eight years under Obama." This is a talking point that has been debunked over and over, but I guess they (GOP) figure if they keep repeating it; it will be true. Another way of seeing what is happening is to remember--how the "GOP obstructed Obama"--refused to cooperate or work with the democrats in moving the country forward and it was a "deliberate plan by the Republican leadership" who bragged about it. So, if there was any suffering--it was caused by the obstructionists, not President Obama.

I have come to the conclusion that Republicans think it's more important to lie and support party than work for the betterment of the country. This is one of the reasons that the audience laughed when Collins said he'd give 45 "A" for a grade. And every time a republican purports that he's doing just great--he believes the lie and his supporters get screwed with the rest of us.

It doesn't help that with his lack of ability that he thinks "watching movies, fake news and reading parts of right-wing conspiracy theories" provides him with knowledge and understanding. His reading comprehension skills are non-existent and if he had a functioning brain, he'd know he's being played by everyone in the White House around him--especially Bannon and Miller (Spicer, Priebus and Conway--are just too foolish to understand what's going on right in front of them).

So, yes there is a disaster in the White House and it's effects shall soon be felt by all.

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