Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Corruption In The Midst!

They have sunk deep into corruption, as in the days of Gibeah. God will remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins. Hosea 9:9 NIV
Mob boss mentality. Organized crime tactics. Payola. Rudy Giuliani. Donald J. Trump. Mike Pence, FBI agents (loyal to Giuliani), NYPD, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadow, Matt Gaetz, Most Congressional GOP, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy, et al.

These are the people who have deliberately conspired to undermine democracy in America and are yet collaborating with the enemy--within the White House.

Did you ever imagine seeing what is happening in America--right now? The Oval Office resident, taking instructions from Vladmir Putin to keep him exposing "salacious truths" about a Russian visit--that from all accounts--have been verified with flight logs and credible witnesses. Did you imagine that?

Did you ever imagine having our election process tainted and hacked by those who are afraid of losing control over people? That is why they're doing what they're doing--fear is driving them which proves there is no love within any of them.

Did you ever imagine that an elected leader would instigate and ignite so much hatred in the land that people actually think they have a right to taunt, maim, and kill those who don't look like them or worship like them--just because?

Is this America--land of the free, home of the brave when one segment of the population is steering elected leaders to squash and undermine the Constitution?

The corruption is deep-seated and in high places, wearing ties and suits, beginning in the White House and trickling down the hall and out the door up the hill--fear washing away common sense and civility and decency and honor and integrity until there is nothing left but anger, hatred and bigotry where everyone is suspected of doing something wrong based upon feelings where no evidence exists. All a ploy to cover up the involvement of so many who wanted to win an election so badly they were willing to sell their souls and they did, but now--the end is near and all the corruption is about to be exposed simply because--"whatever is hidden or done in the dark shall be revealed."
All the angst and screaming and shouting and redundancy--won't matter. Innocent people--don't fear investigations and they don't keep screaming the same lie--day after day, to whoever will listen and by now--no one is listening to the false proclamations of--No collusion.

Consider this for a moment--a pathological liar who lies about everything (being his own publicist and his net worth), to crowd size and approval ratings and celebrity (only the foolish believe) is going to lie about everything else and we see--thanks to Stormy Daniels (who has really created a storm)--just how corrupt Donald J. Trump is and will be for he knows not the way of righteousness. All he knows is how to blame others for his ineptness and incompetence and in how to rape the United States Treasury--without regard to the fact that tax payer dollars--don't belong to him.
But then--that's the way dictators act--they raid the treasuries so they can live luxurious lives, while they burden the poor and the needy for they have no use for them. We see this in all the overturned regulations that allow air pollution and contamination of water and soil and who does this hurt the most? The poor saps who believed he cared about them and now--they're beginning to see--albeit a bit late in the game--he cares for no one but himself.

They failed to see how corrupt a business man he was and is. They failed to take note of the lies he told about Hillary and others for making up lies is what he does best. They failed to take off the blinders of idol worship to see and understand what was right in front of them--Corruption with yellow hair and a long red tie waving in the wind of callously calculated deception and demagoguery. Now, they have to live with it just like the rest of us, only we who see--are fighting back--resisting the evil that lurks and permeates the very air we breath, choking those in DC and keeping them toeing the line of corruption that's about to break and deliver them all into the pits of hell, they dug.

Don't blame Comey, Rosenstein or Mueller for the corruption in which the evildoers are mired. Those who are fighting to see truth prevail are not responsible for the corruption, but will make sure justice prevails and all the corruption is known along with the corruptors who think they can hide behind their positions as lawmakers.

There is another group of people responsible for the deceptive flimflam we see--White Evangelicals who claim to be Christians, but know not Christ and we see it in their efforts to control others, disregard the rights of the poor and the needy and in lying to the general public about the monster they claim--has come to know God--yet their proclamation is without evidence of any fruit--you know--the fruit of the Holy Spirit--the evidence He is now in control--you know--love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, hope, faith, (integrity & honor), patience, and self-control. They promoted a person who doesn't even know what civility means and therefore we certainly can't expect him to conduct himself--civilly--with others--and he doesn't. No class, no decorum, no integrity, no honor, no decency whatsoever and they--the White Evangelicals--claim this person is God's choice to lead America. How quickly they learned to lie and are promoting the continuation of the lie just so they can garner control over what others do. In the end, God will have His way and they won't like what awaits them and all other liars--the lake of fire.

But as bad as it all seems there is hope--God will turn it around to benefit all He loves. And that is the key--God is love, not hate and love will triumph over hate. And all who know God, belong to God and understand that, "perfect love (unconditional love) casts out fear" will see the darkness dispelled when truth is revealed.

It's time for a change and all who know how to love--unconditionally--can bring change into effect and reach others so nothing like this will ever happen again. Make a commitment to vote Blue in every election in every state so evil will never again have a chance to wreck our democracy in the guise of "false patriotism" promoting fascists.
EverydayAmericans bch
EA Interests

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Which Way Do We Go?

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Luke 12:2-5 NIV
A lot has been going on in our society lately, especially in the political arena and in DC. With all of the uproar and rumors, eventually the truth will be known, about everything, not just one thing, about one person--but about everything and everyone involved in deceiving America. The cover is about to be pulled off the hidden stuff and there will be much grinding of teeth and angst. We already see it--fear--has caused total incoherence in the White House, but they'll never admit it.

How do I know? I pay attention--to what is said, by whom it's said and watching the conduct of all those who claim--they're innocent.

Innocent people are not afraid of investigations--they welcome them--especially when the truth will set them free from any doubt of wrong doing.

Innocent people don't threaten other people with illegal detainment and arrest and prosecution.
Innocent people have no problem answering questions from whoever wants to ask.

Innocent people welcome the opportunity for total transparency so they can move on with their lives without concern about being "exposed."

Guilty people--on the other hand--are always decrying victimization by others and it's always someone else's fault.

Guilty people are read by their body language which indicates--something hidden and fear rises to the service making them stammer and stutter.

Guilty people don't know when to shut up--always have to accuse others of what they're guilty of doing.

We've heard a lot from a number of people this week--too much for me to try to regale in this blog post so I'll just try to hit the highlights.

As if we didn't already know--Donald J. Trump is the biggest liar on the planet and those who speak on his behalf--like Jim Jordan are liars after the heart of their master. How do we know--Stormy moved across the television screens of many; Comey stood up the bully and spoke his truth about all that occurred in the first five months in the WH as it pertained to him; Michael Cohen was exposed for being an attorney with a limited clientele that included the megaphone from Fox News--Sean Hannity--who attempted to further conflate the exposure by lying--claiming he had never hired or paid Cohen, but thought he had attorney/client privilege. It's either one or the other, not both. And then--to top it all off (and the week is not even over), Trump tweeted that Comey lied about why he was fired, when it was trump himself who told Lester Holt on national television that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. If that wasn't juicy enough--we learn that trump called another attorney, Jay Goldberg who told him if Cohen was faced with a rigid federal sentence, he would probably flip. Now, that call was made last week, which explains the myriad tweet rants this week.

Some days, I just have to cut off the news to maintain my sanity because every day, there's more lying and complicity and now--most have of us have determined that there is evidence out there that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that trump is a treasonous traitor.

But there are other traitors in Washington--those who have been partakers in the RussianRubeJob--taking money from Russian oligarchs thinking they'll never be found out. I guess that's why 43 republicans, including Paul Ryan are resigning and that number may continue to rise as truth is revealed. Some have already left--like Jason Chaffetz in hopes of warding off being exposed, but Justice--though blind will find and make known the truth.

Proof enough that we need new leadership and direction in Washington--people with morals, values and integrity and a will to serve the people? I think so and am more determined than ever to be ready in 2020 to serve Everyday Americans because--we deserve better and we must go with truth!

EA Interests 


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Serving A Socialistic God!

Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:10 NIV
“ ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God.' ”  Leviticus 23:22 NIV
“ ‘If one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells some of their property, their nearest relative is to come and redeem what they have sold. Leviticus 25:25 NIV
“ ‘If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you. Leviticus 25:35 NIV
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11 NIV
What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor?” declares the Lord, the Lord almighty! Isaiah 3:15 NIV
He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 22:16 NIV
Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.' Zechariah 7:10 NIV
But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, Luke 14:13 NIV
This list of scriptures regarding the poor could go on for a long time. It is significant to note, that God has always been concerned about the poor--those who for whatever reason are not able to take care of themselves as well as those who have riches. He has given us instructions as to how we are to treat the poor and yet--because of the Republican party--who claims to be Christian, does not understand socialism the way God demonstrated it. Notice, I did not say how God defined it, but how He demonstrated it. If they understood socialism as God demonstrates it in His Word with all of His instructions to all who believe in Him, they would not do everything they can to destroy the lives of the poor and the needy.

Republicans have plotted to destroy every program instituted to help the poor--with no remorse and in fact--some have been, "gleeful."

Destruction by slashing funding for the Affordable Care Act--hurts the poor more than it helps the rich.

Destruction by slashing funding for food assistance hurts the poor.

Destruction by slashing funding for education hurts the the poor.

Destruction by dismantling all the safeguards regarding our environment hurts the poor (those in coal-mining communities will soon see this as well as those who will be harmed by the pollutants in the air.)

Destruction by slashing funding for any government program serves only one purpose--to hurt the poor.

Republicans often criticize Democrats for their socialism--because Democrats increase spending to help the poor--but then the Republicans claim to be the party of family values and morality.

Everything they do to destroy the poor, proves they lie and if they read their bibles with understanding--they would know how God feels about liars. But they won't--because they think they know everything and the rest of us know nothing. And it is because of their blindness they think we don't see the corruption and the blatant raping of America's Treasury--enacted by all the corrupt cabinet members installed by Putin's directions. We see and we know--the evil that flows from the White House that the Evangelicals have tried to sugarcoat as all being part of God's plan. They lie!
The bottom line for me is this--God is not really interested in my political party affiliation--He's more interested in what I do that honors Him--in all things and that includes providing for the poor and the needy. So, my goal as the next president will be to make sure the needs of the poor are addressed and that funding is available to stabilize America's future endeavors for all (healthcare, education, food, job training, care for senior citizens and veterans).

It's not that I think we should "give anyone all they want" and that includes the politicians who are running rampant through tax dollars to appease their egos, but we should be a support for those trying to climb out of poverty and help to make our country productive and economically sound. I'm a registered Democrat and will probably remain one as long as I live since my values align with God's instructions.

Christian Democrat 


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Voice In The Wilderness!

John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’  John 1:23 NIV
We know of course that John the Baptist was speaking of Jesus--then. But there are many voices that are getting lost in the wilderness of noise designed to create and promote confusion. The noise--is the distractions that are constantly getting in the way of people being able to see and hear clearly what must be heard.

For those who think--"a fallen tree in the forest when no one was around to hear it doesn't make noise," you are deceived. There is noise when a tree falls--the animals hear and are usually alarmed and scatter. In fact, whenever there is a noise in the quiet of a forest--disrupting the peace of normalcy--the animals scatter---hiding until they think it's safe to reappear.

Our democracy--and the fair and free election process--has fallen in the midst of the noisy distractions created by the corrupt GOP who desire people to ignore it. They have done everything possible to distract from the truth--attempts to suppress the vote during the election (successful in some places), through intimidation and lies about polling locations changing, trying to claim "voter fraud" when they were backtracking to make sure their fraudulent practices were not discovered (they were), to deliberately reassigning boundaries to keep themselves in power (courts are assessing).
They are the distraction and "WE THE PEOPLE" must be the voice in the wilderness that gets heard.

We must stand up and speak out against the manipulations and corruption we see deployed by elected officials on all levels--locally and nationally.

When elected officials lie, we must call "BS" immediately and confront them with facts and truths (which most of them don't want to hear).

When the menace in the White House--consistently demeans and maligns the press and those in America who don't support him, we must speak with a loud voice and remind him--this is America and if he doesn't like the Rule of Law and our Constitution (which he has violated multiple times), he is always free to leave and go stay in Russia or anywhere else he admires dictators.

In America--Signers of the Constitution understood how the voice of freedom could get lost in the noise of those who want to dictate and control others. They understood the consequences of anyone getting into a position to become a dictator because they came to this country to escape the foot on their necks by a monarchy.

Our voice--in the midst of the chaos and corruption we see and hear all around us, must be heard in our vote--in every election--for if we do not exercise the right to vote--at all times--we lose our voice and the noise suppresses truth and freedom.

To better understand what is happening in America, check out the electoral map of every state and realize what the GOP have been planning with the help of those who suppress truth and promote lies. Their goal--to rewrite the Constitution so it only benefits rich, white males. It's time all of America does their own research, using reliable, credible sources--in order to make a logical, rational decision in coming elections.

This is our time (EveryDay Americans) and we can prove how important our voice is by promoting an avenue for every voter to educate themselves about the issues and who really cares about them.
We cannot afford to allow the noise to suppress our voices--it's time to show up and show out at the polls--creating the Blue Wave Tsunami--so we can no peace in the land, again.

If no one else will do it--I shall--and I won't be silenced by threats, hatred or bigotry or the noise of those who attempt to silence me. I am a true American Patriot and I will not allow--without a fight--the loss of our democracy to be "the blood on my hands."

I'm interested in building bridges that lead to stronger relationships for all Americans, not constructing walls of absurdity, hatred, and bigotry. What's your goal?

I Am2 

EA Interests

I'm Mary Hall-Rayford and I approve this message and will continue to be A Voice In The Wilderness!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

For Just A Minute!

He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:  ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”Then they remembered his words. Luke 24:6-8 NIV
Though many in the world celebrate "Easter," those of us who have a relationship with Christ (not a church organization) understand the real meaning of the celebration--The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. They (the haters who don't understand) are alive and well today, as well and we must remember--so we don't become like them.

He Loved!

They lied on Him.

They beat Him.

They spit on Him.

They crowned Him with thorns.

They nailed Him to a cross.

They mocked Him.

They crucified Him.

They pierced His side with a sword.

He died.

They buried Him.

He Rose.

He Loves!

He Lives!

He is alive and well in the hearts of all who have accepted the sacrifice of His love, all who choose to live the way He wants us to live, and all who know how to love--all others--unconditionally and who defend the rights of the poor and the needy!

He Has Risen!

Celebrate His Resurrection by

Sharing The Love With Others!

Live like Jesus lived--always helping others in need!