Monday, July 2, 2018

What Caging Children Says!

In this political climate--forged by hatred and bigotry on one side (the trump regime), children are caged like animals--separated from their parents--all because they dared to seek asylum in America. I know there are many people who have varying thoughts about this situation, but that doesn't change the core of the problem. These families--who feared persecution, torture and all sorts of inhumane acts against them--risked their lives and their children's lives to get away from their countries--hopeful of finding safe haven in the United States.

Unfortunately, what they found was a hateful, bigoted regime--financed by tax payers who would rip their children from their arms, farm them out to detention centers and cage them--without the parents knowing where their children or how they're being treated. This is the act of a "rogue government" who has demonstrated on more than one occasion they have not respect for the rule of law. Because of their zero tolerance for other human beings seeking safety, we should treat them (Jeff Sessions, Kirsten Nielsen, and trump) the same way--like they are inferior human beings because they are.
The assenting by silence and inaction GOP Congress--does not deserve to maintain their seats in Congress and should be voted out--summarily this November 6, 2018 and for those seats that are up for re-election in the Senate--we need to change the balance of power before we all lose what fragile rights, now observed.

The GOP have failed their constitutional obligations--to keep a check on whoever is in the White House. Because of their inability to do their job--which includes enacting common sense gun reform and immigration policies, we find ourselves in a country which it is easier to buy a gun than it is to get healthcare or get Congress to do their job.

We have a choice in the upcoming elections and the choice should resonate loud and clear to those in the White House--we will not tolerate children being treated like animals! For any "Conservative Christian" to continue to support trump and his unAmerican policies, shame on you. You are not the Christians recognized in the bible. In fact, I doubt seriously if God would recognize any of you as being followers of Jesus Christ. How do I know? Your fear and propensity to accept and promote fearmongering rhetoric tells me so. "Perfect love (unconditional) casts aside fear." So if you're acting out of fear simply because a bigoted racist tells you to be afraid, you do not belong to Christ. If you believe trump's lies and promotes them, you are of your father, Satan--who is the father of lies. And just so you know--Jesus was a brown-skinned man--not white. Those are lies perpetuated throughout Christendom in nations who prefer to promote "white superiority" instead of love towards all human beings.

What you need to do is come out from behind the walls of "fearmongering in the guise of Conservative Christianity" and get acquainted with the real world. More crime is committed by those who were born in this country--Black and White--than any of the immigrants who came here. And while I'm on the subject--the only two groups of people in this country right now--that were never immigrants to America--are the Native Inhabitants and Slaves. Everyone else--chose to come here--as an opportunity to thrive and excel and now--some of you want to deny others the opportunity your ancestors had.

Make no mistake, those of us who are watching and have been paying attention--we knew--Make America Great Again--was all about trying to make America white again. We're not stupid. I said this from the very beginning of the 2016 presidential campaigns and many tried to tell me I was wrong. What was that? I can't hear you. Tell me again, I was wrong and I'll call you a liar to your face (at least your online presence). We have the most bigoted racist person sitting in the Oval Office--ever in the 20th Century and it's all due to the lie promoted by White Evangelicals and their congregations. GOD DID NOT CHOOSE TRUMP--YOUR BIGOTRY AND FEAR CHOSE TRUMP!

And please--don't bother to tell about me about your being pro-life because the evidence is in--GOP policies decimate the poor and vulnerable--those lives outside the womb. Those who proclaim they are pro-choice actually mean they are "pro-fetus" since they could care less about life once it puts in appearance. Christian Conservatives are not Christians, but religious people (modern day Pharisees) who are only interested in "controlling" others. That evidence is readily seen--efforts to disband Planned Parenthood (out of fear of white extinction), controlling women's health and reproductive choices, while at the same time--encouraging sexual predators as revealed in the party of trump. I know a number of Republicans who are not thrilled with the direction this country is taking and some of them are even advocating that everyone vote for Democrats--to save our democracy from becoming a fascist regime led by trump and his Putin cohorts.

Listen and learn, watch a real news channel (Fox is not licensed to produce news, but opinions) and do some research for yourself rather than sitting by complacently waiting to be fed the latest lie. If you support caging children and separating them from their parents, you are not a Bible Christian, but an inhuman perpetrator of lies. And God, not me--will hold you accountable for what you do or don't do--claiming to be a follower of Christ.

I Am2 

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