Monday, March 31, 2014

No Fear For Doing Right!

"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended" (Romans 13:3 NIV).

When we look at what is occurring all over the world and we see the effects of misguided leadership, we need to pray. Apparently, they did not understand what this means; especially those who proclaim to know the Living God! They have forgotten that their leadership is limited and should have guided by the One who truly rules and when all do right--there is no need to fear, but when they do wrong--look out!

If we desire freedom from fear from God (not mankind), when we do what is right, we can be confident in walking in His favor. But if we do what is wrong in order to appease misguided leadership, then we should be fearful of the wrath of God. For His wrath will fall on the just as well as the unjust.

The rulers Paul references in this passage of scripture are those who are led by the Spirit of God in their governance of people. And when we know that leadership has gone astray, being influenced by another spirit, we must pray that God will remove the scales from their eyes and they can see themselves clearly, as everyone else does.

When leadership allows all manner of people into an environment that should be sanctified and holy, the spirits of all those who are not holy, are left behind and they congregate to influence all who come into their presence. When we pray, we must pray against the influence of evil spirits who inhabit and dwell in places when given room to do so. And we pray that God's Will is fulfilled in all that is done. However, when we see leadership actively opposed to God's purposes, we must remove ourselves before we are also infected with wrong thinking and doing likewise.

In order to take fear out of the equation--love unconditionally and do what is right at all times. God will take care of the rest, according to His purposes and plans.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Meaning What?

"Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified" (Romans 8:30 NIV).

Predestined--determined in advance--before we were born.

Called--summoned, in the spirit, by Holy Spirit, to promote the Gospel.

Justified--acquitted us all wrong doing when we repented and came into true knowledge of who He is.

Glorified--put us in position to walk in His favor.

Paul explained what God has done in the Spirit before we were ever born so we can walk with heads held high and never be ashamed of who we are in Christ Jesus. However, we must understand God's plan--He had a purpose for each one us--plans to prosper us and not to harm us, as He waited for us to reach a place in life where we came to ourselves and acknowledged Him for who He is and now, we can walk in His plans.

If we recall Jeremiah being told that his purpose had been designed by God before he was conceived, we would have to know that since God is not a respecter of persons, His plans for us were also designed before we were.

Once we reach that stage or place or phase of life in which we have reached the end of ourselves--our own plans and acknowledge God is--everything we need, and we see how our lives were not pleasing to Him, we repent (turning away from all sin) and He declares us "guiltless" totally exonerated and acquitted of wrongdoing so we can move into His plans without shame.

Knowing how much He loves us, creates a desire in us to want to please Him, and when we do all things to please Him, we reap the benefits of walking in His favor--accomplishing things that would have otherwise been out of reach for us, without Him in our lives.

What does this all mean for the average person? Whatever God has determined in advance for them to do, they should walk in it, never being deterred by naysayers or scoffers, knowing that God's plans and purposes will be fulfilled in our lives.

What does this mean for you? Only you can determine when you will walk in God's favor by your obedience to His plans and purposes for your life. How will you know? You will know His plans and purposes for your life when you deliberately seek, achieve and maintain a right relationship with Him.

God's calling, justification, and glorification in our lives does not mean that we are superior to others; it means we become servants to others in order to do God's Will and to bring all into the knowledge of who He is and into a right relationship with Him. Don't get it twisted! We are not better than others; God simply uses us in different ways to accomplish His plans!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Submission Is A Good Thing!

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).

So many people tend to think that the word "submit" is a bad word; especially as it pertains to women "submitting" to their husbands. One of the reasons for this disdain of the word is the fact that many have mis-taught the context of the word in the Bible. For clarity's sake, the definition for submit--deferring to another's opinion or authority makes it clear that submission is a good thing.

We must learn to accept the fact that none of us know everything and recognize that when we don't know; it is not a judgment against self to defer to the opinions or authority of someone who does know. Not recognizing the authority of another is not only stupid, but could have detrimental results--depending upon the situation.

James tells us to submit to God--yield, defer to God's authority. Resist--turn away from, run in the opposite direction, close ears to, anything the devil has to say and when we actively resist the devil, he will flee from us.

The best way to do this is to make sure understanding of The Word has been a priority in life. When we see the attempts the devil makes to cause us to believe anything God did not say; we simply speak The Word against what the enemy has said and do it as often as needed. The devil will get tired of hearing The Word and eventually leave a person alone--for a season. He will return, but if The Word is buried deep in our hearts, whenever he returns, we'll be ready.

God knows more than we shall ever know! Fact--not opinion--and we know because we have not created a universe and He has. Therefore, we should acknowledge His authority and defer to His authority so we can defeat the enemy at every turn. Submission to God--is a good thing--it guarantees us victory over the enemy!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Battlerama Súper Tweens al rescate! (Capítulo 10 Extracto)

Una vez que llegaron a la playa, al otro lado de la isla de Hawai, jugaron, nadó y tenía un buen rato practicando sus regalos. Ellos divertían mucho, que Maria perdió casi un grito de ayuda. Ella pensó que oí, pero no estaba segura, así que todavía se sentó y escuchó atentamente. Ahí estaba! El grito angustioso provenía de una madre cuyo hijo había sido atropellado por un auto. Rápidamente dijo que los otros. De común acuerdo, corrieron a la burbuja y encontrar las coordenadas como Maria les aconsejó y encontró a la madre y el niño. Una vez que fueron capaces de garantizar la burbuja, corrieron para ayudar, pero el niño no estaba respirando. La temperatura del cuerpo del niño ya estaba cayendo, pero Anthony estaba convencido de que él podría regular la temperatura corporal del niño. Cuando no pasó nada, Anthony puso su mano sobre el corazón del niño y enfocado en hacer su corazón reanudar un patrón normal de la paliza. Después de unos minutos, corazón del niño latía y pronto su respiración era normal y la temperatura del cuerpo se levantó. Una vez que el niño estaba sentado en su cuenta, los siete dejado la escena — después de que Anthony sonrió y susurró algo al oído del niño. La madre del niño había sido tan molesta por ser golpeado de la niña, ella no dio cuenta lo que había sucedido, pero estaba encantada entre lágrimas cuando vio a su hijo sentado como si no hubiera pasado nada.
El pensamiento de la burbuja tapiada siete no habían sido visto, pero ellos fueron observados — por la Wisteria y agentes de Loftus. La glicina estaban eufóricos, pero los esbirros que Loftus había colocado allí estaban desconcertados y reportado a Loftus lo habían observado. Loftus sentado contemplando lo que podría estar pasando y dijo a sus secuaces a estar más atenta y si observan algo de esta naturaleza para avisarle inmediatamente. La glicina sabía que ese momento no estaba de su lado cuando descubrieron que Loftus sabía acerca de los siete. Planes tuvieron que ser cambiada y alojamiento hecho para proteger los siete hasta podría completar a su misión.

 Disponible en Inglés, pero el autor se traducirá todo el libro a petición! Póngase en contacto con ella en mary.hallrayford @

Dontcha Just Hate It...?

Don't you just hate it when...

The person standing in front of you can't make up their minds about their order?

The person driving behind you stays close enough for the bumpers to kiss?

The person standing behind you feels the need to share all of their life's woes with you?

The person in the movies just has to talk loud enough for all to hear when people are trying to listen to the movie?

The people driving next to you have to share their taste in music--with everyone for miles around them?

The people who live next door to you refuse to discipline their children and then wonder why all the neighbors hate to see them outside?

The person you're having a meal with can be heard enjoying their meal and is not ashamed of their loud smacking sounds?

The children you raised with all the love you have act like they were raised by animals?

The person driving in front of you is completing their personal hygiene and slowing down traffic for everyone?

People on their phones feel the need for everyone to know their business, when they really should have kept it to themselves?

You see people texting while driving in the midst of rush hour traffic?

The people you thought were your friends turn out to be your arch enemies?

The people you know love to borrow, but never have anything you need when you need it?

You think you have done all you can for your children and yet they do not appreciate anything and expect more from you?

You saved that last piece of "anything" to snack on the next day and someone beat you to it?

You finally get to the front of the line to complete your purchase and the power goes out?

You run into every inconsiderate person on the planet on the one morning, you're running late for work?

There are a lot of things most of us could hate when someone else does it. Don't be guilty of doing the things you hate to see done by others.

I'm sure this list could go on and on so feel free to add your own--dontcha just hate it things in your comments.

Praise Him Anyway!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3 NIV)

In order to get a better a understanding of what Peter was saying, the entire chapter needs to be read, but this verse--should trigger thanksgiving for all who have been "born again."

Being born again of the spirit cannot be equated with a natural birth as Jesus pointed out to Nicodemus. When Nicodemus approached Jesus for clarification, Jesus explained to him that man must be born "naturally" through the water (amniotic fluid, not water baptism) and "spiritually".

All of us are born naturally into a state of sin due to man's severed relationship with God in the Garden of Eden, but we all have an opportunity to be born again of the "Spirit" of Jesus Christ when we accept the work on the cross and live according to God's Word. The opportunity for restored relationship with God has been rectified with His resurrection!

Being born again is not a "feeling"; it is an active phase of living--according to God's purposes and plans. Too many people are caught up in the emotional aspects of "feelings" (crying, feeling shame, etc.) and not enough are lifted by His love, understanding His mercy and loving Him enough to live for Him.

If Peter could encourage those who suffered persecution by those who crucified Jesus and sought to kill them (and they did with the exception of John), how much more should these words encourage us to "praise God" anyway?

Whatever we're going through in life--the good, the bad, and the ugly--we should be able to praise God for His mercy and love. If He had not loved us enough to die for us, where would we be right now? If we want to have the promise of eternal life fulfilled, we must be born again and live to His glory while we yet have a chance.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to lift our heads and our eyes and our hands in praise of You. Give us a song of praise that will see us through whatever hardships we incur, looking forward to being brought out from the depths of misery to the glorious bountiful blessings we know You have planned for us. Our hope is entirely in You and we are indeed looking forward to eternity with You. For any who have not experienced Your love and mercy, open a pathway for them to hear the Good News and to be born again of Your Spirit.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Encourage One Another!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV).

We can do all things through Him who loves us.

We are more than conquerors.

We have the assurance of eternal life with Him.

No weapon formed against us shall prosper or by any means harm us.

The Word of God shall never pass away.

Faith is the key to seeing all hope manifest itself.

The enemy has already been defeated, we simply need to remind him from time to time.

Perfect love--unconditional love--towards others, self, and God casts out fear.

Our Father will not withhold any good thing from His children.

Because God is love, He can only do what love does.

If we obey God, everything we put our hands to will have good success.

He who has planned our future, has already determined our success in all things.

There is nothing too hard for God to accomplish.

When all else fails, we who know and love God, can know His peace which surpasses all understanding.

Since we know that God is not the author of confusion, when we recognize chaos, we know who has ignited it and we can rest assured of the victory in Christ Jesus.

The gifts God gives are ours and can never be taken from us by others.

Stand up for what is right and see justice for all--even when it appears to not exist--stand firm, immoveable and watch our Father work on our behalf.

Speak to all of the issues that would attempt to deter you from your destiny--in faith--without doubting and keep marching forward.

Since God created the universe without our help, He can certainly take care of any problem we have.

Never doubt Him or what He can do--in spite of all the negativity that attempts to embrace you--allow your faith to dispel the doubt and shatter it for all times.

Read The Word, Hear The Word and Obey The Word--seeking to please Him who holds all the treasures in His hand and who is waiting to bless His children so we might be a blessing to others.

Praise Him at all times--good and bad--and make the devil quake when we wake!

Share only the good with others, shelter self and others from the naysayers and listen to the still, small voice that speaks instructions, comfort, and directions to keep us on the path of victory.

Our God reigns forever more! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dead or Alive!

"He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him" (1 Thessalonians 5:10 NIV)

With the promise of the second coming of the Lord and all of the speculation as to when that will happen, we who have a relationship with Him and understand His Word, know when He comes is of no great consequence. Whether we are alive or dead--when He comes--we are assured of our living with Him for all eternity.

We have heard that Jesus is coming back for hundreds of years and He has not made it yet. The delay in His return should not be our concern. If we know we have received Him as our Lord and Savior and we are obedient to His Word, whenever He comes back, He will receive us unto Himself. This delay (or at least this seeming delay) has given the scoffers fuel to add to their derision of our faith. The delay has also caused some--who claim to know the Savior--to err in their need to proclaim exact dates as to when He will return. One group of people has said in their doctrine that He has already returned (my response to them was since I had not seen any dead people walking around, I'll keep waiting).

What the speculators and scoffers have missed is understanding of The Word. In this passage of scripture we see that the Lord will return as a thief in the night. Not many thieves will "announce" their coming in advance. Jesus has said that "But about that day no man knows the day or hour, not the angels in heaven, and not even the Son,only The Father" (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32) And my personal favorite  is this one--"With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day" (2 Peter 3:8).

So, take comfort with this final thought. Jesus will return, whether we are asleep in the grave or alive, and it will not matter to Him because "the dead shall rise and those who are living will be caught up in the clouds and meet Him in the air, to be with Him forever" (1 Thessalonians 4:17 NIV).

Lord Jesus, whenever You return, we await that day with great expectations of living for all eternity with You.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Who We Are!

"You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness" (1 Thessalonians 5:5 NIV).

Children of the light
Let your light shine bright
Children of the day,
Do all things, God's way.
We have no need to hide
The things we do or in choosing which side,
Whose influence we follow on our journey in life
We understand the role of husband and wife.

As long as there is love flowing from above,
We will lift His name, obey His Word, and love
All we meet and greet in the name of Jesus,
Never allowing the works of darkness to enter
Our minds, defeat our spirits, or to hinder our souls
From entering into the promise of eternity in heaven,
To spend that time with Him who created all things
And has assured us of victory in all things, to His Glory.

We are children of The Light
We are children of The Day
God is our Father, We say what He says!
It's all in The Word, the foundation of our faith,
Nothing will move us or deter us or cause us to waver
Or doubt the Truth of God's Word, or Jesus our Savior.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Pray Without Ceasing

"Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

As we continue this journey in life--today as with every day, we ought to always pray, and pray without ceasing--for the land and all the people within it.

Prayer is not just petitions requesting something of God, but of thanksgiving and intercession, and acknowledgment of who He is. Prayer is not one-sided--it is communication with God--we talk to Him and He speaks to us--in the spirit, through His Word, and what He says is confirmed through others as He directs.

To pray without ceasing does not mean to keep asking for the same thing over and over again. Jesus said through Mark and Matthew that when we pray, we believe what we say we have and we shall receive--if we do not doubt. James tells us that if we doubt, we are like the waves of sea--unstable in all our ways.

Believe we receive what we ask for when we pray and then thank God for whatever it is and keep thanking Him until it manifests.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for all the children, parents, and grandparents who are raising grandchildren. We ask for your direction, instruction, guidance and strength and courage to do all that needs to be done. We thank You for providing us with everything we need--love, mercy, patience, and fortitude to keep going so we may do all things to Your glory. We know that You know all things--our needs, our thoughts, when we'll fail, and when we'll rise again, more determined than ever to praise You for Your goodness, love, and mercy towards us. Speak to our hearts at all times and create in us a desire to hear and obey Your every word, even when we do not understand it. You and You alone are worthy of all our praise and we lift our hands and hearts to You; we open our mouths and sing Your praises loud enough for the mountain tops to hear and participate. What an awesome God! Thank You for hearing and responding to our every need as only You can. Amen!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

When No Relationship Exists!

"In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes." (Judges 17:6)

Considering all the events in this country for the last two years, we are living "in those days" when no one in authority has a right relationship with God. That's basically what the writer in Judges is saying. When no relationship exists with God, men (mankind) do whatever they want to do and then chaos reigns. We know that chaos reigns in the midst of our society--especially in the United States--because of the decisions that "men" have made to pacify flesh with no regard to doing what is right in God's sight--only their own.

When no relationship with God exists--men legalize sin--in all sorts of manners (condoning same-sex relationships, drug use, pornography, prostitution, all manner of whoredom) and then the same people who applauded the legalization of sin--condemn anyone who dares to disagree with them--spouting their first amendment rights. What happened to the first amendment rights of Christians? Are we not citizens in this country, eligible for the protections of the same laws? Or is it that only the anti-Christ are in position to change laws to appease flesh and promote hatred of those to speak what God says? There appears to be a double-standard here, but only those in relationship with God can see it.

When no relationship with God exists--confusion enters in and takes control. Men and women are confused and promote the confusion in the schools and community so that children also become confused. God is not the author of confusion, but we know that Satan is. Unfortunately, the devil has blinded the eyes of those who follow him and they do not see the pit he is digging for them and by the time they realize what has happened, it will be too late.

When no relationship with God exists--men are subject to the debilitation of all manner of sickness and disease that  occurs, in many instances, as a result of sinful living. There are some who would argue this point, but the bottom line for sin is this--"the wages of sin is death." God is not mocked! We can do whatever we want to do--but in the end, God's Word will not come back void, and it will perform all that it says it will.

When a right relationship exists with God, peace and prosperity reign in the land. Healing exists for those in right relationship with God. Love for all mankind and God exists for those in right relationship with God. Wisdom exists for all those in right relationship with God. Insight exists for all those in right relationship with God. For all who are not in right relationship with God--they lack the wisdom of God to see the conclusion of the matter. They have forgotten the history of mankind and sin and what God does and they are therefore, doomed to repeat the tragedies of the past.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to see the need to stay in right relationship with You. Remove the scales from the eyes of those who have been deceived so they can see the end of their lives, right now. Strengthen the minds, hearts, and determination of all who are in right relationship with You to stay the course You have established for us. Thank You for loving us enough to give us one more chance to get living for You right.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Walking By Faith!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Today, more than ever we (those in relationship with God) need to know that our journey in this life on earth is a "faith walk" and we must not be moved by those things we see or hear.

We must believe, without doubt, that God's Word is truth and He will do all He said He would do--for those who believe and to those who do refute His Word.

We must believe, without doubt, that we must obey God rather than man who is fickle and foolish in their philosophical misunderstanding of God's intent for mankind.

We must believe, without doubt, that all who oppose God will meet the end of their doings and they and Satan will be exposed for all the world to see--who they really are--the anti-Christ.

We must believe, without doubt, that we who hold firm to all we know about God and His intent for our being on earth, will reap the benefits of promoting a true Gospel and that God will be glorified.

We must believe, without doubt, that we can continue our walk with Jesus in a right relationship and know victory in the name of Jesus--Faith--overcoming any doubt about God and overruling the lack of wisdom of men.

"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might," moving forward to the end of this battle and knowing that in the end, we who hold firm and steadfast in our faith, will be victorious over the evil that Satan has influenced in others. Our end and eternity are assured by our walk in faith of God's goodness, and His justice, not man's.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cutting Off the Fallen!

"Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off."(Romans 11:22 ESV)

We are constantly reminded of God's goodness towards His children and most prefer not to think of the severity of God--His other side--the side revealed to disobedient children.

When children (in the natural) are obedient to parents (Godly parents), they are showered with love and attention and can get practically anything their hearts desire. However, when children are disobedient--the see another side of loving parents--parents who know how to resolve disobedience with the appropriate consequences--some which may be severe--at least in the child's mind.

Is not God our Father? Though He is loving should He not have another side to address the rebellious and disobedient children who fall away from obedience? What is amazing to me about those who refute God's Word is the fact that they understand parenting in the natural, but have no clue about "spiritual" parenting from God. Perhaps, it is because God is not their Father.

In this world, we either demonstrate that God is our Father or Satan is--there is no middle ground. We either obey God or by default, we obey Satan. What must be remembered is this--Satan was created an angel, subject to the commands of God and rebelled against God--his creator. As a result--he became a fallen angel, thrown out of a loving environment in heaven, and resides in an environment in which he think he is a god. In a way, he is a god--to the godless--those who refuse God's love with their acts of disobedience.

Satan fell and is now under condemnation for all times and shall soon see his ultimate reward for the act of disobedience and influencing others against God. If we disobey and rebel against God--we too shall fall into utter despair and hopelessness.

Resolution for not having to ever see the severity of God? Don't disobey Him. The same way we avoid negative consequences from parents--obey and respect them, we can avoid negative consequences from God--the removal of His hand of protection when we do--stupid!

Think before you do anything--understanding the consequences of all actions and don't get cut off from God's love!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life's Milestones!

"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever."(I Chronicles 16:34)

O give thanks unto the Lord for all He has done and is doing and will do in our lives!

Celebrating another milestone today--and in the lives of everyone--that milestone could be different for a variety of reasons.

Celebrations of life milestones: (Birthdays)
1st        5th      7th     10th   12th   13th   16th  21st   25th  30th  40th   50th   60th   70th   80th   90th   100th and beyond

Jobs, graduations, careers, publications, honors, awards, recognitions, births of children, losses of loved ones, etc.

Beginning to live  (beyond birthdays) is another milestone for most Believers--the day we began to understand how much God loves us and what it meant to live for Him! That's a milestone most never forget.

Thinking back to the life of Jesus--we have no idea how He celebrated milestones in His life, but we do know that receiving Him as Savior in our lives is a milestone for us. We know what happened about the time He was twelve and then when He was thirty. We know He lived and had to do something in between those times, but we do not know what it was. Is it even important to know? He accomplished more during His short tenure of ministry than many of us will ever accomplish if we live to be 100.

That does not mean we should not try to do those things that are right in the sight of God; it simply means that we should be thankful for each milestone--whatever that might be.

It took the death of my youngest brother to bring me to a place where I realized that I did not know how to live because I did not have the direction of the One who loved me the most guiding me in all I did. With his death, Satan almost succeeded in taking me out as well, but God had a plan and it began to unfold almost 30 years ago and is yet unfolding, daily.

So, today, I'm celebrating living--He has given me one more year and I pray that I have made Him proud of me during the past year. And while I celebrate--I'm giving thanks for the next 35 years--and praying for His direction in all that I do so I can hear Him say, "Well done" when the time comes.

What milestones are you celebrating? Whatever they are--O give thanks unto The Lord!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

No Need To Fear!

"The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." (Nahum 1:7 ESV)

In this time of uncertainty--weather patterns, rumors of war, unrest in so many nations, and economic turbulence--many people are fearful of what lies ahead. Nahum, considered one of the minor prophets by most theological standards, reminds us that The Lord is good and for all who trust in Him, there is no need to fear anything! Hallelujah!

No matter what the elements conspire to do--rain, snow, earthquake, arctic air--though uncomfortable for a time--we who trust in the Lord, who know He is good and takes care of His own, have no need to be concerned.

No matter how many government leaders fail to do what is most beneficial for all of its citizens, or how greedy they get--none of God's children have any reason to fear.

No matter how rocky the ride gets with the economy with its constant surges and declines, we who are in relationship with God, rather than religion, have no need to concern ourselves with the outcome.

When we lean not to our own understanding, but trust--emphatically--in the love and knowledge of God and truly belong to Him, we can have peace when all others are in an uproar over current events.  When Wall Street rumbles with gurglings of uncertainty, we can rest assured in the God of our Salvation who will provide everything His children need. When greed and avarice entice and inspire stupidity in the minds of those who have been elected to govern the masses, we can sit back and relax (while praying), and know that in the end, all will be as God has ordained it.

What we have to remember--more than anything else--is that "perfect love (unconditional) casts out fear." While the world is shaking its collective head and wondering what the end will be, we can know with quiet assurance that all will be well, if we proclaim in our lives and for the nations. "It is well and all will be at rest in their spirits and in the natural." We have no need to fear--anything--the enemy attempts to use against us!

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us develop perfection in our love walk with others so we can encourage all to love and not fear! Thank You for loving us enough to give us chance after chance to get things right with You and for always being our stronghold in times of turmoil.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What Does The Lord Say?

"For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2:7 NIV)

Solomon's instructions to his son have endured for the benefit of all mankind. The real question is--are we listening?

We listen to everyone who has something to say for just about everything--we know the lyrics of songs that do nothing to honor women or promote respect for others; we listen to naysayers who refute and oppose everything God says; we listen to those who attempt to change God's Word to support their fleshly desires that do nothing to benefit them or anyone else; we listen to the news media who seldom report anything good; we listen to family and friends who do not have a relationship with God and then they advise us; we listen to children telling us how unfair we are and given into their childish demands instead of parenting them; we listen--to just about everyone but The Lord.

If someone asks us what the Lord says about things--we stutter and stammer--trying to remember, but if someone asks us about an athlete or celebrity--we have a ready answer on our tongues. The real problem is-nothing the athletes or celebrities or anyone else has to say will pave the way into heaven--unless they are saying what the Lord says!

Getting into heaven is simple--we discover what The Lord says and do it. He has established a path for us and He is a shield for those who live right--according to His Word. Success on earth is guaranteed for those who hear what The Lord says. What does The Lord say? "If we keep His commands, then everything we put our hands to will have good success." (Joshua 1:7,8) Love--the ultimate obedience to keeping His commands--Him and others--for if we do this--we would not sin against Him or others and especially not our own bodies.

What do you hear The Lord saying to you?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Recognizing The Influence!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 ESV)

Who is the thief? That archenemy of God—Satan—the one who is a master of deception (“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed [masquerades as an angel of light—NIV] into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”2 Corinthians 11:14,15) and the father of liars (“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44)

Recognize—the works of the enemy so will not be convicted of an USI—under Satan’s influence—in the final judgment.

The Works of his (Satan’s) influence—all those who lie, all those who manipulate truth, all those who deceive and influence others to deceive, all those who deliberately plan the destruction of human beings (all mankind), all those who steal, all those who undermine others, all those who plot to steal another’s joy, all those who hate for no reason, all those who will not teach God’s Truth and influence others to ignore it.

The Works of Jesus Christ—all those who promote having a right relationship with God, all those who promote loving all, unconditionally, all those who recognize the sacrifice and promote obedience to God’s Word, all those who do the works that bring joy, happiness, a smile, all those who encourage others to live according to God’s plan and be blessed, all those who work the works of Him—putting aside their own plans to promote God’s plans.

Because God loves us, we should love others—just as God loves—unconditionally. However, loving others does not mean condoning sin—for God does not condone sin and we have His Word to know when we have sinned against Him, our bodies and others. Forgiveness does not negate the consequences of sin—God forgives and we forgive—but the consequences stand on their own—we shall reap what we sow! When we violate God’s principles—we invite judgment and open the door for the conviction of an USI.

Recognize the Works of who you say you serve and be very wary of others who demonstrate who they serve by their works.

Lord Jesus, come into our hearts now and save us now from being under Satan’s influence and help us to not become one of his servants, masquerading as truth when we are liars.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Religious Piety is Not Holiness!

"But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. (I Peter 1:15, 16)

With all the rules and regulations, doctrines and dogma that guide some in "religiosity", we have confused holiness with religious piety--the observance of "religious principles". One of the reasons we often get confused about how to conduct ourselves is because of the leadership in various denominations who have convoluted the teaching of holiness and confused it with piety. Holiness is not a look or an act--it is a lifestyle based upon relationship with God.

If church leadership would get a revelation and teach with a goal towards getting everyone into right relationship with God rather than obedience to them, we would see a marked difference in behaviors and attitudes world-wide. Unfortunately, too many of our church leaders today are like the Pharisees who only wanted to control the people, not allow them the freedom to understand God and live for Him, but for them.

When a person is in relationship with another, they seek to please that person, not control them. When we're relationship with God, we can hear Him and govern ourselves accordingly because we make wise decisions because we operate with the mind of Christ. If Holy Spirit is guiding everything we do--we have no need for a mere mortal to guide us in anything pertaining to how to act or dress or think.

Religious piety--governs how a person dresses in a building, how a person talks in a building, how a person praises God in a building, what songs can be sung in a building, how much to give in a building, how to snub others who don't worship as they do, how to isolate one from family, and the list could go on and on.

Holiness--allows Holy Spirit to control tongue, attitude, and behavior at all times--not just in a building. Holy Spirit bonds the relationship between us and God and corrects us when we are going astray and reminds us of God's love, grace, and mercy.

Notice, that there is nothing in The Word that talks about Jesus being religious, but being holy. The reason for that is simply that He was not and is not a religious person for had He been religious, we would all still need an annual sacrifice for sin. No, Jesus was never religious because of His relationship with the Father, He had no need to be pious--demanding strict adherence to man's rules and in fact, broke most of the religious leaders rules which is why they sought to kill Him. He was interfering with their ability to control the people.

Today, conduct serious introspection about self and what is done to represent a relationship with Christ Jesus. Are you pious or are you in relationship with God? Do you worship out of piety or out of relationship and holiness? The only person who can answer these questions, is you! Piety or Holiness? Religion or Relationship? Choose this day where you stand with the understanding that God knows and we can't fool Him!

Father, in the name of Jesus, give us a heart to recognize the work You are doing in our lives, cutting away all that is not of You and filling us with all we need to be holy in Your sight and accomplish all You would have us to do.

For more on this subject of Holiness--check out my book

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tell The World!

"Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously."(Psalm 96:10)

In order to convince all the "heathen" (those who do not acknowledge the God of the bible) we must keep telling them--The Lord Reigns--the world He established shall not be moved and He will judge "all" (believers and unbelievers) alike, when that time comes.

No matter how difficult remaining steadfast becomes, we who know and have a relationship with God, must be determined to keep telling the Gospel, sharing God's love, and encouraging others to enter into the joy of the Lord and live according to His purposes. Nothing should get in our way--not their unbelief or disdain, their belittling or attempts to undermine what we do--as believers--we must keep telling God's Truth, not our own, so His judgment will be just!

As difficult as it might be, we must keep our focus on Jesus and not what the world does in its attempts to glorify worldliness instead of Godliness. We must sing songs of praise to Him in the streets, in our homes, anywhere others can hear and especially when we are alone--to encourage ourselves in the Lord, and not be discouraged by the waywardness of the world around us. We can change the atmosphere around us--spiritually and naturally--by keeping our focus on doing what God has called us to do and not allowing the enemy an opportunity to deter us with foolishness. We do not have to argue with anyone about God, just tell them, smile and move on to the next person if they choose not to receive the Good News.

Make a decision today--go into the neighborhoods, the malls, the market places, the eating places, wherever you  are or can go and share the Good News, loving people as you go!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Church of God in Christ Pastor Comes Out!

Why should anyone get special privileges simply because of who they sleep with? Do you? No one should get special recognition or privileges because they choose to live in sin.

No Way of Escape!

"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries" (Hebrews 10:26,27 ESV).

Under the law--animal sacrifices were made to atone for sin--the shedding of blood on an altar had to be made for the people--once a year.

Under grace--the blood sacrifice of The Lamb of God to atone for the sin of mankind--has been made on the cross--once for all times for all who receive the sacrifice on the altars of their heart.

If we understand the sacrifice made, the blood shed on the cross, the love of God for us in willingly taking on the likeness of flesh so we might be saved from ourselves, we would not deliberately sin--do all or any of those things that God says is sin. For if we deliberately sin--there won't be another sacrifice made--only the assurance of a fearful fate of judgment by God.

If we have a relationship with God, we want to please Him and only do those things that are right in His sight, receiving His love and loving Him and others in return.

If we have a relationship with religion--rules and rituals created by man to control others in order to pacify men and justify doing anything they want to do (changing what God has said), we will not inherit the right to enter into heaven, but leave ourselves open to the judgment of Christ--with no escape.

If we have never acknowledged, or accepted the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we will be still be judged if God's truth has been revealed to us and we simply refused to accept it.

There is only one way to achieve entrance into heaven and to shore up our eternal resting place--accept God's Word--The Truth of the sacrifice made--and choose to live according to God's directions and instructions--and not by the dictates of our flesh.  If we choose to ignore God and all whom He has used to warn and teach us, we have no escape from our deeds, but certain judgment awaits us, for the wages (the payment) for sin is death.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

With Loving Kindness!

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. (Jeremiah 31:3)

We should never forget how we were drawn into the love of God with understanding of His love--no greater love can anyone have for another--willingness to die for them. That's God's love.

It is the knowledge of this love that draws us into the circle of love that is never ending, yet extends itself to all who will receive, widening the circle, with a continuous flow of love for God and each other. With loving kindness were we drawn into the circle of Love and now we must be the vehicles that draw and widen the circle by the love we show to each other. Extend--loving kindness to all you meet and greet in the name of the Lord Jesus and share your story with them, drawing them into the circle, loving them each step of the way.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

About Writing

Writers today lack ability to compose words that connect the reader with a mindset to engage, entertain, and influence those that ponder and contemplate the connected contextual content of so many slashes on paper that attempt to mimic classic construction of such, viably termed, literature. Small wonder that society as a whole has lost its way to elucidate minds and encourage discovery in changing and rearranging the alphabet in ways that tackle the boredom of youth, yet re-energize the minds thought past redemption to understanding age-fraught diseases that lead to forgetfulness and sometimes complete eradication of what was.

Stifled, stunted by contemporary verbiage that is more folly than wisdom at its best when the best of language appears to be that which we now disown rather than use as an indicator of our intellectual ability and foresight and not just an extant reflection of who we once were.

Hampered, hamstrung by rituals and rules constantly changing, and rearranging thought patterns from ancient to present, but not relaying any message with clarity, as yet understood by the masters-of-words who could with the blink of an eye or stroke of pen transport readers from there to then within the space of time, not withheld from those who had imagination. 

A preponderance of evidence exists, illustrating ineptitude by many, including those who proclaim they are masters of the written word in teaching it and yet fail to elucidate their ability at every turn, penning composition better suited for elementary students with simple minds that lack sophistication to compose letters of the alphabet that would entice a scholarly mind to read.

Mundane describes with understatement the slew of words on paper that attempt to divulge the essence of thoughts prearranged in random order that never meets with structure and organization designed to formulate a clear, concise message with fortitude.
Many redesign and regurgitate the prose of ancient ones in an attempt to supersede abilities in their proliferation of archaic pronouncements in terms that float just out of reach of those who dare to contemplate use of a dictionary, or resource of any magnitude, dispelling the notion that words and their contextual use are unimportant.

The means by which change occurs, lies within the ability of all concerned to see the need to reevaluate the processes  used in learning and teaching and mostly in views that are ensconced in boxes with lids and fresh ideas are staled with the hindrance, and no one gets beyond the pale to think beyond the boundaries established by those who did not access galactic thinking.

Lust and Pride!

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (I John 2:16)

John continues to write to the Body of Christ, from the isle of Patmos, in the same manner in which the Gospel of John is written--up close and personal.

In the first part of this passage of scripture, we see the love of Christ in the words he uses to specifically address all in the churches. He states, "I write to the children (those new in the faith), I write to the fathers who have known (those with experience with the love of Christ and will of the Father), I have written to those who are strong in the faith" (tried by experience and overcame) [I John 2:13,14 paraphrased]. Why care so much about those in the church? John wanted to remind people that although their sins had been forgiven, they should not get caught up in the ways of the world, for it they did, they would fall again into wickedness.

Now, notice he did not say--don't love the people in the world; he said, don't love the world (the ways of those who don't know The Lord). And then he explains why--the lust and pride that leads people astray. Lust--intense and uncontrolled sexual desire; overwhelming cravings that dictate behavior. Pride--having an inordinate opinion of self and one's own superiority.

When we refuse to exercise discipline in a Godly manner, our behavior lacks self discipline and people end up doing whatever they want to do--to gratify selfish desires, without regard for others.

When we think that we are superior to others and we are not, we set ourselves up for failure because we are not willing to admit, we do not know everything there is to know and we refuse to learn from others. These are the two greatest obstacles that leave many suffering, on the path of self-destruction.

Uncontrolled sexual behavior leads to diseases, emotional upheaval, mental instability, and shortened lifespans.

Feelings of superiority lead to wars, confusion, and chaos--the ego leads to destructive behavior.

The warning from John--don't get caught in the things of the world that have nothing to do with doing the will of the Father. There is no sustaining victory in life apart from God. What some might experience--is a temporary situation at best--and permanent destruction at the other end of the spectrum.

Love the people of the world--unconditionally, but don't get caught up in the world's way of doing things because of misplaced desires and cravings and feelings of superiority. The Word tells us that when a person thinks more highly of themselves than they should, they have only deluded themselves--not those who can see--clearly--what force is guiding them. Shake off the shackles of lust and pride and receive the love of God and know victory in Jesus!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No Anxiety, Please!

" Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6,7 NIV).

Whenever we are anxious about anything, we tend to make hasty decisions or wrong moves. We habitually think we have to know how to handle every situation and when we can't, we crumble and fall apart.

We don't have to handle any situation. We must trust God in all things, communicate with Him our desires, our concerns, believe He hears us and start thanking Him for the outcome. If we believe He will do whatever we ask in Jesus' name, we can rest in His peace, knowing that nothing surpasses His peace, and His peace will guard our hearts and minds against the temptation to become anxious and worry. He created all things that were ever created and He can certainly handle our little problems. Our trust in Him should be demonstrated by our ability to keep moving forward, allowing nothing to anchor us in despair or hopelessness. "Lean not to our own understanding, but in all things--trust in the Lord." He is able to do all things well and we can relax and wait, with patience to see how He does things.

While we're waiting, patiently to see the outcome of our answered prayers, we have time to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and all the love that abounds from God through us to others. Wait on the Lord and again I say, wait!

When He speaks to us--have a heart to hear and obey with hands and feet prepared to do whatever He tells us to do or tongues ready to say whatever He tells us to say. If we're not going to listen to Him and obey, there really is no need to pray. We're wasting our time and His.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask You for wisdom to guide us every day of our lives and the willingness and courage to do all You tell us to do. We thank You for Your love, mercy and grace--for all You have done, are doing and will do in our lives. We thank You for peace in the land, no matter how things look.  We know You can and will resolve the chaos for our benefit and have peace reside in our spirits and hearts.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Telling Of His Deeds!

"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds" (Psalm 73:28 NIV).

Sometimes, when we attempt to talk to people who have either professed not knowing or believing in God, we get frustrated in our attempts to change their view. What I've realized is that we are never going to change the mindsets of all people and perhaps, not even some of them, but we must be determined to tell everyone about His deeds.
"You can't tell it like I can tell it, what He's done for me."
A line of a song that makes more sense than many songs combined. No one can tell my story like I can.  Many who have been in my life can witness and confirm the changes in my life, but they cannot tell my story and do it justice.

Before I was ever a thought in the minds of my mother and father, Jesus looked down through the years and saw me, loved me, and prayed for me in the garden of Gethsemane.

He knew that I would be molested as a child and repressed my memory of the incident until I could handle it.

He knew that I would struggle through life, trying to understand why I was different--why I would rather read a book than play outside; why I would rather be nice than nasty; why I could not give in to certain temptations that could have ruined my life forever. He knew before anything ever happened how I would react or respond.

And the moment that I thought it was time for me to give up the struggle and give in to the thought that real love was not part of my life's plan, He showed up and showed out, convincing me that all I ever needed was Him.

He dried my tears and eliminated my fears of not being worthy.

He raised me from the brink of self-destruction and settled me into a new life, as a new creation in Him.

He called me and taught His Word so I would have no need to be ashamed of what I was supposed to do.

He made it possible for me to live my dreams and have love overflowing for all, no matter what they do.

He allowed me to be "an old spirit" as a child and now as an older woman, He gives me "a child's spirit" forever young at heart, but wise with life's experiences.

He knew, He loved, He raised and saved me so I would have a testimony--telling others of His goodness, mercy and love. He is always near and I know I can count on Him to lead me in the direction I must go and give me the words to say to others. His love--can only be understood with experience with Him, so when I pray for those who don't believe; I pray that God will bring into their life an experience that will let them know that He is real and He loves without discretion, all who come to Him!

Thank You, Lord for loving me enough to stand by me in all of my life's struggles and to bringing me to a place where I understand Your love, receive it and share it everywhere I go.