Monday, July 28, 2014

Where Do Your Loyalties Lie?

"Love the LORD, all you godly ones! For the LORD protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD!" (Psalm 31:23,24 NLT)

When the world appears to be falling apart all around us, many wonder--why is God letting this happen? Every day--we hear about tragedies--genocides, homicides, suicides, hatred, violence, people starving, people homeless, people dying from lack of drinkable water, and appropriate medical access--all of this is happening all around us, everyone is complaining, but not many are doing anything about it.

Are those of us who are "godly ones" loving God? Are we loyal to Him or are we the arrogant?

Just because we say, "we love God" if we are not doing, Love, we lie. There are many who say they love Him and many more who deny His existence. In order for us to understand what befalls us in life, we must understand where our loyalties lie.

There are some people who would never betray their job--they are there every day, on time, going above and beyond their job description in order to amass the attention of those who can help them move up.

There are those who would never betray a gang member--they want to impress and are determined how loyal they are by doing all the stupid things the gangs say do--kill, assault, steal--whatever it takes.

There are those who would never betray a spouse--doing everything they can please them even when they are being abused--emotionally, physically, and verbally--they are loyal to a fault.

There are those who would never betray a friend--they keep their secrets even when they shouldn't, they will lie for them, cheat for them, always looking for ways to demonstrate their loyalty.

Are we as determined to demonstrate our loyalty to God as we are to other people? Yes, we need people in our lives--who are godly people, but they should never take the place of God in our lives. It is He who provides us everything we need and in some cases--He even brought that spouse, or job or friend into our lives, but the minute we develop a relationship with the people--we forget about our loyalty to God. When we forget about being loyal to God, stuff happens and if we're honest with ourselves, we have no need to wonder why.

When our loyalty to people supersedes our loyalty to God--we stop interceding in our prayer life, we stop caring about others that are not in our circle, we look at the homeless and hungry and say, "that's too bad--I'm praying for you." We would rather look the other way than get involved with legislators who have yet to prove they know how to legislate for the benefit of all people. Our loyalties are limited to the circle that encompasses us and there is no room for God. This is why we see tragedies all around us.  We have misplaced loyalties.

When our loyalties are to God--He protects us--but the arrogant--those who think they don't need Him or have to acknowledge His existence, are the ones who are beyond His protection.

Where do your loyalties lie today?

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