Saturday, May 16, 2015

We Cannot Bring God Down To Our Level, We Must Rise!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:9-11 NIV)

If we have any doubt about whether God sees things the way we see them, here is the proof that He does not think the way we do, and so His ways are not our ways. Even if we wanted to, we could not begin to have thoughts greater than His. He is the Creator of all things and without Him, nothing was ever created. Now think about this. What has man ever created--from nothing? This is why we can have no confidence in man above God.

We are yet trying to figure things out and no amount of research or analysis of things that are have helped us to do anything God has done. We have not created any heavens, skies, clouds, oceans, and if we were that smart (as some think) we would not have issues with droughts and hunger. So, why do we? I can only imagine (not know) that God in His infinite Wisdom is waiting for us to totally rely upon Him and so far, we haven't.

So, when people (those who do not know God or understand Him) quote a few scriptures out of context to try convince us that God doesn't have a problem with people living in opposition to His Word, they demonstrate they do not know God or His Word. Here is the proof. What we need to stop doing is trying to bring God down to our level of thinking and raise our thoughts to see in His Word, how He wants us to live.

Let's face it--when we cannot get our thoughts above our waist--to pacify fleshly desire, we certainly cannot begin to think we think on the same level as God. We have a brain and most of us have a heart that beats with a certain rhythm--do we use them the way God wants us to use them? Once we gather knowledge from others who have actually researched and analyzed things and how they work, we begin to think we know more than God. How foolish we must seem in His sight!

We do not know more than God, cannot never know more than God, but we do have His Word as a guideline for living and many are too foolish to even recognize that. Everything we need to live in peace and harmony is in His Word. Everything we need to prosper--financially and otherwise--is in His Word. Everything we need to live healthy lives, is in His Word.

If we understood Genesis, we would understand that God made provisions for us, before He created us and we have misused and abused what He created out of greed and selfishness and then we wonder why the world is in the shape it's in. It's time to turn back to God--the One who knows everything and will speak to the hearts of those who love Him and will obey. We can do it. We just have to realize how limited we are and how Awesome He is. We need Him far more than He needs us!

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