Monday, August 3, 2015

Invest Time In Doing, More Than Watching!

"Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let your hands not be idle for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well." (Ecclesiastes 11:4-6 NIV)

Does anyone remember the old adage, "a watched pot never boils?" It is not entirely true, but what happens is that while a person is watching the water, it seems to take forever to start boiling. The fact of the matter is--when water reaches a specific temperature--usually 212 F or 100 C (depending upon altitude and purity of the water), it will boil--whether we watch it or not, but the principle here is--since we know it will boil, why watch it?

When we plant seeds into the ground--planting anything--will it grow any faster if we watch it or can we tell what is going on beneath the soil when we cannot see it occurring?

Even though we cannot see (without technology) how a body is formed from conception to birth, we know--given time (unless something impedes the growth), a baby will be born. We didn't have to watch it to make it happen.

Children, once they reach a certain age (puberty), and as long as they are brought up in a nutritionally sound environment, they grow by leaps and bounds and even if we are watching, we miss some of the subtle changes and often, we are amazed when it appears that a child has grown overnight.
The same is true of our obedience to God in order to see the promises fulfilled. When He inspires us to do something, we have no need to "watch" it, but just to do and have faith that what He has put on our hearts will succeed. If He has planted the seed, He will water it and it will grow.
 However, we must be certain that the seed was planted by Him and not our desires, without consulting Him.

This is what I've learned about my own investment of time in writing. I did not understand "why" the Lord spoke to my heart and directed me to write--explaining scripture--and blog it daily. I did not understand why--at certain intervals in my composition of books--He stops me and has me to write something expounding on His Word--for publication. As long as I do what He is telling me to do, I know He will fulfill every promise made and honor every request I've put before Him.

I love watching how many people are reading my books, but sometimes--when the numbers decline (and they do), I tend to get discouraged--momentarily. And then, just like a loving parent--He reminds me that the outcome of my writing--the gift He has given me--is not about me, but it's all on Him. I don't have to watch the sales or how many clicks the books are receiving. I just have to write--exercising the gift He has given me. In the fullness of time--whenever that is--His promise will be seen and I don't have to know how He accomplishes all that He does; I just have to believe it.

The million plus readers we've petitioned Him for are coming to past--growing daily. Now, I just have to continue to write, totally trusting Him to speak to the hearts of all He would have to read what I write, and enjoy the efforts of my labor when it's harvest time. Glory to God! I've only seen the beginning of the harvest to come, but I know when it's time to gather it in--it will be all that He planned from the beginning of time.

So, let's not waste our time in watching (trying to understand) to see how God will bring things to past (ministry, families, careers, etc.) but trust that He will and keep doing what He's told us to do. 

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