Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dear Mr. President!

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:20, 32 NIV
As I prayed last night, I couldn't help but feel the urge by Holy Spirit to address our nation's situation with regard to legalizing sin. Therefore, I write this as an open letter to our president.

President Obama:

You have managed to accomplish much--even with an obstructionist Congress--and everything encompassed with your terms in office will be interred in history books. Some things for the good and some--a very slap in God's face.

I am not your judge and certainly not your jury, but your actions have demonstrated for many that though you may "know about God" you do not know Him. For to "know Him is to know His Word" and legalizing sin reveals lack of knowledge or "ignorance" as you stated in your address to college graduates on yesterday--about His Word. Of course, that ignorance lies in not knowing what you're talking about--as you clearly explained and regarding your position on same-sex marriage--you clearly do not know what you're talking about. I understand you "think" people should be able to love anyone they want to love, but loving is not just about lust and it is the lust of the flesh that has instigated the misguided notion by the LGBT community in their pursuits.

Let me be clear. We are told in God's Word to love all--unconditionally--but that love--is not a reference to pacifying a sexual need. I could spend an entire day writing about this, but if your heart is not in a position to receive from God, what I say won't matter. We are also told in The Word that marriage is between a man and a woman--for God's purposes, not our own. Since the enemy loves to hate what God loves, he has confused the minds of many into believing that God doesn't have a problem with sin--when He does.

In the interest of being politically correct and gaining the support of the LGBT community, you have allowed the Pandora's Box of "self-destruction" to spill over into a society that is demoralizing and rotting. The "anything goes" concept to living is wreaking havoc in the minds of children who are further confused by the notion that God makes mistakes--with their biological genders--and they have a right to change and expect the rest of us to simply accept their fickleness and confusion. God doesn't make mistakes, human beings make mistakes.

Your positions regarding the above-mentioned issues--becomes even more injurious to those who hold fast to their relationship with God when their rights are violated when they won't obey the laws of the land that are contrary to God's Word.

Before I ever knew who you were, God had inspired me to write two books pertaining to the end result of what has now occurred. I didn't understand why He wanted me to write the books, but I wrote them. Now, I understand. I'm sure you won't take the time to read them, but I'll provide you with the links anyway and the link for the one that was written after the Supreme Court decision to rebel against God. Those books are myBook.to/Normal, myBook.to/TurningForce and myBook.to/WhatJesusSaid. It's Not Normal and Turning Force were written a number of years ago, but are prophetic in nature as we can clearly see how events have unfolded. To tell people what Jesus said about "loving others" without understanding why He said anything is promoting lies. And we know that God hates liars, which is why I wrote, What Jesus Said and Why He Said It.

In the beginning, I had a great deal of respect for you and your accomplishment in being the first Black president. Now, I pray that someone will be able to water The Word in your life and eventually, you'll hear from God and ignore the tricks of the enemy. I cannot imagine how you would feel if one of your daughters was molested in a bathroom by a "pretender" who claimed to be "feeling like a woman" in order to gain access to their prey. Bullying school districts to put kids in danger is not what someone who knows God would do. And your decree about the bathrooms is a bullying tactic when you threaten to withhold federal funding from those districts.

I, like so many others, are wondering if common sense will ever make a comeback in the minds of those who lead others. So far, we have not seen much evidence of that.

Just so you know--I do not hate anyone--not those who choose to be gay or transgender--I love them enough to pray for them, but I also love God and with all I do and write, I try to please Him, more than man. That's what He has called me to do--please Him. Sometimes, pleasing God means people get angry with me and I can handle that. They don't have a heaven or hell for me so their opinions don't matter much. What does matter to me is my obedience--to teach God's Word whether it's convenient or not, whether it's received or not. He won't hold me accountable for what others do or don't do, but He will hold me accountable for what I do or don't do. All I can do is to say what He says.

We--at least some of us--as a nation will continue to pray for our country and all who lead it--that hearts will be receptive to hearing God and they will exercise Godly wisdom in all they do.


Mary M. Hall-Rayford

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