Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Overwhelming Prevarications!

these six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV


If you're like me, you are so tired of all the blatant lies and contemptuousness spewed continuously by one particular candidate!

Now, I know people say Hillary has lied about certain events and I would strongly suggest that whoever is saying it--would look into the truth of the matter about Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, and her emails (and not just get their information from Fox News or Breitbart.com, or manipulated videos)  She has accepted responsibility for using the personal server--and yet there is no proof that she was hacked. With all of the investigations conducted by a Republican committee--no wrong doing has surfaced about the loss of life at the embassy, "Benghazi" and if people want to be outraged--they should be outraged with the Republicans for not providing adequate resources for those at the embassy. And as far as the Clinton Foundation is concerned, I'd strongly suggest that people take the time to research what the Foundation does and pay more attention to that than the source of the donations. For the bible says, "the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." (A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.Proverbs 13:22)

On the other hand, Trump's dismissive and contemptuous attitude towards those women alleging his misconduct is deplorable. His wife's acceptance of his actions is even more deplorable. He is not "a boy" and if that's her excuse for 59 year-old behavior, then she should keep her "boy" in check and discipline him. As far as why the women are just coming forth with their stories--it's very simple. The tape was just recently aired--on a Friday and then on Sunday, Trump say he had never done what he bragged about on the tape. The women have said,"his lie angered them" and that is why they are just coming forth.  This is not a coordinated conspiracy with the media and the Clinton campaign. Trump opened the door for this when he brought those women to the debate and now he can't handle the fall-out. He apparently didn't read the book of Esther to know about the Hamanesque effect.

We do not need a boy in the White House trying to make decisions for Americans.  We need an adult in the White House who understands the difference between acting like an adult and being a boy. And for her to further insult--anyone who has heard the tape--by saying, "he was egged on to say what he say," is absolutely ludicrous. He initiated the exchange heard and if Billy Bush can lose his job for the part he played in the fiasco, Trump  should certainly not be allowed to sit in the White House in the highest office of the land.

I am so tired of the lies and negativity that my prayer has been, "nevertheless, Lord--come quickly." I'm ready for this election to be over so maybe, just maybe, the adults in the situation can begin the process of healing and restoring sanity.

I have a great deal of faith in the American people to see truth in the midst of all the smokescreens and do the right thing in this election, but I have more faith in God--and know that whatever happens--it will be according to His Will and His plans.

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