Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Is Our Entire Government Befuddled?

That fading flower, his glorious beauty, set on the head of a fertile valley, will be like figs ripe before harvest--as soon as people see them and take them in hand, they swallow them.  In that day, the Lord Almighty will be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for the remnant of his people. He will be a spirit of justice to the one who sits in judgment, a source of strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate. And these also stagger from beer are befuddled with wine; they reel from beer, they stagger when seeing visions, they stumble when rendering decisions. All the tables are covered with vomit and there is not a spot without filth. Isaiah 28:4-8 NIV
Reflecting upon what is happening in our country and lining it up with The Word, I can see how this passage may speak to the current events.  It would appear that our government--on every level--is befuddled with no one able to think clearly. It's as though they have been caught sipping the shake of stupidity and are now reeling with the results.

Under normal circumstances--had there been any effort to interfere with an election as broad as the spectrum is with trump--they would have been ousted from any position of authority. But no, our GOP congress has decided to "normalize" the behavior and give him passes to thwart ethics policies by giving people waivers, by not insisting he divulge his taxes, or divesting himself from his business interests, and ignoring the blatant nepotism that exist in giving his daughter and son-in-law access to nation's secrets.

And now, he's promoting his wife's business venture on the White House website. Is there any end to this atrocity? Is everyone on Capitol Hill befuddled beyond recovery to see that this idiot is taking America for a ride for which there may be no return?

We know--Russia was involved with interfering with the 2016 election; we know trump benefitted from that involvement; we know trump owes Russia tons of money; we know trump is not a true Patriot, he's only in the Oval Office to see how much he can get out of it for himself and his millionaire donors. There is no denying this and all a person has to do is to open their eyes and see.

So, why is Congress not acting upon what they have to see? There is only one viable answer and it is not that they're giving him a chance to become presidential. It is much more sinister than that. They are profiting from the chaos by passing bills and getting the idiot to sign them when they know he won't read them. They are profiting by having the power to seemingly get away with murder--literally with their healthcare bill--all in an effort to snub their noses or rather give Obama the finger. There are no adults functioning in the GOP congress--they all act like immature, bullies--determined to make fools of themselves in their quest to defend the indefensible idiotic behavior coming out of the White House. They are drunk with power and fear of being caught with their own ties to Russia being revealed--befuddled--unable to think clearly because they have forgotten that country takes precedence over party.

But this too, can and shall change in the coming months. Since they refuse to stop sipping the shake of stupidity, voters who are not are planning a return to sanity--without the chaos and confusion running rampant by changing the entire landscape of DC from red to blue. Watch for it--people will clearly put country before party and proceed--thinking clearly, no more befuddlement.

I'm one of the many anticipating change by running for something--president of the United States and I'm not drunk on power nor hate-driven, nor frustrated to the point of not thinking clearly. I want this country to maintain its status as a world leader and we can only do that with a world-class leader. It's time we get back to business and shake off the spirit of stupid and move this country forward.


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