Friday, June 23, 2017

Our Turn Is Coming!

Do not rejoice, Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor. Threshing floors and winepresses will not feed the people; the new wine will fail them. They will not remain in the Lord's land; Ephraim will return to Egypt and eat unclean food in Assyria. They will not pour out wine offerings to the Lord, nor will their sacrifices please him. Such sacrifices will be to them like the bread of mourners; all who eat them will be unclean. This food will be for themselves; it will not come into the temple of the Lord. Hosea 9:1-4 NIV
Taking a little literary license this morning, I'm substituting words to bring to light the disastrous policymaking we have in Washington.

Substitute GOP Congress for Israel, lobbyists for prostitute, GOP policy for threshing floors, Tea Party for Ephraim, the 1% for Egypt, the wealthy for Assyrians.

The Republicans in Congress appear to be jubilant in their efforts to keep millions of Americans from having access to affordable healthcare. Remember this is the party who claims to be the "moral majority" the Conservative Christian rights--the only ones who matter when it comes to Christianity--"they say."

So if we go by what they say, God warned us in His Word about them. They have fallen short and will return to a place where they will eat "unclean food" (toxic from all the roll-back of regulations implemented to safeguard consumers). Their decisions won't provide food or clean water for the poor and certainly not healthcare. The savings in tax cuts will only benefit the very wealthy, not the poor and the needy who Jesus commanded us to care for.

The Republican Congress has allowed their greed fed by lobbyists to drive their ambitions and policymaking which does not benefit all Americans. They are driven by a minority of voters (not the majority since the majority didn't vote), many of whom have said, they wanted to keep their existing healthcare--now that they know it is the ACA, and not Obamacare. But then we have to look at how bigoted Republicans perpetuated hatred of "Obamacare" by refusing to call it by its right name--Affordable Care Act. They knew exactly how to erode trust in a product by appealing to racism and bigotry in their rhetoric--across the land.

Now that people are becoming wise to the fact--Obamacare is the ACA--many are protesting losing their only access to healthcare and to make matters worse, trump and the GOP have sabotaged the system by withholding payments creating a wariness within the insurance providers' community. This was done intentionally to make it look like--Obamacare was failing.

For those who haven't read the 142 page draft for healthcare, I suggest you do to see who really benefits from the billions cut from Medicaid--and you'll discover--if you're not part of the 1% of the wealthiest population, it does not benefit you.

Just remember this--even if the repugnant republicans pass this bill and trump signs it--we will simply have to wait until 2020--to create a new bill--one with compassion and teeth that actually benefits all Americans and is truly representative of who Jesus Christ is. Apparently, the GOP have forgotten that being a Christian means that we follow Jesus Christ and do what He did and does--not a political party agenda.

I am a blood-bought Believer in Jesus Christ, living according to His command to love--unconditionally. I know when He was crucified, His blood was shed for me and I refuse to make a mockery of who He is, by supporting policies that dehumanize any human being. Because of my love for people--especially those who are not able to speak up and out for themselves, I will announce my official candidacy in 2019 in my bid for president in 2020. Watch for it. With the Lord leading me in all things, we will rejoice across the land and every other country will know--America is the greatest nation on earth!


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