Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Never Giving Up!

They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination. Nehemiah 6:9 NLT
This is what I feel watching GOP attempting to dismantle the ACA and risking the lives of millions of people. They are consumed with a 7-year promise to repeal ACA (out of hatred for President Obama) and not even paying attention to their constituents who now understand that the "hated Obamacare" is the needed ACA that many depend on to use. This is what happens when people lie and allow hate to reign rather than wisdom and the love of Christ. GOP--with Mitch McConnell leading the way was determined to obstruct President Obama and make sure he was not able to accomplish anything--from day one. In spite of the obstructionist attitude and behavior--President Obama was able to accomplish much and all of it--the GOP are now determined to rollback, throw out, and eliminate--because of hatred.

The GOP hated Obama, trump hates Obama and with all that hate--there can be no room for love--just hate and hate as we all know destroys utterly and completely. The GOP will be destroyed utterly and completely if they don't wake up and pay attention to their constituents and not the crazed idiot in the WH (I cannot bring myself to call him a "man" because he has not demonstrated that he is one. So, if you're upset with me now, you're going to be upset with me for a long time).

In spite of the hatred against ACA and Democrats in general, I will continue to pursue the path to the White House, never giving up, no matter what the idiots do.

My family's history--has provided a record of endurance, courage, boldness and determination. They were brought across the ocean, ripped from their families and only known culture. They were denied identity other than what the "white man" wanted them to have. They were treated like sub-human beings, forced to work on empty stomachs, never consideration. They were freed by the signature of Abraham Lincoln, but kept entangled and bound by fear and hatred by Jim Crow laws.

Civil rights laws have yet to bring an era of true freedom for the Black Community and with the GOP in position of the majority in Congress, we are taking a regressive route in the 21st Century rather than seeing forward movement as it pertains to positive race relations in this country. Hate crimes are on the rise against anyone with "brown or black" skin tones, different religious beliefs, and misogyny is also on the rise. All of this is a result of gullible people (with hidden hatred of those who are different than them) who voted for the greatest fraud and con artist who ever lived--trump.

Though many may feel there is no hope--I will never give up and I will continue the good fight of faith--in service to my country and fellow True Patriots who understand that every American deserves equal treatment in all things. We will Raise the Standards for all Americans.

Counting on fellow Americans who think like Christ to support my bid for president in 2020. I'm not seeking financial support at this time, just your vote to guarantee we will have a voice in Washington representing the Everyday American.


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