Sunday, December 17, 2017

The War Declared on America--Before 2016!


Before the election in November 2016, a coup was being planned by Russian operatives (with Putin’s blessings), and the Republican leadership, with Donald J. Trump and they declared war when they chose to accept financial support from Russian Oligarchs, with knowledge aforehand for Wikileaks to engage in questionable practices of cyber pilfering, conspired to rig the election in their favor. With the additional assistance of paid trolls and bots — they effectively duped and conned gullible “Hillary Haters” into believing all the nastiness they produced and promoted on social media, convincing them to vote for The Rapist.

On November 8, 2016 — with all the plans in place — the war ensued and the noxious Republicans were the victors and now they plan to gather the spoils of their war by further raping and pillaging the Treasury of the United States with their Tax Scam Bill. The tax cuts designed to “repay donors” will eventually dilute and diminish revenue sources needed to keep the government afloat, but that wasn’t enough for the Corrupt Greedy Old Predators. They also made sure they benefited mightily from the changes in tax structure so that while it seems the middle class benefits (if they make over $100K a year) — they don’t. Only the rich benefit — the poor and vulnerable will probably not survive for the next ten years. Cuts to healthcare assistance, education, and the roll back of consumer protection regulations will Kill Millions in America. The deaths of millions of America won’t bother the warmongers because then, they won’t have any opposition to Resist them and America will cease to be a democratic republic, but instead will be a dictatorship — led by Greedy Old Predators — who prey on the poor and vulnerable — no heart or compassion residing within.

Knowing the gullible will not read a 503 page document, the Greedy Old Predators proceed to lie to them, holding out a carrot of a couple of thousand dollars saved a year (for only one year), without explaining the tax cut is a temporary measure for them, but a permanent for the corporations whose CEOs have said, they don’t need the tax cuts and they will not invest the savings into creating jobs. Trickle-down economics has never worked and it won’t work now.

In addition to pilfering the Treasury (by The Rapists and the millions billed to the treasury), the Greedy Old Predators are also sitting back, twiddling their thumbs while The Rapist plans to ruin our national monuments and encroach upon Native American land — without thought or consideration as to what the damage will do — their only concern — is greed and since The Rapist is used to filing bankruptcy — it won’t bother him at all to bankrupt America, but the Greedy Old Predators are too blinded by their own greed to see what’s about to happen. At least that could be true of many, but certainly not Paul Ryan who has chafing at the bit to gut social security and medicare — probably because they serve as reminders to his start in life — a start he’d like to forget and pretend he’s been “in the money” most of his life. How cruel and abominable their actions are against the vulnerable in our country!

But it’s not just the Greedy Old Predators in Congress to helped to bring about this demise of a great country by first nominating and then electing a sexual predator — the Evangelicals — the “holier-than-thou” misfits who promoted the narrative that God chose The Rapist. Apparently, they meant the god of this world, not the God of Heaven because the God of Heaven would not choose anyone who doesn’t know Him to do any great thing. Regardless of what the Evangelical community spouts — The Rapist is not a Christian and won’t be no matter how many times they “lay hands on him and pray.” The devil is a liar and we know The Rapist belongs to him.

It is ideological premises that have led us to this place — “those wearing the label of Christianity, yet know not how to do the work of the label” and not true Christianity. True Christians know that God is love and that He has commanded us to love one another and to defend the rights of the poor and the needy — not the greedy.

It is the existing tribalism in Congress that will keep us in a place of subservience with the Greedy Old Predators in charge. They would rather vote in lock step with The Rapist rather than make country and their constituents a priority in their decision-making.

All of this has been said before — in many different ways — but saying it again and as often as needed, will hopefully cause the gullibles to wake up and smell the stench coming from the White House and determine to do something about it — while they have a chance. That chance will arrive on November 6, 2018 — for us to create a Blue Wave Tsunami and truly take our country back from the Greedy Old Predators and The Rapist — recovering our status with world leaders who think we have collectively lost our minds by allowing such an abomination reside in the White House.

We can do this and all it takes is for everyone who can read and think to consider joining other Everyday Americans and setting this stagecoach upright — reclaiming our time! We need fair and balanced decision-makers in Congress, not tribalism and certainly not Russian plants.

Join us as we establish a Coalition of Everyday Americans For Everyday Americans in 2020. We’ll be in charge and every voice heard and every issue addressed with no one disrespected or belittled or maligned.

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