Tuesday, March 13, 2018

No Collusion?

The Republicans on the House Intelligence (oxymoron) Committee has determined there is no evidence of collusion on the part of anyone in the trump campaign--a conclusion they announced with the termination of their investigation.

I'm not an attorney, but I've worked with a number of them and it seems to me that this conclusion is premature at best--complicit at worse:

When there is an investigation of anyone to determine any wrong doing, all stones should be looked under to see what may be there. Since there were a number of "witnesses" who refused to answer questions--claiming "attorney-client privilege" when none existed and since the chairman of the Intel committee refused to subpoena them, they did not conduct a thorough investigation. Of course, Devin Nunes has his own reasons for terminating the investigation. The truth was about to reveal his part in the complicity of the Russian meddling.

Here's the thing, no matter what happens from this point forward--Republicans are not to be trusted in any public office and no one who is sane should ever consider voting for them again.

There has never been as much turmoil and stupidity running rampant in the White House, spilling over to Capitol Hill as there has been since January 21, 2017. Putin's influence and sway (whatever it is) over trump is costing this country dearly and at this point--no other country or world leader should trust us since we have proven, we can't be trusted to handle our own domestic affairs.

But we can earn the trust back with upcoming elections. We must elect responsible adults to be in public offices and right now that means--we elect Democrats--who care about all people. We must vote blue in special elections, the midterms in every state and again in 2020--to elect a president who thinks with their brains, not their guts.

Of course, the final verdict about "conspiring against America" has yet to be made and even when Mueller makes it--we cannot count on the Republican-led Congress to do its job and divest themselves of any so-called loyalty to trump. But a flipped House and Senate--Democrats leading--will put America back on track and we will see beneficial change for all.

Who am I that any should believe me? Take a little time and do some research and discover--who I am and where I stand. I am an American with heart, compassion, and a desire to address every need of other Everyday Americans. Right now, I am a LittleKnownEducator, but give me a few months and all of that will change.

My name (remember it well) is Mary M. Hall-Rayford and I approve this message!

Attention voters
I Am2
Christian Democrat

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