Sunday, August 17, 2014

What Do We Have?

"Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ—the Son of the Father—will continue to be with us who live in truth and love." (2 John 1:3 NLT)

When we live in Truth and Love,

What do we have?

Grace, mercy, and Peace!

Who is it from?

God, the Father, and Jesus Christ!

When do we have it?


How long will we have it?

As long as we live
in Truth and Love!

How long?

As long as we live
in Truth and Love!

How long?

As long as we live
In Truth and Love!

Whose Truth?

God's Truth!

Whose Truth?

God's Truth!

What Do We Have?

Grace, Mercy, and Peace!

What Do We Have?

Grace, Mercy, and Peace!

When do we have it?


Now that we know what we have and from whom we have it, why can't we live what we say we believe? If we know we have grace, mercy, and peace as we CONTINUE to live in God's Truth and in His love--why is there so much hatred and violence in the earth? Do we really know what we have with Jesus governing our lives? If we do--let's act like it and encourage others to receive His grace--unmerited favor for we cannot earn it, His mercy--for not giving us what we truly deserve, and His peace--that surpasses all understanding and provides an environment where hatred cannot exist.

Why are waiting for peace when we already have it? We just need to exercise living in truth and love!

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