Sunday, January 31, 2016

Shadow Security!

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. Psalm 91:1,2; 9,10 NIV
When the shadows fall over the land, we can either feel security or fear. There are so many stories about our reactions to shadows that one blog post would not do it justice. There are times when shadows have caused people frightening experiences when they did not realize that tree branches and plastic bags caught on branches can give the allusion of something else that is far more sinister than what it is.

And then there are times when dangerous acts have been defeated because of the shadows alerting others of the dangers contrived by those who are evil.

But there is security in the knowledge that those of us who believe that the shadow of the Almighty is with us, daily. We can trust in the security of that shadow knowing that nothing by any means shall harm us when we dwell in His presence.

I started to title this post, shadow boxing--because that is what many of us do when we're trying to overcome mindsets that keep us from enjoying the benefit of belonging to God. We feel we must always fight back--boxing our imaginary opponent that only exists in our heads--and yet we never win. Though shadow boxing has its benefits for those who are training to be boxers, there is no win since we are actually boxing our own shadow. And every time we move--in the right conditions for shadows to exist--the shadow moves and looms larger than we are.

So, too does God's shadow--loom so much larger than we are and therefore we can trust Him to protect us. If we truly understood what dwelling in the shadow of His presence meant, we would indeed--fear no evil that conspires against us. We would boldly travel the paths He sets before us and not concern ourselves with the mediocrity that attempts to distract us. His shadow--on every side--because He is Light and where there is Light, His shadow is present.

Remember--when Peter passed by some and those who were enveloped in his shadow were healed. David said though the shadow of death was always present, he would not fear any evil coming upon him.

We do not have to fear shadows--unless we are in the wrong place for all the wrong reasons. Living in God's shadow--we are fully protected and have no need to fear.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Faithful Servants!

“Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?" It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. Matthew 24:45-47 NIV
In this day and age most people would cringe at the thought of anyone thinking they are a servant since we have attached such negative connotations to the word.  But being a servant--a faithful servant--has a positive connotation and many should desire to attain to being one.

Faithful servants are always concerned about doing what is best for all. They go out of their way to make sure the things that need to be done--are never left undone. They organize and plan strategies to make their effort more effective so that even if something unexpected occurs at the last minute, they are able to overcome the obstacle and thrive--maintaining their goal.

A servant is not just a person who is under any legal obligation or bondage to another. A true servant is one who has a heart to serve others--just for the sake of doing for others--not for recognition or reward. In this passage of recorded conversations with Jesus, we see that the one who serves from their heart is rewarded for their faithfulness and they never have to say anything to anyone about what they do. What they do--is evident--for all to see and that is how they obtain their reward.

Since not many understand the virtue of volunteerism in our society, volunteers are hard to find and even when some people volunteer their time--they do so with an agenda in mind. Not all agendas have negative connotations, but when a person does anything simply to receive recognition, they have an agenda that does not necessarily promote the purpose or goal of the entity to which they are volunteering.

We are to do all things, "as unto The Lord," without expecting a great deal of hoopla over what we do. God sees and knows all we do and more importantly, He knows our hearts and our intent.

When I look back at my life, I'd like to think that all I have done--without payment or recognition--is a demonstration of faithful servitude. In the end, on the other side of now, I'm looking for a crown--a crown that only be given by the One who inspires all to do great things. This crown will never wear out or rust or lose its value, but forever be a token of God's recognition for what we have done in the earth.

Lord, help us to seek You in all we do to become faithful servants--mindful that Your reward is truly the only reward we'll ever need. For when we have done what You desire us to do, You give us favor with mankind--here on earth--and not because we seek favor, but because of who You are.

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Center of Our Joy!

They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read. Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and teacher of the Law, and the Levites who were instructing the people said to them all, “This day is holy to the LORD your God. Do not mourn or weep.” For all the people had been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law. Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:8-10 NIV
"Jesus, You're the center of my joy,
All that's good and perfect comes from you,
You're the heart of my desire, the hope for all I do,
Oh, Jesus, You're the center of my joy!"

The words from a very popular song keep ringing in the depths of my soul this morning. When Jesus is the center--the very core of all we do--we can do it with confidence and joy, knowing that it's not about us, but about Him!

In this passage of scripture (The Word), the children of Israel are reminded of the journey their ancestors made with the reading of The Law and the explanations provided, making sure all understood. They wept with remorse when they realized just how off center and off track they had been when they chose to worship idols and engage in other pagan rituals. They were convicted by The Word, but they were not beaten down after showing remorse. They were encouraged--"Don't cry because the joy of The Lord is your strength," they were told.

When we hear The Word today, are we convicted and filled with remorse or are those preaching it--using The Word to beat people down rather than to encourage? Are those reading The Word doing so with understanding and able to explain so all have clear understanding?

Perhaps, the reason our society is in the shape that it's in is because few leaders are reading The Word in the presence of the people, explaining what it means and encouraging the people not to worry because once we understand The Word, we have great joy in knowing Jesus is our strength.

We don't have to worry about things when Jesus Christ is the center of all we do--careful consideration and deliberate communication (prayer) with Him is sought before we do anything. If we understand The Word and know how God intends for us to live, then our lives should not be easily derailed when challenges confront us. And though we make mistakes, He is there to keep us from utter failure and plummeting  when we remember our strength is in Him.

For those who may be reading this blog for the very first time, I encourage you to hear The Word (read it aloud) and allow Jesus into your heart, making Him the center of your life. For those who already know that He is, I encourage you to share the joy of The Lord with all you know and greet.

Jesus, You're the Center of my Joy!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3 NIV
Singing praises to our God is a wonderful way to not dwell on our surroundings, especially when those surroundings can cause us grief. The beauty of singing a new song, one no one has ever heard before is that no one can criticize the words, the rhythm, or our voices--since we usually sing them to ourselves.

Over the years, whenever I prepared to minister to God's people, He always gave me a song to conclude the message. Reception to these songs was usually pretty good and at one time, the church I attended had an awesome musician who could play anything just by listening to a few bars. And when a musician couldn't pick up the song, I sang it acappella.

Now, when things get too embroiled for me to address without causing more turmoil, I sing a song. Sometimes, it's a new one--whatever is poured into my spirit--and sometimes, it's a song that really ministers to me. Recently, I sang to myself--Encourage Yourself In The Lord--and I had to keep singing it in order not to respond to foolishness.

Lately, I find myself singing quite a bit. Most of the songs are based upon The Word, so I can get a chance to meditate on The Word as well as to calm me. Like David playing to keep Saul calm, singing has supernatural power to keep us calm before we create a storm.

Most mothers sing to their infants to calm them. Choirs sing to magnify The Lord. There are songs that make people want to dance and some that make people cry, but singing is a good way to wipe out negativity and the desire to avenge oneself when one feels they have been wronged.

O Lord, You who know everything,
Soothe my heart and let my voice ring,
With a melody that praises You,
And encourages my spirit, too,
Praising You for all You have done
And will do, creating all under the sun,
Providing us with its marvelous light,
Negating the wrongs, to always do right,
As unto You, not to cause others flight,
Away from You. O Lord, I sing
And hear angels' voices ring,
Carrying the melody meant to calm
In the midst of every storm--until joy,
Releases its healing balm.
There is indeed a balm in singing unto You!

Whenever we feel like we're about to lose it--our tempers or get emotionally distraught, we can solve it all, by singing!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We Can't Get Tired Now!

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV
Day after day, week after week, year after year, no matter how much we attempt to do to change what happens around us, we don't see the change we want to see, but we can't get tired, now.

Though adversity after adversity confronts us, wearies us, and angers us, we must keep doing what we know is right--guided by Holy Spirit--maintaining our hope in Him who is the Light who dispels the darkness.

Even when we are walking in the Light of Love, we must guard our hearts and recognize the wolf in sheep's clothing or the smiling faces who hide the poison in the conversation. Not every smiling face is a friend and when we look closely at the eyes--those orbs that reflect the depth of the soul, we know who is a friend and who is the enemy's tool.

Every day we wake, we will face some known and some unknown challenges. Many we will overcome, but there are some that drain us dry, leaving us weak and wondering why we bother to continue. That's life--we can't take it personally and we must never get tired of trying to do the right thing. When we are weak in our strength, we can count on Him to strengthen us. When our thoughts attempt to defeat us, we have to encourage ourselves in The Lord.

Living for The Lord is not easy, but it is gratifying beyond the description of mere words. Those who don't understand cannot fathom why we keep on the path He has set before us. They participate in the scorn and ridicule and wait for us to become as they are and when we don't--they are confused, while we just smile and give God the glory!

If you're like me and have been facing all sorts of challenges--physical, emotional, and spiritual--praying fervently for those in need, while it seems that no one is praying for you; strengthening yourself in the Word just to keep from going off on those around you, mumbling to keep from saying the wrong thing since words once spoken can never be retrieved; and living in the hope we have in Jesus--don't get tired now!

When people say all manner of things about you that aren't true--just thank God for them spending so much and attention on you. You really matter to them! When your body acts like it belongs in a morgue, speak life to your body and tell it to get up and get going. When your heart hurts because people disappoint you, focus on the One who never disappoints. We have an advocate in the midst of every trial and temptation and His name is Jesus!

Until He returns, we are victorious in Him on this side of heaven, so we can't get tired now!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Purpose of My Books!

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” Toni Morrison

Though I will be the first to admit that I am not a particular fan of Toni Morrison's works, I agree wholeheartedly with her stance about writing. Before I even read this quote, I knew what type of books I wanted to read and wrote them--with the hope that I was not the only one who wanted to read--wholesome literature--devoid of voyeuristic scenes and profanity.

You see, as much as I love mysteries and romance novels, I started avoiding most of those on the market. Most of the suspense and thriller novels are so laced with profanity that I can't get past the first chapter. When that happens, I simply stop reading. The same is true of some of the books that people are trying to pass off as romance, when they're actually only about sex.

I'm not trying to tell other people what to write or how to write it, but I won't read literature that opposes my faith and my stance with moral issues.

Therefore, I've written a number of books--that are romantic in nature without making the reader feel like they're taking part in a perverse act--and have an actual story line, with lovable characters and those the reader can hate as well.

The suspense and thriller novels--are filled with all the stuff we love--intrigue, murder, human trafficking, kidnapping, but no profanity and the characters have developed "alternate" expressions that work well when they are emotionally charged.

I want to see a return of moral values and structures that all can read in the literature produced. So I have accomplished--at least I think I have--this goal with my books. Why am I saying this now? An author on Twitter posted that Indie Publishers should be blogging about their books, not their blogs. I agree and here I am.

I'd love to know what you think--regarding my purpose.  Did I accomplish my purpose or am I just whistling in the clouds of hope?

There are two fantasies for kids and I'm working on the third in the series. In these books, kids are empowered to overcome good with evil by relying upon innate powers within them-- and  Both were written to empower kids between the ages of 10 and 12 and beyond with the latest effort--not yet available. Kids need all the encouragement they can get to do the right thing and to know others see them as worthy and not just a nuisance to be tolerated.

The suspense/thriller works are: about a serial killer in a small town in South Carolina. I introduce Tyson and Tiffany as they team up to find the serial killer. In the second book Tyson is working for the FBI and Tiffany is battling demons from her past, but it is with the struggle they discover who's kidnapping mentally challenged girls and are able to defuse all the bombs the crazy Russian plants, except one. In Tyson and Tiffany and their team must find Swatere's kids who have been kidnapped as revenge against Tiffany. They find the kids, but will a blazing mountain fire defeat their attempt to rescue them?

Two of the romance novels are based upon two ministers who meet over the phone and begin the journey that is overwhelmed with obstacles. begins the story, but even after they overcome the barriers set before them, others attempt to cloud the issues in  The last romance is more secular in nature, but still provides insight into matters of the heart and love without being erotically perverse. There is a wonderful story line in about love, trust and betrayal.

There are many more found on Amazon--mostly Christian Living and can be accessed through this link  My goal with this post is to entice you to read my books and let me know if I have accomplished my purpose. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Never Consumed!

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22,23 NIV
Rebellion consumes the mind and ignites opposition to authority. The serpent in the garden ignited rebellion and opposition to God's Word in Eve and Adam and resulted in their eviction from The Garden.

Hate consumes the mind and ignites more hate without reason. All of the dictators who systematically killed others who opposed them and spread lies in order to get others to do their dirty work--were consumed with hate.

Fire consumes everything in its path, without bias--destruction emerges as the end result. The lake of fire has been prepared for all liars, fornicators, adulterers--and those who refuse to Believe God. They will be consumed and nothing left of them to deter others.

But love--soothes the rising of anger and replaces it with peace and hope. Love stamps out those fires of unbelief and rebellion and hate, enveloping us and sealing us with His love. And it is because of Love--that we are not consumed with carnal desires, displeasing God on a daily basis. His love embraces us and His mercies are new every morning--saving us from ourselves.

Are we consumed with the desire to love? Are we attempting to do everything we can to please God rather than self? Love never destroys, but builds. Love never makes excuses for not doing right, but finds reasons to promote itself. Love does not see differences, but looks for opportunities to understand and accept diversity. We are all one race--the human race--and love embraces one and all.

Love and hate cannot abide in the same place for either love will reign or hate will reign. Where love reigns, peace abides and no one is sacrificed for another. Where hate reigns--destruction is imminent--and no one is given any consideration at all. If we are not consumed because of God's love for us, we should do as He does and just--love!

The evidence is clear--we can see it with our own eyes--both naturally and spiritually how hate consumes and destroys on a daily basis. With all of the people who are senselessly killed on a daily basis--undisciplined minds raging out of control and their feelings taking over and driving them to do dastardly things that cost lives--others and theirs for when they do wrong--eventually they are caught and their lives end in prison or a morgue.

There's a reason we are still here--not consumed by passions that destroy, but saved to be filled to overflowing with His love to share with others. Because of His endless love and mercies--we are never consumed with hatred or the desire to destroy. We have work to do to make sure that love and compassion never cease as we promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, let's get busy and make sure complacency and indifference never consume us, leaving us wondering why we cannot move forward in His name!

Fill us, Lord--to overflowing with Your love and compassion every day!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Don't Get Discouraged!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23,24 NIV
If we pay too much attention to those around us who are always complaining, always negative, and always finding fault with others--if we allow their noise to infect our spirits, we become discouraged. We have to shut out the noise of bitterness and complaining and fault-finding and encourage ourselves in The Lord!

When we understand that people have neither heaven or hell for us--we don't have to pay attention to them or we certainly should not consider their opinion of us--we can work--diligently--knowing what we do, The Lord sees and He will reward.

I have discovered in life that no matter what we do--we will never please all people all the time. So, I've learned to not consider what people may think (unless I value their opinion) and do what is right in the sight of The Lord. There is a peace that settles in my spirit when I know He is pleased with what I do, no matter what others think.

Pleasing people--who are fickle-minded and subject to change as quickly as Michigan weather--is a waste of time. I'm not saying we should not do what we're supposed to do--especially in situations of a job or in a role of responsibility. I'm saying, as long as what we do--we can be assured that we have done our best to get it right and do what's right--we shouldn't worry about people. I have been in situations where those in authority expected me to cheat and lie and I refused. I have been in situations where people thought making fun of cultural differences was acceptable and when I refused to join in the stupidity, I was ostracized. None of them mattered because I knew right from wrong and would not veer from doing right.

On this journey in life, we have to know who we are and who we serve. We have to be secure in the knowledge that no matter no people do, we will not shame God by being disobedient to Him. When we know who we are--nothing moves us from God's Truth. When we know our role in life is to please Him, what others think won't matter. And if there comes a time when we start to doubt ourselves--we look to The Word to encourage ourselves--to keep doing things God's Way.

We see people like Kim Davis and Tim Tebow who refuse to bow to popular opinion and we watch their persecution when they remain steadfast in their beliefs. Many of us are being persecuted on a smaller scale because we will not succumb to being like those around us when they prove they do not honor God with their living. I don't know about other people, but I keep talking to God--seeking His wisdom and direction in all things. I freely admit, I don't always know how to handle various situations, but I know He does. And even when I hear Him say things that my flesh does not want to hear, I clench my teeth and obey.

Remember this--no matter what people do--Our God reigns and nothing by any means shall deter us from living our lives to please Him!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Where There Is Hope!

For in You, O LORD, I hope;
You will hear, O Lord my God. Psalm 38:15 NKJV
We, mere human beings, place our hope in a myriad of things--and people--and usually when we have placed all of our eggs in one basket--we are eventually disappointed and many are discouraged. Why? Our hope--in things and people--is misplaced. When our hope is totally in God--we are never disappointed--if we are willing to hear and obey.

There were many people who had hopes of winning the billion dollar lottery. We know because of the size of the jackpot and the number of people who had hopes of winning. But the reality is--no matter how many tickets a person purchased, only one was going to win. In this case--three people had the same numbers and shared the jackpot. How many others were disappointed?

And even when we "win" at some things, the victory brings with it other challenges. When professional sports team win a game, the expectation is they will keep winning and when they don't, fans, coaches, teams and owners are disappointed. Why? Their hope was in their individual and collective abilities, but someone had to lose in order for someone to win.

We place our hope in our leaders and are often disappointed when they fail to live up to our expectations and then we seek to replace them. This is especially true when leaders fail to consider the big picture in making decisions about those they lead. The primary example for this misguided hope is the situation that now exists in Flint, Michigan with its water crisis. Trying to save the city money is going to cost--the city, the residents and the governor--when the fallout of using contaminated water is determined. It is already costing the families who live there--those who have ingested lead-laced water.

We place our hope in teachers and educational systems when corruption runs rampant and greed reigns and children are the biggest losers because those in charge--forgot about them. The situation with the teachers in the Detroit Public School system is not new; it has been germinating for decades, but it has finally sprouted and all the ugliness revealed--because it is time to fight back with teachers taking up the banner, saying enough is enough.

This post is not intended to address the political ramifications of corruption and complacency, but to demonstrate how misplaced hope (without God) will always end in disappointment.

Not so with God--in Him--we can rest assured that He will do and accomplish all He says in His Word when we hear and obey Him. The problem is most of us won't trust Him completely and when we try to trust--just a little bit--we are disappointed because we lacked the ability to trust Him completely. Our hope and trust have to be in Him since He is the only constant in our lives. We cannot trust people who don't honor Him and we certainly cannot trust--things--that have no soul or spirit--no conscience or feelings regarding right or wrong.

In You, O Lord, do we place our complete trust and hope, now and forever. For there is none like You who holds our future in Your hand, knowing all there is know about us and yet loving us anyway.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Overcoming Evil With Good!

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 NIV
For every unkind word spoken
For every deed that's a evil token,
For every thought opposed to good,
Let love abide and reign as Jesus would.

We do not have to respond to others as they do to us because the love of Christ reigns within our hearts and we have been given (by Holy Spirit), the gift of discernment so we might know what is the influence behind what people say and do. When Believers understand that the enemy will always influence those whose minds are weak and not focused on the things of God, we will withstand the attacks by showering others with love.

Showering others with love does not mean we become doormats and allow people to deliberately misuse and abuse us. It means that we know when to step back and love from afar--if we need to do so--praying for all who are living in misery and allowing the enemy to use them.

However, sometimes those who are most miserable and have allowed the enemy to cloud their minds with doubt uncertainty, seldom understand that a word of advice or correction is not an attack against them, but an act of love to support and encourage them. When correction is not accepted--for whatever reason--it is time to step back and pray--leave them to their own devices until we see the enemy no longer leading them. And while we wait, we continue doing good--doing what Jesus would do in every situation.

One of the amazing things that I've encountered with people who say they know Jesus is they seldom remember that Jesus corrected those who were wrong as well as loved. People remember He said, "love" but they forget--if they ever knew--that we are also to correct others when we know they are headed in the wrong direction. We have a right to seek justice for any injustice we see--correcting every wrong--no matter who is wrong. The perfect example for Jesus doing this is when He overturned the tables in the temple--outraged at the mockery of charging people money to buy elements for sacrificial acts.

Although we do not have the power, on an individual basis, to stop all the evil in the world, we can--collectively--keep doing good and praying that those who commit evil will come into the knowledge of Truth and find their way to Him. We shall overcome!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Living In Unity!

How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1 NIV
My immediate thoughts are about the marvelous work that can be accomplished when people can work together--focused on the same goals. Assembly line work also comes to mind--everyone knowing exactly what their role is and how what they do impacts the final product--the car that comes off the line, ready to be driven.

This is how God's people--all The Believers--should live in unity--each knowing their role and how what we do impacts the end result--promotion of The Gospel and perpetuation of peace.

If we all understand our individual giftings and work within them and everyone focuses on what the end result should be and determines to make it happen--more people would be introduced to Christ and the more we know Him, the greater the opportunity for us to experience peace.

We've heard songs about coming together for the greater good of the whole by various artists; we've read poetry and books about the importance of being united; and now--it's time for us to practice what we preach and what we've heard. For as long as we refuse to live in unity--on one accord--the enemy will continue to divide and defeat us--at every turn. Isn't it about time we recognize who our real enemy is and fight back by unifying the Body of Christ?

I'm reminded of the song, "We Shall Overcome" and wonder when that day will happen. If we cannot live in unity, without bickering, complaining, backbiting, and tale-bearing, how will we truly ever--overcome--anything?

Let unity begin with us--those who Believe in the power of Holy Spirit working within us and focus on bringing unity in the lives of all around us--especially the Body of Christ, no matter what denominationalism reigns--the goal is unity--being on one accord, living The Word!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Why We Trust The Word!

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 NIV
Although there are many naysayers and doubters in the world who "refute" the bible as we know it as God's Word, we who know and Believe God, know the truth.

All scripture--not some or just portions or selected passages--was written by man as inspired by God to do so--hence--God-breathed into man's spirit and man wrote. That sounds far too simple for those who would complicate God's Word and His intent for mankind, but it is just that simple. Of course, since many believe that the King James Version is the only right version--there lies another complication.

I am convinced that the original language that man spoke was accurately translated by many (not all), but God's intent for mankind remains static--no matter what language is used. My conviction in this area is derived from my relationship with God who has revealed His truth to me by guiding me in search of truth. So, I believe the Bible--any good translation that does not pervert or distort God's Truth--is good for instruction and correction, in guiding anyone to living a life that is pleasing to God.

How do I know this? I tried living without The Word as a guide in my life and almost ended my life when life got too tough to bear. It was The Word that saved me and exposed all the lies the enemy had tried to use against me. It was The Word that showed me how much I am loved by God. It was The Word that convinced me that pleasing God is far more important than trying to please man. It was The Word that demonstrated God's mercy and grace towards all who had fallen short of His perfection. And it was my faith in God that led me to understand The Word for my life.

The desire to please God--once we understand His Word--puts on the path to serving others and that's why The Word is important--so all who know it and trust it can accomplish all that God desires for them to accomplish.

For any who doubt the value of The Word--I offer this challenge--have faith in God and in developing a relationship with Him and then open a bible--with an open mind and willing heart to hear Him. I guarantee--you'll never be the same--once you find yourself in God's Word!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Who's Crying Now?

Then they will cry to the LORD,
But He will not hear them;
He will even hide His face from them at that time,
Because they have been evil in their deeds. Micah 3:4 NKJV
There will come a time when those who perpetuate evil, leading others astray intentionally, manipulating people and circumventing true authority will cry unto The Lord, when they refuse to obey Him.

It would appear that people--across the board--choose to ignore God and enjoy the fruits of their wickedness until the time comes when, God exposes the wickedness for what it is and the tables are turned on them. Then, with truth exposed, they call upon The Lord expecting Him to hear and answer, but as the Prophet Micah reveals--He won't hear them.

What I've observed in human nature is that those who say they don't know if there's a god or not; don't know whether they believe in Jesus or not, and then live any way they want to live, back-peddle quickly, when things don't go their way. And the situation is even worse when those who say they believe God, but don't want to obey Him. When they have caused others to cry--with their schemes and lies--they are quick to call on Jesus when life causes them to cry.

I wonder--do people really think that God does not see, cannot hear all that goes on in the earth? Do people think God is winking an eye at sin and that truth will never reign? We have in our society those who have no problem causing strife and dissension in the midst of things, but when the tables turn--oh my! "What did I do? O God, help me!"

Those who fuel drama and discord, lead people astray with lies and perpetuate nonsense leading to the deaths of others, will one day pay and we who have been watching them terrorize nation after nation, will see them exposed for who they really are--just as it came to pass when Micah was prophesying to God's people. It's amazing to me that those who don't recognize truth when they see or hear it, are quick to twist their version of truth into lies and they cry--hoping others will never know who they really are.

We need not despair over the fate of those who create one dilemma after another for others. Weeping may endure for us--for a moment, but joy is coming!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

At The Intersection of Reflection!

Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” 2 Timothy 2:19 NIV
Having finished the written explication of Psalm 119, I am pausing at the intersection of this journey and reflecting upon what I learned from it.

We (or at least I am) are no different from the writer of hundreds of years ago. We are still in awe of God's goodness; we still need Him to guide us; we still need to pray-communicate with Him often; we still need to understand He is our salvation from the wicked; we still need to study His Word in order to know how to live and we still need to know how to love--even the unlovable.

One would think that after all this time we would have learned from the mistakes and the history of those who came before us, but unfortunately, we tend to ignore history and keep making the same mistakes and end up on the same path as those who came before us. The lessons we need to learn appear to be a never-ending cycle that is spiraling into the depths of destruction of mankind.

When will we learn? I am convinced I do not have the answer and therefore, I will continue to trust God in all things for my understanding is so limited of His Wisdom, I will never have full understanding of all His ways.

This one thing I do know--I need Jesus--every hour of every day and I will never reach a place in my life that I won't need Him.

I'm going to continue my reflection at this intersection, seeking His wisdom in His Word to determine where I shall head next on this journey in meditating upon His Word.

May The Lord continue to speak to your hearts, guiding you every step of the way on your own journey to discovering even more of His goodness as we continue to navigate life.

Monday, January 18, 2016

On The Journey--TAU!

Let my cry come before You, O LORD;
Give me understanding according to Your word.
Let my supplication come before You;
Deliver me according to Your word.
My lips shall utter praise,
For You teach me Your statutes.
My tongue shall speak of Your word,
For all Your commandments are righteousness.
Let Your hand become my help,
For I have chosen Your precepts.
I long for Your salvation, O LORD,
And Your law is my delight.
Let my soul live, and it shall praise You;
And let Your judgments help me.
I have gone astray like a lost sheep;
Seek Your servant,
For I do not forget Your commandments. Psalm 119:169-176 NKJV
The 22nd letter and stanza--the last plea in this acrostic poem.

When we veer too far in the wrong direction--trying to be politically correct or to fit in with our contemporaries, do we recognize it and remember God?

Within this last stanza, it appears the writer has engaged in something other than in obeying God's Word and realizes that he needs to turn back. He's begging for God to hear him and to give him understanding of His Word. One might think that the enemy the writer has referenced in earlier passages has led him to engage in activities that are not of God. Is this a passage of repentance? Do we react in this manner when  we fall short?

Help us, Lord! Hear us when we call! When do we think God does not hear us? When we have fallen away from doing His Will. I would guess this is a natural human response--when we do wrong and we know it is wrong--we tend to think God won't hear us and certainly won't respond. But remember this is a time in which the Holy Spirit was not accessible to everyone who believed.

So, why is it--that those who believe now--find it difficult to understand that God hears us--at all times and He sees what we do--at all times?

"Let my soul live and it shall praise You." The writer recognizes that it is our soul--our will to determine right from wrong that will be judged for what we do. And he is asking God to let his soul live and his judgment to come now--giving him another chance to get things right.

We are spirit beings, hosted in a physical body, with a soul--that either is full of light or full of darkness. When we die--according to The Word, our spirits go back to God from whom they were given, the body returns to the dust from which it came and our soul awaits judgment. When we cry unto the Lord for help, it is our soul--recognizing the darkness into which we've fallen--needing the Light to dispel the darkness so we can see how to do right.

The writer admits he has strayed and is lost. Have we reached that conclusion at some point in our journey--we need His guidance all along the way?

Being lost is never a problem when we can seek direction from a reliable source. There is no source more reliable than God's Word. For all who are lost--sinking in moral dilemmas or spiritual demise, help is nearer than we think--we simply have to call on Him, repent of those things we know are not of Him, seek Him for understanding of His Word and then live--a life of abundance--according to His Word!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

On The Journey--SHIN!

Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.
I rejoice at Your word
As one who finds great treasure.
I hate and abhor lying,
But I love Your law.
Seven times a day I praise You,
Because of Your righteous judgments.
Great peace have those who love Your law,
And nothing causes them to stumble.
LORD, I hope for Your salvation,
And I do Your commandments.
My soul keeps Your testimonies,
And I love them exceedingly.
I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies,
For all my ways are before You. Psalm 119:161-168 NKJV
The 21st letter and stanza--acknowledgement, praise and hope in the midst of any trial.

How many times has someone who has authority over us--attempted to misuse their authority and persecute us, simply because we would not conform to doing things their way-in opposition to God's Word? We were not the first to experience this ploy to get us to be deceitful and dishonest and we won't be the last.

Whenever anyone expects us to lie or cheat in order to keep a job or to stay in their favor, we should have the same attitude the writer has. We should abhor lying and deceitfulness with a passion and openly denounce it.

Are we in awe of God's Word enough to keep it--no matter what others do? The more I study and seek God for understanding, the more I realize just how much His Word is so much better than the dictates of man.

In God's Word--there is Life and Liberty--freedom to live according to God's Word, knowing we are pleasing God, whether others find fault with us or not.

In God's Word--there is Justice and Mercy. God's Word is just--not fair--for His righteousness is just and there is nothing in it we can debate--that will change His intent for our lives. This is why we are constantly reminded in His Word that the wicked shall have their judgment for all the world to see and we are regarded--His righteousness, for we have none of our own.

In God's Word--there is Love and Grace--God is love and therefore everything He has done, is doing and will do is based upon His love for us. If we follow His commands--to love Him and one another--the world will be filled to overflowing with Love and we shall peace upon the land because of His favor shown towards us.

In God's Word--there is Peace--His peace that surpasses all understanding. And because we belong to Him, we too can enjoy blessed peace in the midst of chaos and confusion when we live according to His Word.

In God's Word--there is Light--that overcomes the darkness that hangs as clouds because of the wicked imaginations of those who oppose God. Wherever there is darkness, light dispels it and exposes the deeds of darkness. We cannot hide from God, no matter what we think we can do that He won't see or know.

In God's Word--there is healing--for our bodies and for nations under siege--due to differences of opinion and the ravages of war. By His stripes we are healed of illnesses, diseases and with His peace we are healed of frustration and depression over things we cannot control. If those of us who believe Him would simply pray--earnestly--believing He will answer-- and repent of our waywardness, He will heal the land.

In God's Word--there is Truth--for His Word is Truth and His Ways are the true way by which we should live. Whenever God's Word is not revealed as Truth, peace is disrupted and chaos reigns.

How often we pray to God or communicate with Him on any level is not a matter of prescription or formula, but it should be a way of life for every Believer. I pray throughout the day--thanking God and praising Him for His goodness--and I have no idea how many times I do it; I just do it.

My soul loves Jesus and all my hope is in Him for there is no hope in any other! How about you?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

On The Journey--RESH!

Consider my affliction and deliver me,
For I do not forget Your law.
Plead my cause and redeem me;
Revive me according to Your word.
Salvation is far from the wicked,
For they do not seek Your statutes.
Great are Your tender mercies, O LORD;
Revive me according to Your judgments.
Many are my persecutors and my enemies,
Yet I do not turn from Your testimonies.
I see the treacherous, and am disgusted,
Because they do not keep Your word.
Consider how I love Your precepts;
Revive me, O LORD, according to Your lovingkindness.
The entirety of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. Psalm 119:153-160 NKJV
The 20th letter and stanza--continued recognition of the need to keep God's Word and awareness of how others fare when they don't.

When we have the Word hidden in our hearts and have a desire to please God, things change on the inside of us--we are forever mindful of our need for God in our lives and we should be disgusted with the ways of those who live in opposition with God's Word. Now, "disgusted" is a little strong, but the intent serves a purpose.

Every Believer should be disgusted with sin--when we see it in others and in ourselves. We should hate sin with enough diligence to want to see it eradicated--never to be seen again; but we should never hate the sinner.

How do we separate the sin from the sinner? Sin is an act or action that is contrary to God's Word; the sinner is the person committing the act. God hates sin and so should we; but He loves the sinner and so should we.

If God hated sinners--where would we be? Lost in our sin--hated and tainted by others. It is God's mercy, and enduring kindness that has brought us into a knowledge of who He is and how He wants us to live--not that we were so good, but that we all--at one time--were headed in the wrong direction. But His love--sees beyond our faults and brings us to a place where we are able to realize our potential--the purpose He has for our lives.

Throughout this Psalm, the writer refers to himself--always in need of God's direction and grateful for His statues and precepts--understanding His purpose in our lives. And though it appears that the writer is scornful of the wicked, he also intercedes on their behalf when he points out their shortcomings and acknowledges God's lovingkindness.

What we should not miss is that no matter how many times or ways others tried to destroy him, persecuted him, and taunted him for keeping God's Word, he stood firm.

Can we say the same? Or do we allow the enemy to entangle us with the deeds of the wicked by responding in kind when we are mistreated? Are we able to rise above the fray in the midst of a torrent of hatefulness directed at us and say, "Lord, I love to keep Your Word?"

I am reminded of the current political climate in which we see more kindergarten attitudes than maturity in the mudslinging. I am so tired of politicians who have no platform--nothing to say about their own strengths, but are always in "attack mode." If this is the best we can do, Heaven help us all!

And while we wait for His glorious return-we pray-and continue to praise God for His goodness and for loving us enough to bring us into the knowledge of who He is and how He wants us to live.

Friday, January 15, 2016

On The Journey--Qoph!

I cry out with my whole heart;
Hear me, O LORD!
I will keep Your statutes.
I cry out to You;
Save me, and I will keep Your testimonies.
I rise before the dawning of the morning,
And cry for help;
I hope in Your word.
My eyes are awake through the night watches,
That I may meditate on Your word.
Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness;
O LORD, revive me according to Your justice.
They draw near who follow after wickedness;
They are far from Your law.
You are near, O LORD,
And all Your commandments are truth.
Concerning Your testimonies,
I have known of old that You have founded them forever. Psalm 119:145-152 NKJV
 The 19th letter and stanza--total reliance and trust expressed.

Crying out to God with our whole hearts--expecting Him to hear us and save us from whatever dilemma rises in our lives--should be our stance.

The writer expresses his reliance upon God by acknowledging it is in Him that salvation is possible, that his cries will be heard and that his hope is in Him. While waiting to see God's response, he meditates upon His Word; he awakens in the middle of the night, meditating upon His Word; and when he rises in the morning, his heart is still focused on God's Word.

Do we have that kind of hope, reliance and trust in God and in knowing His Word? I would venture to say that the more we know His Word, the greater our reliance becomes upon Him. For when we know God's Word, we know that it is only because of Him that we can keep going. The more we know--the greater the realization becomes that within ourselves, we have no might and can do nothing, apart from Him.

Perhaps this is why those who don't believe Him, think they can accomplish anything in their own wisdom, knowledge and might. They are mistaken. They ridicule us when we pray, calling our God--the invisible spaghetti monster and prayer a waste of time. But when the going gets really tough, and they cry out, "O God!" which of their gods do they expect to intercede on their behalf?

Just as the writer expresses, we know that God is always near because we are told in His Word that He will never leave us or forsake us. When we call upon Him, He hears us. When we obey His Word, He responds to us. Our faith--total reliance and trust in Him--keeps us focused on His Word and mindful that we have nothing to fear because our God is always near!

We know--from the beginning when God established His statutes that they were intended to be a light in the darkness for all times--guiding us as we navigate life. But His Word can only be a light in our lives when we have understood His purposes for our lives.

Though some think that because they can memorize and quote God's Word they have accomplished something, if there is no understanding--no comprehension, what have they really accomplished? The enemy knows the Word and knows how to distort it to deceive others. We know because he used The Word to tempt The Word and he failed miserably because Truth will always break the shackles that bind the mind.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

On The Journey--TSADDE!

Righteous are You, O LORD,
And upright are Your judgments.
Your testimonies, which You have commanded,
Are righteous and very faithful.
My zeal has consumed me,
Because my enemies have forgotten Your words
Your word is very pure;
Therefore Your servant loves it.
I am small and despised,
Yet I do not forget Your precepts.
Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,
And Your law is truth.
Trouble and anguish have overtaken me,
Yet Your commandments are my delights.
The righteousness of Your testimonies is everlasting;
Give me understanding, and I shall live
The 18th letter and stanza of this acrostic expression of the writers deep-seated emotions about their circumstances.

When we do everything we can to do what is right, do we get tired when we see our efforts fall short?

This is what I'm getting out of this stanza--the writer knows that God's laws are right, he's trying to live by them, but all around them, people are living by their own standards and codes of righteousness. He's getting tired--of being harassed because of his zeal to do things God's way, instead of the way people consider to be just.

I've often felt that way myself. Not that I'm so perfect, but when I try to live according to God's Word and then watch all those who don't--appear to prosper--my flesh gets weak and I want to angry and want to tell people off. However, when Holy Spirit speaks to my heart, I calm down and continue to seek God's Word, with my mind made up to do things God's Way.

I know many Believers who have encountered some of the same things I have in this regard--we are criticized, ridiculed, and persecuted because we refuse to go along with the status quo--accept everything everyone does and ignore God. We won't do it.

Our opposition--or at least mine--has come from two primary sources--those who don't believe in God and those who promote living in opposition to God's Word because it is politically expedient.

Though I get weary and spiritually weak in this continuing fight, I won't give up. I won't allow those who choose not to Believe, to deter me or dissuade me. They have a right to believe or not believe just as I do. When they choose to cite science as a standard, I know they have forgotten--if they ever knew--that God created all that was ever created and the goal of science is to try to explain--why--science does not create anything from nothing, which is why scientists are yet puzzled by Creation and are forever trying to discover--the how and why. That's what they do--discover--not create.

On the other hand, I am appalled at Believers--those who proclaim to be Christians or at least know something about The Word--those who encourage living in opposition to God's Word and promote ungodliness. It is this group that has the most to worry about when they stand before God on That Day. It is because of sin running rampant and approved by Supreme Court Justices and any other legislative body or persons--who refuse to see the benefit of God's Word as His intent for mankind that the world is in the shape it is.

We must call sin--sin! Liars (and this covers most politicians) are sinners! Thieves--in high places and low places are sinners! All sexual behavior outside the parameters of marriage as God defines it--is sin! Having respect of person (giving people advantages over others for no reason other than association)--is sin! Allowing self-pride--in thinking we know more than we do to reign--is sin and usually leads to problems! When we don't know something, we should own it, and seek to learn it.

This is what the writer has concluded--without God's Word to guide him, there can be nothing but chaos and destruction. Have we reached that conclusion? Are we going with the status quo--anything goes? Are we cementing our relationship with the God of Heaven or the god of this world?

We have choices to make--if we haven't already made them--and I choose to Believe God and live according to His Word--not the dictates of man. What about you?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

On The Journey--Pe!

Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them.
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands.
Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name.
Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.
Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts.
Make your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees.
Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed. Psalm 119:129-136 NIV
The 17th letter and stanza--an expression of trust and sorrow.

If we look at this stanza and see the heart of the writer, we detect an appreciation for God's Word and acknowledgment that continued study and meditation upon His Word opens understanding so that even the simple--unlearned person--can understand.

Have we reached that place yet--where we get it--and appreciate God's love for us in that He has provided the means for us succeed--in spite of what the enemy does or who he influences?

The steps of a good man (person) are ordered by The Lord and He delights in his way (the way he obeys). Psalm 37:23. In the 37th Psalm, the writer acknowledges that God has already ordered the steps of good person and in this Psalm, the writer acknowledges they fall short and need God to direct their footsteps--according to His Word--so sin will not reign in their lives.

Are we there yet? Do we recognize that our steps are indeed--planned by God when we obey His Word?

Considering the rule of the day (historically) by men who chose to be barbaric in their positions to control and oppress people, we can understand why the writer wants to be redeemed--saved from the oppression men tend to burden people with in their religious tyranny.

Religious tyranny is a practice we see all around us--when men think their traditions and rules are more important than God's Word. The traditional rules governing many religious people have led to people committing suicide and murder in the name of "religion." Jesus tells us that because of our "traditions" we have made the Word of God of no effect. We need to conduct ourselves--according to God's Word--and not man's dictates which change as often as some of us change our underwear. This is the danger of our society--the fickleness of man--not adhering to God's Word.

Like the writer, tears have flowed down my face on more than occasion if I dare listen to the news. I cry for the children whose parents have been killed. I cry for the parents whose children have been killed. I cry for the masses of people who have lost hope because of religious tyranny and I cry for all of us when we allow government officials to twist God's Word to accommodate sin. A "twisted" truth is still a whole lie.

It is past time for all who Believe to open their mouths and spread the Gospel or to use social media networks to promote the Gospel. We will be held accountable for what we do and don't do when it comes to God determining our level of obedience. We can and should use every avenue created to promote the Gospel--especially when we know so much hatred and bigotry are being promoted with the use of social media networks. What the enemy intended for evil, we can turn into something good and Godly.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

On The Journey--Ayin!

I have done justice and righteousness;
Do not leave me to my oppressors.
Be surety for Your servant for good;
Do not let the proud oppress me.
My eyes fail from seeking Your salvation
And Your righteous word.
Deal with Your servant according to Your mercy,
And teach me Your statutes.
I am Your servant;
Give me understanding,
That I may know Your testimonies.
It is time for You to act, O LORD,
For they have regarded Your law as void.
Therefore I love Your commandments
More than gold, yes, than fine gold!
Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things
I consider to be right;
I hate every false way. Psalm 119:121-128 NKJV
The 16th letter and stanza--greater understanding of the woes of the world and we're still asking God to step in and change things.

What I realize from this stanza is that the more the writer understands about God's Ways, the more he sees how evil the world really is when people choose to live in opposition to God's Word.

In verse 128, the writer tells God, "It's time for You to step in because no one is regarding your law." I've had similar thoughts when the Supreme Court Justices made a decision voiding God's Word. I look at the terrorists who kill those who don't believe as they do and say, "When are You going to stop this, God?" I look at how parents treat children and how children treat adults--especially senior citizens--and wonder, "When will this stop?" I look at how people have no value for lives--not their own and certainly not others and I cry out to The Lord, "Come quickly!"

So, the writer's frustration is not new and continues--and will continue until people understand that we all need to live according to God's Word. Only when we understand the importance of doing things His way, will we ever know peace in the land. That means, we all have to change--stop living in opposition to His Word and to stop accommodating sin--all sin--for there is no little sin or big sin, or black sin or white sin--SIN IS SIN!

When we know people are lying, they must be called on the carpet for it--immediately--for if we let it slide, they will think that lying is okay.

When we know people steal--they must be called on the carpet for it. Whatever it is that people are doing--especially those we know--they must be told to stop committing sin and change their ways.

The writer tells us that he "hates every false way." So if we take what doesn't belong to us and claim it as our own, it is false, not true. When we lie about things that either did or did not happen, we lie and it is false. If it is false, it is a lie. A half-truth or twisted truth is still a lie.

We're waiting for God to step in and He's waiting for us to be bold and courageous enough to tell people the truth whether they want to hear it or not, or receive it or not; if we tell them, they won't be able to stand before Him on judgment day and say, "I didn't know."

We must get beyond the thought of trying not to hurt people's feelings when we see them headed in the wrong direction. We must speak up and out about all things that are contrary to God's Word. "Providing things honest in the sight of all men," (2 Corinthians 8:21) as Paul says will make a difference in the world and in the lives of all concerned.

Let's stop waiting for God to step in do what He has called many of us to do--Teach His Word and His ways--boldly and courageously!

Monday, January 11, 2016

On The Journey--Samek!

I hate the double-minded,
But I love Your law.
You are my hiding place and my shield;
I hope in Your word.
Depart from me, you evildoers,
For I will keep the commandments of my God!
Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live;
And do not let me be ashamed of my hope.
Hold me up, and I shall be safe,
And I shall observe Your statutes continually.
You reject all those who stray from Your statutes,
For their deceit is falsehood.
You put away all the wicked of the earth like dross;
Therefore I love Your testimonies.
My flesh trembles for fear of You,
And I am afraid of Your judgments.
The 15th letter (Samech in the KJV) and stanza--man versus God--what men do and what God does.

The writer (and rightfully so) expresses his feelings about double-minded people--those who are on one side of the fence one day and then switch--at will to the other side. This is like politicians--who proclaim to belong to one party adamantly and then switch to the other. James tells us, "A double-minded person is unstable in all their ways." I think most of can see the waffling and teetering between the points of thought of the political candidates now. I'm with the writer on this one--double-minded people cannot be trusted.

However, I wonder if when we're singing our praises to God or even just talking to Him, if we would be better off, not spending so much time talking about those who do wrong. It's not like God doesn't see them or know what they do.

And then there is the arrogance--implied in almost every stanza--"Look at what they do God, but I don't do those things." The writer is constantly telling God how much he loves His laws and His Word, but do we really need to "say" we love His Word or should we just "live" His Word?

Some may not agree with my conclusions and that's perfectly fine. I would like to get into meaningful dialogue with those who truly want to understand and live God's Word before Him.

In some parts of his song, it would appear that he is almost blaming God when he gets into trouble. If his hopes are dashed--it's God's fault? Since God honors our free-will choices (we have to accept the consequences of those choices), it would seem to be that it is not God we need to seek to keep our hopes in Him from being shattered, but we need to seek Him in making our choices.

Now, I realize that we are now living in the 21st century and most of us have a wider depth of knowledge than the writer had at his disposal, but have we changed the way we do things--in particular--in how we talk to God?  The earth is full of wickedness, but do we need to detail all their ways or just pray that all the wicked and evildoers will allow God into their hearts?

I'm not trying to make light of the world's plight, but seeking understanding so I can be a better representative of who God is, and not need to have me in the spotlight.

Lord, help us to hear You clearly and to obey all You desire us to do and to do it all to Your glory for there is none like You!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

On The Journey--Nun!

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
I have sworn and confirmed
That I will keep Your righteous judgments.
I am afflicted very much;
Revive me, O LORD, according to Your word.
Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD,
And teach me Your judgments.
My life is continually in my hand,
Yet I do not forget Your law.
The wicked have laid a snare for me,
Yet I have not strayed from Your precepts.
Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever,
For they are the rejoicing of my heart.
I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, to the very end. Psalm 119:105-112 NKJV

The 14th letter and stanza--gratitude for God's Word in the direction our lives take.

How is God's Word a lamp for our feet and a light on our path?

When we consider how paths were lit before streetlights or lamplights were invented, foot lamps were used along a public path, set into the ground so people could see where they were going or any hazard in their way.

God's Word is indeed a light--it illuminates truths so we can see where we're headed if we don't obey and when we obey. In God's Word, we discover when we're on a path that may be hazardous to us, if we pay attention. When I remember what was said to Joshua, I can see how the writer has come to this conclusion. "If we keep God's commandments, whatever we put our hands to will prosper and we'll have good success." On a path to success, if we obey, we'll make it and if we don't, we won't.

Have we made a commitment to keep God's Word--primarily to love Him and everyone else? If we love Him, we'll always do what is right and pleasing in His sight; if we love others, we'll not do things that could harm them. This is the commitment to keeping God's Word!

And when we have made that commitment to keeping God's Word, we can better handle the attacks by the enemy. Unless our lives are threatened, we don't have to worry about stooping to the level of the enemy; we just speak God's Word over our lives and pray for our enemies that they will become enlightened by God's goodness. For we know--because of the testimonies given by others and how God sustained them, even in the midst of adversity--that He will do it again. He is the same God--yesterday, today, and forever and we can count on Him.

Have we totally submitted our hearts to God in keeping that commitment alive? Have we opened our hearts to receive all the love He has for us so we'll have more than enough to pour out on others?

If we have no love in our hearts, we certainly cannot hope to have love for others. We cannot give what we do not have. Before we can keep His Word, we must receive His Word and all the love that comes with it.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

On The Journey--Mem!

Oh, how I love Your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies;
For they are ever with me.
I have more understanding than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the ancients,
Because I keep Your precepts.
I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.
I have not departed from Your judgments,
For You Yourself have taught me.
How sweet are Your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Through Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way.
The 13th letter and the 13th stanza which appear to be revelation--eyes-wide-understanding of God's Word.

The writer has reached a point in his life when he realizes he loves God's laws and principles and meditates on them daily. He's letting God know, that he has learned more from meditating on God's Word than anything his teachers have taught him and more than those who came before him who apparently did not have the same attitude towards God's Word.

What I love about this is the fact that the writer states--he is wiser because of the testimonies--what he has witnessed God do for him.  When I look at the conduct and behavior of the masses in our society, I have to wonder if any have loved God's Word enough to meditate on it. Have we reached a point where God's Word has revealed to us--God's Truth in how we should live?

I cannot imagine any of us living today being able to say, we are wiser than those who came before us (those in relationship with God). However, it is more than possible that many of us know more than those who tried to teach us--to the best of their ability--about God's Word, through Him.
Here's what I get out of this the most--when we have personally witnessed God's operating on our behalf, we have a testimony that no doubter or hater can ever shake. The doubters and haters could not possibly understand God and even if God had performed a miracle on their behalf, they wouldn't recognize it because to them--it is all about them.

The more I study and meditate on God's Word, the more I see Him and understand how I am to live my life representing all that He is--not me. That does not mean that I ignore the gifts He has given me; it means that I use the gifts to promote who He is. The more I please Him, the more He gives me favor with others.

On much of the social media we use, we see the term, "influencer" as it pertains to how many followers and connections are made through them. I want to be an influencer in promoting the Gospel more than I want to be an influencer on social media. If anyone has come into greater understanding by something I've written that brings them into relationship with God, I have achieved my goal.

Oh yes, His Word is sweeter than honey and will sustain us more than a drink from a fountain, since we have a well of living water rising in us, that never runs dry. And when we recognize what we have in Him, we will exercise self-control and stay out of evil's way.

Friday, January 8, 2016

On The Journey--Lamed!

Forever, O LORD,
Your word is settled in heaven.
Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
You established the earth, and it abides.
They continue this day according to Your ordinances,
For all are Your servants.
Unless Your law had been my delight,
I would then have perished in my affliction.
I will never forget Your precepts,
For by them You have given me life.
I am Yours, save me;
For I have sought Your precepts.
The wicked wait for me to destroy me,
But I will consider Your testimonies.
I have seen the consummation of all perfection,
But Your commandment is exceedingly broad. Psalm 119:89-96
The twelfth letter and twelfth stanza--with the first line acknowledging the Alpha and Omega--forever.

Our God--who has no beginning and no end--He who established the universe and all within it--came and lived among us on earth--The Living Word--who was from the beginning and will be forever! Hallelujah!

Have we concluded--within ourselves--that God's Word will NEVER CHANGE because it has been established--FOREVER--in heaven and when the King sets His seal upon a document--nothing and no one can change it?

Considering--how many times--man has attempted to change the intent of God's Word to pacify themselves or justify sin--we see that before we, who now live, this writer understood that God's Word has been established in heaven and since none of us can enter in and return, there is no changing of God's Word that will ever change Him!

Why? Because without God's Word--the world would have ended long before now. Even though--there are some--who believe in their own arrogance--that people don't need God--they just need to be good. Without God--or His Word--how would we even define good?

The lawless--those who desire to live without foundational direction and guidelines--live in chaos--always ready to overthrow someone else who gets in their way and even though they may not recognize it--they too--have decreed laws--the survival of the strongest--dictates their ever-changing behaviors.

When we recognize--that no matter what we do--God's Word will never change, and we can accept our responsibility for living The Word--then shall we know peace on earth. However, our society may never know just how GOOD God is because we have among us those who think they have a right to change what God has established. Of course, they would not know that without Him dwelling within, so if they don't know Him, why do they think they can change what He says?

As the writer states--he has seen the wicked consumed--we too, shall see the wicked consumed and their consummation will be the end result of their attempt to justify sin by changing God's Word to accommodate living in opposition to His Word. If they did not believe it was God who said it, they would not make the effort they do to keep changing--they simply want to prove they are superior to God (they say to themselves) and do whatever they want to do, flaunting disobedience and thinking there will be no consequences.

Human nature--ever fickle--always attempts to take control over situations in which they have no true control. Most who complain about the use of the Bible--God's Word--as a principle to live by--forget that most laws--protecting the innocent and promoting harmony and peace--were established based upon The Word.

Of course, those who are without the Spirit of the Living God residing within them, will never understand this. And since they are governed by flesh, they will continue to think they are wiser than God and create havoc and chaos for all. For if Holy Spirit resided within them, they would know God's intent for mankind and how He expects us to live, continually--always recognizing His Word--has been established in heaven, forever!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

On The Journey--Kaph!

My soul faints for Your salvation,
But I hope in Your word.
My eyes fail from searching Your word,
Saying, “When will You comfort me?”
For I have become like a wineskin in smoke,
Yet I do not forget Your statutes.
How many are the days of Your servant?
When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?
The proud have dug pits for me,
Which is not according to Your law.
All Your commandments are faithful;
They persecute me wrongfully;
Help me!
They almost made an end of me on earth,
But I did not forsake Your precepts
Revive me according to Your lovingkindness,
So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth. Psalm 119:81-88 NKJV
The eleventh letter and the eleventh stanza--the continual plea for God's intervention.
Salvation--being saved--comes from The Lord. From whom do we need to be saved? From those who attempt to belittle us, mock us, ridicule us or is it that we need to be saved from ourselves more than anything else?

The enemy can kill the flesh, but when our soul is right with God, there is nothing anyone can do to hinder what God has for us.

We see the writer exclaiming how his soul longs for salvation--literally from his enemies and figuratively for the appearance of Jesus. We see how he has searched God's Word until the strain has affected his vision.  He's tired and admits he's having a hard time holding onto hope, dried out, but he perseveres--holding onto the promises in The Word.

Have we become "dried out" when it comes to living for God? Have we succumbed to the pits the enemy digs for us--especially those in the church (Body of Christ) who claim to know God?

When I look at some of the things that "Believers" post on social media, my heart hurts. I am crushed that they do not understand who it is they're supposed to be representing and when others--who claim to be Christians--attack--unmercifully--those in leadership or anyone else who disagrees with them--I cringe and pray.

The Word tells us to pray for our leaders and all those in authority over us. It does not tell us to belittle, ridicule, lie about, and paint such a picture of ugliness OF OURSELVES when we do it, other people. I am so tired of the disrespect shown to President Obama--and it's not because I agree with everything he does. Instead of talking about him and belittling him, that time and energy would be better served in praying for him--which I do. I pray for leaders everywhere--that they will be still and hear the voice of God and obey.

Those who support the NRA--pray. They who support the right of all living--pray. (Somehow the right-to-lifers and are the same people who support the NRA appear to be a bit paradoxical--on one hand they say don't kill the babies who are not born and on the other hand, they approve taking a life of one who is already here). I don't support either group. I support and proclaim the Word of God and in it--He gives us CHOICE, with clear consequences of those choices. Democrats/progressives and Republicans/conservatives all have a lot to learn about what it means to be a true Believer!

It is the attitude of those who proclaim to be Christians that cause my soul to dry out and thirst for the re-appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. But while I wait, I am yet searching God's Word, seeking understanding, and proclaiming all that He reveals to me.

Are we who claim to be His children on one accord yet? If not, how can we ever expect to benefit from the miraculous as those who witnessed the outpouring of Holy Spirit--so long ago. They were all on one accord and received the promise. Until we are all on one accord, the promise will be delayed and it is up to us to be the change the world needs.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

On The Journey--Yod!

Your hands have made me and fashioned me;
Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
Those who fear You will be glad when they see me,
Because I have hoped in Your word.
I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are right,
And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.
Let, I pray, Your merciful kindness be for my comfort,
According to Your word to Your servant.
Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live;
For Your law is my delight.
Let the proud be ashamed,
For they treated me wrongfully with falsehood;
But I will meditate on Your precepts.
Let those who fear You turn to me,
Those who know Your testimonies.
Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes,
That I may not be ashamed. Psalm 119:73-80 NKJV
The tenth letter (Jod in KJV and YUD in HNV and Yodh in the NIV) and the tenth stanza and for the tenth time--we see the writer vow to keep and obey God's Word.

Even though the writer acknowledges God's place in His life--"you made me" he still wavers with his own shortcomings and it sounds like he's on a roller coaster of emotional turmoil.

He wants people to rejoice when they see him, but he doesn't to be put to shame before those same people. And in this stanza, as well as with others, we see a bit of arrogance in the writer, even though he talks about what should happen to the arrogant. Hmm!

Is he better than everyone else because he promises to obey God's Word and meditate on His precepts? Does he think he's fooling God who knows at every turn what he'll do? Do we have these same attitudes--thinking we're better than everyone else because we know some of the Word? Are we expecting others to turn to us because we have demonstrated understanding of God's Word instead of them turning to God?

What I see in this passage (and may have missed in others) is a person more concerned about being shamed in front of others than in obeying God. If he truly understood God--as his maker--wouldn't he know that God is not fooled by the words of our lips, but knows our heart and what we'll do before we do it?

This is not to say we should ever turn from God's Word. I know that every time I read The Word--even if I've read something twenty times or more--God is yet revealing Himself clearly. And perhaps, just perhaps, the writer of this Psalm realizes that no matter how much he meditates on God's Word, he has yet much to learn and so we see redundancies in his expression throughout this Psalm.

Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy when we think we "have arrived" at a level of understanding we really don't have. What happens with us in that mindset is that we become arrogant in our thinking that no one--not even God--can tell us anything and it is in that mindset that we can be brought to shame. Hallelujah! "Getting wisdom is the foundation for learning and with all of our getting, we need to get understanding."

Lord, help us to keep seeking You as we meditate on Your Word daily, open to new revelation every time we read it. Help us to not be so full of ourselves that we have no room for You in our lives. Encourage our hearts in doing what You would have us to do and to turn others to you, and not us. It is to You we give the glory, the honor, and the praise for You alone are worthy!