If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Hebrews 10:26,27 NIVGoing back to the garden of Eden, when Satan manipulated Eve with deception, twisting God's Truth, both Adam and Eve were left aware of their nakedness because of sin. Before the fall, they were naked but not aware of their nakedness because of their obedience--they were pure in heart.
Truth exposes lies--no matter who's telling the lie--when the truth is known--the lie is exposed and they are left feeling naked without their cloak--the lie intentionally meant to cover up truth.
There is no excuse for someone lying to cover up truth--eventually--truth will find its way to the surface and all lies are exposed for all to see. So why bother to lie in the first place?
Many people lie to hide something or to avoid something. The problem--avoidance causes more problems and lies are always uncovered. The Word tells us that Satan is the father of lies, so every time we lie--we proclaim Satan is our father. Who really wants to claim Satan as their spiritual father? Only those who are so deeply influenced by him that they fail to see truth.
Who has been persuaded or influenced by Satan's lies? Anyone who claims that sin is no longer sin lies and the truth is not in them. Anyone who encourages people to live in opposition to God's Word is a liar and they demonstrate the influence of their father. Anyone who lies to make themselves to be something they are not or to promote themselves when they are nothing, demonstrates their lack of integrity and who their father is.
If a person does not know truth, that's one thing. But when we know truth and continue to perpetuate a lie, we have made a mockery of the Work on the Cross. Jesus is coming back one day, but not to sacrifice Himself again for our sins. When we continue in sin after knowing truth, we have condemned ourselves and we know the penalty of sin--death--first spiritually and then naturally, spending eternity in the lake of fire, prepared for liars.
We who have experienced God for ourselves know Truth and everything we do should demonstrate our knowledge of Truth. We cannot condone lying for any reason nor should we attempt to hide truth with lies perpetuated by others. When we lack integrity--and liars lack integrity--why would anyone trust us for any reason? If people don't trust us, why would they listen to us? If they won't listen to us, how can we convince them of God's goodness? Lying has its consequences and none of it is good.
Instead lying about things, let's just expose ourselves by telling the truth and then the world will know, we can be trusted and heard because we are living examples of Truth and God's Word.