Thursday, December 13, 2012

Silence is Loud, not Golden!

There is an old adage that says "silence is golden" but in reality, when communication is not being made, it is loud.

When people in relationships are not speaking, the silence is deafening and full of negative anticipation.  The negative anticipation ensues because the mind begins to imagine all sorts of things that may or may not be true.  There  is no gold in silence--no value can be attached to it, when we have too much on our minds.

Knowing the above is true for mankind, is it also true with our relationship with God?  When we don't "hear" from God, do our minds start imagining the worst possible scenario?
"He stopped caring about me"
"I've done something wrong"
"Why won't He answer me"

We don't have to think the worst because of the silence.  He may have spoken, but we didn't like what we heard.  Or maybe, He's just giving us time to think about what we said to Him.   At any rate, the silence becomes so loud that it can cloud our thinking and lead to our making mistakes because it was so loud.

Take the time to realize that sometimes, He's just waiting for us to be still and know that He is God.

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