Sunday, August 31, 2014

What's The Point?

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life." (John 5:24 NLT)

"This is Jesus speaking. Even though I put in an appearance on earth like all mankind, I am not a man that I should lie, but I have told you the truth. If you listen to my message--a message of love and peace--and believe God sent me to encourage you and live according to all He has said, you will have eternal life. You will never be condemned for your sins, because I have come--ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for sin--so you will no longer have to make sacrifices for doing wrong--just acknowledge when you do wrong, and repent of it--turning completely away from those things that will keep you from being in right relationship with the Father.

Don't turn back to the things that broke the connection with Him! Talk to Him and always be willing to listen to Him and you will never be alone again--not in this life, once I leave, my Spirit will return to you and keep you company, advising and guiding you every step of the way until I return and you make heaven your home for all eternity."

Looking forward to the day of His return does not have to be a frightful experience when we know who we serve and how we have lived. But for those who refuse to hear the message of love and peace, refuse to change--never acknowledging their sin and or repenting from it--they have a reason to fear--the judgment seat of Christ--for all the evil they did in the earth.

The message of grace--God's unmerited favor which we cannot earn--has been preached, and preached, and preached. Many have received and many have not. God's grace is sufficient for us until the end when He returns and we are given the rewards for our deeds--whether for good or evil--He will determine and by our own actions, we seal our fate for all eternity.

Until He returns, it is not too late to hear the message, accept His love, repent of sin and live for Him. Will you consider Him today? Tomorrow might be too late and the opportunity to live for eternity with Him will be lost.

There is a point in living right (according to God's Will, not our own), but some steadily deny it. My stance when questioned by those who refuse to believe and attempt to mock my belief is this: "If I get to the end and discover that there is no God, my living right will not have been in vain. But if I live as though there is no God and get to end and discover He is, then there is a problem." I'd rather live---doing what's right in His sight and not my own or in the sight or mind of man. That's the point!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Their Mocking Results in Blessings!

God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers." (Matthew 5:11 NLT)

I've never really experienced "mocking" the way I am through "digital technology" and perhaps, never will again. There is something about the ability to remain anonymous that really brings out the worst in people; especially those who claim they do not believe in God. Or maybe I've just been fortunate enough to live in communities where people were respected for their beliefs whether they agreed or not. At any rate, I've come to know more about what this particular passage of scripture means through my voyage in using social media.

The worst offenders through the anonymity of digital technology have been on Huffington Post. Not that long ago, I would find myself responding "to articles" written on the Christian page and then I would be "attacked" on a personal level because of my belief. For a while, it was amusing and I simply stood my ground on my beliefs. When people became too obnoxious, I ignored them. When they became downright hateful with the racial attacks as well as the religious ones, I decided enough was enough and only commented to the articles and never again to those who plagued the Believers.

What I discovered from those attacks was fuel to use in writing my books and in my blogs. For me--those attacks have resulted in me being blessed with ammunition to keep writing and to keep encouraging other believers to stand on God's Word, no matter what other people may say.
I am strengthened, daily by Holy Spirit to keep writing and encouraging. I have been blessed by those who "choose" to follow me on a number of social media, and in book sales. I am empowered by the comments being made to keep moving forward, always listening to God and saying what He says--to me in my blogs.

I'm not foolish enough to think that everyone who follows me via "any" of the social media agrees with everything I say, but they are at least respectful enough to either not say anything or to disagree--agreeably. That is a tremendous blessing to me and I would not have known how many people really do love The Lord, if I had not kept writing--in spite of the verbal attacks. Praise God for victory in digital media--even though there are those who yet hide behind anonymity.

What I've come to understand from my experience using social media is this--Satan still uses people and tries to hide his hand with the anonymity of "egg photos, cute animals," or anything they can find other than their face. There are some believers who are hiding as well--perhaps it is because of their experiences with nastiness on social media. I choose to let the world know who I am and that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I will promote Him, every chance I get, to whoever is willing to read and understand or hear (I'm just as vocal in public)--it is all to His glory!  Hallelujah!

So, go ahead and mock me so I can continue to be blessed by God in all I say that glorifies Him! I am blessed and highly favored and every time someone is nasty to me or has a hateful comment, God counters it with another blessing. Now, this is what the psalmist meant when he said, "He has prepared a table for me in the midst of my enemies" and now my enemies can  watch me devour the fullness of God in my life and be a blessing to others!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Not Like Man!

"God is not a man, so he does not lie.
He is not human, so he does not change his mind.
Has he ever spoken and failed to act?
Has he ever promised and not carried it through?" (Numbers 23:19 NLT)

If God is not a man, why do we--human beings--attempt to give Him the attributes of mankind instead of understanding Him as a Spirit being--not needing us or anything He created? He is a Sovereign Being--self-sustaining--was here before anything else was and will be after everything is gone. He is the creator of all things and without Him, nothing, absolutely nothing was ever created.

Whether we believe this or not is irrelevant--especially since theorists are still trying to prove their theories--but here we are and at some point in time--we must simply realize that there are things that are beyond our understanding and defy our limited logic in attempts to explain them.

Having said all of that--God has no need to lie.  Why would He? Think about why people lie. They lie to gain confidence over others or to undermine others, to gain control over others or to escape punishment from those in authority over them. Who has any authority over Him? He is The Authority whether we accept Him as authority over our lives or not!

God is not human, but He understands His human creation well and has created us in His image--fully capable of love, but many are influenced by the evil one and their hearts have rejected Love and are full of hate.

God does not change His mind! What He has established remains true, but we have often misinterpreted His intent to fulfill our own desires and lusts. Once we understand His intent for mankind, we have a better understanding of His written Word and The Revealed Word that comes with relationship with Him. Like the human kings who seal "their decrees" with a ring and wax, God seals His decrees in our hearts with Holy Spirit.

If we look closely at the history of mankind and all of the current events, we can see that God keeps His promises--no matter what those promise are--they do come pass and we either reap the reward or the consequence clearly stated in His Word.

God will not tolerate people mocking His Word forever. As He has done in the past, He will do again--all those things He promises for either our obedience or disobedience. We only have to look at the state the world is in today to know--that He is not playing with us. So, why are we flagrantly disobedient to Him? Do we think we know more or can do more than He can? How foolish are we to think we can openly and rebelliously defy God and not suffer the consequences of our actions?

Woe unto us who know to do better, but choose to succumb to the dictates of man, rather than obey God!

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to understand Alpha and Omega and cut away anything in our hearts, not like You so we may glorify You in everything we do and say. Spiritually, deafen our ears and blind our eyes to those thing that are not of You and keep our tongues from saying anything that is rebellious towards You. Amen!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What Will It Take?

What will it take to stop the foolishness?
Young men "punching" older people, just because.
Young women having sex with anyone and everyone, just because.
Old men seeking the favors of young women and being duped, just because.
Old women thinking younger men really want them for their bodies, when it's really about the money, just because.

And we wonder why--
Crime is rampant in our neighborhoods,
Education is not important to our children,
AIDS is becoming more prevalent in every ethnicity and sexual orientation and age group,
Fewer and fewer people even know how "to train up their kids" so they'll know what to do when they get older,
Politicians never do anything for the people for whom they are supposed to serve.
And Americans are hated and America a target for all fools,
Yet, Everyone wants to come to America to escape the foolishness in their own countries,
Just to start the foolishness all over again, here.

"We'll rise to challenges" so people will notice us, but
We won't read a Bible in the privacy of our own homes.
"Without Christ in our lives we are nothing, can do nothing, and will be destroyed
By the enemy--who hates all God has created--and we simply sit around, waiting
For the end that is inevitable--the destruction of mankind, because we do not want to obey God!

What will it take for us to figure this out?
When all our loved ones are lying, bleeding to death in the streets and gutters,
Or when we see the hopelessness and despair in all the eyes of people,
From every walk of life--knowing that the end is truly near--and all hope is gone?

What will it take?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
And again, I ask--what will it take for us to do the right thing in God's sight and not our own?

Just In Case You Forgot!

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves.Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever." (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 NLT)

We all feel a certain sadness at the loss of a loved one; especially when they have died at the hands of the unbelieving for no particular reason--other than hatred. Remember this--they are not lost to us forever. When Jesus returns (and He will), those believers who have gone before His return shall rise from their graves and we who still believe, shall rise with them in the air and remain with The Lord forever! Hallelujah!  Glory to our God! Man may stop our blood from flowing earth in the earth realm for a season, but our God, who never lies and is faithful to His Word, shall give us a glorified body, filled with His living Spirit and we shall live and reign with Him for all eternity!

No, all is not lost! God will repay all those who have rejected Him, scorned His Word, and killed the body of those who profess their belief in Him.  No, there is no reward in heaven for those who are bloodthirsty, lawless, and full of hate. There is a consequence for those who defy God and it is not a consequence anyone will be able to bear.  God has promised that "all" will receive the appropriate consequence for everything they have done--every act committed--and for many--it will be too late for them to change their minds.

Hell awaits those who will join the devil--the evil one--in the lake of fire which will burn for all eternity. Nothing, by any means shall deter our God from keeping His promises and we who know--can comfort and encourage the hearts of other believers to not be dismayed with current events, but rather look forward to His return.

So, just in case you forgot--remember these words--He will return and all believers will be with Him, forever!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Educating Our Future!

Some schools--depending upon where one lives--are already in session for a new school year. Others are going back soon! What are the students going back to do?

Speaking from experience with Detroit Public Schools, many of the inner city students are going back to chaos--overcrowded classrooms, overused testing, and demoralized, unhappy teachers. None the chaos is the fault of the students, but they are the ones who will be negatively impacted by it the most.

First of all--PARENTS--get your act in gear and teach your children to respect authority and property of others. One of the reasons for the overcrowded classrooms is the budget allocation for textbooks which students either take home to keep or deliberately desecrate with profanity--making them inaccessible to others. The other reason for much of the chaos--ill-mannered, ill-behaved students who interfere with the process of learning. They have never learned to do school and when a teacher meets some of the parents--they know the apple truly did not fall far from the tree.

If parents truly want a quality education for their children, they need to engage in the process--get actively involved with the schools and the legislators making decisions about the schools.

The Detroit Public School district has had an assigned Emergency Manager for five years now that has not made a difference in the debt accrued. Why? Too many people coming into the system with the sole purpose of "lining their pockets" and totally forgetting about the kids they are supposed to help educate. This would not happen if we had anyone with integrity having oversight of the Detroit Public Schools. For those who know the power of prayer--it's prayer time--pray for all Emergency Managers to develop a conscience and do their jobs--not line their pockets with the funds that should be spent on educating the children. Everyone needs to get out and vote--getting rid of all those politicians who are only interested in promoting their own--self-serving agendas--not the benefit of all the people.

EDUCATORS--FIGHT BACK--and stop the testing nonsense and spend the time--TEACHING your students. Students do not learn anything from over-testing; they learn from educators who have time to teach them the skills for which they are being tested. If they have not been taught, why are they being tested? A little common sense is needed here.

ADMINISTRATORS--grow a pair--and move out of the way of those teachers who are "still interested" in teaching children what they need to know to survive in this world. Using threats, being demeaning, humiliation and coercion will not accomplish anything other than unhappy, rebellious staff who will only do the minimum required to get you off their backs.Abusing your staff does not make you a great administrator--understanding what your staff needs and supporting them in their efforts will get the job done. If you are an administrator and are only a doormat to the district--resign! Get out of the way so our children can learn!

From observation and research, I know there is a conspiracy afoot to keep students from Detroit in a rut--for manual labor only and everyone who is involved in the system and is not willing to change the way we do education in Detroit is guilty of being a participant in the conspiracy. Our students need to know grammar--for conversational purposes as well as for writing. When the District decided that grammar did not need to be taught (almost 20 years ago)--that should have been a signal for all to understand the complicity in keeping our children--illiterate. Now, we graduate functionally illiterate students who cannot read above the seventh-grade level. Where do they get to work? Fast--food restaurants and anywhere they do not have to think or read with comprehension. Just take a look at the cash registers being used today and you'll understand my point.

So now, what are you going to do? Get mad at me or do something about educating our future?

You can read more in my book, If Parents Cared Enough, Johnny and Juaneshia Could Read  found here:

Get mad, but get busy when you get over being mad!

Don't Be Afraid!

"Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged,” Joshua told his men. “Be strong and courageous, for the LORD is going to do this to all of your enemies.” (Joshua 10:25 NLT)

FEAR--is an attitude (primarily developed out of ignorance of the unknown) that keeps people from doing the very best they can. When people "act" on their fears, innocent people are killed; hatred drives them to destruction, and nothing good ever results from it.

Perfect love--unconditional love towards all human beings--casts fears aside and opens the door to knowledge, revelation, and understanding. Just because are different or do things differently than how we do them--they are still human beings, worthy of love and our understanding.

How can we say, we "hate" someone or a group of people, when we really do not understand them? Racial strife and religious bigotry should never be part of anyone's life who claims to know God. Did He not make us all in His image? Regardless of our racial background, nationality, ethnicity or religious affiliation--God created us all for His purposes, not our own.

There are so many cultural differences in the world that they are far too numerous for me to disseminate in this commentary, but suffice it to say, that we are "all uniquely created human beings" and if God had wanted clones, He could have done that! We are "fearfully and wonderfully made" so God gets the glory for our uniqueness and various talents and gifts that He gives so we can do all that He would have us to do.

Rather than hate people because of differences, why can't we spend the time getting to know people and getting to understand why they do what they do, instead of assuming they are wrong and we are right? Are we always right? NO! Are they always wrong? NO! Do people have a right to be who they are rather than who we want them to be? ABSOLUTELY!

The only thing that Christians have a right to judge is "sin" (according to God's Word), not people. We have a right to call sin what it is, but we do not have a right to hate people or to condemn them. Judging what they do (as does the law of the land) is one thing. Judging them and concluding they can never change--is not our job. In the end--God will determine where we all spend eternity based upon our works in the earth (what we actually do).

While there is yet time--open your heart and hear God--know His heart and how He feels about all of His people. Embrace the cultural differences and get to know people rather than judge them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to see things your way or understand why you do what you do and enjoy discussion and interactions with those who are "different" from you.

This is how we make a difference in the world--acceptance of people--without judgment or hatred--allowing ourselves to understand them and for them to understand us. So, don't be afraid to get to know someone who is "different" than you! You just might be surprised at how wonderful your life and theirs will be!

"Red, yellow, black or white--we are all precious in His sight!" Jesus loves and so should we!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



This is what happens when we sing to the glory of God!

The "Light" Message!

"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:"(1 John 1:5,6)

f God is light--everything can be "seen" by everyone at the same time, and there is no "darkness" in Him, then we can conclude that all darkness is from the one who operates in the dark and attempts to hide evil deeds.

When the atmospheric "sun" shines brightly--everyone can see the light and many, become so enamored of that light that their stay leads to damaged skin from the ultraviolet rays (over exposure). But forgetting for a moment--the damage that the sun can cause to a person's skin, most people are more cheerful when they see the light, are better behaved in the light, and know that not much can be hidden in full view of the light.

One of the reasons people suffer from depression is because of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). During gloomy winter months when they it mostly cloudy and the sun is hidden from view, people become as gloomy as the day, but when the seasons change and the sun is seen more, their lives brighten, considerably.

When we have received, "The Son" who is The Light, we no longer walk in darkness and try to hide our deeds, but want everyone to see how God is operating in our lives. Every morning when we rise, we can rise knowing that He rises within us and all of our days are "bright" and He chases away the gloom because darkness cannot abide in The Light! Glory to God! This is why--when people are depressed, their thoughts become dark and gloomy and their is hidden in the darkness. With Jesus, there is always hope and a future that awaits us--keeping us in the light and no matter what the season is--winter, fall, spring, or summer--our light can shine so brightly that darkness and hopelessness, and feelings of defeat--flee in our presence! And in His light--no skin damage ever occurs, but healing in all areas of our lives--takes place!

This is the light message. We are to let our lights (fueled by The Light) shine so brightly that darkness never has a chance to operate and all mankind will see our good deeds and glorify God! Hallelujah for The Light!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Parents' illiteracy a challenge | The Detroit News

Parents' illiteracy a challenge | The Detroit News  

Come on people! We must read  and read with understanding!

When He Returns!

"Let the one who is doing harm continue to do harm; let the one who is vile continue to be vile; let the one who is righteous continue to live righteously; let the one who is holy continue to be holy.” “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds." (Revelation 22:11,12 NLT)

Although many people are fearful of the message found in John's message about what was revealed to him, we all need to take note and heed what he says.

In verse 10, the angel speaking to John and giving him instruction warned him not to "seal the prophetic words written in this book for the time is near when Jesus will return." Now, looking at what is said--"let them continue..." we see the warning that for those who are doing wrong--they will get their just reward and for those who are doing what is right--they will also get their just reward.  But we must understand, that God does not think people cannot change, but if we continue doing wrong until the time He returns after hearing the Truth, we have no hope for heaven.

I certainly do not consider myself to be a doomsday preacher, but I caution everyone who reads and knows the truth--to pay attention to the signs of the time. There is so much hatred in the land that defies the love of God that it is hard to imagine He will not do something drastic soon. We cannot claim to love God and hate people! We can claim to abhor wrong-doing and share the Good News with others in order to see them have an opportunity to get living right for God before He returns, if they refuse to listen--their blood is on their hands, not ours. But if we don't warn them, then their blood is on our hands.

I refuse to be caught not having done what I was instructed to do when He returns. So whether people want to hear or not--I preach the Gospel. Whether they want to read it or not--I'll continue to write commentaries on The Word with the goal of seeing all people loving God and reserving their place in heaven. When He returns--I will have no fear of what my reward will be, but a longing to receive it--my just reward for my deeds. This is not to say that I'm perfect, but I try always to live according to those things He has spoken to my heart and are aligned with His Word.

When He returns--what will your reward be?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Divided Loyalties!

"But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do." (James 1:6-8 NLT)

When we ask Him for what? Wisdom and anything else we need, when we ask in faith, we shall have it. But we cannot waver in our faith that He will do it because if we do--we allow doubt to enter and undermine faith and doubt will negate the faith to which God responds. James, in his letter, is simply reiterating what Jesus told the disciples about prayer. He told them when we ask in faith--doubting nothing--whatever we ask for, we shall have it.

For those who criticize others for having faith in what they do not see--get over it. When we speak--in faith--those things we are believing God for--we are going to see them in His timing as long as we do not allow the "world's way of thinking" to interfere with our faith. When we try to have faith in God and then allow the "world" to influence how we think--we have divided our loyalties and God says--we can expect "nothing" from Him.

Is this why you have not received what you have been asking for? Is your loyalty divided between God and the world?

God says, "Ask and it will be given" when we ask in faith. The world says, "Why are you expecting anything from someone invisible?"

One of the reasons why the world does not understand "our faith" is because we do not understand and exercise our faith in the manner that God tells us. Faith in Him does not waver--no matter what--whether what we ask for comes immediately or is delayed--the faith for those things we ask--remains in Him!  But the moment we start listening to others who influence doubt--we might as well stop thinking that God will do anything because He will not respond to doubt!

Whatever it is we are expecting from God--salvation for loved ones--no matter how "they" act--keep believing; financial security--no matter what our bank account says--keep believing; peace in the world--no matter how violent people get under the influence of the enemy--keep believing; for love to overflow in the hearts of all--no matter how much hatred you see--keep believing. If we ever stop having faith in God--we will never see those things for which we ask. Faith that--remains immovable in the face of adversity--can overcome anything and move mountains as long as doubt--never creeps into the situation or our minds to deter us.

Our loyalties belong to God and our faith should be in Him and Him alone--to guide us in all we must do to see faith for what we ask, manifest itself!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Getting To The Father!

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 NLT).

One would think that after being with Jesus for a while, the disciples would know Jesus rather well.

When Thomas responded to Jesus by telling Him know they didn't know where He was going so they couldn't know the way, Jesus let him have it. And then went on to let them know, if they had truly known Him, they would have known the Father. But then, He let know--because you have seen me, you have seen the Father. Awesome!

There are a number of concepts one could conclude from this passage of scripture.

The first is in understanding the sixth verse.  Jesus is the way to receiving salvation. There is no one else by whom man can be saved. He is the only way one can reconcile a relationship with God, after repenting and accepting the work on the cross.

He is the truth--and He said in other places that He does not speak for Himself, but only what the Father says to Him. In other words, He didn't change anything the Father said "before He appeared" on the earth, but explained and demonstrated what the Father meant for us to understand.

He is the life--without Him--there is nothing that we have to bring us joy so we might have life and that more abundantly. There is no "living" without Him.

And for all who think they will have access to the Father without Jesus, He lets us know--not so. "No one can come to the Father except through me." So, if we're not willing to accept the Son, we can forget about pleasing God and entering into heaven--it's not going to happen.

Now, granted there are many who will not believe this, but let me take expand on this thought for a moment. With all of the "religious material" ever written, which was recorded first? We know that the writer of the Koran read the Old Testament writings and then proceeded in writing the Koran--this is documented by the similarities in the Koran. We know that other denominations read and changed some of significant words in order to establish a new religion. The point I'm making here is that--none of the written material is going to get us anywhere--"it is having a relationship with God and hearing Him for ourselves" that will make a difference in our lives.

Once we "know Him" we'll know how to use "the written Word" as a foundation and confirmation for what we hear Him say. God is Love and He would not encourage anyone to "hate" a person or people, but to "hate" sin only. That's a loving God--like loving parents who only want the best for their children. Until we see God in this manner, we may never be in a position to receive all He has in store for us.

Jesus is--the way, the truth, and the life--we should exemplify so all will know--how to get to The Father!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Obey Whom?

"But Peter and John replied, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him?" (Acts 4:19 NLT)

I love reading about the "acts of the apostles" and how courageous they were when confronted with unbelief in others.

The "religious council" was amazed at the depth of understanding of these men who had not been taught "under their supervision" and could not possibly believe they knew anything about the scriptures. In the Kings James Version, they are referred to as "ignorant and unlearned" but in the New Living Translation, they are referred to as "ordinary" men.

What is important to note is that in spite of the council's feelings, they also recognized that the men had also been seen with Jesus and they could see with their own eyes, the miracle that had been performed before them. So they threatened them and told them not to speak "in the name of Jesus" because they were fearful of their own authority being undermined. They, "the religious council," wanted to make sure they controlled the people and wanted the people to obey them.  And today, I start with their response.

Do you think God wants us to obey Him or the "politically correct" mantra that is not based upon His teachings, but founded upon the "feelings" of man?

Feelings--unchecked emotions--create an environment of chaos and confusion, fueled by hatred for others when they dare to think differently.

God does not respond to our emotional outbursts, but to our obedience to His Word and our faith in Him!

Hatred is not of God but we know who fuels those thoughts and actions--Satan--the fallen angel who is called by many names, but his intent never changes--to hate all that God has created because God is Love!

Whenever we think we are more powerful than God or equal to Him, we enter into a realm of pride and our pride leads us by our egos and we are bound to fall--and everyone will know of our fall. Yes, I know there are some who teach that we are "gods" with a little "g" but in order to avoid the pitfall that comes with thinking we are equal to God, I'd rather be His child and receive His many benefits when I obey Him, rather than those who have no relationship with Him.

That's my position--who would rather obey--God or man?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

And The Beat Goes On! 8/21/2014

We always have so much fun!  This week--The plight of education and why kids are not learning what they need!

Getting Honor!

"Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world." (1 Peter 2:12 NLT)

When we live according to God's Word, those who see us--even though they may not believe as we do--will give us honor and recognize that we belong to the Most High. That is--when we live according to God's Word.

When we proclaim to believe and yet live in opposition to God's Word--and those same unbelieving people see us--they call us hypocrites and want nothing to do with the God we say we serve.

If the world is ever going to become the believers God desires, those of us who know--have to do--better in the way we live--not what we say--to convince the unbelieving to believe. What is the point of our neighbors seeing us going to church--and yet hearing us cuss out our kids or spouses?

What is the point of us saying that we should do all things--decently and in order--when our property looks like something wildlife could either in or the city dump? What is the point of us saying that God is love when we cannot see after our neighbors in the midst of chaos?

Who is our neighbor? Anyone we come into contact with and can determine for themselves whether we are who we say we are!

God does not need "undercover Christians" or hypocrites paving the way for others to believe--it wouldn't happen any way. We who say we know God and have a relationship with Him should be the light that draws others to Him, not the darkness that keeps people away from Him.

So, stop talking so much (being sounding brass) and start living The Word and allowing the Light of the Word to shine brightly in your life so others will see and know we serve an Awesome God! When we do--they will do--and give honor to our God because of what they see in us!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

He Will Take Care of Us!

"Give your burdens to the LORD,
and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." (Psalm 55:22 NLT)

He will take care of us when we allow Him to do so. How do we know? Do we believe His Word?
Whatever is burdening us down--sickness, disease, mental oppression and depression, apathy, financial insecurity, feelings of loneliness or being unloved--whatever it is--we must learn to give it all to Him and He will take care of us!

The biggest obstacle in our lives in receiving all that God has for us--is us! As long as we think we can "do everything on our own" without His guidance, we will be burdened with those things that we do not have to hold onto. His love and compassion, grace and mercy are more than enough to handle whatever problems we think we have. We must develop uncompromising faith in Him to know that He will do all He says He will do.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we willingly give all of our burdens to You this day. We acknowledge that we can do nothing without You and we know that Your Word is true and everything You say You'll do, You will do because You are not a man who should lie. Help us to develop the kind of trust and faith in You that we know we have nothing to fear or to worry about with You handling all of our affairs. Now, help us to hear You and immediately obey so we can have all of the many benefits that You have in store for us. 

We give You our finances, our health, our children, our spouses, our loved ones, our concerns about worldly affairs and peace, and anything else that would keep us from being distracted and our focus off You. Thank You, Lord, for hearing and responding to every one of our needs as only You can, to Your glory. Amen!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Peace For All!

"He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near. Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us." (Ephesians 2:17, 18 NLT)

We are without excuse--no matter our gender, ethnicity, or religious affiliation--we have no excuse not to live in peace with everyone.

For those who were once non-believers and for those who were always believers--The Good News of peace is for all who will receive it. But we must receive it--before we can actually have it.

A gift is not a gift to anyone--unless it is given and received.

Love--standing alone--is beneficial to anyone unless it has an object on which it can be bestowed and received.

Peace--already given--amounts to nothing if not received.

God does His part, but when do we do ours?

Do we not trust Him and His plans for us? Do we think our plans are better than His? Are we wiser than the most High God and have led to think we know more than He does?

The solution to all problems and the resolution for unrest, chaos, and confusion are all found in the "reception" of the work on the cross and allowing Holy Spirit to lead us in all things.

We know the work on the cross was for the benefit of all who "would believe and receive" but if people do not receive, their lives and ours will not be changed for the better.

God did not just love some of us--"He loved the all of us in the world so much that He gave His only Son that all might be saved" (paraphrased). All means all--not just one group of people, but all who are willing to receive His love!

Therefore, since there is so much unrest, chaos and confusion, we can see that not all have received His wonderful gift and since they have not received it, cannot enjoy it and neither can the rest of us around them--for where chaos and confusion reign--God is not there.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to open our hearts to You and receive all of the many benefits You have for us so we might live in peace and prosper as our souls prosper. This I ask for everyone who has a heart to hear You and obey from this day forward and I thank You for hearing and answering prayer. We love You and we know--there is none like You who can turn things around for the benefit of all mankind.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Love Corrects and Disciplines!

"I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference." (Revelation 3:19 NLT).

In John's vision and conversation with Jesus, we see just how much we are loved--because when we are loved--correction and discipline are part of the process. And at the of this letter, we are reminded that those "who have ears to hear, must hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."

One of the reasons that most people get "twisted and bent out of shape" when they hear people talk about the bible or see what someone says about it is because they do not understand--The Word is written for the benefit of believers--not the unbelieving because they won't believe it anyway!

If a person has no relationship with God, proclaims not to believe in God, then why would they think God's Word has anything to do with them? It doesn't, until they reach a point of "belief and relationship."

With that understanding, The Word is written to believers for believers--let's look at the warnings directed at the sinner. A person cannot be a sinner unless they have first believed God and turned away. If they have never believed God, they are simply --the "ungodly" and although God addresses the fate of the ungodly, they are not the sinners He references.

There are two things I wish to clarify today and I anticipate disagreement so I welcome comments--as always. Those two things are mistakes and sin and the difference. I know some people in leadership positions in churches teach that mistakes are sin, but there is no biblical basis for this type of teaching.

First of all, a mistake is something that is done--unintentionally--it is not planned and neither is the outcome anticipated. On top of that--the words mistake and mistakes are not included in the Kings James Version, but some will argue differently.  A misspelled word, or spilled salt, lost items--those are mistakes--not acts committed intentionally.

Sin, on the other hand, is an intentional act, deliberately thought with an anticipated outcome. There are far too many "sins" for me to elaborate on them on all in this commentary, but suffice it to say that, no one ever "unintentionally" took off their clothes, and entered into sexual activity outside of marriage. Plans to sin--whether is is illicit sex, or a criminal act--are a deliberate act--intentionally implemented.

When I omit words in my commentaries, I have made a mistake.  It was not intentional, but impaired vision is sometimes a problem; especially for those who are aging.

When a person drives a vehicle--impaired--by drugs or alcohol--and someone is killed--that is an intentional act and the outcome can be anticipated. That is not a mistake unless the person is devoid of understanding of how alcohol and drugs impair perception and ability to think clearly. A vehicle--in the hands of an impaired driver-- is a lethal weapon and the impaired driver is the trigger used to commit the crime.

Who we love--we correct and chastise--hopefully before their actions warrant a more severe outcome--like a felony conviction or worse--their own demise.

"Those who have an ear to hear and eyes to see and a heart to understand" hear and think before doing anything that would cause the deaths of others. "Doing all things in the name of love" so we might have peaceable lives and no regrets!"

Sunday, August 17, 2014

What Do We Have?

"Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ—the Son of the Father—will continue to be with us who live in truth and love." (2 John 1:3 NLT)

When we live in Truth and Love,

What do we have?

Grace, mercy, and Peace!

Who is it from?

God, the Father, and Jesus Christ!

When do we have it?


How long will we have it?

As long as we live
in Truth and Love!

How long?

As long as we live
in Truth and Love!

How long?

As long as we live
In Truth and Love!

Whose Truth?

God's Truth!

Whose Truth?

God's Truth!

What Do We Have?

Grace, Mercy, and Peace!

What Do We Have?

Grace, Mercy, and Peace!

When do we have it?


Now that we know what we have and from whom we have it, why can't we live what we say we believe? If we know we have grace, mercy, and peace as we CONTINUE to live in God's Truth and in His love--why is there so much hatred and violence in the earth? Do we really know what we have with Jesus governing our lives? If we do--let's act like it and encourage others to receive His grace--unmerited favor for we cannot earn it, His mercy--for not giving us what we truly deserve, and His peace--that surpasses all understanding and provides an environment where hatred cannot exist.

Why are waiting for peace when we already have it? We just need to exercise living in truth and love!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Let's Get Real!

There are problems with our educational system across the nation and sitting back wishing they are going to disappear is not going to solve the problems. Everyone who cares needs to get involved to save our children and provide them the opportunity in getting a quality education. It's time to wake up and get busy doing what needs to be done--getting involved with the process of education by caring enough.   "If Parents Cared Enough, Johnny and Juaneshia Could Read" 

The only way things will change for the better is when all who really care--get involved!

What Do They See?

"If I wanted to boast, I would be no fool in doing so, because I would be telling the truth. But I won’t do it, because I don’t want anyone to give me credit beyond what they can see in my life or hear in my message," (2 Corinthians 12:6 NLT).

With this statement Paul is making, it appears that when we are telling the truth, we are not necessarily boasting, but some could take it that way. Why should this matter? If we're going to create an environment in which people will want to know our Risen Savior, we must make sure that they "see" us living what we preach and not just hear us--boasting about what we are able to do through Him.

If we are indeed a new creation in Christ Jesus, do people see us doing the same old things we used to do that kept us in a quagmire of ungodly living?

Are we living with others in an intimate relationship outside of marriage--as God defines marriage?

Are we subjecting ourselves to the fallout of using illicit drugs?

Are we mindful of the laws designed to protect the innocent and do we adhere to them?

Are we allowing our tongues to wag and snag others into the pits that kept us receiving God's best in our lives?

If we say we are born again, and yet--others see us as though we have never heard of Jesus Christ, what benefit is that to the Kingdom of God?

Are we not aware that we when we "say" one thing and yet do another--we are hypocrites?

Do people see us being friendly and courteous to others--no matter what the situation that arises?

Do they see us respond calmly to negative events or do we clown like the heathens and then--five minutes later--we are heard praising God?

If we really want to win others to Christ, we must become "living epistles read of men" for the glory of the kingdom of God and not our own.

It is not what people hear us say that convinces them our God is an awesome God--it is what they see us do--in trying times as well as the good times--that convinces them of our God.

God is faithful to keep us focused on Him when we allow Him to do so. If we're going to boast--let this be our boast--He is faithful--and we must learn to do the same.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to become more like You with each breath we take and show others by what we do, not what we say--just how awesome You are.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Let It Shine!

"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." (Matthew 5:16 NLT)

For everything done--there should be a reason or purpose--and the purpose should be clear for all who are expected "to do" anything.

Jesus tells us to let our "good deeds" (those things we do that are good primarily for the benefit of others) shine--let them be seen by all. That is what we are to do. Why? So that everyone who sees our good deeds will praise our heavenly Father--not us!

Now, how many people do good things for others and then "run and tell" everyone who is willing to listen, what they have done. They do this to gain the praise of men for themselves--not for God.

In another passage of scripture, Jesus admonishes us to "not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing" and in yet another, He says, "What you do in secret shall be openly rewarded, but if what we do is for public acknowledgement, we have our reward" (paraphrased).

Why do we do the things we do? Is it for our glory and honor or His? Do we make public spectacles of ourselves to draw attention to us or Him?

I know that popular opinion dictates to people in how they publicize what they do and for most, it is a matter of "tooting your own horn" to get others to pay attention. The question for me then is, "how loud is your horn?" Does it play a melody or is it sounding brass? At any point in your "tooting" is God being glorified or is it just you making noise?

As we wonder why it is so difficult to draw others into the kingdom of God, perhaps we should look at our method to see if we are actually trying to "draw or drive" others into the God's glorious kingdom. We can attract or we can repel people into loving God and obey His ways by what we do.

So, do what you do--just remember to let your light shine so when others see it--they know that God is the reason for what you have done, not self.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Those Who Know-Listen!

"But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception."

During my attendance at band-camp this week, I've learned that those who actually have a relationship with God live according to His principles. Those who know about God, live according to their own. When talking to people who actually listen to what is said, we intuitively know which is which.

I don't understand how some people can proclaim a belief in God and yet--never read a bible and certainly have no clue as to how He wants us to live. How does one proclaim belief in anything and yet deny the principles therein?

I am yet incensed over the practice of "practical jokes" initiated by senior members of a high school band and approved by the band director, and accepted by other parents; especially when it involves the chaperones. But then, I've never liked "humiliating other people as an initiation right" or "rite of passage" activity. This is why I have never pledged a sorority, would never encourage anyone to do so, and really hate it when people think making others look foolish is funny!

There must be something intrinsically wrong with people who think humiliating others is a rational activity of a sane person!

But when I tried to get some understanding of this ludicrous practice--no one could give me a rationale for it. The only answer I got was--it's tradition. What is the point of a tradition that people do not understand it's origin or what purpose it serves?

These same people--who claimed to know God--did not want to hear what was being said--because in their minds--the seniors had a "right to prank the other band members."

When truth is spoken--in any arena--those who know and understand respond accordingly--demonstrating who it is they serve. Creating chaos and confusion is the devil's arena, so---the pranks are a demonstration of his influence,  and it's not just in having fun at the expense of others.

Okay, so now I know who I'm dealing with and I have to make a decision--whether to protest the practice of practical jokes that could traumatize unsuspecting students, for life, when they are at band-camp or just let it be.

Lord, I want to do what You want me to do, so speak to my heart right now! Let me know what You would have me to say and do so You and You alone get the glory for any changes that need to be made.

Band-Camp Survivor!

Oh the joy of seeing young people learning how to march to different songs is absolutely amazing!

Watching them learn their roles, line by line, creating formations that intrigue and boggle the mind is really something to behold. The trombone, trombone, clarinets, flutes, saxophones of all timbres and percussionists--making music and keeping time with their feet on the move and their eyes on their music--first time for me and the last.

Just a few days before the band was supposed to leave for camp, I was informed they were short one chaperone. Being the person that I am, I agreed to go and chaperone for two and half-days (other chaperones were coming for the second half of the week). I was looking forward to the experience since I had not been camping since I was twelve and really wanted to get a handle on how my grandson would react to the experience he had never been camping before this time.

On Sunday, some of the parents went with kids to clean up the cabins. We spent a great of time and effort in washing down and disinfecting mattresses, spraying for insects and praying that other wildlife would not invade. On Monday, during a tour of the camp--I saw a bunch of kids carrying out the mattresses we had just disinfected into another cabin. Not knowing it was a prank, I was livid and went off on them until they explained that it was "an approved prank." The girls in my cabin had to sing to get their mattresses back. Fortunately, mine had not been touched.

There was a bonfire scheduled, but we were rained out and it rained all night long and I didn't sleep listening to the downpour. For the girls in my cabin, this was a new experience and they were terrified. We covered the window of one door and then locked them because they were afraid. We survived the night.

On Tuesday, it was still raining and we sloshed through to the bathrooms and the shower cabin, got dressed and went to breakfast. I watched the kids practice, took pictures and watched some more. I was told about an hour before we headed back to the cabins about another "approved prank." The Seniors were planning to "walk through the cabins" at 3:30 a.m. making noise with an air-horn and drums, shaking beds. I was told not to tell the girls, so I didn't, but I was livid again.  No consideration was given to the 60+ chaperone who would also be awakened after not having slept the night before.  When the senior band members arrived at our cabin, they couldn't get in because the girls had locked the doors. They made noise and banged on the door after I being hit in the face with a bright beam of light, they left us alone. The girls were terrified.

On Wednesday morning, I could barely move--again having had no sleep and finally arose, packed my bags and left. Sleep deprivation almost overtook on the drive home and I had to pull into a rest stop to relax for continuing on. That was the longest hour and half-drive, but I survived and was thankful for my bed into which I immediately dropped and went to sleep.

No more band-camp chaperoning for me! Practical jokes have never been a part of my life and had I been told about them before I agreed to go, I wouldn't have gone. I survived the trauma, but I wonder if the kids will! It will take me awhile to get over this event, but I pray they will get over it soon and not allow it to control their lives as some such events have for others.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stand Firm (Part Three) in Ephesians 6)

Now think about this—membership into any entity means when you join—you agree to abide by the rules and policies. What makes you think a church should operate any differently?  If you’re not a member—don’t expect to sing in the choir, serve on the usher board or to hold any other office or position in a church. If you’re not financially supporting the church “as a member” don’t expect to have any say-so in what the church does with the resources they have. When I read some of the asinine comments people make about “what a church or pastor should do” I know they are not supporting members anywhere. In fact, for those who claim to be Believers—I wonder if they even know what it means to be in relationship with God—not just the church or a religion.
And speaking of “religion” and how every negative comment regards it—get over it. Religious people seldom have a relationship with God. They are religious out of tradition, not knowledge—they don’t have a clue. I can tell from some of the comments being made that there are a number of people who say they have been turned off religion because of the actions of the pastor who cancelled the funeral. Good for them—they didn’t need religion to start with—they need Jesus. If all they’re seeking is religious involvement, they might as well not attend any church and they certainly need not condemn others who do not support their beliefs.
Another point of contention—for me. Why is it that every time a Believer says something is sin—everyone wants to jump down their throats? If you don’t want to believe a certain behavior or lifestyle is sin—whoopee! You don’t have to believe, but stop trying to tell us what we believe is wrong and expecting us to change our beliefs for you. You don’t have a heaven or hell for us, so why should we care what you believe? If you have a right to believe what you want to believe—so do we do—and I’m not suing anyone to make that point. The court systems should be ashamed of themselves for getting caught up in Satan’s web and deliberating promoting ungodliness. You can think what you want of this statement—in the end—God will judge its merits and everything else we do or say.
Finally, I must end this rant. I applaud every pastor and believing Christian who stands firm on the foundational beliefs of the Bible. The bible—regardless of version or translation—as long as the “intent of the Word is not compromised” is our foundation for what we believe. If people want to believe a stone has power—so be it. If people want to believe that a snake has power—so be it. If people want to believe that “any mortal being” has power—so be it. Believe whatever you want, but get off the backs of those who stand firm in their belief that God is right and every man a liar. So pastors—stand your ground and preach The Word—living The Word so all may see The Word come to life and be a standard by which God will judge us all. After all—these people did not call you to lead people to Christ—you owe them nothing, but your allegiance is to God and Him alone.

This message has been brought to you by one who not only understands the Written Word of God, but also has a relationship with Him and is not about to play doormat to those who want to step all over Believing Christians. God and God alone shall judge us all! Hallelujah to our Risen Savior! I approve this message!