Monday, June 30, 2014

For All The Judges!

Who are you to judge me?

So what if I don’t know the songs you know.

Do you know the song that I sing continually in my heart in praise of Him?

So what if I don’t go to the church you attend.

Do you know what time the Holy Spirit and I meet every morning?

So what if I don’t shop where you shop.

Do you not see the righteousness that He has clothed me with?

So what if I don’t give as much as you do.

Did you not know that obedience is better than sacrifice?

Before you attempt to judge me—get to know me—and know, what I do—has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with Him.

Now, judge that!

Straight from the heart of this child of the Most High!

We Need Experience

"Because of that experience, we have even greater confidence in the message proclaimed by the prophets. You must pay close attention to what they wrote, for their words are like a lamp shining in a dark place—until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19 NLT).

Peter acknowledges that having an experience with Jesus--gives one greater confidence in the proclamations of the prophets and encourages all to pay attention to what they wrote--as noted in The Word!

We can learn much--from reading--historical accounts of events, but the greatest lesson that leaves an imprint on our hearts is the personal hands-on experience with anything that gives us confidence and understanding.

So,while it is good to hear the testimonies of others--what The Lord has done for them--it is better to have a testimony of your own--an experience with Jesus that solidifies the confidence you have in Him and His Word.

While it is good to read The Word--it is better to experience The Word--for that lasting impression that no man can erase.

Having an experience with Jesus showing up and showing out is no different than learning a new skill--it is not really learned until one can do it--not just read about it, though reading about how to do something first--makes the "doing" easier.

Keep reading, keep listening, but pray for an opportunity to experience Him for yourself.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we look forward to having a life-changing experience with You that settles once and for all, all our hopes in You. Thank You for loving us enough to have inspired men to write Your Word, now move into our hearts and give us first-hand knowledge with the experience that only You can provide. Amen!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

What Good Children Do!

"so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people" (Philippians 2:15 NLT).

What do good children do? They obey their parents!

When children obey parents, there are usually some benefits attached to their obedience. Children earn privileges--get rewarded for doing the right thing--and most of those children (not all) are able to navigate adulthood with success, never knowing or truly understanding the penalties that exist for non-compliance to rules and policies.

If we know this is what "good children" do, why can't we as "good children of God" do what we're supposed to do?

What I love most about being a child of God is the fact that I don't have a lot of rules to remember and He doesn't change His mind about them--love Him and love others. It's just that simple.

Now, if all people (who don't know Him) ever saw in us was our ability to love--what could they possibly say (and be truthful) against us?

The best thing we can do--is not to worry about what others say--but just do what good children do!

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to be good children--an example for the world as to Your goodness, mercy, and grace, loving all we meet and obeying You. Amen!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nothing To Argue!

"Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly" (I Timothy 4:7 NLT).

One of the reasons that "people" have said why no one should discuss "religion and politics" is because there is so much that can be argued, but shouldn't be.

What a person believes is what "they" believe. No one should attempt to superimpose their belief systems on anyone else because everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want to believe.  

Belief--in anything--is subjective--not necessarily objective and as such should be respected as an individual's right.

Part of the problem with "denominationalism" is the fact that every denomination is a split from a foundational belief. This is why we have Catholicism, Baptist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, and a host of other denominations that "chose" to use specific segments of scripture as a foundation for their belief. What has happened is that it has all become "religious institutions" established that have little or nothing to do with Relationship with God.

So, if people want to believe there is "power in things or an object," let them believe it. If the source of their belief system is contained or confined within man-made objects--that's their business.

However, I would point out that the prophets of Baal discovered there is no power in "the things made by man's hands" or in "words used as chants or incantations" to evoke the Spirit of God.

If we truly want to see "the power of God operating" in our world, we simply need to develop a relationship with God, obey His voice, and see how loving others can change the environment.

Now, that's "Power" and it is not contained, but as infinite as our God is.

Go ahead--have your discussions about your beliefs, just respect the beliefs of others in the process. God responds to our faith in Him, not the things in which we have faith. Don't argue--just love!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Once Upon a Time!

"Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins. You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God. All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else. But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)" (Ephesians 2:1-5 NLT)

Once upon a time--before we came into the knowledge of truth--and shed the fables that religion promotes, we  followed the dictates of our flesh without regard to anyone's needs, but our own. Once upon a time.

If we are truthful with ourselves (for we only fool ourselves, not God) and admit that we all "have sinned" at one time or another, then we could not be so quick to point fingers and condemn those who have yet to come into the knowledge of truth. For God, who sees and knows all--saw what we did and yet had mercy upon us and because He is Love, decided to spare us from spending eternity in the lake of fire--when we acknowledged Him and accepted His Son.

Now, true enough there are some who have accepted Christ as their personal Savior as a matter of "religious ritual" and have been baptized for the same reason. Then, there are some who "acknowledge" God simply because of family tradition and commitment to religion or religious institutions.These go through life still doing whatever they want, seeing no need to change or repent. And worst of all--the entice others to do as they do--living a life of sin and having no remorse.

However, when a person discovers for themselves the nature of God, experiences His mercy and grace (unmerited favor) for themselves, they open the door to Relationship with Him and whenever they fall short--they are quick to admit it and seek forgiveness.  As the relationship develops, the desire to please flesh lessens and the desire to please God increases to the point where even thinking about doing something opposed to God, brings guilt and self-condemnation.

But thank God for His enduring mercy, grace and love towards us. He knows our hearts and when our desire to please Him is real, He keeps us on the straight and narrow path and even when we stray, He is quick to draw us back to the path that leads to eternal life. We are also reminded in His Word that we cannot point fingers at others for those things which we have also done, but we can pull them along the path of righteousness, by showing them love and the redemptive plan of God.

Now, before a finger is ever pointed at another to judge or condemn them, remember that Once Upon a Time, that was you!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

And The Beat Goes On!

The archived episode of our podcast for today is available for your convenience and enjoyment.

Enjoy and let us know what you think or what you would to hear us discuss!

Who People Say We Are!

"Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” (Mark 8:27 NLT)

When Jesus asked this question, it was not randomly asked. He had been paying attention to the interactions between the people and His disciples and knew they had been discussing among themselves, who He was. And notice--He did not ask them "in front of the people" they were ministering to; He asked them while they were walking along by themselves--out of earshot of others.

After a bit of discussion and it was established what most thought, Jesus asked them another question, "Who do you say I am?" Granted those who did not know Him, intimately, might have various thoughts as to who He was, but surely those who walked with Him daily, ate with Him, and prayed with Him, would know this answer. The only record we have is Peter's response, "You are the Messiah!" And Jesus warned them not to tell anyone else. In another passage of scripture, we are told that, "only the Spirit of God" could reveal His true identity.

The questions that rise in me from reading this passage are--who do people say you are and who do you say you are? Are we who people say we are and why do they say what they say?

Do they say we are someone or something that we're not because of what they see us do? That was the reason why people thought Jesus was anyone, but who He was. Or have we reached--a place where the Spirit of God--acting in our lives--has caused some to see us for who we are-Children of the Most High God?

We can say a lot of things about who we want to be, but until we realize who we are--in Him--and others can see the evidence--do we really know who we are?

The only way we can establish ourselves as His--is by our conduct towards others, in front of others, and even when others don't see us--we are still being His.

Now, who do people say you are? Are they right or wrong? Do you say who you are? Or are you yet becoming? Think about it and ask God to show you and accept what He shows you and be willing to change--if He shows you--you--as you really are!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Any Way You Praise Him!

"Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp" (Psalm 149:3 NKJV).

There are so many protocols observed by so many people in how to praise God. When people understand that when you're in a relationship with God, it does not matter how you praise Him, just as long as you praise Him!

Here the psalmist states to: praise His name with the dance--so this diffuses the thought that we should not dance in the churches. But let's get real--a dance in praise of God should not look like the dance in the club or party. There is a difference--one is lead by Holy Spirit, the other by another spirit that is certainly not holy.

Sing His praises with timbrel and harp. There are a number of people who believe that any instrument used in a church is ungodly; some who believe that only the instruments mentioned in the Bible are allowed, and some who think only the songs in Psalms should be sung. Well, if that's true--then why are we instructed to "sing a new song," unto the Lord?

Here's a tip--for all who know The Word and The Lord--praise Him any way you want to do it and He will receive the praise!

It is time for many to wake up and shed their religious, pious attitudes and get into relationship with God and seek Him in how to praise Him. As long as what we do is sincere acknowledgment and honoring to God--He is not going to dismiss our praise because we did not have the right instrumental accompaniment. He doesn't even care whether we can sing or not (that's people who care) when we lift our voices to magnify Him the sound becomes a sweet melody to Him.

As a lyricist, I've written many songs of praise to Him--to accompany sermons--out of daily experiences and a number of people have sang my songs--with the accompaniment of instruments and without the accompaniment of instruments. Children and adults sang from their hearts and I know that God was glorified in the midst of their singing.

Too often--we allow what others think, stop us from doing what God has put in our hearts to do. Don't allow a religious spirit to keep you from praising God--any way you want to praise Him. If your church thinks instruments are the devil's tool, you might want to re-think where you worship. Find a place of worship where God is glorified and magnified and it's all about Him--not the people in the building.

And while you're thinking about what I just said, give Him a praise--right where you are--and watch how He honors your sincere praise--any way you praise Him!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tower Against The Storm!

"But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O LORD,
a tower of refuge to the needy in distress.
You are a refuge from the storm
and a shelter from the heat.
For the oppressive acts of ruthless people
are like a storm beating against a wall," (Isaiah 25:4 NLT)

Well-built towers--whether to house a light-house or skyline a castle can weather the storms of nature or withstand the onslaught of rebellious people.

The Lord is a strong tower--One in which we can be assured of safety against all the elements and those who oppose and rebel against His Word.

We can expect--the needy to find help from those who know The Lord.

We can expect--those in need of shelter from the storms waged by the enemy to find safe haven.

We can expect--provision from being decimated by extreme seasons and political unrest.

We can expect--with certainty--for all those who create problems to suffer the consequences of their actions--whether they are on the right side of The Lord or the wrong side for His justice does not discriminate and He holds no bias based upon political affiliation or any other trait or entity (openly or behind closed doors) that defies Him.

He sees and knows all things and His Word--shall uphold all who obey it and for those who do not--that same Word will convict and bring about the consequences for going against Him.

It is not a mystery for it is written--for the benefit of all--whether it is believed or not--nothing changes it for the Lord is King of Kings and whatever the King has written--He will not change.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to understand with clarity who You are, how You want us to live and all that You have prepared for us when we obey and when we don't. Create in us a heart of flesh that desires to please You and not self and a will to obey You, and not the dictates of men. Thank You for being The Strong Tower for all who will run to You!

Monday, June 23, 2014

It's Between You and God!

"In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable" (Romans 14:5 NLT).

Everyone wants to be right and to tell everyone else--they are wrong--about everything Bible and religion.

The truth of the matter is--perception changes perspective--about anything and everything and our faith should be based upon our Relationship with God/not religious affiliation.

There are some who feel they should only eat vegetables--their prerogative--they should do it.

There are some who feel they can eat anything when they have asked God to bless the food--they should do it. If we ask God to bless anything and everything we do (not contrary to The Word) and have faith that He does--it's okay.

There are some who would argue about which day is the Sabbath--let them--don't get involved. If we choose to worship God every day (and many do), it's between us and God! He won't have a problem with it, but others might.

I'm taking a leap of perspective here--there are many things that people could argue about as to how Christians should do things--and we should not--argue the merits of Christianity with anyone. God will judge--not us. As long as we are not doing anything in opposition to The Word--it's all good.

So, for those who will accept women in all roles of ministry--so be it and for those who won't--oh well!

For those who have rigid dress policies while in the sanctuary of a building--so be it--for those who don't--thank you for seeking God in all you do.

What we must do--in order to promote The Gospel effectively--is to seek God about everything and not argue about anything. The truth of the matter is that none of us are 100% right about anything, but we're not 100% wrong about everything either. How we worship, when we worship, what we eat, who we allow to do what in the churches, and how we look while doing it--is between us and God--and no one should ever attempt to make someone feel like they are not worthy simply because they do not fit the mold others have created. Your relationship with God and how that manifests itself is between you and God. I would be more concerned with His thoughts than anyone who walks the earth--they have neither heaven nor hell as a eternal resting place to assign me.

Lord, help us to seek You and not people for all we do in honor of You!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Loving Him!

“Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;" (Deuteronomy 7:9 NKJV).

If we think about all the popular and contemporary songs and poetry about love--we might get a glimpse of what "love" means to some people, but unfortunately, those songs and poetry have inadvertently set a standard for many about the meaning of love that simply does not stand the test of time.

Love--in its most simplistic form--does! What does it do? Love serves the object of its affection without reservation, unconditionally.

Love seeks to bring others closer--to the one who loves and those around them.

Love takes a licking and keeps on ticking (excuse the analogy) from Timex. But then--love is timeless--it never tires of loving, no matter what happens.

Love overlooks the faults and shortcomings of those it loves and loves regardless of those faults.
Love recognizes that there are no perfect people, and accepts their own imperfections, but strives for perfection. Love does not criticize but encourages others to always do what is right.

Love sets the example for others to follow. Rather than talk a good talk--love walks the love-walk--daily in all kinds of weather.

Love--what is it good for? Absolutely everything and for everyone.

Therefore--if we truly know Love (for He is love), we would have no problem loving Him or others--no matter their gender, ethnicity, age, or past. For God is without gender (as we know it--He is Spirit and Father), He has no ethnicity. He has no age and His past, present and future are interwoven in His being--Timeless. He simply--is!

So rather than concentrate our efforts on demeaning and criticizing others, let's look at how God loves us and how He wants us to love others. We just might be surprised at the time we save--finding more to show those we love--just how much we love, them and Him!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

And Justice For All!

"For the LORD loves justice, and does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever, But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off" Psalm 37:28 NKJV).

What is "justice"? Apparently, the meaning takes on different perspectives depending upon whose using the word and what they are seeking to change. When justice is used in The Word the reference is for those things that are being judged according to The Word--not man. Man's use of the word changes as man changes his mind and purpose regarding the word.

For instance, we know that God's judgment is just because He does not change--He is the same--yesterday, today and forever. Nothing He has said has changed in spite of what people attempt to do to sway others to believe that "God did not mean what He said when He said it." Sound familiar?

Remember in the garden when the serpent told Eve, "surely you will not die if you eat of this tree." The same spirit--anti-God, evil spirit-is yet operating today and we know it when we hear people say, "sure that is not what God meant."

The ACLU--may have once had altruistic motives for their existence, but it appears they now operate out of pure rebellion against established policies and laws. In the past--when their motives were pure--they may have been instrumental in affecting positive changes for marginalized groups of people.  However, when they operate in opposition to The Word--I have to question their motives. It would appear that their guiding spirit is from the evil one--the one opposed to everything God has said. They have stuck their elongated noses into everyone's business and now they want to challenge "curfews for kids" (under the age of 18) which means they are promoting the demise of the family structure and laws established for the safety of children. Since their motives have changed--from doing good to doing whatever they want to do, I now consider them to be the --Against Christ-centered Laws that promote Unity with God's Word.

Anyone who supports and promotes the agenda of this group must question who it is they are actually serving--God or Satan--and only the truth found deep within will rise to change the landscape of "injustice" perpetrated by those who feign fighting for justice for all. True justice for all promotes doing things God's way, not man's.

God's justice preserves those who love Him, unconditionally. Man's justice--is conditional and changes with every whim of those who oppose themselves against God. Don't take my word for it--review the history of mankind and see how often they change their mind and not necessarily in support of Godly Righteousness.

Friday, June 20, 2014

How "Happy" is Achieved!

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding;" (Proverbs 3:13 NKJV)

Many seek happiness in the presence of others, in amassing wealth, or in just doing for others--this
happiness is from extrinsic influence.

But intrinsic influence--begins with understanding how to be happy with self--whether others are around or not. And this is the result of operating with wisdom and understanding--inner peace and happiness.

How do we find wisdom? We ask of God who gives it liberally, without question or debasement.

How do we gain understanding? We gain understanding of how to live, by living--making mistakes, correcting them, and not repeating them.

No where in His Word does God say we will not make mistakes. It is not the mistakes we make that trouble Him; it is not learning from them that troubles Him and that--repeating mistakes and never learning from them--is what keeps us from being happy.

When children first learn to walk--they fall--after only taking a few steps, but the child who gets up and keeps trying succeeds and is very happy with their accomplishment (and so are the parents who watch them--sometimes agonizing over the falls, but knowing the child must do it by himself/herself).

When we as adults--having successfully navigated the phases of life--puberty, adolescence, young adulthood, however the phase is termed, make mistakes--most of us recognize them and seek to find means to correct so we won't have to suffer consequences of that mistake made. From this we learn how to achieve success. We keep trying until we get there.

Living a life in this world--without relationship with God--has consequences--some we won't like. Living to please God--with a relationship with Him--does not keep us from making mistakes; it helps us to recognize them sooner and keeps us in communication with Him so we can get it right.

When we honestly look at our lives and see that we are not happy, we need to assess our lives and see if we are operating in wisdom and getting understanding about how we live and what we do--that brings us results--we'd rather not have.

With wisdom and understanding, we can sing the popular song with zest, "Because I'm happy" and when we're happy, those around us cannot help but be infected by our happiness. Wisdom + Understanding = Happiness!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Podcast--Live With The Rayfords

Join us today at 5:00 p.m. EST and have some fun!

Stumbling and Fault-finding!

"We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry" (2 Corinthians 6:3 NLT).

When we--as promoters of the Gospel--look at what is happening in our society, nationally and internationally, wondering what in the world is going on, do we consider how others view how we live?

Are saying one thing and yet doing another?

Do we show love to everyone we meet or are we selective about how we respond to others?

Do we posture in public and party in private?

What skeletons are hiding in our closets, while we attempt to act as though we have never done anything wrong?

Are we up testifying in churches about God's goodness or testilying and everyone around us--knows it?

Do we live the life we proclaim God wants us to live or we just sounding brass--making noise--but no harmony exists?

When we stand before God--at the end and now--will we hear how many people we have caused to stumble in their faith when they found fault with our own?

Some people believe that how they live is their business and no one else should matter, but the truth of the matter is--that's a lie--especially if our lives as promoters of the Gospel are not circumspect.

The way we live--as children of the most High God--should be able to survive microscopic inspection by all at any time. This is why it is important for us to live what we say. We must be "doers of The Word" and not just hearers or preachers only.

The worst kind of person--who proclaims to love God--is the one who preaches one thing on Sunday and yet lives like the devil's own the rest of the week--and everyone knows it. And because they see this person--not living The Word--they feel no obligation to change anything they do and most refrain from hearing any good thing about the Gospel because of those who preach it, but live contrary to it. These are the stumblingblocks to another's faith and give them reason to find fault with the Gospel and the ministry of it.

Does this sound like you? I pray not!

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to do all that we encourage others to do--according to Your Word--that none of us will become a stumblingblock for others or give them reason to find fault with our promotion of the Gospel.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Don't Throw It Away!

"Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward" (Hebrews 10:35 NKJV).

Of course, to understand exactly what Paul is saying (and we can conclude that it is Paul from verse 34) one would have to read the entire preceding verses. Does this have application to us today?

Absolutely! We cannot allow all the trials and tribulations we suffer to deter us or to cancel out our faith and confidence in the One who gives us life!

So what--if a job was lost--take a deep breath, look up and see the favor of The Lord being showered upon you!

So what--if a bad report is given by a doctor about an illness--look up and remember to thank Him for your healing when He was beaten before being raised on the cross.

So what--if a spouse leaves--look up and remember that we are never alone because He promised to always be with us.

So what--if people think our faith in God is foolishness--I'd rather God judge my foolishness in my obedience to Him than be a tool for the enemy to use.

So what--if things don't always go your way--stop and think about whether your way is also God's way and if not, turn and adjust--keeping your sight on the path on which He would have you follow.

If we don't quit when the going gets tough, but persevere until the end of the matter--we will reap the reward for endurance and know the blessings of The Lord!

Don't allow the enemy to trick you into throwing away your confidence in God--just because stuff doesn't happen the way you want it to happen or when you want it to happen. Our timetable, is not God's timetable and we should really seek Him to get on His.

We were warned," in the world we would have tribulations and persecutions," but He has overcome the world and we shall triumph and have victory in every situation that comes against us. Hallelujah for our Risen Savior who has given us the victory over sin, doubt, and unbelief--carving our confidence in Him in our hearts with His Word!

Now, get up and shake the dust from your feet (and the doubt from your mind), He is able to do all things and do them well and because we have confidence in Him, so can we!  Move 'em out! In Jesus' name!

It's Time!

"There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" (Joshua 1:5).

It's time for all of us to wake up and realize that where we are or aren't in life is entirely our responsibility!


We continue to look back at events in our pasts and point fingers at every negative situation and say, "that's why I couldn't do anything with my life." We lie and Satan is proclaimed our daddy!

Negative stuff happens to everyone at one time or another. What we "choose" to do with the negative reality will determine the positive or negative conclusions in our lives.

Abusive parents--no excuse.

Abusive spouse--no excuse.

Lack of education--no excuse.

Genetic predispositions to illnesses--no excuse.

Laziness--no excuse.

Procrastination--no excuse.

Daddy wasn't around--no excuse.

Mama wasn't around--no excuse.

Accidents that were not your fault--no excuse.

Foolish and unwise decisions--get over it and do something wise about it.

Poverty--no excuse.

Born into wealth--no excuse.

There are no excuses for anyone to be sad, despondent, and pitiful unless they just want to be--sad, despondent and pitiful.

Stop looking for excuses to validate and legitimize your failures and find (earnestly seek) reasons to succeed--at something--anything--everything!

Whose life is this anyway? It's your life and you are the only one who can determine what it is or what it will be by seeking The Lord and getting yourself aligned with His Word.

Get over yourself and your pitiful life and get going with Jesus because with Him, failure is not an option!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Adversary or Advocate?

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8):

An adversary is a person or group or force that opposes and attacks another.The Adversary is Satan.

An advocate is someone who writes, speaks, supports or pleads or intercedes on behalf on others. Our Advocate is Jesus!

Now, to put this in perspective--any time someone opposes truth or deliberately creates problems for others, they become an adversary. This is true on a spiritual level as well as a natural one.

In a classroom--when students oppose or create the teacher or create problems for the entire classroom--they are adversaries to peace.

In a home--when children oppose parents or create problems they are adversaries to discipline.

In the churches--when opposition arises against the people--regardless of its origin--they become an adversary to order in the congregation.

In communities--when rowdy citizens create disturbances that keep others from enjoying peace and quiet where they live--they are adversaries to rights of others.

In nations--when leadership or the people--oppose policies that are for the greater good for all--they become adversaries to justice and sanity.

Those who fight for the rights of others on almost any front--except the promotion of sin--are the advocates who will find themselves aligned with the Will of God. Those who don't--are aligned with The Adversary's plans to destroy mankind.

Now is a good time to think which side you are aligned with--as an advocate or an adversary.

Are you adversary or advocate? You are the only one who can make that determination.

Lord, help us to be advocates for truth according to Your Word and not our opinions or emotions. Help us to advocate for the benefit of others who are overwhelmed with fighting their adversaries alone. Give us wisdom and courage to do all that is right in Your sight, keeping The Adversary in his placed, defeated and under our feet.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Just Because I Didn't Have!

I know there are a number of people out there in the world who didn't have their fathers in their lives. But just because I didn't have my father in my life, doesn't mean I cannot appreciate those who did have theirs and understand the importance of recognizing them.

I cannot remember my father or my step-father carrying me to bed at night because I fell asleep some place other than my bed. However, I can appreciate and envy somewhat, those who did.

I didn't have my father around to encourage me or tell me everything was going to be all right when things went wrong.

I didn't have my father around to encourage good grades in school (my step-father did until he and mother parted), but I got good grades anyway.

I didn't have my father around to screen (or scare away) the boys I liked or the men I chose to marry, and I really wish I had for some of them.

I didn't have my father around to give me away when I married, but someone stepped in and saved the day.

I didn't have my father around when I walked across the stage or received my degrees, but that didn't stop me from doing so.

I didn't have my father around for so many special events in my life that if I really wanted to resent him, I could, but I don't.

I didn't understand when I was little why my father and mother couldn't get along, but it doesn't matter now--I'm grown and have a better idea of why adults have conflicts and some just cannot be resolved.

With all the things I didn't have with my father, I did have a few special moments when I decided to get to know him on my own. No, my father was not a perfect man, but he was good man and he did provide for his children. Even though he was not there for me for many things, I was there to do his eulogy when he died--my first and hopefully--my last.

Just because I did not have him in my life the way many people do, doesn't mean I didn't love him or that he didn't love me. I simply had to recognize that life is not fair or just when it comes to human frailties; it is what it is and it's up to us to make the most of life--with or without a father standing behind us or living with us.

I choose to look to the One Father I can always count on and because He is who He is in my life--I don't have to have regrets or resentments because of what I didn't have with my biological father.
Happy Father's Day--to the One who is always our Father and never abandons us!

Happy Father's Day!

I write to you, fathers,
Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men,
Because you have overcome the wicked one.
I write to you, little children,
Because you have known the Father. (I John 2:13 NKJV)

Know that the God we serve is the same as He was yesterday, and will be until the end.  Look unto Him to know all things in how to be a godly father, doing all things well for your children.

Happy Father’s Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2014


They say imitation is the highest (or most sincere) form of flattery--here we can see how that might work in the spiritual realm as well as the natural. Paul is saying--be a copycat of me (as I follow Christ--follow me)!

Whatever you learned from me--teach it.
Whatever you received from me--give it.
Whatever you heard from me--say it.
Whatever you saw in me--do it.

What did we learn from Paul? Everything he said in his letters to the church in Rome, Corinth, Philippi, Galatia, Thessalonica, Ephesus,Colosse, to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Are we teaching what we learned from Paul or have we created a new "religion and philosophy" and teach--that we did not learn from Paul.

What did we receive from Paul? Did we take what he said to heart or did we pick and choose what we wanted and decided to share that with others?

What did we hear from Paul? Did we hear him tell us to hate and cause divisions in the Body of Christ?

What did we see Paul do (spiritually--since we were not there) or better yet--what did those who were with him see? Did they see him despondent, and depressed, regretful, and morose? Did we see him giving of himself for the glorious Gospel for the sake of souls that could be lost or did he do what he did to build a name for himself? Was he concerned about titles or outdoing others in ministry?

If we are not experiencing the "peace of God" that he promises, perhaps it is because we do not know how to be a copycat.

When we follow instructions as they are laid out before us and demonstrated--we should all get the same results.

I'm learning to be a copycat--and staying in The Word to make sure I'm getting it right. How about you?

Friday, June 13, 2014

He Strikes Again!

"Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:10,11 NKJV).

Whenever we are unwilling to forgive--even the slightest offense, we open the door for Satan to strike again.

Not forgiving others when we need forgiveness is a tool that the enemy uses against us. But that's not the only thing the enemy uses against us.

Holding grudges (always throwing stuff up to people) is a tool.  Let it go.

Insecurity is a tool. Find your security with Jesus--who never fails.

Low self-esteem is a tool. Seek the Father to give you understanding of who you are and what you have in Him.

Depression is a tool. Don't think on those things for which you have no control. Focus on what the Word says about you and your situation.

Self-loathing is a tool. Why hate yourself when God loves you? You are not responsible for the environment in which you were born or who your parents are. Pick yourself up and look unto Him who is the author and finisher of our faith and know you are loved!

Arrogance is a tool. Being confident is one thing--but arrogance--so full of pride that no one can tell you anything is a problem. The Word tells us that the "fool despises instruction." You do not know know everything there is to know because there is far too much to know. Accept that!

Faithlessness is a tool. When you are unfaithful to anyone--family, friends, your job and God--certainly you cannot expect anyone to be faithful to you. Commit and dedicate yourself to family, God, and friends and see what happens in your life.

Foolishness is a tool. There are so many scriptures that deal with foolishness and the "fool" that it would take me a minute to discuss them all. But know this, "the fool despises wisdom and has said in his heart-there is no God." The fear of the Lord (and knowledge of who He is) is the beginning of wisdom. Ask God for all the wisdom you'll ever need and you'll never be put into the category of the "foolish!"

What the enemy does and how he does it is not a secret. He cannot catch us unaware--when we know what The Word says about him. So, don't get caught up in his foolishness, know him when his ugliness rises up and attempts to wreak havoc in your life. We know how he operates, so when he strikes, let's do something about it--strike back--giving all glory to The Lord!