Thursday, June 19, 2014

Stumbling and Fault-finding!

"We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry" (2 Corinthians 6:3 NLT).

When we--as promoters of the Gospel--look at what is happening in our society, nationally and internationally, wondering what in the world is going on, do we consider how others view how we live?

Are saying one thing and yet doing another?

Do we show love to everyone we meet or are we selective about how we respond to others?

Do we posture in public and party in private?

What skeletons are hiding in our closets, while we attempt to act as though we have never done anything wrong?

Are we up testifying in churches about God's goodness or testilying and everyone around us--knows it?

Do we live the life we proclaim God wants us to live or we just sounding brass--making noise--but no harmony exists?

When we stand before God--at the end and now--will we hear how many people we have caused to stumble in their faith when they found fault with our own?

Some people believe that how they live is their business and no one else should matter, but the truth of the matter is--that's a lie--especially if our lives as promoters of the Gospel are not circumspect.

The way we live--as children of the most High God--should be able to survive microscopic inspection by all at any time. This is why it is important for us to live what we say. We must be "doers of The Word" and not just hearers or preachers only.

The worst kind of person--who proclaims to love God--is the one who preaches one thing on Sunday and yet lives like the devil's own the rest of the week--and everyone knows it. And because they see this person--not living The Word--they feel no obligation to change anything they do and most refrain from hearing any good thing about the Gospel because of those who preach it, but live contrary to it. These are the stumblingblocks to another's faith and give them reason to find fault with the Gospel and the ministry of it.

Does this sound like you? I pray not!

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to do all that we encourage others to do--according to Your Word--that none of us will become a stumblingblock for others or give them reason to find fault with our promotion of the Gospel.

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