Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thinking--Beyond Now!

"In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:2,3 NKJV).

Preparation time is never wasted time, but it is time that few people ever use appropriately because they lack initiative to think beyond the moment.

Look at what Jesus said to His disciples--"I go to prepare a place for you..." How long ago was that? Whether we count the time as two thousand years or two days, we have to see the plan--for us whenever we leave.

Lack of preparation and planning are the main reasons why many people never taste success at anything. We cannot succeed if we do not plan and prepare. Preparing for eventualities means we have to consider all the possible outcomes and plan for them.

Taking a trip requires preparation--determining the cost, the method of conveyance, appropriate clothing, checking weather conditions, having sufficient income to cover emergencies.

With Jesus' preparations He determined the cost was His life; He's conveying us to heaven by supernatural means; we'll be clothed with white robes, the weather will be glorious every day, and there are no emergencies to consider (no more sickness, no more dying, no hunger). Hallelujah! Praising Him for His preparations!

What are we doing? Have we considered our behavior and how it impacts the lives of others beyond this moment?

Retirement--(I've recently learned the hard way) takes consideration of all possible events and saving as much income as one possibly save--in order to make sure one can live (and not just exist) when they retire.

Death insurance--(commonly called life insurance)--is needed so there won't be a burden on those left behind to put us into the ground. There are enormous costs associated with dying and many people don't prepare for that eventuality. Unless Jesus returns before we die, we will die--and remain asleep until He comes.

Obesity--(a pet peeve)--causes a number of problems for people other than the one who has overeaten. Has any consideration been made for the possibility of someone else having to lift or carry them? Have they considered the possibility of their being harmed if they cannot move fast enough to get out of a burning house or car? Have they considered the negative impact that obesity usually has on their body? No one enjoys food more than I do, but I must also consider what would happen if I fell or needed assistance and no one being available to help me because of my weight. We need to think beyond the moment that food is in front of us and prepare for the future.

Care--for children and elderly--if parents are no longer able to care for children or elderly no longer able to care for themselves--who is going to do it? What preparations have been made for that possibility? Someone needs to prepare--in writing--if necessary plans for this possibility.

No one succeeds at anything without preparation--not athletes, not actors, not musicians, or singers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, parents, students--no one. If we really need a lesson in preparation--we can look to The Word and look around us at the squirrels and other animals that prepare for the winter and other seasons.  We can "watch the ants" and learn from them.

Learn to think beyond the moment and prepare for all those moments beyond the here and now!

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