Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Any Way You Praise Him!

"Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp" (Psalm 149:3 NKJV).

There are so many protocols observed by so many people in how to praise God. When people understand that when you're in a relationship with God, it does not matter how you praise Him, just as long as you praise Him!

Here the psalmist states to: praise His name with the dance--so this diffuses the thought that we should not dance in the churches. But let's get real--a dance in praise of God should not look like the dance in the club or party. There is a difference--one is lead by Holy Spirit, the other by another spirit that is certainly not holy.

Sing His praises with timbrel and harp. There are a number of people who believe that any instrument used in a church is ungodly; some who believe that only the instruments mentioned in the Bible are allowed, and some who think only the songs in Psalms should be sung. Well, if that's true--then why are we instructed to "sing a new song," unto the Lord?

Here's a tip--for all who know The Word and The Lord--praise Him any way you want to do it and He will receive the praise!

It is time for many to wake up and shed their religious, pious attitudes and get into relationship with God and seek Him in how to praise Him. As long as what we do is sincere acknowledgment and honoring to God--He is not going to dismiss our praise because we did not have the right instrumental accompaniment. He doesn't even care whether we can sing or not (that's people who care) when we lift our voices to magnify Him the sound becomes a sweet melody to Him.

As a lyricist, I've written many songs of praise to Him--to accompany sermons--out of daily experiences and a number of people have sang my songs--with the accompaniment of instruments and without the accompaniment of instruments. Children and adults sang from their hearts and I know that God was glorified in the midst of their singing.

Too often--we allow what others think, stop us from doing what God has put in our hearts to do. Don't allow a religious spirit to keep you from praising God--any way you want to praise Him. If your church thinks instruments are the devil's tool, you might want to re-think where you worship. Find a place of worship where God is glorified and magnified and it's all about Him--not the people in the building.

And while you're thinking about what I just said, give Him a praise--right where you are--and watch how He honors your sincere praise--any way you praise Him!

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