Saturday, August 30, 2014

Their Mocking Results in Blessings!

God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers." (Matthew 5:11 NLT)

I've never really experienced "mocking" the way I am through "digital technology" and perhaps, never will again. There is something about the ability to remain anonymous that really brings out the worst in people; especially those who claim they do not believe in God. Or maybe I've just been fortunate enough to live in communities where people were respected for their beliefs whether they agreed or not. At any rate, I've come to know more about what this particular passage of scripture means through my voyage in using social media.

The worst offenders through the anonymity of digital technology have been on Huffington Post. Not that long ago, I would find myself responding "to articles" written on the Christian page and then I would be "attacked" on a personal level because of my belief. For a while, it was amusing and I simply stood my ground on my beliefs. When people became too obnoxious, I ignored them. When they became downright hateful with the racial attacks as well as the religious ones, I decided enough was enough and only commented to the articles and never again to those who plagued the Believers.

What I discovered from those attacks was fuel to use in writing my books and in my blogs. For me--those attacks have resulted in me being blessed with ammunition to keep writing and to keep encouraging other believers to stand on God's Word, no matter what other people may say.
I am strengthened, daily by Holy Spirit to keep writing and encouraging. I have been blessed by those who "choose" to follow me on a number of social media, and in book sales. I am empowered by the comments being made to keep moving forward, always listening to God and saying what He says--to me in my blogs.

I'm not foolish enough to think that everyone who follows me via "any" of the social media agrees with everything I say, but they are at least respectful enough to either not say anything or to disagree--agreeably. That is a tremendous blessing to me and I would not have known how many people really do love The Lord, if I had not kept writing--in spite of the verbal attacks. Praise God for victory in digital media--even though there are those who yet hide behind anonymity.

What I've come to understand from my experience using social media is this--Satan still uses people and tries to hide his hand with the anonymity of "egg photos, cute animals," or anything they can find other than their face. There are some believers who are hiding as well--perhaps it is because of their experiences with nastiness on social media. I choose to let the world know who I am and that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I will promote Him, every chance I get, to whoever is willing to read and understand or hear (I'm just as vocal in public)--it is all to His glory!  Hallelujah!

So, go ahead and mock me so I can continue to be blessed by God in all I say that glorifies Him! I am blessed and highly favored and every time someone is nasty to me or has a hateful comment, God counters it with another blessing. Now, this is what the psalmist meant when he said, "He has prepared a table for me in the midst of my enemies" and now my enemies can  watch me devour the fullness of God in my life and be a blessing to others!

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