Sunday, August 10, 2014

Read, Expect, Pray!
"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." (James 1:19 NLT).

For the next three days, I have scheduled a commentary on a recent event in which a pastor has been "demonized" because of a decision to cancel a funeral in Florida. The deceased--it was discovered--was a gay man, married to another man--which is opposition to the church's beliefs and policies and that information was withheld from the pastor when they originally agreed to allow the funeral to be held in the church. Don't judge a matter so quickly that you forget to get all the information! An opinion--without facts to support or document--is just that, an opinion and we all have one. However, in order to not promote ignorance of the role of the church and its leadership, I encourage everyone who usually reads my blog posts to read them in their entirety, expect to have feelings ignited, but pray before you determine anything about me or what I've said.  Meditate on The Word, Seek God, and know Truth from Him--not me.

If you feel as though I'm ranting, you're probably right--but ranting with the intent to inform and negate all the negativity about pastors who actually attempt to do the right thing according to The Word of God, not political correctness or the influence of those who choose to live ungodly lives.

Just as I am encouraging pastors to stand firm in their belief in The Word and to live according to it, I am standing firm in the belief in The Word and in how God wants me to live. If anyone wants to live contrary to The Word--that's their business and they will have to deal with the consequences--as will I. However, I will not compromise my beliefs simply to make others "feel" better about themselves. I am not a doormat and I will not act like one when it comes to standing on The Word.

Here's a newsflash--God is not interested in our "feelings;" He's interested in whether or not we're living according to His Word and no one, absolutely no one can convince me to live contrary to God's Word. Living for Him--is a choice--like everything else we do and I choose Jesus over all the "warm fuzzies" from being politically correct by people who don't know God.

If there are some who think I'm wrong--they're entitled to think whatever they wish--I'll await God's judgment for being on His side rather than theirs!

Love to love you--but I'll stand firm on The Word!

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