Sunday, August 31, 2014

What's The Point?

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life." (John 5:24 NLT)

"This is Jesus speaking. Even though I put in an appearance on earth like all mankind, I am not a man that I should lie, but I have told you the truth. If you listen to my message--a message of love and peace--and believe God sent me to encourage you and live according to all He has said, you will have eternal life. You will never be condemned for your sins, because I have come--ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for sin--so you will no longer have to make sacrifices for doing wrong--just acknowledge when you do wrong, and repent of it--turning completely away from those things that will keep you from being in right relationship with the Father.

Don't turn back to the things that broke the connection with Him! Talk to Him and always be willing to listen to Him and you will never be alone again--not in this life, once I leave, my Spirit will return to you and keep you company, advising and guiding you every step of the way until I return and you make heaven your home for all eternity."

Looking forward to the day of His return does not have to be a frightful experience when we know who we serve and how we have lived. But for those who refuse to hear the message of love and peace, refuse to change--never acknowledging their sin and or repenting from it--they have a reason to fear--the judgment seat of Christ--for all the evil they did in the earth.

The message of grace--God's unmerited favor which we cannot earn--has been preached, and preached, and preached. Many have received and many have not. God's grace is sufficient for us until the end when He returns and we are given the rewards for our deeds--whether for good or evil--He will determine and by our own actions, we seal our fate for all eternity.

Until He returns, it is not too late to hear the message, accept His love, repent of sin and live for Him. Will you consider Him today? Tomorrow might be too late and the opportunity to live for eternity with Him will be lost.

There is a point in living right (according to God's Will, not our own), but some steadily deny it. My stance when questioned by those who refuse to believe and attempt to mock my belief is this: "If I get to the end and discover that there is no God, my living right will not have been in vain. But if I live as though there is no God and get to end and discover He is, then there is a problem." I'd rather live---doing what's right in His sight and not my own or in the sight or mind of man. That's the point!

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