Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Don't Be Afraid!

"Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged,” Joshua told his men. “Be strong and courageous, for the LORD is going to do this to all of your enemies.” (Joshua 10:25 NLT)

FEAR--is an attitude (primarily developed out of ignorance of the unknown) that keeps people from doing the very best they can. When people "act" on their fears, innocent people are killed; hatred drives them to destruction, and nothing good ever results from it.

Perfect love--unconditional love towards all human beings--casts fears aside and opens the door to knowledge, revelation, and understanding. Just because are different or do things differently than how we do them--they are still human beings, worthy of love and our understanding.

How can we say, we "hate" someone or a group of people, when we really do not understand them? Racial strife and religious bigotry should never be part of anyone's life who claims to know God. Did He not make us all in His image? Regardless of our racial background, nationality, ethnicity or religious affiliation--God created us all for His purposes, not our own.

There are so many cultural differences in the world that they are far too numerous for me to disseminate in this commentary, but suffice it to say, that we are "all uniquely created human beings" and if God had wanted clones, He could have done that! We are "fearfully and wonderfully made" so God gets the glory for our uniqueness and various talents and gifts that He gives so we can do all that He would have us to do.

Rather than hate people because of differences, why can't we spend the time getting to know people and getting to understand why they do what they do, instead of assuming they are wrong and we are right? Are we always right? NO! Are they always wrong? NO! Do people have a right to be who they are rather than who we want them to be? ABSOLUTELY!

The only thing that Christians have a right to judge is "sin" (according to God's Word), not people. We have a right to call sin what it is, but we do not have a right to hate people or to condemn them. Judging what they do (as does the law of the land) is one thing. Judging them and concluding they can never change--is not our job. In the end--God will determine where we all spend eternity based upon our works in the earth (what we actually do).

While there is yet time--open your heart and hear God--know His heart and how He feels about all of His people. Embrace the cultural differences and get to know people rather than judge them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to see things your way or understand why you do what you do and enjoy discussion and interactions with those who are "different" from you.

This is how we make a difference in the world--acceptance of people--without judgment or hatred--allowing ourselves to understand them and for them to understand us. So, don't be afraid to get to know someone who is "different" than you! You just might be surprised at how wonderful your life and theirs will be!

"Red, yellow, black or white--we are all precious in His sight!" Jesus loves and so should we!

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