Thursday, May 14, 2015

God's People Are Never Ashamed of Their Faith In Him!

"You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed." (Joel 2:26 NIV)

"Let the weak say I am strong and the poor say I am rich because of what The Lord has done."

God's promises through all the prophets are just as true today as they were when they were first uttered. They are still speaking to us when we hear and obey The Word of God! The hungry will have plenty to eat and praise The Lord for His filling them and all of God's people (those from then until now) will never be ashamed for acknowledging Him as their source of plenty. No where in the Word does God say, the "rich" will inherit anything other than trouble. Not that He has a problem with people being rich--monetarily, but He would prefer we all be rich in mercy, love, and forgiveness--as He is, so should we be.

Through our obedience to God's Word,we put ourselves in position to not just be blessed, but to stay blessed so we can bless others. Though the wicked may "appear" to prosper, their prosperity will not last and they will be exposed in the light of day for all of their wickedness. We see this in the media when the corporate moguls are exposed for wrong doing and then end up in prison. We see this when politicians who side with wickedness end up exposed for all their wrong doing. But none of this should surprise us since we know that "wickedness in high places" exist and we are in a war--that cannot be fought in the natural, but in the Spirit.

We can expect--to be blessed--beyond our imagination when we hear and obey God in all things. It does not matter what people say or think; it does not matter what godless judges think or say, or how they attempt to change God's intent for mankind--our job is to obey God, rather than man. For man has not heaven or hell for us and we should not allow them to influence us in living in opposition to God's Word.

If we truly studied history, we would discover that man's ills have all been a result of disobedience to God. When we exclude God in the things we do, He lets us and then--like those who came before us--some recognize our error and plead with God to step in and make things better. We could save ourselves a lot of time and grief if we simply chose to obey Him in the first place. But then--some would never call upon Him, acknowledging His existence.

Since we who believe know to do better, we should be doing better--in promoting the Gospel, sharing our faith and God's love, and in convincing by example that our God is an Awesome God--who will not allow His people to suffer when they obey Him!

Let's get "this party" started--share His love with all you meet and greet and encourage them to develop a right relationship with Him, receiving all His many benefits. Glory Hallelujah!

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