Monday, October 5, 2015

Just Give Thanks!

The last two weeks have been filled with "stuff" that didn't need to be. But because God is who He is and I am His, I can still give thanks to Him for always being by my side.

It doesn't matter that people didn't do what they were supposed to do or what they said they would do, I was never alone and so I give thanks.

It doesn't matter that some of the same people who claimed to know how to do things, didn't do them--I still give thanks.

It doesn't matter that those who complained the most did the least, I still give thanks.

In all things we should give thanks. And though things didn't turn out exactly how I wanted them to--God knew and it was, what it was--all that He intended it to be.

I'm grateful for those who did do--what they supposed to do and what they said they would do. I'm grateful for the love of God, giving me strength to sustain energy to get it all done. I'm grateful for the joy He gives--even when we feel like frowning, He gives us a reason to smile.

Nothing is too hard for our God--even though our hearts may hurt over injustice, our bodies scream in pain fighting against the use of muscles we'd forgotten how to use and the joints that rebel over the extended use--necessary to accomplish all that needs to be done.

I'm suffering from brain-cell-leakage, today. Sinusitis, growing cataracts, distractions by the skin cell damage from the sun and too little sleep due to difficulty breathing while lying down. In all this, I am yet alive, giving thanks, just because--He didn't have to wake me, but He did.

Now, I have another chance to encourage someone, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, love on someone who feels unloved, and to give these older bones a real work-out, exercising the ability to lift my hands in praise and just walk out my thanks, looking to Him, the author and finisher of my faith.

When it seems like nothing is working out the way you wanted it to work--just give thanks--for whatever it is and know that all things work together for our good--even if we can't see it--God knows!

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