Friday, August 25, 2017

Show Us "The Good" in the GOP!

Boasting About Tomorrow
As it is you boast in your in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” James 4: 16,17 NIV
Warning to Rich Oppressors
Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you. James 5:1-6 NIV
I keep hearing about how “good” people are who have failed to uphold their oaths of office in Congress and in White House.

If these are so good, show us the good they have done that benefits all people:
Jeff Sessions
Steven King
Bob Corker
Orrin Hatch
Paul Ryan
Mitch Connell
Tom Cotton
Darrell Issa

Any of the Republicans who claim to be Christians who have promoted bigotry and divisiveness during the years President Obama was in office and yet now, they want everyone to lick trump’s boots–show us the good they have done.

Most–if not all–are complicit in the Russian meddling with the 2016 Election and all will be exposed soon. Their hands are dirty with money laundering and promising favors and playing footsy with Putin. These so-called upright Christians who do more to harm the poor and the needy than they do to fend the rights of the poor and the needy.

Most–if not all–are only in politics for what they get out of it–access to world leaders and big business so they can make money by caving to lobbyists. And when they make money, they forget how to keep their oaths.

Most–if not all–have failed the United States miserably when they allowed trump to be their nominee. They knew he’d never “pivot” because he has no desire to pivot. Any time a person thinks they are better and far more superior to others–they see no need to change and they don’t. He showed us the first time around that he was a misogynist, bigot, and racist. He showed us he didn’t care about poor folks or black folks or any people of color by how he treated them.

Remember him having the homeless veteran arrested because having him on the corner brought down the value of his “tower?”

Remember how he chose to keep black people from renting any of his apartments?

Remember all the hateful things he said about Mexicans and Muslims?

Remember all the hateful lies he promoted about Hillary Clinton?

Remember how he used his foundation as a personal ATM for purchasing paintings, sculptures, and other paraphernalia that had nothing to do with the purpose of his foundation?

Remember him saying that he’s rich because he never uses his own money to do things?

Remember how he bragged at one point in his life about his only war was about fighting STDs?

Remember his hateful remarks to a war hero, after he obtained deferments for questionable reasons?

Remember how he is the only person who has proclaimed his wealth and fame?

Remember all those things he did during the campaign and now after being installed in the WH (the dump he said)?

If he is such a good person and those who keep making excuses for him are such good people, why is there such turmoil in the land? Why are hate groups thanking him for not calling them out? Why is Russia probe so unnerving to him?

If he is such a gifted communicator–why is that every time he speaks–everyone has to rush to explain what he “meant” because he didn’t say what he meant.

Why is it that after being in office for eight months, he is still only talking to his base which includes the hate groups and ignores the rest of America?

Why is he more concerned with spending money on an investigation that has proven no guilt on the part of Hillary about her emails?

Why is he attempting to help defraud every state’s voting practices with his “Voter Fraud Commission” that is more about suppressing votes that discovering any election fraud?

Why is it that he’s campaigning for 2020 and using the donated funds to pay for his son’s attorney?

Why is it that he thinks we are all stupid and he’s the only intelligent being on the planet?

Why is it that every surrogate who speaks on his behalf lies and lies knowingly, and yet they claim to be Christians? Is it that they have not read with understanding the Bible?

Why is it that he wants to cut funding for services for the poor and yet taxpayers are covering the costs of his children’s security, his, and all of his trips which are bringing in the bucks for his businesses?

Why is that the same lawmakers who claim to be “conservative” won’t challenge trump’s trips and not pay for them or for his children’s business trips?

Why? Why? Why? The more I write, the more questions surface and I know I’ll never get the truth out of the “good people” in Congress or the WH for truth is not known to them. Ask Kellyanne Conway who invented alternative facts for this administration’s alternative universe and wants reporters to be “forced to say something favorable” about trump. Really? When there is very little if anything favorable to say about him, why would she want reporters to lie? Oh–she wants them to be like her.

So, if there’s “any good” in any of the aforementioned and some not named specifically, but are GOP–let all of us know about the good they do because we certainly don’t see it manifest itself in their legislating laws.

They have allowed their greed and need for power and status to overrule common dignity and love for all and until they recognize it, confess and repent of it, we shall remain the laughingstock of the world and no one will consider us a leader of anything but foolishness.

With the next election, we can change that–and make sure that honor and integrity once again dwell in the White House and wisdom reigns for the benefit of all Everyday Americans. I won’t need anyone spinning lies for me because Truth and I have a pretty good relationship and as a clear communicator–I know how to say what I mean and mean what I say–without additional explanation from others.

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