Saturday, June 16, 2018

I'm Tired!

I'm tired of all the lies and all the liars!

I'm tired of Republicans acting like there's nothing wrong with trump.

I'm tired of the white Evangelicals making excuses for the WH menace.

I'm tired of trump supporters' inability to think for themselves.

I'm tired of the media outlets allowing ignorance to manipulate the news cycles.

I'm tired of seeing children separated from their parents being treated like animals.

I'm tired of people who know truth but won't speak up to help end this nightmare.

I'm tired of politicians who are afraid to speak truth to power because they might lose an election.

I'm tired of all the people who complain, but won't vote to change things.

I'm tired of listening to the cult expound the lies they've been told and believe.

I'm tired of those who won't uphold their oaths of office and are allowing this country to sink.

I'm tired of apologizing to our allies for the nut job in the WH.

I'm tired of watching rising prices for gas, good and healthcare.

I'm tired of people thinking that Democrats can't be Christians even though we're more Christian than the Republicans who apparently don't know Jesus.

I'm tired of the evil ones who use the bible to perpetuate their evil.

I'm tired of not knowing where all this will end--in the next year or two.

Okay, so I'm tired and I'm sure there are millions of others just as tired as I am of all the stupid we've had to endure. There is a way out from under the stupid--people simply have to get out and vote and vote for the party who has a heart, not just ideological beliefs.

Regardless of party affiliation or none--it's time for Americans to step up and take control of the situation and vote for Democrats up and down the ballot in every city, township, and state. We must start where we live with local elections and then spread it out to all the general elections so the United States of America will have a chance to preserve our democracy for future generations.

Are you ready? Let's get it done!
Attention voters
America workingbible

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