Sunday, July 15, 2018

"Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil!"

Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32 NIV
Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want want to carry out our father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet, because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God. John 8:43-47 NIV

Although we know that Jesus was talking to the Jews who had a problem believing who He was, we also know that those words ring very true today. Liars are influenced by the devil, the truth is foreign to all pathological liars and until we are willing to speak truth and accept truth, we remain in bondage to doing the devil's bidding.

I think it's about time--everyone woke up--and started speaking the truth about daily news events and the threat hanging over us with Russia's asset in the White House. I have been saying this for over a year and some have chosen to stop following me and that is certainly their right. I will continue to speak the truth as I see it. donald trump is a Russian asset; he has been used to dismantle American democracy and we can see the effects on a daily basis with the attacks on the media, on people of color, and even on those elected officials in Congress. Whether there are those who want to admit they made a mistake by supporting trump or not is totally irrelevant. If American democracy is to be sustained, we must all speak truth to power and keep speaking it until it sinks in and when or if it doesn't, we must all be prepared to fight to save our Constitutional freedoms by voting blue in every election across the nation!

As Jesus told the Jews, the reason many won't hear my voice or the voice of others who consistently speak truth about trump is because they do not want to hear truth and they are following the dictates of the devil. It doesn't matter whether those who refuse to hear and accept truth call themselves Christians or not. If they refuse to hear and speak truth, it's because they are not "Bible Christians" but conservative Christians who are in essence--false Christians. I am a Bible Christian and I will speak truth and if people choose to hear it, great, if not--great. I will be held accountable for what I do--and they will be held accountable for what they do. I will speak truth and speak truth, shaming the devil. By the way, the title of this blog is reflective of what I've heard a number of preachers say, "tell the truth and shame the devil." It is appropriate at this time and place in our history. We must tell the truth--the world sees and recognizes the truth and they're judging the rest of us as to whether or not--we will. Russia has an asset in the WH and his name is donald trump.

For instance, the special counsel that trump keeps trying to impugn (along with a number of republican congressmen) is not conducting a witch hunt (and if they are--they're finding witches with all the indictments). The "witch hunt" theory is simply smoke and mirrors propaganda, designed to keep his base from hearing the truth. It's a tactic also used by other dictators--along with maligning the press--especially those who print and broadcast truth. The devil is afraid of truth, which is why he tries so hard to keep people from hearing the truth. For if people heard truth and spoke truth, the devil would be out of business and peace would be possible on earth--in all countries.

Another tactic being used to erode truth is the misleading information about the Democratic Party--created by the GOP to malign Democrats. There is propaganda being spread all over the Internet via blogs, ads, and videos--produced by conservative entities that are determined to suppress the vote--especially the vote of the Black Community. If anyone in the Black Community has succumbed to the GOP lies, it's time they woke up to truth--the truth is that Republicans don't want you to vote unless you side with them. And the reason they want you to side with them is so they can--call a Constitutional Convention, rewrite the Constitution, and take away the rights of all people of color and women. Don't believe me--do some research for yourself. This is all part of the plan to allow the United States of America to slide into tyranny. Look at the imbalance of power that exists and know that if Republicans remain in control of all branches of government, there will only be a dictatorship governing.

Look, this is not about abortion rights and religious freedom as those "conservative (false) Christians would have people to believe--this is about our democracy--about putting country before political party. If we don't, we all suffer the consequences and none of us will survive the outcome for long. We already see increased cost at gas pumps, transportation of food and goods, and in October--the increase in healthcare insurance will be more than many of us can afford--all because of party partisanship that cares not one whit about the people. The fact that elected officials have lined their own pockets and bank accounts is the fault of those who voted for them without paying attention to their open agenda--they did not hide their agenda, but they were counting on people to put political party before what's best for the country. And here we are!

However, just because we're here--facing the possibility of seeing the demise of American freedoms, we don't have to let it happen. The only way we can stop what's happening right now is get out and vote and vote Blue--No Matter Who! We have to vote Blue in every local, state--primary and general election to get America back on track to sustain our Democracy. If we fail to do that--this November 6, 2018--we may never get a chance to vote again. Again, don't believe me--do some research and determine the agenda that trump is pushing in order to give Putin the advantage over America. I will never stop fighting to keep our Democracy strong and to keep a dictator from running rough shod over all.

In Michigan--for our primary on 8/7/18--vote for Gretchen Whitmer for Governor and Dana Nessel for Attorney General and Ellen Lipton for CD09 and Kristina Lodovisi for state Senator.  In November--Vote Blue--again for Gretchen, Dana and all other Democrats on the ballot. For Supreme Court Judges--vote for Sam Bagenstos and Megan Cavanaugh to balance decision-making.  Don't allow GOP tactics to keep you under the thumb of a rising dictator in America.

Across this great nation on November 6, 2018 rise up and vote in numbers never thought of before and make your voices heard--We Do Not Want A Dictator ruling this country--so Vote Blue--No Matter Who--across the land.


Attention voters

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