Friday, September 7, 2018

What In The World?

I've been pretty vocal about all the nonsense Americans have had to endure for the past two years, but it's getting crazier and crazier with no end in sight (except 11/6/18). I mean really, we are facing the most autocratic Oval Office resident this country has ever seen. And it's all part of a grander plan. When our democracy falls apart (if people don't vote Blue in November), all those who fell for the okey doke of trump's campaign can blame the Republicans in Congress who would not exercise their constitutional right of oversight of the executive office. But here's why they didn't do their job. They wanted tax cuts for the rich, and conservative judges who will rule against individual rights of people regarding: women's reproductive rights, who people can love, access to affordable healthcare, and of course we cannot forget--the corporate promises fulfilled with the roll back of consumer protections that will lead to the deaths of many people. Now, don't forget--trump also wants the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to prosecute people for disagreeing with him, for criticizing him, and for daring to exercise their 1st Amendment rights in expressing their criticism.

This is the gist of what they wanted and have succeeded in obtaining:


What the world has had an opportunity to observe with the "confirmation hearings" of Brett Kavanaugh, we are assured that he will cave to "party preference" and not care about what's best for the country if given an opportunity to overturn, Roe v Wade, the Marriage Equality Act, and the Affordable Care Act leaving millions without healthcare. Additionally, the conflated views of "religious freedom" will be tested when corporations and insurance companies can use "their faith" to reject the rights of others.

The most interesting thing about this hearing is the fact that the nominee, avoids answering any questions and it won't matter to the Republican majority because they have already determined they are going to confirm him. So what is the point of these hearings in which no answers are expected? This had been such a farce and waste of time, but his non-responsive answers--tell the average American a great deal about the character of the person.

And now we have the rantings of the moron-in-chief upset about an anonymous OpEd, all because someone in the White House dared to tell the truth about his behavior and lack of knowledge.
Personally, I'm glad the person wrote it--whoever it was, since it confirms what has already been said--trump is a psychotic narcissistic moron who knows nothing and is consistently endangering our national security. Michael Wolff said it in his book, Omarosa said it in her book, and now it would appear that Bob Woodward has unveiled the same sentiments--with receipts!

What is it going to take for the those who blindly support the "enemy of the people" to wake up and smell the stench of treason emanating from the White House? Did they really drink a mind-numbing shake or other drink at his hate rallies that makes them incapable of rational, logical thought?

I don't know what's going to happen to America if people don't get out and vote in November, but I know it won't be pretty since we already know Russia has a tight, vise-like grip on trump's balls and he's afraid of him. What does Putin have on trump and the rest of the GOP? It's got to be really bad for them to cave to foolishness and risk alienating our allies!

Here's the thing. What in the world are you going to do about it? Yes, you--whoever is reading this. Are you going to make it your business to encourage the vote in November and for people to vote Blue or are you going to sit back on the sidelines and just shake your head? We, the people, have the power to change the course of events and save Americans and our democracy. Are you going to be part of the solution or part of the problem? I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to help get people registered to vote, encourage them to Vote Blue and take them to the polls with me--if I have to--to make sure they vote. I am going to use all of my social media platforms to make sure everyone knows this is not a drill! Our rights to vote are on the line if we don't get this right in November!

So, again, I ask you--what in the world are you going to do?
Attention voters 

Why? Because Democrats care about the people and they will work #ForThePeople!
for the ppl 

If you care at all about our environment, how veterans are treated, how our senior citizens are treated, education, a living wage, and access to affordable healthcare--now is the time to act--get it in gear and move mountains to get out the Blue Vote on November 6, 2018 so we can all breathe a little easier, knowing there will be checks and balances as the Democrats do the job, Republicans won't do.

Don't forget--if we have a democracy surviving the resident idiot, I'm running for president in 2020 and I guarantee you, I won't forget who it is I'm supposed to represent and serve. I will always work #ForThePeople--the Everyday Americans!

America working

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