Sunday, September 24, 2017

When Will Enough Be Enough?

An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends and against all sound judgment starts quarrels. Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. When wickedness comes, so does contempt and with shame comes reproach. The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream. It is not good to be partial to the wicked and so deprive the innocent of justice. The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating. The mouths of fools are their undoing, and their lips are a snare to their very lives. Proverbs 18:1-7 NIV
Since I highlight in red for emphasis, it would have been appropriate to highlight the entire passage, but there are specific points I want to make here about fools and what happens when they run their mouths without thinking.

The real problem before I began to clarify is this--when will Americans say enough is enough?
There is a segment of America who did not speak out and denounce the "birther movement" perpetuated by trump and it was because of this lie, he ignited hatred and bigotry against Barack Obama and America didn't say, "enough is enough!"

He rode this lie right into the hearts of haters who elected to govern America for all Americans, but nothing has changed--if anything his rhetoric is about to ignite all sorts of wars, because Republican leaders haven't said, "enough is enough!"

Recently, he practically endorsed the behavior of white supremacists and the killing of Heather Heyer when he said, "some of them are very fine people" and America didn't say, "enough is enough!"

He has criticized Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee to protest injustice and igniting polarization against him because he was exercising his 1st amendment rights and now all the ruckus has resulted in a great football player being deprived from doing what he loves and America has not said, "enough is enough!"

From the podium at a press conference, Sarah Huckabee Sanders that Jemele Hill should be fired because she told the truth in saying trump is a white supremacist and America has yet to say with a loud voice, "enough is enough!"

At the United Nations General Assembly, trump vowed to commit war crimes in threatening to, "totally destroy North Korea" which entails murdering 25 million people and some see the statement as "strong" instead of deplorable, but no one has said, "enough is enough!"

Now, he's turned on Steph Curry simply because once again, Curry decided "to not visit the White House and ignited the rhetoric again and here we are, with not many saying, "enough is enough!"

But perhaps the most telling racist and bigoted remarks (of late) is his calling Black Athletes, "sons-of a b****" and calling them to be fired by owners. He didn't call the white supremacist who killed Heather Heyer a hateful name, but Black Athletes--he's perfectly comfortable with calling names. Is it enough, yet?

Then he turned on the owners who honor a person's right to express themselves. Is it enough, yet?
He hasn't said a negative thing about Putin and has attempted to excoriate every other person who does not agree with him. Is it enough, yet?

He's promoting the Graham-Cassidy Health Care Reconciliation that guarantees over 30 million Americans will not have access to affordable healthcare. Is it enough, yet?

There's a "base" of people supporting the nonsense and bigoted rhetoric who have ignored the fact that this draft-dodging, tantrum-throwing-toddler-in-chief has no clue what it means to "serve" America or what the Constitution means for all Americans. Is it enough, yet?

His Cabinet is using the United States Treasury as their personal ATM and no one has said, "enough is enough."

Will Americans wait until a nuclear war is ignited to say, "enough is enough?" It will be too late then, not just for America, but for the world since radioactive material doesn't discriminate in destruction of human beings and the planet.

If I had the time and thirty extra fingers, typing on three more laps, I still wouldn't be able to express all that I feel about this horrendous apparatus sitting in the White House, tweeting threats and igniting racial divide in this country. Many of us--recognize what he's doing and it is not for the benefit of the country, but to appease his base in keeping the racial strife alive--hoping it will be distraction enough to keep the media from reporting on the status of the Mueller investigation. We know distraction when we see it and most of us know, truth will be revealed and he will be exposed as an illegitimate president because of his involvement in the election meddling, he probably applauded.

It is more than enough for me! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired with his maniacal megalomaniac wannabe dictator and his nonsense. It's time for everyone with a functioning brain and a heart for Christ to stand up and speak out and say, "Enough is enough!" We have become the laughingstock of the world and the WH idiot thinks other world leaders like him. He's too foolish and self-absorbed to know, they all think he's an idiot and none of them trust him.

I'm standing up and speaking out and today, though I'm not normally sitting in front of a television watching football, I will "take a knee" as an expression of my support for those on a football field anywhere and as my right to do so.

When will you say, "Enough is enough" and demand Republican leaders censure trump or start drafting articles of impeachment for his many violations of the constitution?

speaking out
And since I'm tired of complaining (though I will continue to speak out against all the hate and bigotry), I'm doing something about it. If you're tired of all the nonsense, too--join me in my quest to become President in 2020!
Raising The Standards

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