Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Voice In The Wilderness!

John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’  John 1:23 NIV
We know of course that John the Baptist was speaking of Jesus--then. But there are many voices that are getting lost in the wilderness of noise designed to create and promote confusion. The noise--is the distractions that are constantly getting in the way of people being able to see and hear clearly what must be heard.

For those who think--"a fallen tree in the forest when no one was around to hear it doesn't make noise," you are deceived. There is noise when a tree falls--the animals hear and are usually alarmed and scatter. In fact, whenever there is a noise in the quiet of a forest--disrupting the peace of normalcy--the animals scatter---hiding until they think it's safe to reappear.

Our democracy--and the fair and free election process--has fallen in the midst of the noisy distractions created by the corrupt GOP who desire people to ignore it. They have done everything possible to distract from the truth--attempts to suppress the vote during the election (successful in some places), through intimidation and lies about polling locations changing, trying to claim "voter fraud" when they were backtracking to make sure their fraudulent practices were not discovered (they were), to deliberately reassigning boundaries to keep themselves in power (courts are assessing).
They are the distraction and "WE THE PEOPLE" must be the voice in the wilderness that gets heard.

We must stand up and speak out against the manipulations and corruption we see deployed by elected officials on all levels--locally and nationally.

When elected officials lie, we must call "BS" immediately and confront them with facts and truths (which most of them don't want to hear).

When the menace in the White House--consistently demeans and maligns the press and those in America who don't support him, we must speak with a loud voice and remind him--this is America and if he doesn't like the Rule of Law and our Constitution (which he has violated multiple times), he is always free to leave and go stay in Russia or anywhere else he admires dictators.

In America--Signers of the Constitution understood how the voice of freedom could get lost in the noise of those who want to dictate and control others. They understood the consequences of anyone getting into a position to become a dictator because they came to this country to escape the foot on their necks by a monarchy.

Our voice--in the midst of the chaos and corruption we see and hear all around us, must be heard in our vote--in every election--for if we do not exercise the right to vote--at all times--we lose our voice and the noise suppresses truth and freedom.

To better understand what is happening in America, check out the electoral map of every state and realize what the GOP have been planning with the help of those who suppress truth and promote lies. Their goal--to rewrite the Constitution so it only benefits rich, white males. It's time all of America does their own research, using reliable, credible sources--in order to make a logical, rational decision in coming elections.

This is our time (EveryDay Americans) and we can prove how important our voice is by promoting an avenue for every voter to educate themselves about the issues and who really cares about them.
We cannot afford to allow the noise to suppress our voices--it's time to show up and show out at the polls--creating the Blue Wave Tsunami--so we can no peace in the land, again.

If no one else will do it--I shall--and I won't be silenced by threats, hatred or bigotry or the noise of those who attempt to silence me. I am a true American Patriot and I will not allow--without a fight--the loss of our democracy to be "the blood on my hands."

I'm interested in building bridges that lead to stronger relationships for all Americans, not constructing walls of absurdity, hatred, and bigotry. What's your goal?

I Am2 

EA Interests

I'm Mary Hall-Rayford and I approve this message and will continue to be A Voice In The Wilderness!

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