Thursday, April 19, 2018

Which Way Do We Go?

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Luke 12:2-5 NIV
A lot has been going on in our society lately, especially in the political arena and in DC. With all of the uproar and rumors, eventually the truth will be known, about everything, not just one thing, about one person--but about everything and everyone involved in deceiving America. The cover is about to be pulled off the hidden stuff and there will be much grinding of teeth and angst. We already see it--fear--has caused total incoherence in the White House, but they'll never admit it.

How do I know? I pay attention--to what is said, by whom it's said and watching the conduct of all those who claim--they're innocent.

Innocent people are not afraid of investigations--they welcome them--especially when the truth will set them free from any doubt of wrong doing.

Innocent people don't threaten other people with illegal detainment and arrest and prosecution.
Innocent people have no problem answering questions from whoever wants to ask.

Innocent people welcome the opportunity for total transparency so they can move on with their lives without concern about being "exposed."

Guilty people--on the other hand--are always decrying victimization by others and it's always someone else's fault.

Guilty people are read by their body language which indicates--something hidden and fear rises to the service making them stammer and stutter.

Guilty people don't know when to shut up--always have to accuse others of what they're guilty of doing.

We've heard a lot from a number of people this week--too much for me to try to regale in this blog post so I'll just try to hit the highlights.

As if we didn't already know--Donald J. Trump is the biggest liar on the planet and those who speak on his behalf--like Jim Jordan are liars after the heart of their master. How do we know--Stormy moved across the television screens of many; Comey stood up the bully and spoke his truth about all that occurred in the first five months in the WH as it pertained to him; Michael Cohen was exposed for being an attorney with a limited clientele that included the megaphone from Fox News--Sean Hannity--who attempted to further conflate the exposure by lying--claiming he had never hired or paid Cohen, but thought he had attorney/client privilege. It's either one or the other, not both. And then--to top it all off (and the week is not even over), Trump tweeted that Comey lied about why he was fired, when it was trump himself who told Lester Holt on national television that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. If that wasn't juicy enough--we learn that trump called another attorney, Jay Goldberg who told him if Cohen was faced with a rigid federal sentence, he would probably flip. Now, that call was made last week, which explains the myriad tweet rants this week.

Some days, I just have to cut off the news to maintain my sanity because every day, there's more lying and complicity and now--most have of us have determined that there is evidence out there that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that trump is a treasonous traitor.

But there are other traitors in Washington--those who have been partakers in the RussianRubeJob--taking money from Russian oligarchs thinking they'll never be found out. I guess that's why 43 republicans, including Paul Ryan are resigning and that number may continue to rise as truth is revealed. Some have already left--like Jason Chaffetz in hopes of warding off being exposed, but Justice--though blind will find and make known the truth.

Proof enough that we need new leadership and direction in Washington--people with morals, values and integrity and a will to serve the people? I think so and am more determined than ever to be ready in 2020 to serve Everyday Americans because--we deserve better and we must go with truth!

EA Interests 


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