Thursday, October 18, 2018

Mid Term Election Upon Us!

The Twenty-Sixth Amendment provides, “The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age.” It prohibits states from discriminating among voters based on age, for people who are at least 18 years old, and grants Congress power to “enforce” that prohibition through “appropriate legislation.” The Twenty-Sixth Amendment is the last in a series of amendments enacted over more than a century expanding constitutional protection for voting rights. Like many other amendments, it was enacted as a direct repudiation of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
We can see with our own eyes (even though the orange menace in the WH told his base, not to believe what they see, hear, or read--cult mentality) that the Republican party is doing everything it can to keep citizens from voting.

In North Dakota--they've come with a "legal street residence requirement" for Native Americans who live in rural areas where no streets have been established. It is designed to keep them from exercising their right to vote. Fear of them voting for Democrats--is the real reason since most usually vote for Democrats.

In Georgia--Brian Kemp is afraid of losing to Stacey Abrams--a Black woman who is the Democrat challenging him. Right now--Kemp--is the Secretary of State in Georgia--has over 53,000 voter registrations sitting on his desk because--get this--the signatures don't match "exactly" those already in their data files. Realistically, if I signed my name three times within three minutes, they won't match exactly. This excuse is just that--another attempt to suppress the Black vote in Georgia by Republicans.

In North Carolina--the Republicans shut down "Sunday Voting" in counties that are predominantly Black--to keep the citizens from exercising their right to vote.

In Michigan--just weeks before the election--the Republicans changed the rules about "straight party" voting by excluding it. Their hope is that most of the residents won't take the time to complete their ballots.

All across the nation--wherever Republicans are in charge of the state government--they are enacting "cheating rules" to control how people vote. This is a gross violation of every citizen's constitutional rights. The word, "abridged" means no state or the nation has the right to curtail, get in the way of anyone of legal age to vote.

So, America--we don't have to let Republicans get in our way, but we do need to understand that the only way Republicans win--in any election--is by cheating and we have a record of that--in recent elections starting with George W. Bush with the "hanging chads" in Florida where his brother was governor. Fearmongering is another favorite tactic used by Republicans as Laura Ingraham so aptly demonstrates on Fox News by warning their viewers they must vote for Republicans or the Democrats will "replace them with immigrants." That is fraudulently false that she should be sued for it, but apparently, all's fair in war and politics--use of the first amendment that is.

Well, I'm exercising my 1st amendment rights in every blog I write and today, this is dedicated to every person eligible to vote, but is hesitating because of lies promoted by Republicans through a number of means--including videos produced by right-wing entities like Prague U and Carol Swain (The Inconvenient Truth About The Democratic Party). What Swain does is to take the viewer of the video to a specific point in history--prior to the Republicans and Democrats--switching their philosophies and platforms--and leaving it there. That was the late 19th Century and Early 20th Century history of the political parties. This is the 21st Century and I guarantee everyone reading this--The Democratic Party is the only political party that cares about "all the people" and not just some as we see in the Republican party (tax cuts for the rich, loss of services for everyone else who now pay higher prices for everything).

for the ppl 

Okay, so I know this is a lot to read, but check out my YouTube Channel--Everyday Americans 2020--and listen to the videos I've produced to encourage all to vote.

And for the Black Community--don't be mislead and tricked into voting for people who really don't care about you and their very recent legislated policies--prove it. Republicans don't want people to have access to affordable healthcare, education, veteran's benefits, clean air, water and non-toxic soil from which all of our food production is dependent. Listen, remember, research and then march to the polls on 11/6/18 and vote like your life and our democracy depend on it because they do.

If you still don't see the need to vote and to vote for every Democrat on your ballot--I'll have to assume you've partaken of the orange shake and incapable of rational thinking--especially if you're paying attention to the daily news--which demonstrates how our democracy is at risk. The Republicans won't exercise their constitutional right to "check" all the nonsense trump does and some have even considered, rewriting the Constitution to eliminate terms for a president--that is a dictatorship--when one party rules and keeps others from exercising any choice. Don't believe me--research it for yourself!

Until then, remember--we only have a little over two weeks before 11/6/18 and the outcome will be a reflection of who we are as Americans--whether we are True Patriots--ready to live out the inscription on the Statue of Liberty--
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
or whether we are just inclined to go along with a party--no matter how much it could endanger us. Elections have consequences and see that every day since the 2016 election. Let's not be foolish and repeat the mistakes of the past election. We deserve better and it's up to us--to make sure we have what we deserve--freedom to choose and the right to exercise our choices in government with our vote.

I'm Mary M. Hall-Rayford and I approve the message of the content of this blog.

America working

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