Friday, October 5, 2018

Money, Money, Money!

Sitting here thinking about "the new world" Christopher Columbus was so excited about when he was making his journey from Spain and got lost. To be clear, he was not the first person to set their sights on the Americas, but that's a discussion for another time. For now, people need to take a serious look at what we have called a democracy in America.

The pillars for which this democracy upholds are being eroded by Russian influence and a traitor to America. We know that Russia attacked our electoral system and I believe it was not just through the social media accounts--gaslighting gullible people, but it was also through deliberate bribes of those in the electoral college. Notice that in all the swing states where a recount was requested and in some cases started, money convinced judges to call them off. So if money can determine the direction of our country, what is the purpose of the Constitution? What was the purpose of establishing three branches of government by which all policies would be established, reinforced and adjudicated when needed? We have an illegitmately elected clown in the White House--who has ignored the Constitution from the beginning and more despicable clowns in Congress who refuse to exercise their oversight responsibilities. And now, with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, a blatant liar, and possible serial sexual predator, the Supreme Court will never again be seen as an arbiter of justice and truth. Three pillars missing from the democratic structure leaves only one left--a free press and even there, that pillar is endanger of toppling with all of the vicious lies told by the White House clown.

I have to wonder if people really understand the significance of this process in which it was nothing like the process, usually observed. Brett Kavanaugh has had several sexual assault allegations lodged against him, he perjured himself under oath during his last hearing, he's had political PACs paying for advertisements (out of the norm for a judicial nominee), and then because he knew he had screwed up with his belligerence, wrote an OP ED in the Wall Street Journal (owned by Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox), which defies all logic, other than to conclude, he was begging for the position. His behavior is abominable, but that won't stop Republicans from confirming him into the position he feels he's entitled to have. Law Professors have sent letters to the Senate warning them not to confirm him; the ABA has warned them not to confirm him and former classmates have attested to the fact that he was lying while under oath. And why oh why wasn't the FBI allowed to question the 20 or more people who contacted them with information? Cover-up anyone? If Brett Kavanaugh had any integrity or honor he'd step aside rather than have the Supreme Court's reputation tainted forever.  Oh yeah, the Republicans know he's not fit to sit on the bench of the Supreme Court but they don't care because they care more about their agenda, than people and doing what's right. Traitor Don will have his "get out jail card" when the crap catches up with him. That's what this is really all about--along with all other Republicans who are complicit in the Russian meddling. We know. We are not the victims of the gaslighting. That's trump's base. Gaslighted into cult worship.

Here's the thing--all women, Black and White--our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will be subject to Supreme Court decisions for decades to come. And the one thing I don't understand is why women would sit back and allow this travesty to continue. When women vote, they should vote for people who are committed to serving them, not the lobbyists who pay them. We deserve a return on the tax dollars all elected persons get for their pay. As a result, voters must take more time in getting to know who it is they're electing, since we are actually their employers. I don't want to pay anyone who neglects or ignores my rights in order to obtain money from corporate entities or rich old white men who have nothing better to do with their money than to influence politics and politicians.

With the Supreme Court appointment--a life time appointment--we pay them, too. And if they choose to screw over us all, we've allowed it to happen by those we elected who confirmed them. So, now--it really boils down to--how do you want your tax dollars used--to promote sexual predators and those like-minded elected officials who support them or people who look out for all the people, protecting their interest for decades to come? The real issue here is that elected officials get greedy with corporate lobbyists and others. They're not happy or satisfied with the $174K salary, they want more money and some think they are entitled to more money so they allow their greed to lead them into situations like Russia, where so many are guilty of receiving money from a foreign entity.

So, if we want democracy to work--to have government, "by the people for the people," we must engage in the process. We must get to know the candidates that seek our support and vote, before we vote for them. We must work side-by-side with those candidates we have *vetted* to encourage others to vote for them. If we're not going to be part of the process, we can expect to see the dismantling of our democracy by those who wish for it to crumble--the rich and powerful--who will not consider the people since they only care about money. Think--Mr. Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) and remember how the only thing he cared about was his money and making a profit. That's what we have in the White House now--policies are legislated for the rich, not the poor; tax dollars are being wasted on the rich (US Marshall protection of DeVos, Conway, and others) instead of being used for the poor (healthcare, education, etc.). They're stripping away all the consumer protections just so their rich cronies can make money--ravaging the land, out of greed. We see it. Gas prices rising along with food costs and everything, but do those in the legislative branch of our democracy care about what happens to the people they're supposed to be writing legislation for?

I can't speak for anyone other than me at the moment and all these shenanigans are giving me a headache. My blood pressure is also rising and I guess the next step I need to take would be in suing the White House for decimating my health. That's a thought. I have to think about it more. Perhaps, the ACLU will take on the case as a class action suit.

I'm not rambling incoherently, I'm thinking out loud about my options and the possible options for others. Someone has to be thinking about--what's next? We already know trump lied about his own wealth and how he accumulated it (I've known since 2016) and the fact that he doesn't want anyone to see his tax returns, is telling. But we will see them, one way or another. But knowing, definitively, won't change a thing about our lives, so we must muster all the energy we can to get people out to vote. This is key! We must get people to vote. This is our voice in our crumbling government and if we want to salvage it, we must vote and vote Blue or we may never get a chance to vote again. This is not a scare tactic--this is reality. Anyone can do the research for themselves--pay attention to what Steve Bannon said--destroy democracy in America. Pay attention to the Koch Brothers who have never wanted government in charge of anything. Pay attention to all the Republican politicians who are only interested in pushing forth their agenda--taking steps to move us backwards instead of forward. PAY ATTENTION! If you don't see what's happening right in front of you on a daily basis, it's because you're not paying attention or you're willfully blind to the facts as they unfold.

I'm not blinded by gaslighting, nor am I gullible. I am fully capable of thinking for myself, researching information and analyzing what I discover, and drawing accurate conclusions. I know there are millions of others who are just as capable as I am of knowing what needs to be done--65M others who know right from wrong and they are not Putin's puppets and we don't have an agenda that involves us getting more money, money, money by ripping off the US Treasury.

better life

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