Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Accountability For All!

Dear trump supporters:

I've had a lot to say for the past two years, but this is my first letter directed at you. And yes, I know I didn't capitalize his name, I seldom do. I have no respect for him and I won't pretend that I do. What amazes me is that anyone could have any respect for him, but apparently, some do.

Let me begin with those who voted for him--shortsightedness, frustration, anger, apathy or just plain stupidity guided this shipwreck of a decision and here we are. I really don't care about those who claim to be pro-life when in actuality, they are pro-fetus, not the life of those outside the womb. The proof--the mindless moron just condoned the killing of an American journalist because he can't stand the thought of losing any business (his personal business--it's not about America First) from the Saudis. This is what gets me--he lies and lies, deflects and denies and that same segment of people, keep making excuses for him and justifying his behavior. And for those hoping a Republican court system will prevail against abortions--think again. It won't. If you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one. If you don't want to be married to a person who is the same sex as you are, don't marry them. And before you get your underwear in a bunch, I'm more Christian than any of the dolts who voted for this moron, and I know the most important commandment we have from Jesus is to love--unconditionally, so keep your religious, Phariseetical comments to yourself.

He does not care about America--if he did, the deficit would be decreasing and not increasing. He does not care about our military--if he did the 5800 troops at the border would be home with their families, he would have gone to combat zones before now to visit our troops, and he hasn't done a thing to support our veterans. Anyone with even partial vision and hearing knows by now, he disrespected veterans by not going to the Arlington Cemetery on Veterans Day or the cemetery in France. He met with Putin and was so glad to see him that everyone remarked at the pure joy that showed in his face. Most of the veterans I know and have an affiliation with--are totally po'd with him. They have not been paid benefits for some time now and it's going to cause problems for many. But does he care--not one whit. He disparaged Admiral McRaven--claiming Bin Laden should have taken out sooner than he was. But now, please remember--trump avoided the draft with phony deferments five times to avoid Viet Nam and now, he claims he doesn't want to visit the troops for fear someone will kill him. Amazing how that fear never stopped other presidents from visiting troops in combat zones and yet--he claimed he'd run into a building with an active shooter in a school. More lies. He's afraid of the rain because he can't manage an umbrella.

And then there was the tax cut scam that many are going to soon regret when they realize, they did not gain anything because all the exemptions and deductions will no longer exist when they file their taxes. So some thought getting a few extra dollars in a paycheck was going to make a difference--short term and temporary. The corporations who got all the real breaks, bought back their own stocks, laid off workers and many closed doors, leaving the workers--behind the eight-ball. Right now, GM is cutting their work force by 18K. What are these folks supposed to do? Join the rolls of the unemployed and watch that percentage rise from 3.9% back to 5.1% nationally. It's coming--this is what always happens when Republicans control government--they enrich themselves, cut spending for the poor and then we see a recession. Democrats are the ones always left to clean up the messes and reduce the deficit--by raising taxes--because cutting them led to the increased deficit to start with and the working class, did not benefit the same way the rich did.

He's abused and misused the office of the presidency to the point where America is the laughingstock of the world. We have more lawsuits pending in court than ever before (and we're only 2 years into this fiasco) and now--journalists have been put in danger all over the world with his stupid, mindless, reckless, rhetoric--calling the media the enemy of the people.  The true enemy of the people--is trump--the wanna-be dictator who wanted to prosecute and jail anyone who criticized him and primarily to impede the investigation into the Russian involvement in the 2016 election. I know some will never believe it, but it's true, and not believing--won't change the truth. You know--the way some people say they don't believe in God--they don't have to believe Him--and it doesn't change the truth of who He is.

Further evidence that trump doesn't care about Americans or America is found in the roll-back of all the "consumer protections" that were established to protect us from corporate greed and disregard. Now, corporations can poison the water, the soil and pollute the air. We'll end up with all sorts of diseases from the protections being rolled back and then we'll just die because he doesn't want to provide healthcare for all. I'm guessing how we bury our dead is not a concern to him.

If I tried to relate all the stupid he's done in just two years, this would be a very long letter. So, let me get to the point of this. There needs to be accountability for every person in an elected office and since there's no one in this administration that has shown any capability of being an adult, the culpability for the stupid falls on the shoulders of every person who voted for the menace in the White House. I didn't vote for him because I knew from listening to him during the campaign that would be the biggest mistake I could ever make. There were at least 65 million of us who saw through all his blather and lies. Strangely, most of that 65 million don't claim to be Christians and I would have thought, that Christians--who are like me--who can hear Holy Spirit when He speaks--would have known better. I guess that's the difference between being religious and being in relationship with Christ. I heard Him speak to my heart and did everything I could to warn people, but the religious folks didn't care. They even lied and said God chose trump to be in the White House. The God of Heaven that I serve is far too wise to have chosen a person who is the antithesis of who He is. If people truly know God--they'd know this. They would also know that according to the bible, if we warn people of impending danger and they ignore us--their blood is on their hands. If they heed the warning, they are safe. But if we don't warn people when we see impending danger and people are harmed, then their blood is on our hands. I didn't and don't want anyone's blood on my hands, so I warned and I am continuing to warn about the menace in the White House. What you do about it, is on you. Not me.

So, whatever happens from this menace being in the White House, if you voted for trump, you're responsible. The lack of assistance and support for those in Puerto Rico, the delay in FEMA action from natural disasters, the death of the journalist (complicity), the veterans, the poor, the educational system, the deaths of millions who will succumb to illness because of the heartless, mindless moron you installed in the White House. This disastrous situation is all on you.
We can only hope--that a Democratic House will finally put a check on the menace and maybe, because of their example, the GOP in the Senate will wake up from the drug induced stupor (probably due to Russian connections and bribery) and uphold their oaths of office--which they haven't done so far.

So knowing all that has transpired in the White House since January 20, 2017, can you look into a mirror and not cringe when you think about how lives have been affected, adversely since his inauguration? If you can look at yourself in the mirror and think he's doing good things for America, then you are just as heartless and mindless as he is and the world would be better off without you. And when you die--I pray you suffer the same indignities that caged children have suffered and every person who has lost a loved one in a mass shooting or died because of a lack of access to healthcare. That's all on you and I won't let you forget it. Count on it.


They're on their way and some have already begun the process to make sure trump is exposed for all the evil he's done and when those in Congress find their spines, they'll do what they need to do. At any rate, 2020 is looking better and better for me (or someone like me) to win the presidential election and start cleaning up the mess made by trump on the national and international levels.
Let's face it--you really blew it this time and almost cost the country its democracy. Happy now?

Mary Hall-Rayford

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