Sunday, May 5, 2013

Having What You Say

Jesus tells His disciples (then) and us (now), that if "we have faith and do not doubt, we shall have whatever we say" (Mark 11:22-24 paraphrased).

So, do you have what you say?

Is this economy draining the life out of you?  Are you still sick and tired?  Do complaints come out of your mouth faster than praise?  If so, this is where your faith is working--on those things you say. 

Want to change your circumstances?  Change what you say!

If the enemy is attacking your body--speak words of healing; say out loud, "I am healed and whole from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and every part and organ in between."

If the enemy is attacking your finances--speak words of abundance,"My Father is rich and He has given me power to get wealth, no good thing will He withhold from me, He has given me favor everywhere I go, I have more than enough, I am blessed to be a blessing" (this could go on for a while, but I hope you get the picture).

If the enemy is attacking your mind--speak The Word--"God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.  God's word will fulfill everything He sent it to do."

If the enemy is attacking family and friends--try this one on for size; "Lord Jesus, bring them quickly to the end of themselves so they will know they can count only on You." (speak it aloud and over them, let them know what you're praying).

Now the question is--do you have the faith to bring it all to pass?  If there is any doubt--in your thinking or coming out of your mouth--you will not see the manifestation of what you desire because you did not speak it in faith.  It doesn't matter how long it takes--have faith and do not doubt--and watch God bring it to pass when You hear and do what He tells you to do so you can see it. 

Hallelujah for our Risen King and bringing all things to pass as we speak it in faith--no doubt, no doubt-just faith in Him!

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