Friday, March 21, 2014

Cutting Off the Fallen!

"Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off."(Romans 11:22 ESV)

We are constantly reminded of God's goodness towards His children and most prefer not to think of the severity of God--His other side--the side revealed to disobedient children.

When children (in the natural) are obedient to parents (Godly parents), they are showered with love and attention and can get practically anything their hearts desire. However, when children are disobedient--the see another side of loving parents--parents who know how to resolve disobedience with the appropriate consequences--some which may be severe--at least in the child's mind.

Is not God our Father? Though He is loving should He not have another side to address the rebellious and disobedient children who fall away from obedience? What is amazing to me about those who refute God's Word is the fact that they understand parenting in the natural, but have no clue about "spiritual" parenting from God. Perhaps, it is because God is not their Father.

In this world, we either demonstrate that God is our Father or Satan is--there is no middle ground. We either obey God or by default, we obey Satan. What must be remembered is this--Satan was created an angel, subject to the commands of God and rebelled against God--his creator. As a result--he became a fallen angel, thrown out of a loving environment in heaven, and resides in an environment in which he think he is a god. In a way, he is a god--to the godless--those who refuse God's love with their acts of disobedience.

Satan fell and is now under condemnation for all times and shall soon see his ultimate reward for the act of disobedience and influencing others against God. If we disobey and rebel against God--we too shall fall into utter despair and hopelessness.

Resolution for not having to ever see the severity of God? Don't disobey Him. The same way we avoid negative consequences from parents--obey and respect them, we can avoid negative consequences from God--the removal of His hand of protection when we do--stupid!

Think before you do anything--understanding the consequences of all actions and don't get cut off from God's love!

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